Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[201] The answer

The answer, for us at least, comes in the knowing – not that we can change any of this. But through the knowing of a matter as it pertains to us, we are able then to realize that we operate according to set parameters – even if we dislike those parameters, at least we know.

And in the knowing we become enlightened, and through enlightenment we may discover ‘self’.

And in so discovering 'self' we may then become aware of our place within our environment, our place within the universe, this universe that holds not only us, but all of life, even that life which is as yet unimagined, unknown and undiscovered.

It is this view of the universe, coming as it does by way of our leaving our small-mindedness and encompassing the greater view, this new perspective, that includes all of life throughout the universe.
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Originally posted by Jocariah
Hello Firefly,

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your point - a link to what?
Hi. I assumed you were just copying from some site? Hence - you could just provide us with a link. If you're writing it yourself, you should definately make a site to widen your audience and share your wisdom ... And provide us with a link. ;)

Hello again,

These words are my own.

I thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts, such as they are, in this fashion. The more I write the more I learn. So that as I write I learn, and as I learn I write – there seems to be a certain amount of synergy in all of this for me.

Rather than share 'my wisdom' as you call it, I would prefer to share an 'alternative perspective', which I am sure that I have - wisdom on the other hand, I am not familiar with.

Who or what is wise, and to what extent wisdom exists, is beyond my knowledge.

As I recall, we have spoken before.

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[202] Perspective

Each religion carries with it its own perspective. A view of how the individual fits into the scheme of things, and indeed, even what the scheme of things actually is, according to that particular religion or belief system.

Perspective then, entails a specific agenda, which then goes on to set the stage for whatever it is that one may encounter.

Beliefs systems are neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong. They simply are a system utilized to establish an overall operating system if you will, for the individual.

As operating systems go, Windows, Unix, Linux and Apple, all have their quirks and intricacies. They all perform much the same function, and depending on the application at hand, one may or may not be better suited for a specific task.

If it is that anyone can convey an ‘alternative perspective’, then this perspective is no better or worse than any other perspective – it simply is an ‘alternative’ to what one may have previously encountered.

There really is nothing new under the sun, simply different ways to discuss and perceive those same things that have existed previously, and no doubt will continue to exist. It really is about our understanding of what exists that changes – after all, things are what they are – regardless of whether or not we understand them, and regardless of which belief system one might use to interpret them.

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[203] A higher order

We are the product of a higher order.

I.) We did not conceive ourselves.

II.) We did not pick the point in man’s history, which we would inhabit.

III.) We did not choose our genetic structure, that is to say our genetic traits, characteristics and tendencies.

IV.) We did not choose our parents.

V.) We did not choose our country of origin, our societal environment (i.e., the society in which we were raised).

VI.) We did not choose the events and influences of our lives that did their part in shaping our development (i.e., our early environmental influences) .

VII.) We did not create our own belief system.

VIII.) And lastly, we did not choose our motivations – those motivations that go about to impact our lives, continually - to this day - inspiring us to do this or that.

All told, we simply live out those ‘scripts’ that were given to us – howbeit with the illusion of our own ‘free will’ firmly in place.

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[204] One

In actuality we are our higher self – this incarnation that we are living out is simply one chapter in the book of who we really are.

I am no less Jaffra (a past life), who lived many years ago in Mesopotamia, than I am the person I am now.

Jaffra is no less a part of me than the person I am now living through.

We are all one – one book that is, with many chapters.

Such is ‘self’.
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[205] Created to fear

We are the product of those that would benefit from our existence, and are the sum of all of their efforts to date.

We are the product of those creatures that have created us for their service, and as such are in continual servitude to our creators.

But what service might we provide to them – what can we provide to our creators merely by way of our existence.

What is it that we produce – what is it that we give off – what is our benefit to them?

In a word – fear.

Fear – our most prevalent, most dominant and powerful emotion – not fear itself, but rather the frequency that fear is – for we continually emote (or vibrate to) the frequency that fear is, not by chance but rather by design.

Much in the same way that a microwave oven generates energy via a frequency, we, by way of our emotions, generate energy - a frequency based energy that is utilized by our creators.

Fear is our most prevalent emotion, and not without reason or purpose, for there is reason and purpose to all things human.

We were created simply to fear.

Created to emote or vibrate to the frequency that fear is.

Created as a source of that specific frequency required by our creators.

We fear, that is give off the emotion or frequency of fear, in servitude to our creators.

We, by way our emoting the frequency of fear, are the food source if you will, for our creators.

Biological fear transmitters, with the ability to replicate - the ability, by way of our sexuality, our genetically coded behavior pattern, to be driven to replicate.

With much forethought by those who created us, we are biological machines with one overriding purpose - to emote as programmed, day-in, day-out, for as long as we live, while in the course of our living, doing our part to create more biological fear transmitters. And generation-upon-generation, it continues on.

What a perfect cycle indeed.

