City Revives Paddling, sees major improvement in Behavior

It probably depends on the child whether it's an effective punishment. I was paddled a couple of times when I was a kid for talking too much in class. I don't think it altered my behavior any longer than that one day. If that even.

I was once in a class where a student took a piss on the floor during class, laughed and told the teacher he could f*ck off if he didn't like it. That teacher (who also happened to be the football coach) asked everyone to leave the class room except Rob. We all waited out in the hall - we couldn't see what happened inside. But, there was no noise. I mean, I thought that the teacher was going to punch him or something. Rob walked out after maybe 15 min, he looked a little red faced but other than that he didn't look hurt? He never said what happened in there. He also never acted out (not even a tiny little bit) for the rest of highschool. This was a kid who routinely got into serious trouble.

I wonder what happened to him in there?

I wonder how the other primates socialize miscreant adolescents?

Having lived in countries where people are socialized differently, I can say, I greatly appreciate living in societies where most people have well behaved manners. While some people suggest kids get screwed up when they are paddled. I think it's the other way around. Strong discipline instills a better appreciation for other people as humans. 99% of kids probably don't need it, some do seem to. Treating people like shit and getting away with it seems to, IMO, desensitize them and in actuality leads to their dehumanizing other people. They just don't feel bad about how they treat other people and then, soon enough, they stop seeing these other people as people.
You still delegated to another adult to hit your son. Whether that actually occured or not is really beside the point.
A slap on the wrist.
Make of it what you will, but welcome to Real Life where such is necessary.

And I was referring to your yet to be supplied links to your claims, as weak as those claims might be. If you make a claim, you have to be in a position to back it up.

I have yet to meet a parent who has not done everything they can to keep their children out of jail.

Depends on circumstances.

Should a person do everything they can to keep a murderer/rapist out of jail?

Do you not trust your son to be truthful and honest to you? Is it because he is 6 years of age? What kind of message does that send to a child in such a circumstance?
He's 6 years old. Of COURSE he's not always Honest.

Do you disagree with the claim that young children try to lie to get out of trouble?

As to the message it sends him- Get off it.
He knows he can talk to me and he knows when he's NOT going to talk to me and he knows he canNOT get away with demanding his Own Way.

I respected, even if I disagreed, your parenting choice. Do not belittle yourself by haranguing such mundane affairs in my parenting.

But would you? You have so much as said you would find it unlikely that you'd even ask your son before he got the 'paddlin' about his role or what he did.
Yes, I did say that. Is that bad or wrong?

Is an Adult School Administrators word worthless?

Is my intellect so low I cannot put one and two together?

And you assume he WOULD get paddled.
I'm fairly certain you placed that as a certainty deliberately.

You would be going solely on the words of the school staff.
Yes, teachers and school staff are so unreliable.

You forget that I kind of KNOW my son pretty well.
You would have to ask your child's school if they ever do allow corporal punishment, whether you have the right and grounds to refuse before they act.
So YOU say. Doesn't mean I think that would be necessary.

As I said, he and I can talk when he got home. As it is, if I needed to go in the school or Wait til he was home, he will talk To My Face.
It would not be appropriate for him to tell me his story on the phone. Not in those circumstances.

Fair enough.

So you would elect to not have your child hit with a piece of timber, but would rather have him home with you as his punishment?:)
I confess that is most likely.

But here's my issue.

What SOME parents choose may or may not be something you agree with.
I can see me agreeing to have Nick punished outside of my presence because there are circumstances that would make that necessary.
By a wooden paddle?
I LIKE to think I wouldn't. But admitting that also makes my argument Weak. I'm sure you already find it weak.
But parents of kids that are MUCH worse behaved than mine MAY feel it necessary and neither YOU nor I can tell them otherwise. We can disagree or agree but we don't have the right to tell them they cannot.

Just as no one can tell you to Not Abort if you feel the circumstances require it.

In the right circumstances, I MAY, if my son grows up and suddenly turns into demon child, feel differently than I do towards HIM now. But if I say, "Others can hit kids but I don't hit my own..." Well, to be blunt, you saw how Tiassa latched onto that...

That's why I say I'm lucky-- I don't need to ever get sever in his punishments.

