Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

How many US Muslims get away with that? Look at the crap Obama's minister got for saying what he did. He lost his church.
Yet Pat keeps on yattering away.

That's just politics. The essential problem is faith. It's what makes otherwise reasonable people blame the misfortune of an entire country on the one time someone said uga-buga and killed a pig for satan.
That's just politics. The essential problem is faith. It's what makes otherwise reasonable people blame the misfortune of an entire country on the one time someone said uga-buga and killed a pig for satan.

It is a frightening prospect.

A few hundred years ago, they may have sacrificed a pig in a vodou ritual and now we have some sanctimonious jackarse on TV saying the earthquake that has devastated the country and caused so many dead is a direct result of that dead pig? And people believe him.

And we are actually discussing the possibility?

For those who are unaware, vodou has nothing to do with the mystical 'devil'. Quite the contrary.

I swear, some people have watched too much TV.
Haiti is an example of what hard work and strong religious faith will get you, under the auspices of 200 years of continual assistance from the US, the ministrations of international capitalism unfettered by local government, and inattention to ecological or other community landscape considerations.

Haiti is one of the few places on earth where agricultural production has declined over the years.

By the 1980s and 1990s, a huge amount of international pressure had been placed on Haiti to reduce its tariffs and open most of its markets to the world. This process has strengthened a demographic shift in which poor rural populations, out of work, have moved to urban slums, often working as street vendors.

According to televangelist Pat Robertson, Yes.
They are a cursed nation.
And that's why they have had an earthquake.

Christy, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French, Napoleon III or whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil.

the irony is that he sees the slaves as having a pact with the devil and not slaveowners.
It's the American Way

Bells said:

A few hundred years ago, they may have sacrificed a pig in a vodou ritual and now we have some sanctimonious jackarse on TV saying the earthquake that has devastated the country and caused so many dead is a direct result of that dead pig? And people believe him.

This is America, Bells.

Yes, I know that sounds sarcastic, but it isn't.

Really. I promise. Sanctimonious foolishness is part of our God-given heritage.

New Yorkers have the right to be grumpy and hostile. Los Angelenos have the right to think they're beautiful. Seattlites have the right to think their shit smells like Cinnabon, fresh-baked bread, or a mocchachino. Televangelists have the right to be complete morons, and their audience to set the bar even lower.

Americans like their rights. We're not so big on the concomitant responsibilities.
This is America, Bells.

Yes, I know that sounds sarcastic, but it isn't.

Really. I promise. Sanctimonious foolishness is part of our God-given heritage.

New Yorkers have the right to be grumpy and hostile. Los Angelenos have the right to think they're beautiful. Seattlites have the right to think their shit smells like Cinnabon, fresh-baked bread, or a mocchachino. Televangelists have the right to be complete morons, and their audience to set the bar even lower.

Americans like their rights. We're not so big on the concomitant responsibilities.

Geez, Tiassa, I thought you liked and advocated diversity in human populations? Am I wrong in thinking that about you?

From that post, and a few others by you on this site, I'm beginning to see that you're more like some others ....who want everyone to think, act, feel and believe exactly alike. And if they don't ....you denigrate them and ridicule them and call them nasty names. I might be wrong, but that doesn't sound like diversity to me.

So, ....do you advocate diversity or not?

Baron Max
All I have to say in the opening is WOW a big Hairs balls out WOW. That statement is what is wrong with religion. How does that person now it was the Devil and not some pagan God or Goddess they made the pack with if there was on at all. come the fuck on really the earthquake happened because it happened there is no reason for it other then plate tectonics and geology. That is why it happen there was no Divine intervention just shit happening in nature that is it.
From that post, and a few others by you on this site, I'm beginning to see that you're more like some others ....who want everyone to think, act, feel and believe exactly alike. And if they don't ....you denigrate them and ridicule them and call them nasty names. I might be wrong, but that doesn't sound like diversity to me.


Not to point out the obvious.. Baron.. The guy said that the earthquake was caused because of an apparent deal made with the devil over a dead pig a few hundred years ago.

Now, I need to ask. Do you believe him. Are you one of those people to fall to your knees in front of the TV and scream out 'praise jeeeesus' when he makes comments like that? I am not being sarcastic. I am really curious.

Do you believe that someone killed a pig and drank its blood and thus, made a pact with the devil and now this earthquake is a direct result of that dead pig?

That is the crux of this whole discussion.
All I have to say in the opening is WOW a big Hairs balls out WOW. That statement is what is wrong with religion. How does that person now it was the Devil and not some pagan God or Goddess they made the pack with if there was on at all. come the fuck on really the earthquake happened because it happened there is no reason for it other then plate tectonics and geology. That is why it happen there was no Divine intervention just shit happening in nature that is it.

So you're saying that you don't believe in God? Did I read your post correctly?

And that, since you don't believe, then it's okay for you to ridicule others for their beliefs?

Baron Max
I want to make an argument concerning Haiti being predominantly Catholic. That may be true, but syncretism, which is the blending of say, Catholicism with paganism, is almost always a factor with Africans who adopt Christianity. Am I saying that's always the case?, no! but the Haitians (who were former West Africans) come down as French-African-Caribbean mixes (or mullatos) are indeed blending Catholicism with paganism. What does that mean? It means (the sentence speaking for itself) that they recognize a God, they worship and praise him, attend mass or what-not, but they also conduct Voodoo rituals for what would replace power from God with power from Hell. It's happening with Christians today who have adopted New Age teaching, yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, and some pagan traditions into their lives for "enlightenment". Being 85% Catholic could mean 85% Catholic-pagan mix.

Finally, how do you explain a lot of these magical rituals actually getting results. There must be some logic behind them or they wouldn't get results regardless of whether it's chance or not because 9 times out of 10, they get results whether you think it's a spirit or not.
Not to point out the obvious.. Baron.. The guy said that the earthquake was caused because of an apparent deal made with the devil over a dead pig a few hundred years ago.

Now, I need to ask. Do you believe him. Are you one of those people to fall to your knees in front of the TV and scream out 'praise jeeeesus' when he makes comments like that? I am not being sarcastic. I am really curious.

Do you believe that someone killed a pig and drank its blood and thus, made a pact with the devil and now this earthquake is a direct result of that dead pig?

That is the crux of this whole discussion.

But I've changed the "crux" of the discussion. If you reserve the right to believe as you believe, why can't you see that it's only fair and right to allow others to believe as they wish?

Sure, you can ridicule anyone that you wish for whatever you wish, but is that right? If I started ridiculing blacks, would you laugh it off, Bells? If I began a movement to ridicule blacks in the USA, would you say that it's okay? Or would you send in the Thought Police and have me arrested for "hate speech"? Oops, but then, isn't hate the same as ...hate?

Baron Max
It means (the sentence speaking for itself) that they recognize a God, they worship and praise him, attend mass or what-not, but they also conduct Voodoo rituals for what would replace power from God with power from Hell. It's happening with Christians today who have adopted New Age teaching, yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, and some pagan traditions into their lives for "enlightenment". Being 85% Catholic could mean 85% Catholic-pagan mix.


You don't know much about vodou, do you?

Now I understand anyone who does not read the bible or is a Christian, ie, anyone who practices any religion outside of christianity and do yoga exercises is dealing with the devil..

Hang on..



Oh crap, I laughed so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes.

Yoga has a connection with the devil?


But I've changed the "crux" of the discussion. If you reserve the right to believe as you believe, why can't you see that it's only fair and right to allow others to believe as they wish?

Sure, you can ridicule anyone that you wish for whatever you wish, but is that right? If I started ridiculing blacks, would you laugh it off, Bells? If I began a movement to ridicule blacks in the USA, would you say that it's okay? Or would you send in the Thought Police and have me arrested for "hate speech"? Oops, but then, isn't hate the same as ...hate?

Baron Max
Answer the question, dear.

Do you believe that a dead pig a few hundred years ago has led or caused this earthquake in Haiti?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

And you do ridicule blacks, women, homosexuals all the time. That just makes you a bigot and a bit nauseating. That aside. Answer the question.
So you're saying that you don't believe in God? Did I read your post correctly?

And that, since you don't believe, then it's okay for you to ridicule others for their beliefs?

