Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[301] Topic at hand

It seems, from my perspective at least, that more often than not, responses to my posts focus on how I make use of a thread, my presentation or me, and how they may differ from some sort of preconceived norm that is held by the reader, rather than the topic at hand.

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[302] Thought

It really is about our thought process - being here that is.

it is our thought process,
that process by which we think,
that can limit us,
and what it is that we experience
in this life

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[303] Seeing

the essence
of enlightenment
is made manifest
in the seeing

as we see
we become enlightened,
as we become enlightened
we are then carried forward
to that which is next
to be seen

is never static,
but always in flux,
never motionless,
but always in motion,
never constant
but always
in a state
of metamorphosis

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[305] Enabled

Things are the way they are - we are are the way we are, if we accept it or not. Regardless of whether or not we accept anything, nevertheless, it is.

Accepting does nothing for the situation, but rather it enables us. Once enabled we can then move on in the thought process that we exhibit, that we use to see that which we are faced with.

Our thoughts don't enable us, but rather establish parameters with which we think. And as we 'think', so do we 'see'.

We see by way of our thought process - not by way of anything else.

So then, it is our thought process which enables us to see.

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[306] Parameters

The parameters that we establish, force us along narrow paths of thought patterns. These paths set the course, or guide us in our thought process.

Example: in the phrase 'think outside of the box' - what is the box?

The box is the parameters of our thoughts.

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[307] Fear

Thinking outside of our prestablished thought parameters can be a frightening prospect.

Fear after all, is an aspect or facet of the unknown.

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[308] Not

Fear is not the enemy - fear is a naturally occuring emotion, based on genetic structure that is designed into all of us.

It is normal and natural for us to fear, based on that genetic tendency that we all share.

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[309] Ongoing

enlightenment is an ongoing process;
ongoing within the individual,
and ongoing
within the development
of mankind

we humans are not stagnant,
we are flowing,
moving creatures

from birth
'til death,
we radiate a frequency
based on the amount
of information
or knowledge
we maintain
or are able
to house

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[310] If you pray

if you pray
acknowledge your consciousness,
your existence
as a created

be appreciative
of the painful
as well as
the pleasant,
for it has taken
to bring you
to where

and lastly,
set your intention
to do that
which has been placed
in front of you
to do

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[311] Truth

in all of the world, there are no absolutes, no ultimate truths - but rather temporary truths, which simply take us from one relevent concept unto the next

we as a species are merely on a journey which takes us to the next step after we have grasped the present one

truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this journey of ours.

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[312] The nature of things

all of us have enemies, many times not by choice, but rather by circumstance. When another’s best interest is in direct opposition with our own best interest, then they become our enemy by default. It is a matter of survival, of what is in our own best interest, individually, or collectively that places us in opposition to others

ultimately, every individual, every civilization or species must do those things that are in its best interest, whether that leads to opposing others and thereby creating enemies, or not - such is the nature of things

there is one caveat in this regard; "never, under any circumstance whatsoever, underestimate your enemy"


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You wanted to discuss the topic at hand.

You say fear is not our enemy.
Fear is our enemy, in more ways than one.

You say "Simply because we see nothing does not mean that something is not there."
I agree, but I think that "something" must have a purpose.

I don't believe that there's a reason why something should exist without purpose.

Here is an interesting exercise – rather than thinking in terms of whether or not you believe me, that is, that I am who I say I am, or believe the information that I am posting or will post, simply think in terms of whether or not you find this information of interest to you ‘now’, in the present tense.

If the answer is no – then go no further, don’t waist your time, because it is not of interest to you - go elsewhere.
It isn't of much interest to me, but I am open minded and it's sometimes good to see different views of things, but I'm probably not going to believe most of the things you say.

There's a truth that are true at all angles, I'm not sure what it is, but I believe that it will be revealed and that it's obvious how true it is.
Hello Cyperium

First let me thank you for taking the time to comment.

RE: “It isn't of much interest to me, but I am open minded and it's sometimes good to see different views of things, but I'm probably not going to believe most of the things you say.”

With all due respect - if it isn’t of “much interest “ to you, why then should we have a discussion?

That not withstanding, you seem to have a knack for contradicting yourself – on one hand you say that you are ‘open-minded’ and then go on to say that; “I'm probably not going to believe most of the things you say.” That to me seems to say that you have already made up your mind about what you ‘think’ I’m going to say and your reaction to it, as opposed to waiting to see what it is ‘that’ I say.

Actually, my remarks, as were quoted by you, were addressing, or speaking to our thought process, and how most of us typically think in terms of ‘belief’ or ‘disbelief’, rather than remaining neutral and in turn seeing what was said simply as information that may or may not be of interest at the time – choosing not to classify information into an either or (e.g., belief or disbelief) category is always an option for us. But one it seems, that is seldom exercised.


[313] Tendency

We have a tendency to classify – our nature is to want to categorize what we are seeing, initially at least, by the way, the format, or circumstance under which it is presented, rather than looking at information, for its sake alone.

There is less weight attached to information presented on a message board, than say, a book on the New York Times Best Seller List. If it’s on the Best Seller List, it must be good information. Others have decided for us, by virtue of its popularity, that the information therein is of value. That being the case – no need for us to try to classify it, simply see if it is of interest to us or not, as the case may be.

That’s not right or wrong – but rather simply a tendency that we all share.

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[314] Thanks


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Hello Cyperium

First let me thank you for taking the time to comment.

RE: “It isn't of much interest to me, but I am open minded and it's sometimes good to see different views of things, but I'm probably not going to believe most of the things you say.”

With all due respect - if it isn’t of “much interest “ to you, why then should we have a discussion?
Because, as I said, I'm open minded and I want to see if there is something to what you say. You don't have to have the discussion if you don't want to.

That not withstanding, you seem to have a knack for contradicting yourself – on one hand you say that you are ‘open-minded’ and then go on to say that; “I'm probably not going to believe most of the things you say.” That to me seems to say that you have already made up your mind about what you ‘think’ I’m going to say and your reaction to it, as opposed to waiting to see what it is ‘that’ I say.
That I'm open minded means that I'm open to different views that people have, though I still believe in my view, my view can change and be influenced, but as some of the things you say directly or indirectly contradicts with my beliefs then I won't believe those things, however that doesn't mean that I won't believe some of the things you say.

Actually, my remarks, as were quoted by you, were addressing, or speaking to our thought process, and how most of us typically think in terms of ‘belief’ or ‘disbelief’, rather than remaining neutral and in turn seeing what was said simply as information that may or may not be of interest at the time – choosing not to classify information into an either or (e.g., belief or disbelief) category is always an option for us. But one it seems, that is seldom exercised.
I don't disagree with that, but I have a set of beliefs and then I look at other interpretations and see what they have to add, or if they falsify my beliefs (so that I either have to change them, or find why the belief still stands allthough the falsification since the falsification may be wrong).

However, as I've experianced with other methods, their might be a limit to that method, but I haven't reached it yet.