Did Haiti form a pact with the Devil?

How can you just ignore it? They own a media empire.

You can't. Like I said here.

you can't just let it go and ignore them when they are on national television.

When it comes to television and the shows that are presented, they are full of all kinds of morons and stupidity. It's all about ratings and shock sells.
and I bet very few of those thought thew devil or God played any part in an earthquake. They will see god's hand in survival stories, but not in the disaster

LOL. Yep. That is already happening.

Not that it's a laughing matter, but you are right. God saving us from nature.

Because that's not how it works.

Remember the surfer girl that got her arm bit off by a shark? Everyone said it was a miracle of god that she didn't bleed to death and die. They never see the fact that god could have killed the shark before it bit her.
I know you can ignore it personally, but to ignore it's political ramifications would be dangerous.

But, Spider, "political ramifications" is exactly what they're seeking by speaking as they do. And even if you hate it, or disagree with it, surely you must accept it as a major part of the democratic process.

And, Spider, don't forget ....many, if not most, of the people who listen to "those people" think your political position and ideals suck. They vote, Spider, better learn to be a bit tolerant. ;)

Baron Max
Because that's not how it works.

Remember the surfer girl that got her arm bit off by a shark? Everyone said it was a miracle of god that she didn't bleed to death and die. They never see the fact that god could have killed the shark before it bit her.

Another perfectly reasonable explanation was that the shark was commanded by the Devil to bite her.
But, Spider, "political ramifications" is exactly what they're seeking by speaking as they do. And even if you hate it, or disagree with it, surely you must accept it as a major part of the democratic process.

And, Spider, don't forget ....many, if not most, of the people who listen to "those people" think your political position and ideals suck. They vote, Spider, better learn to be a bit tolerant. ;)

Baron Max

I'm not saying they don't have a right to say such things, only that it's also our duty to ridicule them.
Could it be ... Satan?

Andrew Apter, a UCLA professor of history and anthropology, spoke with Salon.com's Thomas Rogers about Robertson's remarks. Of the ritual at Bois Caïmin (see Madanthonywayne at #39) Apter explained,

It may or may not be true, but to call that a pact with the devil is a gross misrepresentation of what voodoo is. It's about anything but the devil. He's imposing an evangelical religious order on a much more sophisticated practice, and he's turning it into a cheap invocation of Satanism.

This is hate speech. It's saying these people are damned. It's a frequent theme among some Christians that Haiti is being punished for this supposed pact with extreme poverty and humanitarian crises. Tragically, many evangelical Christians in Haiti may actually, in their own extreme confusion and suffering and desperation, believe that God is punishing them.

In truth, this isn't a particularly original stunt. From the first generation of Christians forward, and even in the Judaism of Jesus himself, it has been common rhetoric to accuse anything that deviates from orthodoxy of Satanism. From various philosophical heresies of the first few centuries after Christ on up to modern-day Wiccans, if it ain't Christian, it must be Satanic. Or, to look beyond the names, if it ain't theirs, then it must be part of the root of all evil.


Rogers, Thomas. "Haiti's 'pact with the devil' myth". Salon. January 13, 2010. Salon.com. January 14, 2010. http://www.salon.com/news/haiti/index.html?story=/mwt/feature/2010/01/13/haiti_satan_pact
The Haiti Earthquake is very similar to The Lisbon Earthquake.

According to Voltaire, the Lisbon Earthquake proves that God is very cruel,
OR most likely God does not exist:

It follows, therefore, that the Haiti Earthquake proves the same as well and Pat is wrong! Q.E.D ;)
yeah well, if a Muslim said such crap on TV there would be all kinds of hell to pay. But its good ole harmless kooky Pat, so people just roll their eyes and forget about it.
What happened to him after 9/11? nothing
yeah well, if a Muslim said such crap on TV there would be all kinds of hell to pay. But its good ole harmless kooky Pat, so people just roll their eyes and forget about it.
What happened to him after 9/11? nothing

Not everyone rolls their eyes and forget about it. Pat has a very loyal following who live for every word he utters.
god is more powerful than the devil and could have given the shark a heart attack

But God lets evil things happen. All I'm saying is that Pat Robertson's statements only reflect a logical outcome of a belief that many Americans share. The fact that we don't want to attribute an earthquake to punishment by God comes from a modern sense of humanitarianism, not from the religion most Americans say they believe. Blaming natural disasters on God's wrath is commonplace in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah).