Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

I can answer it, Bells, but I'm not going to do for "fear" of being ridiculed by you. :D

I love your deflection of the "hate speech" comment. ...LOL! Are you also a believer in population diversity, Bells? ...LOL!

Baron Max

You're scared of words on a screen?

And it was not a deflection. If you feel it was hate speech, the report button is there for a reason. Learn to click on it.
You're scared of words on a screen?

No, but you are ....as evidenced by your avid support of "hate speech" laws!

And yet, through all of that, you're the one who seems to do the most hate speaking (ridiculing people) on the forums. Why is that, Bells? "Hate speech" is okay for you to do, but you want the FBI to come after anyone else who does it? ...LOL!

Baron Max

PS - Clicking on the "report" button does no good here as far as I can tell.
No, but you are ....as evidenced by your avid support of "hate speech" laws!

And yet, through all of that, you're the one who seems to do the most hate speaking (ridiculing people) on the forums. Why is that, Bells? "Hate speech" is okay for you to do, but you want the FBI to come after anyone else who does it? ...LOL!

Baron Max

PS - Clicking on the "report" button does no good here as far as I can tell.

So much empty hot air from you Baron. And all without any substance. It is quite amusing watching you dodge around so much.

And you still cannot answer the question. I asked you a simple question which required a 'yes' or 'no' answer. It's not that hard. I worded it simply enough for you.

Answer the question Baron or shut up basically.:)
Actually, Roman Catholicism is the main religion in Haiti. Although people practice voodoo, they don't consider it an alternative to their religion, more like a supplement.

no no no it is the voodoo for they main religion

First and foremost Voodoo is a religion. It is the dominant religion of Haiti>>>

So much empty hot air from you Baron. ...

More "hate speech", Bells?

Do you suppose this is how the killers of Mathew Shepard started out ...just like "innocent" comments like your's above, then escalated into something more? And then....?

Ya' suppose it was also how James Bryd's killers began their little "fun" when they came onto him in the streets of Jasper, Texas. A little "innocent" fun, a little banter that escalated into "Hey, let's tie his ankles to the back of the truck and drag him home!"

Yeah, I can see "hate speech" escalating ....can't you, Bells? Oh, wait, that kind of stuff is okay for you to do, but not for others, right?? :D

Baron Max
More "hate speech", Bells?

Do you suppose this is how the killers of Mathew Shepard started out ...just like "innocent" comments like your's above, then escalated into something more? And then....?

Ya' suppose it was also how James Bryd's killers began their little "fun" when they came onto him in the streets of Jasper, Texas. A little "innocent" fun, a little banter that escalated into "Hey, let's tie his ankles to the back of the truck and drag him home!"

Yeah, I can see "hate speech" escalating ....can't you, Bells? Oh, wait, that kind of stuff is okay for you to do, but not for others, right?? :D

Baron Max
Strawman, off-topic and trolling.

More typical Baron behaviour when he is faced with actually having to answer a question.

Either answer the question and comment on the topic of this thread, or take your trolling sagging backside back to your cave.
Now, from the site that gave you "God hates fags"-
God hates Haiti.
I think they are a bit miffed that Robertson is poaching on their territory.

Not a single voice praising God for his righteous judgments in this earth, and for fulfilling his promise. He has told mankind from the beginning, if you obey him, he’ll bless you, and if you disobey him, he’ll curse you, without mercy or pity. You arrogant brazen rebels of this world think God is just joking, and that he doesn’t mean what he says. Wrap your brain around this fact: No matter how horrific you think the scenes are in Haiti in January 2010, that is just a warm up. Much worse, much more, very soon. Repent or perish. Obey God. Shut your mouths, give him the glory and prepare to meet your Creator. The first settlers of Haiti (whether the Taino or the enslaved decedents of Ham) did something that enraged the Lord their God, and they have never come back from that awful sin. God knows what they did, and he cursed them for it.
so, this is the Christian take on the whole thing. What are the Muslims saying about it?

Because if people judge all Muslims because of what a Muslim leader says, then I can judge all Christians by what Pat and this web site say.
Of course you can judge people how ever you want.
If someone is so concerned with pointing out who and who isn't "going to hell", It would suggest that they themselves are stuck in a hellish mindset.

But, (there's always a but) it's also necessary to listen to what the professor is desiring as an end result.

Pat Robertson is asking for aid and prayer for these people. And going to get it, a lot of it. Is that really so bad. If people go over ad show kindness and make a few new christians, that's a bonus.
cluster said:
If people go over ad show kindness and make a few new christians, that's a bonus.
Everybody's Christian already, in Haiti. Maybe some people from the US will convert, faced with the faith?
True Conversion

Everybody's Christian already, in Haiti. Maybe some people from the US will convert, faced with the faith?

You can push conversion all day, but until you get a true change of heart, then that's when true conversion occurs. Nominal Christians are different from the true children of light. For example, some Christians accept homosexuality, while others embrace a lot of pagan traditions like the use of charms. In Haiti and other Caribbean islands, the mullatos there still have their African heritage, which isn't bad, but that heritage includes the practice of witchcraft, and true Christians can't contradict themselves.
For example, some Christians accept homosexuality, while others embrace a lot of pagan traditions like the use of charms.

You mean like having festivals on equinoxes/solstices, receiving gifts from a magic flying elf, Christmas trees, magic rabbits that leave candy, worshipping on Sunday and baptism?