Do You Want To Be Homosexual?

Do you want to be homosexual?

  • I am homosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am homosexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am heterosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • I am heterosexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm unsure of my sexual orientation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know what I want

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Not here in America, homosexuals are treated very well, they have there own cities, TV shows, clubs, restaurants, bars ect....

They have their own cities? Hmm... interesting. Which ones?

And there's no homophobia? Great. Sounds like an enlightened nation indeed.

...but it is still clear how depressing the homosexual lifestyle is. The extreamly high suicide rate amoung homosexuals is a clear sign of this.

First, you haven't shown that the homosexual suicide rate is any higher than for heterosexuals. Second, you haven't established that homosexual suicide is in any way related to homosexuality being depressive.

I have spoken to many homosexual who regret ever letting another man penatrate there body's, and how depressed they felt since that moment.

Are you a counsellor, then? Or social worker? Or what? Are you homosexual yourself? Have you had those kinds of problems?

Not here in America, there is far more pity for homosexuals then oppression.

What's to pity?

This site has some wierd rule about no links till you have made 20 posts.

It's to stop spammers - especially bots and trolls.

But the info came from a pro homosexual site that is trying to help by addressing the issue.

What issue?

Because homosexual relationships are of same sex, during a domestic dispute one will be less willing to back down and being they are of the same sex violence is more acceptable.

Perhaps, but I still need to see the stats for heterosexuals. Do you have those?

Only an idiot would assert that sexual abuse of any kind is consensual.

I agree, but it is you who asserted this statement.

Try to keep track of the conversation. You wrote:

Willy said:
There is a common myth stating that same-sex abuse is consensual or mutual.

I replied with the above. The "common myth" statement was yours, not mine. I asked you why you thought it was a common myth. You must have got the idea somewhere.

You wouldn't be discriminating against me and treating me like a lower-class citizen, and making me the subject of heterophobic bigotry by sqaying I got my info from

Settle down. I merely asked you a question. I'm not attacking you. You seem very sensitive. Is it a result of past oppression of your sexuality, perhaps? I understand that you, as a counsellor, might be sensitive to those issues. I will try to be more sensitive to your issues in future posts.

Your anger reminds me of the homosexuals whom I have spoken with.

Anger? What anger?
James R,

Calm down, no one is saying you can't be homosexual,I just asked if you want to be homosexual.

So do you?

I think you need to learn that it is not a matter of wanting or not wanting. Sexual orientation appears to be innate in human beings.

Personally, I am quite comfortable with who I am.

Are you?

I think you need to learn that it is not a matter of wanting or not wanting. Sexual orientation appears to be innate in human beings.
Are you claiming no one has ever changed there sexual orientation because they wanted too?

How do you know this do you have any proof, some stats, Are you a counsellor, then? Or social worker? Or what? Are you homosexual yourself?
Personally, I am quite comfortable with who I am.
Sure you are, and it really shows.
Enuff to say that I am not a homosexual nor would I ever want to be.
Are you claiming no one has ever changed there sexual orientation because they wanted too?

Yes. I'm claiming that. And you?

How do you know this do you have any proof, some stats,

Proof, no. You want stats and scientific studies? I suggest you start with a brief google search on the term "homosexual innate", if you wish to investigate the matter for yourself. I'm surprised you haven't already done at least that much. You seem very set in your views.

Are you a counsellor, then? Or social worker? Or what?

No, I am not. Nor have I claimed to have in-depth personal knowledge about what many homosexual people think and feel, as you do. I just assumed you must be in a special position to have such excellent knowledge.

You do consider yourself an expert on such things, do you not?

Are you homosexual yourself?

We've only just met, Willy. I think that's a bit of a personal question to be asking this early in our relationship. Maybe when we become friends, I'll feel comfortable discussing my sexuality with you.

Sure you are, and it really shows.

Does it? Do I project self-confidence? Good.

Enuff to say that I am not a homosexual nor would I ever want to be.

Well, you're one more example that proves my thesis then: people of one sexual orientation never want to change to a different orientation.
We've only just met, Willy. I think that's a bit of a personal question to be asking this early in our relationship. Maybe when we become friends, I'll feel comfortable discussing my sexuality with you.
You asked me first if I was homosexual, sorry if your disappointed in my answer, we can still be friends.

Well, you're one more example that proves my thesis then: people of one sexual orientation never want to change to a different orientation.
Let us see the rest of your "thesis.
Wait a minute, Willy! This is your thread, remember?

You're supposed to post your thoughts and questions, and then other people respond.

You did have a point here, didn't you? What was it again?

Are you a person who asks questions, that you would never answer?

Perhaps, but then again I also said I might disclose more personal details once I got to know you better. I'm just not answering now.

You were quite comfortable answering my question though. Very definite. Very assertive.
Wait a minute, Willy! This is your thread, remember?
I can share.
You're supposed to post your thoughts and questions, and then other people respond.?
I did, you won't respond.
You say you want to get to know me better.
You did have a point here, didn't you? What was it again?
Do you want to be homosexual?
Perhaps, but then again I also said I might disclose more personal details once I got to know you better. I'm just not answering now.
OOOO, arn't you just a little tease.
You were quite comfortable answering my question though. Very definite. Very assertive.
Do you like that? There is more where that came from, big guy.:eek:

You say you want to get to know me better.

