Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

I bet there are some who whack off to Pat Robertson talking about god and the devil. Scary thought huh.

But I agree, he is nuts and he has a stage.

I read a great story written about how Satan was pissed at Pat because it wasn't his style to doom the poor with Earthquakes.

It's more his style to offer them riches and mega mansions, botox and good looks and cars and crap like that.

He felt Pat was dissing him and reminded him of their deal. :D It was very funny.

that's what i'm talking about. :thumbsup:

and honestly, if you read and believe what's in the bible, as pat "attests" to, you know that in the last days, god's not leaving anyone or any part of the world out in regards to his wrath. so pointing fingers, and saying "your sin is worse than my sin", or "your part of the world is going to get it worse than my part", is just egotistical foolishness.
Wrap your brain around this fact: No matter how horrific you think the scenes are in Haiti in January 2010, that is just a warm up.
Much worse, much more, very soon.

Actually this part may come true.
Scientists, prophets and computer geeks alike all predict that California is in for something they call "The Big One"...
We aren't talking about something like in the movie "10.5" with buildings collapsed and FEMA coming to save the day and dig out the survivors.
Oh no.

The Big One for California is more like what you saw in "2012".
Half of the entire state breaks off, up-ends and slides into the sea.
No survivors to dig out because there's nowhere left to dig....you dig?
Scientists were saying 40 yrs ago that the shelf under California is "honeycombed" and will break off and sink.
They said it's not a question of "will it happen"...only when it will happen.
I saw a documentary about a computer program called the "Bible Code" which supposedly has been right on other events.
It found the great California quake in the code for 2010.

Haiti may just be a warm up after all.
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According to televangelist Pat Robertson, Yes.
They are a cursed nation.
And that's why they have had an earthquake.

Christy, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French, Napoleon III or whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said we will serve you if you get us free from the French. True story. So the devil said okay it's a deal, so the Hatians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since then they have been cursed by one thing after another. Desperately poor, the island of Hispanola is one side, on the one side is Haiti, on the other side is the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts et cetera, Haiti is in desperate poverty. They need to have, and we need to pray for them, and out of this tragedy I'm optimistic something good may come, but right now we're helping the suffering people and the suffering is unimaginable.

HAHAHAH!!! I saw that on TV while I was channel surfing. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. That guy is such a douche.
No one is saying California will slide into the sea.

No one?....really?

This is from the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. (Just a theory of how it might happen if it did.)

Before there was a San Andreas, the whole West Coast was bordered by an oceanic trench like the one still off Mexico.
The Coast Ranges are basically stuff scraped off the Pacific Plate onto North America.
It's not hard to picture the whole complex being shoved upward along a gently dipping thrust fault, and what goes up can come down.

Of course, we need a reason for it to start sliding. We can picture the Pacific Plate starting to move more westerly than it now does and thereby relieving compressional stresses along the San Andreas Fault, enabling the block to begin slipping. Confined fluids are great for reducing friction along faults, and major thrust faults in the Coast Ranges are commonly associated with serpentine.
Serpentine is a wonderfully slippery rock for fault zones.

Assuming the deep part of the fault has a 1% slope, then if the upper block slips 10 kilometers seaward, it will drop 100 meters.
That will nicely submerge all the coastal cities. Given the way the upper block will sag and fragment internally as it pulls away from the steep segment of the fault, we can probably submerge San Bernardino (300 meters above sea level).

The internal breakup of the block will thoroughly devastate the surface.
The block will essentially be an extremely large landslide. It will be way bigger than anything known, but not impossible. It will be similar to, but far larger, than the big submarine landslides around the Hawaiian Islands. And the only thing we have to displace is sea water.

The tsunamis this thing creates will be something else.
They will demolish the whole Pacific Rim and possibly cause damage in the Atlantic.
They might well make two or three circuits of the earth before dying out.
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There's a slight difference between will and could possibly...
Note the words
Of course, we need a reason
We can picture the Pacific Plate starting to move more westerly than it now does
There's no will in that scenario at all.
Actually this part may come true.........
I saw a documentary about a computer program called the "Bible Code" which supposedly has been right on other events.
It found the great California quake in the code for 2010.

Haiti may just be a warm up after all.

The Satansrapture site, which is usually pretty accurate, says that the Bible code predicts a Comet in 2010.

