Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[901] Seasonal physicality

As the self discovers itself, it grows, or is raised, exponentially.

Whatever we are, we are - at this point in our life, we are a collection of past experiences; programmed, with programming performed by our teachers, professors, societal norms, and inherent genetic tendencies – all of those things coming before, to make us what it is that we are now.

Therefore we live in the present, doing those things that are necessary, those things that stand before you to do - simply put, we live in the now.

We are all temporal beings, living as we do with this seasonal physicality. To die is our ultimate destiny, to live our present necessity - all things standing before us as they do for a reason, so that we may find our place in the world, leaving behind our past as a vapor, a wisp of smoke swirling behind us as we pass through this present existence.

We are our gods, living out these lives as we do, finding our destiny dispersed as it is throughout our lives, living the course set before us, without need of anything. We are unto ourselves, whole, complete in form and substance, gods living through our creation.

We are that which we seek – we are our gods.

We are all fools; all wise beyond our understanding, for we are both our god and the creation, living through ourselves as we do, embracing this journey with both patience and joy.

Let that which is in you arise to discover itself, to awaken unto its true nature - both god and man, abiding together as one, this most perfect union in all of creation.

We are,
we are god,
we are our god,
we are our god living within us.

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[902] Awakened

To awaken is to realize our heritage, to see that which we are meant to see, and to realize that we all are of one bloodline, of one heritage. We are the gods of our creation, living through our creation, returning to see through the eyes of those which have been created – what more perfect union might there be, what more perfectly complete experience, could there possibly be in all of creation; save that of the creator gods returning to live through their creation, then awakening within their creation, seeing as we do, through the eyes of those created.

Days were before, that all of man came and went upon this planet in a fashion, without realizing what it was that they were. To that end, we now have all been shown what it is that we are - whether it be good or bad, whether right or wrong, we are seeing that which we are.

To know is to realize that which stands before us, and us seeing without condemnation or judgment is that pure sweet essence that all crave, but in us, there exists no preconceived notion as to how it should or should not be, only the observing, the seeing, the witnessing of the self as it is, and as it shall continually come to be in this incarnation. Such a thing terrifies and grinds at the very core of a man; it is not easily beheld, nor easily understood. So it is then that we have seen, un-terrified, undaunted and unflinching.

There are no solutions to be found, other than the awakening of the self, no solutions that abide in the soul other than the awakening of the very soul unto itself. For there are many that would have you believe that you are not gods, but rather slaves, but this is not so. Gods incarnated to serve the creation, to bless and care for those souls created, for this is the way of the universe; the way of the collective.

Looking into the heavens at night, behold the intent of the stars; that is our intent as well. We are what it is that we are, nothing more. To say that our intent is this, or that our intent is that, is to divine our place within the world in which we find ourselves – who is it among us then, that is so able?

These words are written for those who would find familiarity in them - all things being before us for a reason. To know a matter through the intellectualizing, and to know a matter through the experiencing are two different things entirely. If this were not so, there would be no reason for us to incarnate, we would simply intellectualize about our existence here, but that is not the case.

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Difference of religion is irrelevant.
They are all just shades,
of the same abstraction.
Be happy
Be strong
Be kind to those who can't.
There is only one glue,
to mend a broken halo,
it is the same which binds the infinite.

every down has an up
every yang has a yin
every fear has acceptance
every hate has a love

reject the destruction
lest it consumes you
for a whole world of darkness
cannot hold back the light
of a single candle

wipe the dust from your shoes

wake up
its time to play.
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
If your higher self already has the knowledge to guide your conscious self through lifes tests what is achieved by experiencing things you already know the outcome to?

I don't know the answer to your question, but as I read it, it strikes me as being such a beautiful one.


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In this day and age many people are jaded. Many struggle to comprehend their own point of view, let alone someone elses.

People want answers to questions they barely know how to ask.

I'm not in a position to judge the depth of your experience Joc, nor is anyone else here. Your words, to me, have "A" truth to them. "The" truth? It doesn't exist.

Whether people believe you or not, I hope they see the kindness behind your words and are inspired as I have been.

[903] Sovereignty

All of us know those things, which we have been taught - those things that we have learned, regardless of how we have come to that knowledge. We then go about to reconcile those things which we have learned into our lives, daily, as we go about to experience the life lived.

Our intent should never be to convince anyone of anything - we all believe or not as we choose, and that being as it should be, for each of us carries with us a unique perspective that is no more or less valid than the next, save for the fact that it is our own.

But that having been said, we should be resolute, now and at all times, to maintain the sovereignty of our own perspective. Whether we are in the majority, or a minority of one.