You know Bells, I've been complimented about my sons a LOT. But the problem is I have NO IDEA if it's that he's first child, (My only one) or that he's genetically dis-positioned with a certain personality or if I did a good job raising him so far or if it will all change as he gets older.

I must take this into account.

What if said corrective action involved hitting your son with a paddle?
If a paddle is used, I require they contact me first.
I am curious as to how you would handle it.
I'm confident, still, that he'll never feel a paddle.

Having been hit with a paddle, a cane and a hand as a small child (usually for getting answers on my maths quiz wrong.. my teacher was a psycho), I can assure you, it hurt like hell. The paddle made noise and stung like a bitch. The sight of said paddle did not make me get my answers correct on my quiz. It just made me panic that little bit more and that ensured I got the answers wrong. But you claim, the mere sight of it should be enough. I find that interesting.

The OP is about BEHAVIOR. Bullying. Not getting answers wrong on a math quiz.

If my sons teacher walloped him with a paddle for a wrong answer --- said teacher had best leave the state.

I do not think anyone in this thread advocates such a thing.

I'm sorry that happened to you as a kid.
But that aside, do you think THAT experience you had is what the OP was about?

Because of course, the only people we can physically hit with a piece of 2x4 are children and get away with it.
Ok, hold on: A 2x4?!
Whoever said anything about beating kids with framing studs?!
Bells! Please stay on track!

Either I have the WRONG idea about paddling or you do.

Both of our individual experiences on paddling is VERY different.

Actually it is not. It is assault to hit someone with a piece of 2x4 if that someone is an adult.
I do not doubt that it's assault to hit a child with a 2x4, too.
But in some areas of the world, it is not assault if that someone is a child. Tell me the difference?
There is none. What's all this about 2x4's?
Have you lost it?
I don't recall 2x4's ever being used.

Must be a BIG principle...
Ah yes, the child is more primitive and thus, can be hit with a stick. You'll excuse me if I sneer.
The point you are missing is that they do not stop to CONSIDER behavior as we do. The purpose is an attention getter and a severe punishment for a Severe Problem/Behavior.
If, heaven forbid, I were your mother, that is what I would do instead of hitting you with a paddle.
Which is pretty much done for standard offenses which don't call for using a paddle.

I knew a kid in my old neighborhood that kept starting fires.
Not just his parents, but EVERYONE tried everything to reach this kid.

Finally, on day, his dad got fed up and took off his belt after the kid set a chicken coop on fire.
One hit. Left a welt.

Kid never set anything on fire again, though.

So, what are people SUPPOSED TO DO BELLS? TELL ME.
What do they DO when they TRY the pop psychobabble and IT JUST DOESN'T WORK?

The rest is pretty much repetition at this point so I'm gonna wrap up my reply here. Let me know if I failed to address something important.
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A slap on the wrist.
Make of it what you will, but welcome to Real Life where such is necessary.

Again, you delegated.


Depends on circumstances.

Should a person do everything they can to keep a murderer/rapist out of jail?
People in my profession are paid huge amounts of money to keep murderers and rapists out of jail.

He's 6 years old. Of COURSE he's not always Honest.
And? You'd still ask him, wouldn't you?

Do you disagree with the claim that young children try to lie to get out of trouble?
Of course not. But I would still want to speak to my children first to try to determine if they are lying before simply telling someone else to whack them with a wooden paddle. Maybe that's just me. But I would want my children to know that I am listening to them and not simply discounting them because of their age and because children that young sometimes lie to get out of trouble.

As to the message it sends him- Get off it.
He knows he can talk to me and he knows when he's NOT going to talk to me and he knows he canNOT get away with demanding his Own Way.

I respected, even if I disagreed, your parenting choice. Do not belittle yourself by haranguing such mundane affairs in my parenting.
Haranguing? You think this is what this discussion is?

This just gets better and better.

Yes, I did say that. Is that bad or wrong?
What do you think Neverfly?

Is an Adult School Administrators word worthless?
Is your son's word even more worthless?

Is my intellect so low I cannot put one and two together?
How can you do so when you said you would find it unlikely that you would discuss it with your son before giving the school administrators permission to hit him on his backside with a wooden paddle?

And you assume he WOULD get paddled.
I'm fairly certain you placed that as a certainty deliberately.
We are dealing with assumptions here Neverfly. I posed it as a question, not a certainty.

