Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

You should read your own links; "Veteran Christian radio broadcaster Michael Ireland aledges"
"Veteran" here means he used to be a Christian etc, ...but he's switched sides now and has an obvious grudge to settle.
It says he" alleges" the pact didn't happen based on something he found on a site about urban legends.
Just because "the ceremony has become a part of Haiti's national identity", that doesn't make it a good thing.
How can you own and rape people and be a Christian?
They have made slaves of one another instead. How is that better?
Look at the hundreds of thousands of "Restavecs" in Port-a-Prince alone.
Whatever God the slaveholders worshipped was probably Lucifer or Lucifer like since it managed to approve or be silent about their owning slaves...
There is a religious system that has hijacked Christianity, not representing the actual God of the Bible. They are two different things.
The morals of the rich French slave-owners of the time, were not the only thing corrupted by this religious empire.
It backed the south and slavery in America, tried to take over by splitting up the states and plotted the assassination of Lincoln.
Read "Fifty years in the church of Rome". (http://books.google.com/books?id=Ah...resnum=4&ved=0CBgQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=&f=false)
Are we blaming the Haitians for civilian deaths in their war against their oppressors?
Is that something you expected in US wars like the two World Wars or the Gulf Wars or Vietnam?
Did you notice we caused a lot of collateral damage? Does that mean we are bad or have a pact with the devil?
It's how Haiti got their freedom that's in question. Are all wars bad? Yes.
Does that mean we are bad or have a pact with the devil? That is a good question.
Because the next logical step would be the question; "if this was from God, who's next"? America maybe?
That's something the media doesn't want you thinking about. Scared people don't spend well.
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Why exactly is this thread still up? Here are some facts:

Haiti did not make a fucking pact with the Devil.

Here are the facts for the "pro" argument:


So, enough already. This is as idiotic as blaming the tsunami in Indonesia on their godlessness or ours.
Why exactly is this thread still up? Here are some facts:
Haiti did not make a fucking pact with the Devil.
Can you prove it?

So, enough already. This is as idiotic as blaming the tsunami in Indonesia on their godlessness or ours.
Gullible fool!
That was the Easter Bunny.
Listen, you Welsh wannabe. I don't have any solid proof, like an uncited web page, but I do know that I specifically paid my own sorcerors to counteract the charm. Not that it was really necessary. Do you know how much spiritual energy you'd have to summon to earthquake an entire island? You'd need to be at least 52nd level. QED.
Why exactly is this thread still up? Here are some facts:

Haiti did not make a fucking pact with the Devil.

Here are the facts for the "pro" argument:


So, enough already. This is as idiotic as blaming the tsunami in Indonesia on their godlessness or ours.

God Cites 'Moving In Mysterious Ways' As Motive In Killing Of 3,000 Papua New Guineans

Warning: graphic image of dead bodies follows. Click at your own risk.


VANIMO, PAPUA NEW GUINEA—In His first official statement since the July 17 tsunami that claimed the lives of an estimated 3,000 Papua New Guineans, the Lord announced Monday that He killed the island villagers as part of His longtime "moving in mysterious ways" policy, calling the natural disaster "part of My unknowable, divine plan for mankind."

"Though the need for such a tidal wave is incomprehensible to you mortals, flawed as you are by sin, I can assure you that I had a very good reason for what I did," God said of the disaster, whose death toll is expected to climb to 5,000 once the effects of disease, starvation and marauding crocodiles become known. "Trust me."

Yahweh, whose unknowable purposes have necessitated, among other things, the death of 40 million Europeans from the Bubonic Plague, 40,000 Peruvians in a 1868 earthquake, and six million of His chosen people in Nazi concentration camps, said he was "not unmoved" by the suffering of the Papua New Guinea flood victims.

"Of course I hear their prayers," God said. "I see every sparrow that falls. But it is My will that these prayers not be answered, and that life continues to be nasty, brutish and short for the majority of mankind. And My reasons are not yours to question."

Edit: The Onion is a parody site, and the "graphic image" is a false one created with Photoshop. No humans were harmed in its creation. Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
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Pat Robertson Knows what he is talking about. He was there. He Was the Devil's lawyer at the time.
Damnit. Well, there it is, then.
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"Veteran" here means he used to be a Christian etc, ...but he's switched sides now and has an obvious grudge to settle.
It says he" alleges" the pact didn't happen based on something he found on a site about urban legends.
Just because "the ceremony has become a part of Haiti's national identity", that doesn't make it a good thing.
1) it doesn't make it a pact with the devil. They were non-Christians in a struggle with a people acting evilly and using their god to justify their slaveholding and oppression. Of course these religious slaves asked their gods to fight for them against what was clearly evil. To say they made a pact with the devil is confused and evil. 2) whatever the problems you have with the link are ones you need to accept since it was yours. He makes a good point.

They have made slaves of one another instead. How is that better?
Look at the hundreds of thousands of "Restavecs" in Port-a-Prince alone.
This is irrelevent. Now you are talking about another issue and, by the way, it comes off as a justification for slavery by whites.

There is a religious system that has hijacked Christianity, not representing the actual God of the Bible. They are two different things.
The morals of the rich French slave-owners of the time, were not the only thing corrupted by this religious empire.
It backed the south and slavery in America, tried to take over by splitting up the states and plotted the assassination of Lincoln.
Sure, and whatever spiritual force that was behind this is what they attacked with their ritual, not some good God who cares about life.

It's how Haiti got their freedom that's in question. Are all wars bad? Yes.
Does that mean we are bad or have a pact with the devil? That is a good question.
Because the next logical step would be the question; "if this was from God, who's next"?
That's something the media doesn't want you thinking about. Scared people don't spend well.
Oh, but they do. They spend money on what they are told will help them escape from what they fear, from dandruff to patheticness to whatever they have been scared into believing some company can fix for them.
Sure, and whatever spiritual force that was behind this is what they attacked with their ritual, not some good God who cares about life.

You have made a good case for not being judgemental.
Thank you.
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Did anybody mention that Boukman's Haitian Voodoo was a religion that had nothing to do with Devil Worship?
Witchcraft in General

Did anybody mention that Boukman's Haitian Voodoo was a religion that had nothing to do with Devil Worship?

From a Biblical point of view, all witchcraft is fro the devil, whether the partakers of the craft worship the Devil/Satan/Belial/Asmodee or not.
I don't know, did they?

I find it tragic that this earthquake is being abused by child traffickers, and illegal adoptions, etc.
I think it is crazy to say that Catholics are not Christian. But my protestant roots have problems with the idea of praying to anyone but God and all of the idols/statues and holy relics. It runs contrary to Christianity as I have known it.
But my protestant roots have problems with the idea of praying to anyone but God and all of the idols/statues and holy relics. It runs contrary to Christianity as I have known it.

For good reason, there is ample evidence to support the Protestant position of anti-idols/images as the OT is full of such things...

Peace be unto you ;)
Americans who went down to help the children of Haiti were thrown in jail on false charges.
In an interview with a voodoo priest in Haiti on ABC News today, he said;
“I have seen those missionaries coming here supposedly sent by Jesus to save us from what, I don’t know…
We don’t need that kind of savior,” voodoo priest leader Max Beauvoir told ABC News.


This voodoo priest doesn't care about the welfare of the Haitian people.
He just wants to stay in power.The spotlight is on them now.
The whole world is watching. Like anything that flourishes in darkness, they can not survive in the light.
The days of their casting spells and preying on children eating mud pies are numbered.
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