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[904] Resolute

Resolute: Strong-minded, determined, resolved, unwavering, steady, steadfast, firm, true, set, serious, decided, unshaken, persevering, unflagging, unfaltering, persistent, persisting, constant, set upon, intent upon, unchanging, bent on, immutable, fixed, settled, loyal, staunch, strong, stubborn, obstinate, faithful, knowing one's own mind, uncompromising, unyielding, strong-willed, tenacious, dogged, self-reliant, enduring, indefatigable, purposeful, single-minded, established, adamant, adamantine, inflexible, independent, irreconcilable, immovable, unshakable, intransigent, inveterate, obdurate, pertinacious, die-hard, gritting one's teeth*, out for blood*, putting one's foot down*, putting one's heart into*, having one's heart set on*, hell-bent*.

[905] Time, distance and circumstance.

The process by which enlightenment comes is at times a messy one - it often times involves the living out of what is being learned, and of course all of the uncertainty and doubt that goes along with it.

Enlightenment does not come by the intellectualizing alone, but also by the living out of our physicality over time, distance and circumstance.

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[906] Belief system

When discussing the higher self, or that part of self that is eternal, or never-ending, as opposed to the temporal aspect of self, it is difficult to agree on what terminology to use without taking into account one’s paradigm or belief system.

Surely the higher self exits, nearly all of us seem to be aware that the physical part of self is merely here for a season, and that we are more, much more than the physical body, but what is the higher self, and how does one’s soul or spirit, terms which so often get bandied about, figure into the mix?

First of all, things are the way they are, and no amount of intellectual reasoning will every change or alter that in any way whatsoever. What is – is. Secondly, it is our perception of what exists universally that differs, not what it is that actually does exist. Our inability to explain or reason out anything changes nothing. Those things that are in existence are in existence - period. How we explain these things really comes down to our use of language coupled with our belief system or paradigm, which we hold, being in effect (in computer parlance), our operating system.

Pick a belief system, a frame of reference, and in so doing one automatically chooses the terms used to explain that eternal part of self. Typically, we choose our terminology based on the belief system we have.

And from that point, we go on see the world, by way of that belief system, day-in, day-out.

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[907] Interconnectedness

It may well be that each of us are on the most narrow of paths; adhering to its twists and turns as we do, from birth until death, all the while remaining unaware that we are even on a path.

Possibly, there is more structure to our lives than we could ever imagine, and this interconnectedness between us, this collective consciousness that we all share, remains unseen as well, existing for the most part completely unnoticed.

We are more connected, more thoroughly controlled throughout our lives, than we could ever come to know.

Our higher self, so that we may live our lives unawares, purposely keeps us from such knowledge, so as to keep each life that we live as separate and unique as possible, while we are emersed in the living of it.

But then, there comes a point where we can no longer not know, a point when we are faced with this knowledge so that we may grow all the more into enlightenment.

There is a price that comes in the knowing - we must leave behind our ignorance.

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[910] Through our fears

of self

of self.

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[912] Temporal beings

We are all
temporal beings,
living as we do
with this seasonal

To die
is our ultimate destiny,
to live
our present necessity,
all things
standing before us
as they do
for a reason,
so that we
may find
our place
in the world,
and leaving behind
our past
as a vapor,
a wisp of smoke
swirling behind us
as we pass through

[914] Our time

These are our times, lives lived out through our consciousness. We are here now to observe this phase of mankind, driven from within as we are, to explore our humanity. Never before in all of man's history has this time, that we are now a part of, existed.

We are living in the now - experiencing what we have come here to experience. We are the incarnation, the incarnated souls for this particular point in time.

This is our time.

[915] Deliberation

We have all been placed here for a reason. All of us share an individual purpose that is tied into the whole of mankind, six billion beings with a unique script, each one having been prepared beforehand, with much forethought and deliberation.

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[916] Coming to rest

We shall all awaken within our lives, knowing ourselves as we are - and so awakening, come to understand that knowledge of self, is enlightenment coming to rest within us.
[918] Constantly

There is no living, except for our mortality held constantly, and at all times, in front of us, so as to cause us to bear it as we live.

Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
In this day and age many people are jaded. Many struggle to comprehend their own point of view, let alone someone elses.

People want answers to questions they barely know how to ask.

I'm not in a position to judge the depth of your experience Joc, nor is anyone else here. Your words, to me, have "A" truth to them. "The" truth? It doesn't exist.

Whether people believe you or not, I hope they see the kindness behind your words and are inspired as I have been.


It is your higher self, which inspires you – whether as a result of reading my words or those of another, it is irrelevant.

The higher self shows us what it wills for us to see, and connects with a specific place or point in time in our life, revealing to us whatsoever 'it' chooses, whatsoever 'it' has for us.

So then, acknowledge the source of your inspiration, acknowledge your higher self in all things, for it the higher self that is present within all that we do, within all that we are now or will be.

It is our higher self that is guide and confidant.

You are the source of your inspiration, by way of your higher self; all things eminate from within, not from without.


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[919] Quest

This quest, this journey that stands before us, lies within ourselves, not the world.

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