Yes, teachers and school staff are so unreliable.

You forget that I kind of KNOW my son pretty well.
Sometimes they are, yes. I have had a school teacher who took perverse pleasure in beating her students with paddles, canes, rulers, her hand and sometimes her fist for small things like not getting a drawing exact or getting answers wrong in maths quiz. She once hit a child so much and so hard that he threw up in class and she forced his face into it. She even smacked a child's head, her own child mind you, into the blackboard because her daughter misspelled a few words in reading and writing comprehension when we were 7 years of age. I had another teacher who would lose the plot and simply beat the deaf kid in class every day, because he was frustrated that the deaf child could not always understand what he was saying in trying to lip read. I had a teacher who used to bend down in front of our desks and stare up our skirts and then rush back to the front of the class and sit and stare blankly at the ceiling with both his hands under the desk and out of site.

You will excuse me if I don't automatically find all teachers reliable. My mother was a primary school teacher, who taught at the school where I and my classmates were subjected to abuse that left welts on our backs and fronts. She only found out after she walked into the bathroom as I undressed. After an investigation was launched by her reports to the school hierarchy, parents finally realised what their children were being subjected to in that class.

So YOU say. Doesn't mean I think that would be necessary.
You must live in an ideal world where there are no bad people and all adults can be trusted around your child. How lovely for you.

As I said, he and I can talk when he got home. Is it is, if I needed to go in the school or Wait til he was home, he will talk To My Face.
It would not be appropriate for him to tell me his story on the phone. Not in those circumstances.
And if your son tells you of his supposed crime, which is different to what you were told on the phone by the administrators and you see that your son is not lying? What then? After all, you know your son, don't you? You will usually be able to tell when he is lying or not. For example, I always know when my 4 year old is not being truthful because his voice becomes slightly high pitched and he cannot for the life of him make eye contact and he starts to talk more with his hands.

I confess that is most likely.

The OP is about BEHAVIOR. Bullying. NOt getting answers wrong on a math quiz.

If my sons teacher walloped him with a paddle for a wrong answer --- said teacher had best leave the state.

I do not think anyone in this thread advocates such a thing.

I'm sorry that happened to you as a kid.
But that aside, do you think THAT experience you had is what the OP was about?
Here is what you are missing. School Administrators can set the rules to what constitutes behaviour that would require being hit with a paddle.

I find it astounding that they used it for bullying.. Tell me, what kind of message does it send to a child that violence and bullying is wrong by hitting him with a wooden paddle?

Ok, hold on: A 2x4?!
Whoever said anything about beating kids with framing studs?!
Bells! Please stay on track!

Either I have the WRONG idea about paddling or you do.

Both of our individual experiences on paddling is VERY different.
What do you think paddles are made from Neverfly?

I do not doubt that it's assault to hit a child with a 2x4, too.
Again, what do you think wooden paddles are made from?

There is none. What's all this about 2x4's?
Have you lost it?
I don't recall 2x4's ever being used.

Must be a BIG principle...
Refer to above. And you still did not answer the question. Why are you avoiding it?

The point you are missing is that they do not stop to CONSIDER behavior as we do. The purpose is an attention getter and a severe punishment for a Severe Problem/Behavior.
They are children, of course they don't stop to consider behaviour. But what kind of message are we sending to children who bully or are violent by hitting them on the arse with a wooden paddle?

'It is wrong to hit and bully. Therefore, as punishment for your hitting and bullying, we will hit you 3 times with this wooden paddle.. to teach you that hitting is wrong'..

Tell me, who is going to consider the adult's behaviour?

By the way, your links do not say that spanking or hitting a child with a paddle is beneficial to the child. All you have provided is that it is not deemed illegal to spank a child, which we already knew. You still haven't supported your claims in this thread.
Edit to add..

From one of your links, I found something quite interesting. You live in Texas, correct? I would suggest you read this carefully:

C. Parental Permission: Parental permission is not required by law, although it is sometimes required by local policy. See Ware v. Estes, 328 F. Supp. 657 (N.D. Tex. 1971); Op. Tex. Att’y Gen. No. GA-374 (2005).

IV. When Can a School District Be Held Liable for Excessive Force?

School districts cannot be held liable under state law for injuries caused by an educator’s negligence or excessive use of force in punishing a student. The Texas Tort Claims Act, which permits limited school district liability for personal injuries, specifies that it does not apply to a claim “arising out of assault, battery, false imprisonment, or any other intentional tort, including a tort involving disciplinary action by school authorities.” Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 101.057; Causby v. Groveton Indep. Sch. Dist., No. Civ.A.
9:05CV172, slip op., 2005 WL 3359885 (E.D. Tex., Dec. 8, 2005).


2. Justified Force

a. Texas Penal Code section 9.62: Texas Penal Code section 9.62 provides that “[t]he use of force, but not deadly force, against a person is justified:

(1) if the actor is entrusted with the care, supervision, or administration of the person for a special purpose; and (2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to further the special purpose or to maintain discipline in a group.” Tex. Pen. Code § 9.62.

b. The “reasonable belief” standard: “Reasonable belief” is based on an objective “reasonable person” standard, not the subjective views of the
individual actor. It is based on what an “ordinary and prudent man in the same circumstances” would believe was reasonable. Tex. Pen. Code § 1.07(a)(42).

B. Civil Liability

1. Excessive force: The Texas Education Code provides that a professional
employee of a school district is not personally liable for any act that is incident to or within the scope of the duties of the employee’s position and that involves the exercise of judgment or discretion on the part of the employee, with the exception of the use of excessive force in the discipline of students or negligence causing bodily injury to students. Tex. Educ. Code § 22.0511(a). The liability of professional employees is limited to certain acts incident to their discipline of students rather than general acts of negligence that might result in bodily injury to a student. Barr v. Bernhard, 562 S.W.2d 844 (Tex. 1978).

a. Professional employee: The term “professional employee” includes
superintendents, principals, teachers, substitute teachers, supervisors, social
workers, counselors, nurses, teachers’ aides, teachers employed by a company that contracts with a school district to provide the teacher’s services to the district, certain students in internship programs, certified school bus drivers, a school board trustee, and any other person whose employment requires certification and an exercise of discretion. Tex. Educ. Code § 22.051(a).

From the link you supplied

Pay particular attention to who is allowed to smack your son in Texas. They are listed under the definition of "Professional employee".
People in my profession are paid huge amounts of money to keep murderers and rapists out of jail.

And? You'd still ask him, wouldn't you?
yes. Just not at the time YOU think I should. When I think I should.

Of course not. But I would still want to speak to my children first to try to determine if they are lying before simply telling someone else to whack them with a wooden paddle. Maybe that's just me. But I would want my children to know that I am listening to them and not simply discounting them because of their age and because children that young sometimes lie to get out of trouble.
I don't see it as relevant in this issue.

In order to be up in the principles office facing a paddle, my son would have needed to have been caught doing something VERY serious.
Haranguing? You think this is what this discussion is?
It will come across that way if you pick over small details, Bells.

What do you think Neverfly?
Clearly, I think it is not wrong. You seem to think so. That is YOUR personal opinion.
I have my reasons for parenting my child as I do.
As do you for yours.
Is your son's word even more worthless?
No. But at that level, the admin carries more weight.

If I talk to my son first, it gives him the impression that he has control over the situation. It makes us answering to him when he must answer to authority.

For me to discuss it with him face to face is much more appropriate.

You seem to be still thinking he would land in that situation for something Minor, Bells. Is that what you think?

How can you do so when you said you would find it unlikely that you would discuss it with your son before giving the school administrators permission to hit him on his backside with a wooden paddle?


My intellect is not determined by whether I do things they way YOU think I should do them.
I posed it as a question, not a certainty.
Yet, above, you said, "before" instead of "if."

Sometimes they are, yes. I have had a school teacher who took perverse pleasure in beating her students with paddles, canes, rulers, her hand and sometimes her fist for small things like not getting a drawing exact or getting answers wrong in maths quiz. She once hit a child so much and so hard that he threw up in class and she forced his face into it. She even smacked a child's head, her own child mind you, into the blackboard because her daughter misspelled a few words in reading and writing comprehension when we were 7 years of age. I had another teacher who would lose the plot and simply beat the deaf kid in class every day, because he was frustrated that the deaf child could not always understand what he was saying in trying to lip read. I had a teacher who used to bend down in front of our desks and stare up our skirts and then rush back to the front of the class and sit and stare blankly at the ceiling with both his hands under the desk and out of site.

That is beyond angering to hear of such things...

Yet, coldly, I must remind you that this is part of why the rule is limited to admin. They must meet and discuss if they should, first. Then, they are monitored.
That's different than the horror you describe.

You will excuse me if I don't automatically find all teachers reliable.
No excuse needed. You're pleading an excellent case. Additionally, you are doing so when you have memories that are disturbed and you are composed.

My hat is off to you this time around.

My mother was a primary school teacher, who taught at the school where I and my classmates were subjected to abuse that left welts on our backs and fronts. She only found out after she walked into the bathroom as I undressed. After an investigation was launched by her reports to the school hierarchy, parents finally realised what their children were being subjected to in that class.
I would think would notice a welt much sooner... My son can't get a mark without me asking how he got it.

You must live in an ideal world where there are no bad people and all adults can be trusted around your child. How lovely for you.
No, I don't.
I could say you live in an ideal world where all children mind.

Bells, cops are monitored and enforced in how they behave. There are still bad ones out there.
But the MAJORITY of them are accountable and can be trusted.
The trust is very thin and easily broken.

And if your son tells you of his supposed crime, which is different to what you were told on the phone by the administrators and you see that your son is not lying? What then?
Heads will fly with the school district.

But I must ask you: Are the schools where you are ruled so badly? They are not like that here, I'm sure. I've attended MANY Schools here as has my son, so far.
None of these lying horrible admins and teachers have ever appeared.
After all, you know your son, don't you? You will usually be able to tell when he is lying or not. For example, I always know when my 4 year old is not being truthful because his voice becomes slightly high pitched and he cannot for the life of him make eye contact and he starts to talk more with his hands.
Usually I do and he often admits to it. He knows I have No Tolerance for lies.

A while back, he asked for cupcakes. I asked him if the lady that had the cupcakes had said he could have one. He said yes. I knew he was lying.
So I said to him, "You know better. Don't you lie to me. Go back to your room." It was a quiet tone of voice.
He said, "yes dad" and went to his room. The lady that had the cupcakes came later and said that he had just sat there crying softly and not talking. When she finally asked him what was wrong, he whimpered, "I lied to my dad and he's mad at me."
That was all it took. Since then, he's never told me that someone said he could have something that they did not say he could.

That's how he and I are.

Can you really see him facing a paddle? I don't think so. Maybe it is possible in the future, but I doubt it. We've ALWAYS had a very close and strong bond.
My son is always so happy and smiling. His teacher commented once, "There's a boy that KNOWS he is loved."

Teachers in general DO Care about students, here. They are not monsters.
Here is what you are missing. School Administrators can set the rules to what constitutes behaviour that would require being hit with a paddle.
And I am my sons Ultimate Authority. So school administrator gets to answer to ME.

I find it astounding that they used it for bullying.. Tell me, what kind of message does it send to a child that violence and bullying is wrong by hitting him with a wooden paddle?
LOL You have a point, there.

What do you think paddles are made from Neverfly?
Lumps of Trees.

Again, what do you think wooden paddles are made from?
It's not a 2x4 Bells.

It is NOT a 2x4 BELLS.
NO more lies, Ok?
NOT a two by four from the Lumber yard... Got it?

You make a case, but you can be honest about it. Next, will you say it's a TREE itself?

Refer to above. And you still did not answer the question. Why are you avoiding it?
Which question?
Because given the post context, it looks as though this is referring to your third time asking what a paddle is made of. IN THE SAME POST.
HOW the HECK can I NOT have answered you when it was in the same Post?!

That's the SECOND time you have done that. It's rather mind boggling. I wonder what goes through your head when you accuse me of failing to answer your question when it's in the SAME post?
I mean... wow... seriously. Wow.

Tell me, who is going to consider the adult's behaviour?
Other adults.

By the way, your links do not say that spanking or hitting a child with a paddle is beneficial to the child.
I never said they did. Nor have I claimed it is beneficial to a child.
Nor has anyone ASKED that I provide evidence that it is.
What they show is that Normal Sane People come out of a spanking just fine. Not Physical Beatings and Abuse- Spankings.
What they show is that a Slap on the wrist is NOT considered Corporal Punishment.
What they show is what You and Tiassa asked me to provide: That Child Protective Services, a notoriously fearsome strict agency, does NOT declare spanking as Physical Abuse.

You still haven't supported your claims in this thread.

I have now.

Especially since I never claimed it was beneficial.
I claimed that it DOES seem necessary with some kids who are flat out of control.

IF You are claiming I ever said it was beneficial for children-- Guess what I will accuse you of doing, Bells?
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We are not talking about giving detention here though, are we? We are talking about schools doling out corporal punishment, and sometimes without the parent's consent.

You missed my point there. It wasn't the detention I was talking about. It was the rest of the behavior resulting in a physical restraint. Something unpleasant, a necessary consequence to their behavior. Something that THESE CHILDREN KNEW COULD BE A CONSEQUENCE OF THEIR ACTION AND DEVIATED FROM THEIR BEHAVIORS WHEN DIRECTLY REMINDED OF THE POSSIBILTY OF THE CONSEQUENCES. I was referring to this as to show that just having a disruptive or unruly child knowing there is a physical consequence will adapt to the idea and change their actions. In the case we are talking about, the school hasn't doled out a single paddling without permission, in fact, the parents requested it. That being almost a year. Here they obviously have a handle on things and have found the mere IDEA of the students knowing they can get paddled has improved behaviors.

I find it astounding that there is even an argument that parents should not really be forced to be held responsible for the actions of their children when the school has attempted to correct the child's behaviour within their own boundaries. After those attempts fail, the parents should either be told that they either step up and get their child to behave or the child will not be allowed to return to school until they do. Or fine the parents. You'd be surprised at how quickly some parents will comply when the thought of having to pay real money comes up.

It is astounding. But a reality. Not sending a child to school creates bigger problems. Most are left unsupervised, get behind in their school work, and creates a mini vacation for them.

As far as fining the parents, one could argue that this could lead to parental frustration and perhaps a spanking would ensue at home. Parents may resort to more extreme measures if they are fined.

But parents expecting schools to smack their children to correct their behaviour? No, sorry. I don't buy that. If I refuse to do it, I don't want anyone else doing it either. Schools and teachers should not be replacing the parents role. Now, there is an argument at the moment that it is somehow effective in this one instance. But what happens later on?

You sound like a responsible, caring parent. Sadly, in the school system, I CAN PROMISE YOU that this is becoming more and more uncommon. We looove parents like you and wish there were more. Sadly, the school is becoming more of parent, having to teach kids manners, etc. It's very sad, frustrating, and even pathetic!! You can't force a parent to be a parent, but school should be for learning, not for children misbehaving. Someone has to put their foot down. Since alot of parents aren't doing it, the schools feel they need drastic measures. Viscious cycle really. Unfortunate for the parents like you.
Edit to add..

From one of your links, I found something quite interesting. You live in Texas, correct? I would suggest you read this carefully:

Pay particular attention to who is allowed to smack your son in Texas. They are listed under the definition of "Professional employee".

One: That is Texas Basic Law. The Temple law (Where I do not Live) states that only Admin can administer.

Two: Excessive force is force that causes bodily harm: e.g. Bruising, welts, etc.

Bells, in all brutal Honesty, it seems Texas law provides Better protection for students than the ones where you are did when you were in school.
You missed my point there. It wasn't the detention I was talking about. It was the rest of the behavior resulting in a physical restraint. Something unpleasant, a necessary consequence to their behavior. Something that THESE CHILDREN KNEW COULD BE A CONSEQUENCE OF THEIR ACTION AND DEVIATED FROM THEIR BEHAVIORS WHEN DIRECTLY REMINDED OF THE POSSIBILTY OF THE CONSEQUENCES. I was referring to this as to show that just having a disruptive or unruly child knowing there is a physical consequence will adapt to the idea and change their actions. In the case we are talking about, the school hasn't doled out a single paddling without permission, in fact, the parents requested it. That being almost a year. Here they obviously have a handle on things and have found the mere IDEA of the students knowing they can get paddled has improved behaviors.

The paddle was used ONE time.

You sound like a responsible, caring parent. Sadly, in the school system, I CAN PROMISE YOU that this is becoming more and more uncommon.
There are so many bad parents out there.
We looove parents like you and wish there were more. Sadly, the school is becoming more of parent, having to teach kids manners, etc. It's very sad, frustrating, and even pathetic!! You can't force a parent to be a parent, but school should be for learning, not for children misbehaving. Someone has to put their foot down. Since alot of parents aren't doing it, the schools feel they need drastic measures. Viscious cycle really. Unfortunate for the parents like you.

Well put.

There are good parents whose kids suffer at the hands of kids with bad parents.

Bells, if your child was routinely getting the crap beat out of him at school, what would you do?
How long would you allow your child to get pummeled by this kid?

If that bully getting paddled STOPPED his beating of your child, what then?

Because a lot of these hardcore bullies are EXTREMELY hard to reach.

I am guessing, Bells, that you have never had to really Deal with a Demon child.
I've never hit him. Try reading all of my posts before you comment, please...

Maybe you're jokin' but I am in a sensitive position here.

Not hitting him at all would be no hitting him enough, especially if he lies to you. If that doesn't warrant hitting him, what shenanigans at school rise to the level of justifying assault by the Administration? I don't get why you never hit him, but you're okay if a stranger does it.
Not hitting him at all would be no hitting him enough, especially if he lies to you. If that doesn't warrant hitting him, what shenanigans at school rise to the level of justifying assault by the Administration? I don't get why you never hit him, but you're okay if a stranger does it.

Yeah, ok.

You haven't read my posts...
Not hitting him at all would be no hitting him enough, especially if he lies to you. If that doesn't warrant hitting him, what shenanigans at school rise to the level of justifying assault by the Administration? I don't get why you never hit him, but you're okay if a stranger does it.

Ummm, not a single person is honest a hundred percent of the time.

Nor hitting a child because he lies is the answer always.

So if a child tries to make himself chocolate milk and leaves a mess. You ask who made the mess, knowing full well who did it. The child replies, "Not me!" That is a lie. So you should hit them for that? Or talk to them and have them clean it up? Perhaps have them sit on their bed for a time out and discuss it with them.

Soooo, let's say Neverfly said he hits his son and supports corporal punishment in schools. I honestly think he would have gotten the same negative response. It's obvious by my response that I favor it, yet no one has really gotten into my parenting skills, etc. I don't see what the OP has to do with HIS parenting. Hell, I take kids down into restraints, which there is arguements for and against that as well. No one picked me apart.
Geeeesh. I don't know if some find it fun, if he's an easy target because he constantly responds to the bullshit, but WOW.

It is what many do for a living Neverfly.

yes. Just not at the time YOU think I should. When I think I should.
Right. So you'd confirm it with him after he'd already been hit with a paddle?

I don't see it as relevant in this issue.

In order to be up in the principles office facing a paddle, my son would have needed to have been caught doing something VERY serious.
You don't see how speaking to and listening to your son before you condemn him to a few wallops with a piece of wood is relevant? Interesting.

It will come across that way if you pick over small details, Bells.
The details actually aren't that small. What is interesting is trying to get you to answer a question directly without avoidance.

No. But at that level, the admin carries more weight.

If I talk to my son first, it gives him the impression that he has control over the situation. It makes us answering to him when he must answer to authority.

For me to discuss it with him face to face is much more appropriate.

You seem to be still thinking he would land in that situation for something Minor, Bells. Is that what you think?
So you would show your son that you don't trust him enough to ask him first? Heaven forbid your son should think that you trust him enough to actually speak to him first. Thankfully your son is apparently too good and well behaved. Otherwise he would swiftly come to the realisation that his father does not believe him and does not want him to feel that he is important enough to be consulted first or have his side of his story believed. The disappointment your son would feel in you and himself upon that realisation is not something he will have to face and hopefully for him, will never have to face.

But lets take a little step back. You say that the words of the school administrators carry more weight in your opinion? What about the school nurse? Teachers? "Certain students in internship programs, certified school bus drivers, a school board trustee, and any other person whose employment requires certification and an exercise of discretion"? You see Neverfly, the very basic laws that you have claimed provides children with such good protection also allows for all of the above to smack your son with a paddle and not even tell you about it first or seek your consent. Delegation is good, yes?


