Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

So you actually believe he's saying something?

I believe I enjoy reading his words and perspective, regardless of whether I agree with everything he has to say or not. If I only read about stuff I've already been exposed too I might as well just sit alone and talk to myself. If you claim to have something insightful to say I will listen to your perspective aswell, or are you the type of person with nothing to contribute but scorn for others?
If you claim to have something insightful to say I will listen to your perspective aswell...
My point was that more often than not Jocariah is just stating the obvious, there is no substance.
or are you the type of person with nothing to contribute but scorn for others?
I was just asking a question, was this really warranted? Where was the scorn?
was just asking a question, was this really warranted? Where was the scorn?

Yeah sorry, I'm new here, it just seemed like you were trying to set me up for a flaming. Comment withdrawn. :)
[501] Paradigm

we are the product of a higher order. we
are all created beings.

coming to this understanding, is rather like
being privy to a secret that has gone
undiscovered throughout the centuries. it is
'the' revelation amongst revelations - the
quintessence of all undiscovered truths, for
we are now awakening, coming of age
as to our mission, our calling at hand;
that very calling for which
we were created.

subtle though it is, it is an awakening to
which even the prophets of old were privy.

but then those scriptures, that is to say
those scriptures of old, were then, and
this is now.

and prophets today exist as before, and
maybe there are some of greater import yet
unknown and unimagined.

but then that is for a later time, a time
which has not yet come.

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civilization progresses in spurts, starting and stopping as it does, charging headlong into the unknown at each turn of the wheel, and thereby discovering itself anew; time-and-again.

civilization it seems, is all about self-discovery, as are we.

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change is seldom seen with delight,
but rather as being
in direct conflict
with our foundational values - never embraced
without great reservations.

but change is,
after all,
the way of the universe – either expanding
or contacting in that
magnificent sequence
of life,
to which

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Originally posted by kazakhan
My point was that more often than not Jocariah is just stating the obvious, there is no substance.

thank you for taking the time to comment-

there is nothing to be found in the reading per se, rather it is the higher self (using such opportunity as it finds) which connects us, as it sees fit, to those words written; bringing us to the understanding that 'it' has for us, irrespective of any of the words that are read.

as to any equation, the higher self needs to be acknowledged.

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all things

in all things I am appreciative,
for it has taken
all things
to deliver me
to where
I now

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We are those soles, which have risen to the task of our incarnation, buoyed by our determination to elevate the enlightenment of mankind. Whether this is apparent to us consciously or not is of little consequence, for such is the case.

If it were not so, civilization would remain stagnant, and we would have no reason to incarnate here – but such is our cause, and the reason behind our journey.

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When speaking to the conscious mind, one might talk of such things as the proper way in which to tie one’s shoes. But with the subconscious mind, there is more freedom to speak over the course of time, and in such ways as to be respectful of the subconscious mind's delight in assembling things (i.e., conneting the dots) in ways too diverse for the conscious mind to follow.

So then, one may find the conscious mind perturbed at a lack of methodical progression of thought, whereas the subconscious mind is delighted to have its hand in such matters.

We are vastly more than what we would appear to be – multifaceted gems, no less.

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"... and our awakening is no less profound than a thorough understanding of what truly magnificent and diverse creatures we really are."

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we tend to think that the world abides by our perception of it, but the world abides by its own rules - our perception notwithstanding.

Alien thoughts

I am pleased to see that there is interest in the subject, dear Jocharaiah, an "I don't know" would have suffice, but you seem to be happy in your roll, so indulge yourself my friend. Thanks again for the efforts.

a lack of discernment does not disenable the concept at hand - it simply goes unrecognized.

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the path

it is our higher self, working in conjunction with our subconscious mind, that establishes what we are and are not able to discern.

the higher self always considers what is best for the 'self' overall, and leads us along that path that is best for us.

simply put, those things that we are unable to discern, are not for us to discern - at least, not at this present time.

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it is possible to know that something is there,
that it exists, without being able to discern it.

for example, most know the theory of relativity exists, although few are able to discern it.

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we can

we can, are able to, discern the path unrecognized, via our higher self.

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In your elocuence "The Path", there was a great element of truth, that is acceptable. There is no redundance in the higher truth, just the truth (or the "law" if you prefer). Live well friend...
ever the ready

the way to live life
is to live as one who might depart
at any moment.

seeing to it
that we accomplish
those things set before us,
to that extent which is possible,
and that nothing remains unsaid
to either those loved,
or those not.

in so doing,
we are then living, living our life
whilst being ever the ready to depart,
and leaving nothing, neither unsaid nor undone - throughout
this time
we have


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