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[206] Slow

Enlightenment is a slow process - requiring decades upon decades to perform. With each generation becoming more enlightened than the one preceding it.

" .... time has its own way of distilling all things to their essence, and to washing away if no substance exists - only time"

Our time upon this earth is limited - it is finite. But not all creatures exist within the confines of time. But such is our fate, and therefore we are more apt to think merely in those terms.

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[207] Complexity

We are the product of a higher order - we are bound by the confines of time. Our timetable continues on, day-by-day until our eventual demise at some future point.

We are all heading to that point, whether we might care to or not - ultimately being replaced by newer biological machines, vibrating away to the frequency of fear as we have done.

Our purpose may be a simple one, but there is unimaginable complexity inherent within the means to bring that purpose to pass.

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[208] The subconscious

Enlightenment arrives via the entertaining of a matter – not by way of one’s belief in it.

The subconscious mind does its part to weigh, categorize and process all of the information that is entertained by the conscious mind.

No need to convince the conscious mind of anything really.

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[209] Ingorance

Ignorance may be bliss, but it is information, more specifically the integration and utilization of information, that is our salvation.

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[210] Considering enlightenment

One way to consider enlightenment is as follows:

“Enlightenment is the gathering, processing, integration and utilization of information - or put another way, enlightenment is information that has been received, understood, assimilated and then acted upon.”

Utilizing or acting upon the information then is key - it does no good to simply entertain the thought conceptually - it must be acted upon in order to have enlightenment be integrated (or impregnated) and ultimately manifest in one's life.

Doing (or acting out) in the physical, connects the intellectual with the physical realm – thereby do we become whole, integrating both realms together in or within us.

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[211] Practical

Everything that is worthy of discussion, that is worth entertaining intellectually should have a practical, an applicable side to it. If it can’t be applied or instituted into one’s life, then of what use might it be?

Life’s too short to be entertaining nonsensical matters.

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You really get off on talking to yourself, don't you? I'd yell at you for spamming, but then it is your thread. . .
[212] Notion

You can always expand your notion of what a thread is, and how it might be utilized - even in non-traditional ways, if you should so choose.

Don't use past experiences with threads to judge what is and is not an appropriate way to post. By so doing, you limit yourself, and your ability to absorb the content, or broader view if you will.

Preconceived notions of a thread can cause one to focus on the fact that this thread does not adhere to prior expectations and one might completely overlook the heart of the matter - the substance of what is being said.

Obviously some are reading what I write - so it seems then, by that fact alone, some have found interest in what it is I am saying.

So then, think for yourself - don't let past norms establish your parameters in the present.

Open your mind to all possibilities.

Even in writing this, I have chosen to neither doubt nor believe that anyone will understand what it is that I am saying.

Rather, I have chosen to remain neutral in my expectations, and simply see what if anything unfolds.


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[213] We

We are cogs in the machine - simply spinning away, oblivious to the whole of the mechanism or its purpose.

We are searching for our connection, our connectedness to the universe, that connection to our god or gods that other creatures seem to take for granted.

We are cut-off from that most basic element - our oneness with all of creation - so that we search, continually seeking that which we do not have nor can not find - even looking for that which we do not know we are looking for.

We are six billion, seeking our gods - seeking some way, anyway in which to connect - searching for our solace, our home, our child lost.

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[214] Driven

We did not create ourselves, yet we exist as if we affect the life that we live. We do not produce the motivations for our actions – yet we ride those motivations wherever they may lead us. It is our thought process then, which provides us with the illusion of being the engine that drives the vehicle.

We are nothing like we have been lead to believe - we are more, and we are less.

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[215] What we seek

What we seek we already have – it’s simply that it is not evident to us.

The problem is, we have never been told, “ relax, you are connected to the universe, to your god or gods, it’s just that you lack the knowledge of who your gods are”.

Regardless of whether or not we feel connected – we are.

To be alive, is to be connected – therefore, our very life proves our connectedness to the universe, whether we 'feel' that connectedness, or not.

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[216] Intersections

Life is lived by means of intersections. There is an ongoing synergy, whether apparent to us or not, that continually unfolds and evolves for us as we go about to live our lives, day-by-day. Things, events, situations and such, intersect with our lives on a continual basis. Meeting someone or something at the opportune (or inopportune) time, as if it had been all worked out ahead of time.

Lives intersect – people intersect with events and situations that can go on to define and refine their lives. It’s all of matter of intersections, whether these intersections are evident to us or not.

What some may call chance, others simply see as divine intervention. But whether it appears as luck or the unseen force of the universe directing our steps, it’s all about intersections.

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Re: notion

Originally posted by Jocariah
Hello Mystech

Obviously you are reading what I write - so it seems, by that fact alone, you have found some interest in what I am saying.

Well actually no, I'm not reading what you say unless a particular post contains a quote from me. I generally I don't find what you have to say particularly interesting, but I do find your posting behavior to be morbidly fascinating.