Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

Billions of years ago, He knew what was going to happen before 2010 even came into suggestion. If you believe in Calvin, this truth is not too foreign. Basically, God is just following His own plan, and so He acts based on what He is already thought of doing because He knew it was going to happen. If millions were to die on 9/11, God would watch without suprise. Does He laugh at us. I don't know. Maybe...

Except quantum theory shows that the universe is not a clockwork that you can set in motion and have predictable results.
I'm not a religionist but I loved the comment in the Religion column of the Washingon Post on Jan. 23 by syndicated political columnist Cal Thomas:
"Dispensationalists believe that God favors some countries and people over others and that he rewards and punishes those who please or displease Him. That false belief is the source of the outrageous Pat Robertson statement. . . . God sent His Son to die for us. If God could commit such a gracious act for our redemption when we had no concern for Him, why would He rain down judgment on Haitians and not on Saudi Arabians, whose extreme religion supports terrorism around the world?"

Thomas' comment is spot on--and in complete accord with Jesus' words found in Luke 13:1-5:

Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”
God is not human

Except quantum theory shows that the universe is not a clockwork that you can set in motion and have predictable results.

This based on human observation (subjective observation) and human reasoning. God, who set these laws in order, would not have to heed to these laws and, in fact, He has higher laws that govern a realm outside of this universe: Ptolomey called it above the 9th sphere and scientists now believe in a mulitiverse of universes bound to each other by some space-time rope that can only be broken by out-of-this-world quantum fluctuations. Besides, most of the laws man has discovered, such as inertia are man-made, and we don't even know everything about gravity, for example. We also know these rules can be "bent" in higher and other dimensions.
God, who set these laws in order, would not have to heed to these laws and, in fact, He has higher laws that govern a realm outside of this universe
Correction: that's not a fact, it's a supposition.

We also know these rules can be "bent" in higher and other dimensions.
No we don't "know", we conjecture since we have no evidence of these "higher dimensions". And, FYI, they aren't "bent" according to the rules of that dimension.
Tis true

Correction: that's not a fact, it's a supposition.

No we don't "know", we conjecture since we have no evidence of these "higher dimensions". And, FYI, they aren't "bent" according to the rules of that dimension.

Yes, all based off of relativity; someone riding in a roller coaster we see hot chicks passing by very quickly, while someone at ground level could, hypothetically, repeat that scene from "Click". Being bent in the other dimensions according to the rules in those dimensions doesn't disprove their not being bent; they're being bent. To state again, this is all based on human observation. We can suppose anything based off of observation. Observing background radiation has helped support the Big Bang. What next? So why can't we brag about the supreme authority of the First Cause?
Yes, all based off of relativity
:confused: Nope.

Being bent in the other dimensions according to the rules in those dimensions doesn't disprove their not being bent; they're being bent.
They aren't being bent - we suppose they might be, but there's no evidence.

To state again, this is all based on human observation.
To state again: we haven't observed "higher dimensions".

So why can't we brag about the supreme authority of the First Cause?
No observations...
Subjectivity Still

:confused: Nope.

They aren't being bent - we suppose they might be, but there's no evidence.

To state again: we haven't observed "higher dimensions".

No observations...

Oh so the universe is based on observation. So I guess, if we didn't have telescopes, the universe would just be the eight planets, the Sun, and a few asteroids and ice balls called comets. Theory also makes up our universe. The source of the universe, whether it be the Big Bang or God (of course, it's God) is based on "theory". The only reason why a lot of theories haven't been confirmed is because of human observation in the first place! (Which goes back to quantum theory). If we have confirmed four dimensions, why not confirm six more. Not observing it leads to conjectures about these dimensions based on the particles that make these mini-universes- these dimensions- possible. We definitely know it wouldn't be another world of 3 dimensions (add a fourth). It's observation that caused the ignorant-"Enlightenment" in the first place!
Apparently, YOU don't get the point


Yees, you don't quite understand do you?
Theories are used to explain observation.

Rant much?

I mean we won't be able to have an accurate illustration of the universe because of subjectivity.
I mean we won't be able to have an accurate illustration of the universe because of subjectivity.
That would be why science does multiple views/ multiple viewers and re-checks its data: to remove as much subjectivity as possible.

That would be why science does multiple views/ multiple viewers and re-checks its data: to remove as much subjectivity as possible.

So you agree: argument over. I believe God instituted physical laws and used them to fashion the universe. You believe it was randomness and the superstring theory. I would rather you at least believe in deism, but we can't all be believers.... Sad


On no evidence.

