Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[401] Truths & created beings

Originally posted by Alien Ado
nice insights, you seem to understand a true concept.

RE: your use of the term 'true'.

” truth

in all of the world, there are no absolutes, no ultimate truths - but rather temporary truths, which simply take us from one relevant concept unto the next

we as a species are merely on a journey which takes us to the next step after we have grasped the present one

truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this journey of ours”

Can you see the road when the road is not there?

Which of us can see that which cannot be seen - we, each of us, simply see that which is there for us to see.

We are each unique, individual and distinct unto ourselves. We all see the world around us in a way that is particular or peculiar to us, to each of us.

We are beautiful creatures, unique individuals all, whether or not we are able to see this in ourselves, well, that is another matter altogether.

Take a deep breath – you did not design the composition of gases that fills your lungs – you are a created being in a created environment.

So it is with our lives as well.

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[402] Children

We are here at the pleasure of your higher self – simultaneously, we are here as the product of a higher order.

linear thought is the curse of mankind – all thought is not this way, as you think, allow all information to converge simultaneously. And if that is not possible, then think of each linear thought as a ‘post-it’, and post your thoughts one thought at a time until such time as you have sufficient thoughts to consider them as a ‘collective’.

remember children ... “your way is not the only way – it is not the way in which things operate, it is simply 'your' way."

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[404] Task

there are no lesser or greater tasks,
but simply those things
which remain in front of us
to be accomplished

we are
where we are,
not by chance,
but rather by design.

who can define
those forces
that have participated so gladly
in bringing
each of us
to where
we are

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[405] Root

the writer
to the writing;
the reader
to the reading

therein lies

as to the root
of this reciprocal union,
who can say?
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[406] Unbeknownst

it is the subconscious mind that follows along, bringing together all of those disparate elements that the conscious mind so frequently overlooks - wielding its influence as it does, unbeknownst to the conscious mind.

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[407] Knowledge

it is through the knowledge of self that brings us to an understanding of our world, and it is the knowledge of our world that must first be subject to our knowledge of self.

our world is simply that; 'our world'.

if one does not understand self, how is it that the world might be perceived – knowledge, in the final analysis, can only be legitimatised as a result of what precedes it.

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Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
you have your own thread?

isn't that boring?

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your questions, and would prefer not to assume your intent.

They appear to me to be statements, or possibly opinions expressed with question marks at the end (i.e., rhetorical in nature).

That being the case, excuse my response.
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[408] Subconscious

it is the subconscious mind that sets the course (via the higher self) that the conscious mind appears to follow

it is the subconscious mind that champions our cause before our higher self, howbeit, unbeknownst to the conscious mind, that part of us which has been set forth to navigate through this physical reality of ours, placing one foot in front of the other as it does

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Originally posted by Jocariah
I'm sorry but I don't understand your questions, and I would prefer not to assume your intent. They appear to me as if they may be statements, or possibly opinions expressed with a question mark at the end (i.e., rhetorical in nature).

isn't everything we say an opinion?
and lastly,
set your intention
to do that
which has been placed
in front of you
to do

How can one apply oneself to a task as yet undiscovered without second-guessing oneself as to the nature of the task?
[409] Everything

Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
and lastly,
set your intention
to do that
which has been placed
in front of you
to do

How can one apply oneself to a task as yet undiscovered without second-guessing oneself as to the nature of the task?

Everything is in front of us for a reason - whether that reason is apparent to us or not.

Setting one's intention 'to do that which has been placed in front of us to do', first and foremost establishes in us that those things placed in front of us to do, have been placed in front of 'us' to do – that is to say, have been placed specifically for us, for our doing alone.

So that by intending to do those things, which have been placed in front of us, we acknowledge that we have our tasks, not by chance, but rather by design. These tasks being set forth by our higher self – for our benefit alone.

And so too, in acknowledging the above, we acknowledge that all things (whether they be perceived as pleasant or painful) have been placed before us for a reason – for our benefit. For it is not only the pleasant things that are of benefit to us, but the painful as well.

In all things we shall acknowledge the living out of our purpose – and if we are second-guessing ourselves in the midst of the living out of our purpose, then that is as it should be.

All things are before us to be experienced.

So that one may say at all times and under ‘all’ circumstances; “ I am at all times where I am suppose to be, whether I am experiencing the pleasant or the painful, whether confused or clear-minded, I do those things having been set before me – I am continually and at all times living in the now”

We are to acknowledge our experiences, not fight them or hide from them, nor try to subvert them - but experience them, as they are, as they were intended to be experienced.

You see, we are all the product of a higher order - we are all, all of us, created beings.

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[410] Words written

If the words that I write speak to you and take root, then that is as it should be. And if not, then that is also as it should be.

The words as written are merely words; it is the reader who brings them to life.

There are times of course when we collide with those things set before us, our destiny as it were – and at those times, who can say what has brought us together, one to another.

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[411] Intention

When one's intention is set, things change. In effect, we turn to face those things that are in the direct path of our intention. Our intent causes us to face, more openly and directly, what lies before us.

Also, it is through the higher self, that we come to decide to set our intention on this or that. The higher self places those things with which it wishes us to intersect, in front of us, leading us as it does, beforehand , to set our intention for that very thing that it has for us.

Once again, we are the product of a higher order.

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[412] Fragile

So then,
there are those that would prefer,
for whatever the reasons,
to think of god,
their god,
as a benevolent being,
and for them,
that is fine.

And what
of those beings
of a higher order
which are neither benevolent
nor malevolent – rather being
as they are,
ever determined
to place their best interest
at the forefront of their actions?

And we,
subject as we are,
to such creatures
of a higher order.

Which then,
might appear
to us being
the more rational?

And which,
more emotionally
to our fragile psyche,
our humanness?

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[413] In the wind

there’s a story
that’s told,
of a fire
that’s burning

the time
is at hand,
there’s a change
in the wind

there’s a river that flows,
a generation
that’s coming

it’s about
to unfold,
and we’re about
to begin

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Great thread by the way, some of your poetry reminds me of some of my stuff from years ago...

They've blackened our hearts
and gouged out our eyes
They've broken our backs
then stifled the cries

But I smell a change coming
and nobody knows
that the banks will all burst
when the red river flows

Then through the slick
and through the slime
a seed is again planted
by hands of time

So stop now and listen
smell taste and feel
coz the prettiest flower
is still crushed by the wheel.

ScRaMbLe 1995