Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

Well, if you believed in evolution
Evolution is nothing to do with believing, it is an observable fact.
then what should happen is for evolution to take whatever toll is appropriate
Evolution is not somebody who is responsible for anything. It is a platform. It does not dictate anything to individual species. What is destructive or to be destroyed, and what is to provide as an advantage or be stay alive are not decided by some force or faith called "evolution".

And human beings have not developed their ways of socialisation, language, art and science, computers or innumerable other ideas or tools because of natural evolution. We haven't reached this population because natural evolution "designed" us towards this direction.

And, in fact, if you believe in evolution, then you should also believe that to "help" is doing nothing but interfering with the natural evolutionary processes.

This is pushing the limits of logic. We haven't become what we are without interfering natural evolutionary "process"(?). None of human conduct or decision is natural. We live in an artificial human universe. We are governed by principles and rules which are not growing on trees.

Do you believe in evolution, Joe?

I don't know if Joe does, but I can not imagine how one can "believe in" evolution...
What a sad state of affairs.
How can it be that we're living in the 21st century, and yet a moron can say something like this, and not be immediately forced into a straight-jacket?

What a sad state of affairs.
How can it be that we're living in the 21st century, and yet a moron can say something like this, and not be immediately forced into a straight-jacket?


He can say anything he wants. I can say anything I want. You can say anything you want, except fire.

The real question is... why do people talk about people like Rob Patterson? Or... Glenn Beck or whatever nitwit it might be. How are these people relevant? Actually, I know why they're relevant. You guys make them relevant by talking about them. If you stopped talking about them and stopped making threads about them, they would simply disappear.

And also, I'd suggest that you're all insulting your own intelligence by talking about these ninnies or paying them any mind.. That is all.
Well, if you believed in evolution, then what should happen is for evolution to take whatever toll is appropriate. And, in fact, if you believe in evolution, then you should also believe that to "help" is doing nothing but interfering with the natural evolutionary processes.

Do you believe in evolution, Joe?

Baron Max

What about believing in humanity ?
He can say anything he wants. I can say anything I want. You can say anything you want, except fire

The real question is... why do people talk about people like Rob Patterson? Or... Glenn Beck or whatever nitwit it might be. How are these people relevant? Actually, I know why they're relevant. You guys make them relevant by talking about them. If you stopped talking about them and stopped making threads about them, they would simply disappear.

And also, I'd suggest that you're all insulting your own intelligence by talking about these ninnies or paying them any mind.. That is all.

With respect to Robertson, beck, limbaugh and others, they are relevant to the political discourse as they lead signficant factions of Americans. They were in no small part responsible for putting george II in the presidency. These people do represent a signficiant political voice in America. The best remedy for them is to expose them for what they are, not to avoid them.
Well, if you believed in evolution, then what should happen is for evolution to take whatever toll is appropriate. And, in fact, if you believe in evolution, then you should also believe that to "help" is doing nothing but interfering with the natural evolutionary processes.

Do you believe in evolution, Joe?

Baron Max

Baron you are mixing things up again. Humans evolved to be social animals. They evolved to offer aid to others in distress. It is one of the features that seperates us from our nearest evolutionary brothers, the Chimps. So helping fellow humans has nothing to do with interference with evolution of the species. Aiding others is part of who and what we already are.
He can say anything he wants. I can say anything I want. You can say anything you want, except fire.

The real question is... why do people talk about people like Rob Patterson? Or... Glenn Beck or whatever nitwit it might be. How are these people relevant? Actually, I know why they're relevant. You guys make them relevant by talking about them. If you stopped talking about them and stopped making threads about them, they would simply disappear.

And also, I'd suggest that you're all insulting your own intelligence by talking about these ninnies or paying them any mind.. That is all.

I don't disagree with the above, but would add that they make themselves relevant by having gobs of money that they have collected from lots of idiots who have helped them become relevant.

Many times by claiming that if they don't send money fast they won't be able to continue their good work.

You know, like claiming earthquakes are caused by lack of faith.
I don't disagree with the above, but would add that they make themselves relevant by having gobs of money that they have collected from lots of idiots who have helped them become relevant.

Many times by claiming that if they don't send money fast they won't be able to continue their good work.

You know, like claiming earthquakes are caused by lack of faith.

Then maybe the real fight is with idiocy. Don't fight idiots. Fight idiocy.
With respect to Robertson, beck, limbaugh and others, they are relevant to the political discourse as they lead signficant factions of Americans. They were in no small part responsible for putting george II in the presidency. These people do represent a signficiant political voice in America. The best remedy for them is to expose them for what they are, not to avoid them.

People vote on a number of issues. You seem to be in favor of one party system that only agrees with your perspective. But what if it doesnt?

Then you are stuck with one party that disagrees with you.
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i have relatives in haiti they practice the voodoo it is they main religion

Actually, Roman Catholicism is the main religion in Haiti. Although people practice voodoo, they don't consider it an alternative to their religion, more like a supplement.
He can say anything he wants. I can say anything I want. You can say anything you want, except fire.

Enjoying the freedom to express what one wants doesn't excuse the content of what one chooses to say. People must always be held accountable to their stupidity.

And also, I'd suggest that you're all insulting your own intelligence by talking about these ninnies or paying them any mind.. That is all.

No. I would suggest that ignoring these kinds of dangerous misanthropes would be much more insulting to all of us.

No. I would suggest that ignoring these kinds of dangerous misanthropes would be much more insulting to all of us.

Yes, but there is a fine line between exposing them, and offering them a stage.

Unfortunately, when the media broadcasts these statements from morons like Robertson, they give him a stage. Which legitimizes him to his adoring fans.

Requiring others to codemn his statements. And around and around it goes.

But like you said, you can't just let it go and ignore them when they are on national television.

The scariest part of all is that he was a national party candidate at one point. Holy crap.
I know you can ignore it personally, but to ignore it's political ramifications would be dangerous.