I said I believe, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." As a Christian, I , "Walk by faith and not by sight."

This is supposed to be a discussion about Haiti's religious beliefs anyway.
why? i should ask is that u put your words in such content, so u r blaming them the kids of whose posters u have put up, u know they r just following the exmples set by their elders, those to blame are the christians for knowing that the need another alternative way of religous activity, and yet we sit back and point a finger at there evil ways,i belive it was jesus who said take the gospel to the utmost parts af the earth, what happend 2 missonaries?
take for example if u were given bread from the time u were small till the age of say 15, u wouldent really know the meaning of fish and chips.......:m:
You got that wrong too: it's a discussion on the idiocy and bigotry of Pat Robertson.

No, it was a discussion about the subject "Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil". Look at the top of your page.
It's been derailed and sidetracked by the "idiocy and bigotry of Pat Robertson".
Whether or not that is true is not the issue here, nor should it have ever been.
The question is; "did they make a pact with the devil"? and the answer is they did. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutty_Boukman

There is no disputing that fact so the media has ridiculed and downplayed it.
They don't want to get embroiled in the controversial issue of God and the Devil any more than the abortion debate.
They don't want to lose the viewers on either side of the issue. They have commercials to sell.
Helping innocent children sells airtime. Disaster and calamity sells. Bashing a televangelist like Robertson sells.

CNN, FoxNews and all the rest are in the entertainment business, not the news reporting business.
All people will stare at a car crash as they drive by while bodies are being loaded into the ambulance. They know this.
So like a moth to the flame, they know they can draw you into the voyeurism of a live disaster. Guaranteed.
If there is real news to sell today, they will entertain you with it. Otherwise they will make something up and call it "Breaking News".
They have time slots to fill. The show must go on. But the subject of the Haiti pact with the devil was a dangerous and divisive issue.
So it was swept under the rug as quick as possible and the fact that Robertson brought it up made that all the easier.
what happened 2 missionaries?
They gutted them, murdered them in cold blood with machetes and swore an oath to the devil against the "white man's" God.
That my friend, is what happened to all the missionaries living there about two hundred years ago.
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No, it was a discussion about the subject "Did Haiti formed a pact with the devil"....Look at the top of your page.
It's been derailed and sidetracked by the "idiocy and bigotry of Pat Robertson".
Whether or not that is true or not is not the issue.

The truth is they did make a pact with the devil.

You should read your own links:

from the link....

"Pact with the Devil" Slur

Veteran Christian radio broadcaster Michael Ireland aledges that this ceremony has long been erroneously referenced by various self-absolving Christian sources as the "pact with the devil" or "pact to the devil" that began the Haitian revolution. However, this allegation has been Debunked as being a ‘Pact with the Devil‘ as a 'Slur' on the Haitian people by Urban Legend Experts.[9] This ceremony was a ceremonial impulsion to the liberation of thousands of abjectly enslaved peoples under French tyranny: and as such has been perverted over the proceeding decades to besmear a liberty struggle as formed of wicked means .[10] According to Gothenburg University researcher Markel Thylefors, "The event of the Bwa Kayiman ceremony forms an important part of Haitian national identity as it relates to the very genesis of Haiti."[11]

Whatever God the slaveholders worshipped was probably Lucifer or luciferlike since it managed to approve or be silent about their owning slaves. The Bible leaves room to worship such a god since it indirectly support slavery by setting certain limitations on how brutal a slaveholder can be.

Your link also includes...

In the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Pat Robertson, host of The 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network reiterated the cultural perception surrounding the ceremony over which Boukman presided that a "pact with the devil" had taken place, and called the country "cursed."[14] [15] Various prominent, mainline Christian voices have criticized Robertson's remarks on the Haiti crisis as blindly flailed erroneous slurs that were compounded by being untimely, insensitive, and not representative of the values typified in Christian theology.[16][17]
They gutted them, murdered them in cold blood with machetes and swore an oath to the devil against the "white man's" God.
That my friend, is what happened to all the missionaries living there about two hundred years ago.
But the slaveholders' god was obviously the devil, since he justified slavery, rape, the destruction of families and cultures and the abuse of children.
Do you think because they read the Bible and claimed to be Christians that means they were Christians? How can you own and rape people and be a Christian?

As far as the missionaries, you mean these people were innocent and did not support the racist Master policies and should have been spared? Is this the case? Are we blaming the Haitians for civilian deaths in their war against their oppressors? Is that something you expected in US wars like the two World Wars or the Gulf Wars or Vietnam?

Did you notice we caused a lot of collateral damage?

Does that mean we are bad or have a pact with the devil?