I didn't actually say that. For all I know, you're a bigotted homophobe. If that was the case, I probably wouldn't want to get to know you. I feel the same way about racists and sexists. Can't help it.

Do you want to be homosexual?

Oh look, I really can't answer that now, can I? Because if I answer "yes", then the only possibilities are: (1) I'm homosexual already, or (2) I'm heterosexual and want to change my orientation. But I've already said that people don't change their orientation, so (2) could not be true, which leaves only (1), and I said I didn't want to share my current sexual orientation with you.

On the other hand, if I answer "No, I don't want to be homosexual", then either (3) I'm homosexual and want to change, or (4) I'm heterosexual and don't want to change. But (3) is ruled out by my previous comments, and (4) might give the false impression that I'm a bigotted homophobe, as well as revealing my orientation.

So, I hope you'll understand why I choose not to reply. Perhaps you'll have more luck with other posters.

You were quite comfortable answering my question though. Very definite. Very assertive.

Do you like that? There is more where that came from, big guy.

Is this another sexual question? Didn't I make myself clear before?

Well, never mind. Let's move on.

DId you join sciforums just to ask random people who you've never met whether they want to be homosexual? If so, it seems a little fixated to me. But I'm sure you're here for more that that. Right?
Homosexual couples also experience high rates of domestic abuse. The occurrence of domestic violence among homosexuals is as high as 25 to 33 percent. Between 50,000 and 100,000 lesbians are victims of domestic abuse each year, while as many as 500,000 gay men are battered. There is a common myth stating that same-sex abuse is consensual or mutual. This is not true, as homosexual victims often fight back against their abusers. Few laws exist to provide protection specifically for homosexual domestic abuse victims.

I would guess that there is a lot of domestic abuse amongst gay men because you have TWO MEN IN THE RELATIONSHIP. You don't say whether the lesbian statistics are above the norm or not.

If heterosexuals were raised in a society where they were told they were shit, sinners, etc., the incidence of hetero domestic abuse would also rise. Given that that stigmas around being gay or lesbian are getting weaker, I wonder if abuse is going down also.
If I found out Angelina Jolie had a crush on me, I'd be a lesbian in a heartbeat!!
Otherwise, nope.

Willy, at what age did you decide to be either hetero or homosexual?
I didn't actually say that.
Yes you did.
For all I know, you're a bigotted homophobe. If that was the case, I probably wouldn't want to get to know you. I feel the same way about racists and sexists. Can't help it.
Ya, and I don't like people who just call people names in order to advoid a issue.

Oh look, I really can't answer that now, can I? Because if I answer "yes", then the only possibilities are: (1) I'm homosexual already, or (2) I'm heterosexual and want to change my orientation. But I've already said that people don't change their orientation, so (2) could not be true, which leaves only (1), and I said I didn't want to share my current sexual orientation with you.

On the other hand, if I answer "No, I don't want to be homosexual", then either (3) I'm homosexual and want to change, or (4) I'm heterosexual and don't want to change. But (3) is ruled out by my previous comments, and (4) might give the false impression that I'm a bigotted homophobe, as well as revealing my orientation.
You could have just told us your just confused :shrug:
So, I hope you'll understand why I choose not to reply. Perhaps you'll have more luck with other posters.
It is not about "luck" it is about being honest.

Is this another sexual question? Didn't I make myself clear before?.
I have never asked you a "sexual question", do you think homosexuality is just about sex?
Well, never mind. Let's move on.

DId you join sciforums just to ask random people who you've never met whether they want to be homosexual?
So much for your moving on.
If so, it seems a little fixated to me. But I'm sure you're here for more that that. Right?
You are clearly annoyed with this topic, I sence much frustration.

Good luck to you.
I would guess that there is a lot of domestic abuse amongst gay men because you have TWO MEN IN THE RELATIONSHIP. You don't say whether the lesbian statistics are above the norm or not.

If heterosexuals were raised in a society where they were told they were shit, sinners, etc., the incidence of hetero domestic abuse would also rise. Given that that stigmas around being gay or lesbian are getting weaker, I wonder if abuse is going down also.
Here is the article:
Why do they "have to know it?" If you were born in ancient Greece, you would have thought male homosexuality was normal, in fact healthy. In that culture one might well "wish he were homosexual" just so one could fit in with all the other prominent citizens.

It seems to me that the taboo against homosexuality is cultural, not genetic, and the desire to be straight (and the lack of desire to become gay) is also likely to be culturally driven and not innate.
I agree with you that people can be influenced to become homosexual.
A basic high school anatomy class would clear up these issues.

If that's the best argument you have to offer, Willy, then you might want to step away from the SciForums now.

The fact that "penis goes into vagina" is not necessarily enough to prove homosexuality is somehow biologically wrong (let alone "obviously" wrong), since penises also fit into other orifices and into the human hand. Do you believe that fellatio or non-vaginal intercourse is obviously wrong when a husband and wife engage in it? Even if you do, others disagree, so there goes the notion of its being obvious. It might seem obvious to you, but the matter is clearly subjective, not objective.

Moreover, there are other cultures where homosexuality was not only common (even "the norm"), but seems to have been used to in some ways strengthen the culture. The Sacred Band of Thebes comes to mind.
The fact that "penis goes into vagina" is not necessarily enough to prove homosexuality is somehow biologically wrong (let alone "obviously" wrong), since penises also fit into other orifices and into the human hand.
A penis can also fit in a dogs ass, meat grinder, a arm pit etc.....
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