I bet there are some who whack off to Pat Robertson talking about god and the devil. Scary thought huh.
But I agree, he is nuts and he has a stage.
I read a great story written about how Satan was pissed at Pat because it wasn't his style to doom the poor with Earthquakes.
It's more his style to offer them riches and mega mansions, botox and good looks and cars and crap like that.
He felt Pat was dissing him and reminded him of their deal. It was very funny.
that's what i'm talking about. :thumbsup:
and honestly, if you read and believe what's in the bible, as pat "attests" to, you know that in the last days, god's not leaving anyone or any part of the world out in regards to his wrath. so pointing fingers, and saying "your sin is worse than my sin", or "your part of the world is going to get it worse than my part", is just egotistical foolishness.