Baron Max

Yeah that is about it Baron I do not believe in God and yes I do ridicule those that make Retarded statements like an entire country has a pack with the Devil come on.
I want to make an argument concerning Haiti being predominantly Catholic. That may be true, but syncretism, which is the blending of say, Catholicism with paganism, is almost always a factor with Africans who adopt Christianity. Am I saying that's always the case?, no! but the Haitians (who were former West Africans) come down as French-African-Caribbean mixes (or mullatos) are indeed blending Catholicism with paganism. What does that mean? It means (the sentence speaking for itself) that they recognize a God, they worship and praise him, attend mass or what-not, but they also conduct Voodoo rituals for what would replace power from God with power from Hell. It's happening with Christians today who have adopted New Age teaching, yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, and some pagan traditions into their lives for "enlightenment". Being 85% Catholic could mean 85% Catholic-pagan mix.

Finally, how do you explain a lot of these magical rituals actually getting results. There must be some logic behind them or they wouldn't get results regardless of whether it's chance or not because 9 times out of 10, they get results whether you think it's a spirit or not.

Same thing is happening in the US where some combine Christianity with a Christian coated materialist philosophy.

Some actually believe that material wealth is, as a sign of God's favour, an indication that you are one of the "saved".

Inversely, any poor wretch that lives on a geological fault line, must have done something to deserve God's disfavour.
Answer the question, dear.

Do you believe that a dead pig a few hundred years ago has led or caused this earthquake in Haiti?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

But, Bells, you're as usual missing the whole point. It's not whether I believe or not, it's what "they" believe. And if that's what they believe, why should you go out of your way to ridicule them for that belief? I don't get it? Are their beliefs harming you in any way? Are you really so fuckin' mean and nasty and hateful that you'd walk a mile just to yell at someone and ridicule them for their beliefs? What's with you and your hatefulness? ...and the same question for others here, too, I might add.

And you do ridicule blacks, women, homosexuals all the time. That just makes you a bigot and a bit nauseating.

Geez, Bells, now you're even ridiculing someone that you think ridicules others! ...LOL! What's next, Bells, you gonna' start a new world movement to ridicule anyone and everyone that you don't like? "Bell's Church of the Ridiculers"? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Inversely, any poor wretch that lives on a geological fault line, must have done something to deserve God's disfavour.

Or maybe God created the fault line and techtonic plates eons before he created man. Then he gave man free will, and man was so stupid that he chose to live on one of the active tech plates ....and chose to live there even after being warned several times in the past.

Free will sucks, don't it? But free will coupled with stupidity is just disasterous.

Baron Max
But, Bells, you're as usual missing the whole point. It's not whether I believe or not, it's what "they" believe. And if that's what they believe, why should you go out of your way to ridicule them for that belief? I don't get it? Are their beliefs harming you in any way? Are you really so fuckin' mean and nasty and hateful that you'd walk a mile just to yell at someone and ridicule them for their beliefs? What's with you and your hatefulness? ...and the same question for others here, too, I might add.

Still can't answer the question?

Do you believe that a dead pig is the cause of this earth quake?

Do you believe what Pat Robertson claimed. Read the thread title and the OP. I shall repeat it for you.. "Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?"..

Again, a simple yes or no will suffice. You see Baron, this thread is actually about discussing what Robertson said. Do try to keep up my little smeegle.

And I don't need to walk a mile to yell at anyone Baron. This is the internet. I don't need to walk anywhere to ridicule anyone, least of all you. And in case you were not aware, one cannot "yell" on an internet forum.

You want to know why? Typed letters on the screen does not 'yell' at you or anyone else.
Or maybe God created the fault line and techtonic plates eons before he created man. Then he gave man free will, and man was so stupid that he chose to live on one of the active tech plates ....and chose to live there even after being warned several times in the past.

Free will sucks, don't it? But free will coupled with stupidity is just disasterous.

Baron Max

Which has what to do with a dead pig?

What about California? If this had occured in California, would it somehow be their fault?

What about all the people who live in areas where other natural disasters are prone to happening? If your words are to be believed, the US should not be populated at all and you are all stupid for living there.:rolleyes: