Do You Want To Be Homosexual?

Do you want to be homosexual?

  • I am homosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am homosexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am heterosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • I am heterosexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm unsure of my sexual orientation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know what I want

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Norsefire if you see that no one would want to be gay, why are you then saying they are not naturally that way? Its either one or the other isn't it?
In response to the original question: NO

Why the fuck would I want to be homosexual? Why would you?
The thing is: if you started a thread asking "If you're homosexual, do you want to be heterosexual?" you'll also get an overwhelming "NO" response.

The current thread is biased in that the majority of the population, and of the people on sciforums, are heterosexual. Therefore, of course they don't want to be gay.

People don't want a different sexual orientation. How many times must this be repeated to get the point across?
The thing is: if you started a thread asking "If you're homosexual, do you want to be heterosexual?" you'll also get an overwhelming "NO" response.

The current thread is biased in that the majority of the population, and of the people on sciforums, are heterosexual. Therefore, of course they don't want to be gay.

People don't want a different sexual orientation. How many times must this be repeated to get the point across?

Yeah undoubtly they would feel that way. But my point is if no one is naturally gay the only alternative would be that they choose to become gay. So we have yet another piece of godfearing folk contradiction and stupidity here.
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Norsefire if you see that no one would want to be gay, why are you then saying they are not naturally that way? Its either one or the other isn't it?

No one is naturally homo, nor does any straight want to be, however since all are born straight if they're human, those that become Gay are filth
Originally posted by James R
The thing is: if you started a thread asking "If you're homosexual, do you want to be heterosexual?" you'll also get an overwhelming "NO" response.

The current thread is biased in that the majority of the population, and of the people on sciforums, are heterosexual. Therefore, of course they don't want to be gay.

People don't want a different sexual orientation. How many times must this be repeated to get the point across?

Of course people would say NO to an undesirable sexual orientation. The main question is "are there any heterosexual that wish they could be homosexual". My question is, why would someone wish they were homosexual? The biggest disadvantage is the inability to naturally reproduce. What advantages are possible through homosexuality?
Straights cannot begin to understand what it is to be a gay guy. To be 13, 14 or 15, and to realize that you are not attracted to girls. Your immediate reaction is horror when you realize that you are nothing more than a queer, a queen, a fag, a butt plug, and every other nasty name your friends will call you if they find you out. You fear that your parents will hate you, and you learn that the society you live in thinks of you as a piece of garbage to be tied to a post and murdered like Matt Shepard. But then, one day, you realize that the best bit of philosophy you'll ever learn came from Popeye the Sailor, when he say "I am what I am, and that's all that I am," and you slowly come to terms with what you naturally are. Then you read history and realize that you are not alone, Alexander the Great, Leonardo Di Vinci, A.E. Housman, W.H. Auden, Tschaikowsky and Aaron Copland shared your feelings, and that there are even gay Christian saints (don't believe me, look up Saints Sergius and Bacchus, the patron saints of gay marriage), and you start to think that you're not so bad after all. Then you read some of the comments made here, and you realize that all the TV sitcoms, motions pictures, books in the world will never change a bigot's attitude. It's a sad world.

No one is naturally homo...

You are obviously out of touch with all the scientific evidence to the contrary. Educate yourself.

...however since all are born straight if they're human, those that become Gay are filth

Clearly you have some serious issues.

Gays are nasty freaks of nature.

You contradict yourself.

Above you said "No one is naturally homo", but here you are saying "Gays are ... freaks of nature."

Admit it: you don't even know what you believe yourself. Gays can't be both unnatural AND freaks of nature. It's one or the other.

Educate yourself.


Of course people would say NO to an undesirable sexual orientation.

What's undesirable about homosexuality, apart from the social pressures from homophobes?

My question is, why would someone wish they were homosexual? The biggest disadvantage is the inability to naturally reproduce.

And yet, people obviously are homosexual nonetheless. What does that suggest to you? They made a bad choice ... or they couldn't help it?

First, there is your name: "Willy". It sounds phallic to me, which suggests a possible focus on sexual matters.
It is just short name for William, if it is giving you a chubby I can change it.
Second, there is the fact that this is the very first thread you've posted here,
It is the only thead I have posted here.
and of the other threads you've participated in at least one of them concerns similar matters.
The attention you give to me is making me uncomfortable.
Lastly, it is generally the case that people who are fixated on the private sexual activities of other people are usually fixated in that way because of their own personal sexual issues and/or hangups. Thus, we observe that the most homophobic people react violently against the very idea of homosexuality because they feel personally threatened by it. Most of all, they worry that they themselves might be gay, and they fear the consequences of admitting their own sexuality.
You are the only one on this thread that has had a problem admitting your own sexuality, are you ready to do that yet?
If a person is comfortable in their own skin, it doesn't matter to them that other people are different to them.
It clearly matters to you that I'm different from you.
It is only those who are uncomfortable or unsure about their own identity who fixate on difference and fear what difference might mean for them. It is the same for homophobes, racists and sexists.
It is only those who are uncomfortable or unsure about their own identity who fixate on calling others names, again.

So, in summary, from what I've seen of you so far, I think you're excited by the idea of homosexual sex, but at the same time you're reacting strongly against that. Perhaps you were brought up religious, or maybe you hang out with a "tough" crowd who are all homophobic, and you want to fit in. Who knows?
Or maybe I'm just a guy who asked a simple question and now your all turned on, and trying to explain yourself by using me.
I hope you can get over this challenging time in your life, and come to accept yourself.
Just admit your gay already, it's not a big deal.
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The biggest disadvantage is the inability to naturally reproduce. What advantages are possible through homosexuality?

What makes you think homosexuals cannot reproduce? Being homosexual does not mean that your reproductive organs shrivel up and die. Many do have children.

Your point is also moot when one considers how many heterosexuals who choose to not have children or cannot have children. Are they somehow less human or disadvantaged?
Just admit your gay already, it's not a big deal.

What business is it of yours or anyone else's if he is or not? Why do you care if he is or not? Why are you so obsessed with his sexuality? Why do you say "it's not a big deal", but keep trying to find out? It is obviously a big deal to you.

It is just short name for William, if it is giving you a chubby I can change it.

No need. Your name does not sexually excite me, Willy.

The attention you give to me is making me uncomfortable.

I might say the same. You're quite insistent on inquiring into my sexuality, when I have already patiently explained to you that I do not wish to reveal my sexual orientation to you at this time.

You are the only one on this thread that has had a problem admitting your own sexuality, are you ready to do that yet?

No, I'm not. Please read the post where I gave explicit reasons why I will not do so here and now.

It clearly matters to you that I'm different from you.

What makes you think you're different to me? For all you know, I'm heterosexual.

It is only those who are uncomfortable or unsure about their own identity who fixate on calling others names, again.

I haven't called you anything.

Or maybe I'm just a guy who asked a simple question and now your all turned on, and trying to explain yourself by using me.

I'm not "turned on". What gave you that idea? Are you turned on? Does this kind of thing give you a sexual thrill?

This thread says a lot more about you than it does about me. It's quite revealing.

Just admit your gay already, it's not a big deal.

What if I'm not? I would then be lying. Why would I want to lie about my sexuality?

Perhaps you're lying about yours.
original: In response to the original question: NO. Why the fuck would I want to be homosexual? Why would you?

James R: The thing is: if you started a thread asking "If you're homosexual, do you want to be heterosexual?" you'll also get an overwhelming "NO" response.
People don't want a different sexual orientation. How many times must this be repeated to get the point across?

original: Of course people would say NO to an undesirable sexual orientation.

James R: What's undesirable about homosexuality, apart from the social pressures from homophobes?

original: I didn't say that homosexuality is undesirable, I was saying that of course people would say NO to an unwanted desire. Consider a bisexual person saying NO to having sex with an animal because it is undesirable. Are you asking why I think homosexuality is undesirable, or just making light of the social pressures that make it seem so?

original: My question is, why would someone wish they were homosexual? The biggest disadvantage is the inability to naturally reproduce.

James R: And yet, people obviously are homosexual nonetheless. What does that suggest to you? They made a bad choice ... or they couldn't help it?

Bells: What makes you think homosexuals cannot reproduce? Being homosexual does not mean that your reproductive organs shrivel up and die. Many do have children.

Your point is also moot when one considers how many heterosexuals who choose to not have children or cannot have children. Are they somehow less human or disadvantaged?

original: Some people are homosexual. Personally, it doesn't bother me. They choose to do what they want, and if it doesn't affect my life, that's fine. I would expect the same respect from a homosexual majority if I were heterosexual. As far as reproduction, I said homosexuals cannot naturally reproduce. We are talking about the human reproductive system, right? Homosexuals cannot naturally reproduce. If we are considering artificial insemination, then of course it's possible via some form of heterosexual mating. I never said that people who don't, won't, or can't have children are less than human! That's their choice. I was just making a point as to why homosexuality is biologically restricting.

If homosexuality isn't a choice, it's irrelevant that it may be biologically restricting.

If it can't be chosen, there's no point making arguments about why people should or should not choose it.
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