LOCATION: LEV:3:5:17:14

5770 AD is The Hebrew Year for 2010 AD

The Satansrapture site, which is usually pretty accurate
Depends on your definition of "accurate".
From the site:
In April 2004, NASA announced they are tracking a mysterious COMET PLANET that will pass close to earth. NASA calls this Comet, SEDNA or Planet X.
Um, "comet planet"? They're completely different types of object.
"Pass close to the Earth"?
Sedna has a highly elliptical orbit, with its aphelion estimated at 975 AU and its perihelion at about 76.16 AU.
76 AU is roughly twice as far away as Pluto, how worried are we about being hit by Pluto?
It should reach perihelion in late 2075[2][11] to mid 2076.
Late 2075, according to my calendar, isn't 2010...
Sedna details from Wiki.

I do, however, like the idea of it pulling "asteriods" along with it. :p
And does the guy really mean "Mahatten"?
If so I must remember not to order my pizzas from there after the end of year.
Um, "comet planet"? They're completely different types of object.
"Pass close to the Earth"?

It could be a comet with demons living on it.:p
Ready to jump off and cause dismay and tribulation.


Devils from comet Sedna (artist's impression)
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Not likely

The Satansrapture site, which is usually pretty accurate, says that the Bible code predicts a Comet in 2010.

LOCATION: LEV:3:5:17:14

5770 AD is The Hebrew Year for 2010 AD


I assume that's based on the gematria right (or at least some form of numerology). Yeah, with different systems of numerology, you have discrepancies and human error.:rolleyes:
God Knows.
I don't know what the little dashes mean, but presumably they mean that the words are spaced out from each other, or intersect each other, making them far more likely to be a product of chance
(Which is what I believe this kind of thing actually to be.)
Yeah, with different systems of numerology, you have discrepancies and human error.:rolleyes:
You mean discrepancies like: they're not actually valid, and human error as in: believing they really are?
That sort of thing?
I'm not a religionist but I loved the comment in the Religion column of the Washingon Post on Jan. 23 by syndicated political columnist Cal Thomas:
Dispensationalists believe that God favors some countries and people over others and that he rewards and punishes those who please or displease Him. That false belief is the source of the outrageous Pat Robertson statement. . . . God sent His Son to die for us. If God could commit such a gracious act for our redemption when we had no concern for Him, why would He rain down judgment on Haitians and not on Saudi Arabians, whose extreme religion supports terrorism around the world?
I'm not a religionist but I loved the comment in the Religion column of the Washingon Post on Jan. 23 by syndicated political columnist Cal Thomas: "...why would He rain down judgment on Haitians and not on Saudi Arabians, whose extreme religion supports terrorism around the world?"

Perhaps He did rain down judgement on the Saudis ....like all people, He gave them greed, then He gave them oil, which led to capitalistic greed, which is just now beginning to lead them into slothfulness. He also gave them greed, and one of the more greedy tribal rulers seized control of all of the people and formed a kingdom, a tyrannical kingdom, that's oppressing many of its own people.

"The ways of the Lord are mysterious indeed."

Y'all sometimes just don't have the proper perspective! :D

Baron Max
God gives greed? What a bastard.

Free will .....which included all of those silly little faults. It's up to man to decide to use them or not. See? Free fuckin' will ....it gets you every time!

And God's up there lounging on a cloud, drinkin' Mint Juleps, watching all of us floundering around like idiots, and He's laughin' his ass off at His version of a video game. :D

Baron Max
HE already knows

Free will .....which included all of those silly little faults. It's up to man to decide to use them or not. See? Free fuckin' will ....it gets you every time!

And God's up there lounging on a cloud, drinkin' Mint Juleps, watching all of us floundering around like idiots, and He's laughin' his ass off at His version of a video game. :D

Baron Max

Billions of years ago, He knew what was going to happen before 2010 even came into suggestion. If you believe in Calvin, this truth is not too foreign. Basically, God is just following His own plan, and so He acts based on what He is already thought of doing because He knew it was going to happen. If millions were to die on 9/11, God would watch without suprise. Does He laugh at us. I don't know. Maybe...
Billions of years ago, He knew what was going to happen before 2010 even came into suggestion. If you believe in Calvin, this truth is not too foreign. Basically, God is just following His own plan, and so He acts based on what He is already thought of doing because He knew it was going to happen. If millions were to die on 9/11, God would watch without suprise. Does He laugh at us. I don't know. Maybe...

but there is no evidence for his existance, and actually the only thing that we have ever used to learn about him is not only wrong, but outright lies.