My intellect is not determined by whether I do things they way YOU think I should do them.
Guess what sunshine, they are not legally required to ask you for permission.

That is beyond angering to hear of such things...

Yet, coldly, I must remind you that this is part of why the rule is limited to admin. They must meet and discuss if they should, first. Then, they are monitored.
That's different than the horror you describe.
Ermm Neverfly, read the very basic laws of Texas that you posted yourself. Read it closely.

No excuse needed. You're pleading an excellent case. Additionally, you are doing so when you have memories that are disturbed and you are composed.

My hat is off to you this time around.
I am pointing out simple fact. Not all teachers can be trusted.

I would think would notice a welt much sooner... My son can't get a mark without me asking how he got it.
My parents and other parents said the same thing.

And my mother was a teacher at the school and had no idea what was going on. No one did.

No, I don't.
I could say you live in an ideal world where all children mind.

Bells, cops are monitored and enforced in how they behave. There are still bad ones out there.
But the MAJORITY of them are accountable and can be trusted.
The trust is very thin and easily broken.
Let me tell you about the world that I live in Neverfly. My previous employment dealt mostly with parents and other people who saw no reason to not sexually and physically or mentally abuse their children or children in their care. And yes, some of them were teachers. You would be surprised at how easily a child can be downtrodden by simply not being listened to or having the voice of another adult in authority believed and listened to before the child's. I speak from experience. I have seen children as young as 7 try to kill themselves because their parents believed the words of a 3rd party than their own child, when said child reported being abused. After all, the 3rd party had a lot more authority and was more easily believed than their missbehaving child.

Heads will fly with the school district.

But I must ask you: Are the schools where you are ruled so badly? They are not like that here, I'm sure. I've attended MANY Schools here as has my son, so far.
None of these lying horrible admins and teachers have ever appeared.
Two were in Australia. The others in another country. Schools here take violence by teachers very seriously. Corporal punishment is not allowed. A teacher caught smacking a child would lose their teaching license. That is how it is handled here.

Teachers in general DO Care about students, here. They are not monsters.
Mmm hmmm.

And I am my sons Ultimate Authority. So school administrator gets to answer to ME.
Read the basic laws that you posted young man. They are not liable if you son does not have bruises afterwards.

LOL You have a point, there.
I am glad you find it amusing.

It's not a 2x4 Bells.

It is NOT a 2x4 BELLS.
NO more lies, Ok?
NOT a two by four from the Lumber yard... Got it?

You make a case, but you can be honest about it. Next, will you say it's a TREE itself?
Look at what a 2x4 is and look at what paddles are made of Neverfly.

Which question?
Because given the post context, it looks as though this is referring to your third time asking what a paddle is made of. IN THE SAME POST.
HOW the HECK can I NOT have answered you when it was in the same Post?!

That's the SECOND time you have done that. It's rather mind boggling. I wonder what goes through your head when you accuse me of failing to answer your question when it's in the SAME post?
I mean... wow... seriously. Wow.
Avoiding it again? Okay, since you seem to have selective reading and recollection, I shall ask you again.

Why is it assault to hit an adult with a paddle but it is not assault to hit a child with a paddle?

I never said they did. Nor have I claimed it is beneficial to a child.
Nor has anyone ASKED that I provide evidence that it is.
What they show is that Normal Sane People come out of a spanking just fine. Not Physical Beatings and Abuse- Spankings.
What they show is that a Slap on the wrist is NOT considered Corporal Punishment.
What they show is what You and Tiassa asked me to provide: That Child Protective Services, a notoriously fearsome strict agency, does NOT declare spanking as Physical Abuse.
The request was made several times now, by me and others. Please back up your claims.

I have now.

Especially since I never claimed it was beneficial.
I claimed that it DOES seem necessary with some kids who are flat out of control.

IF You are claiming I ever said it was beneficial for children-- Guess what I will accuse you of doing, Bells?
Then prove to me that it is necessary with some children who are out of control? Prove to me that it works in the long term with such children.

Bells, if your child was routinely getting the crap beat out of him at school, what would you do?
How long would you allow your child to get pummeled by this kid?

If that bully getting paddled STOPPED his beating of your child, what then?

Because a lot of these hardcore bullies are EXTREMELY hard to reach.

I am guessing, Bells, that you have never had to really Deal with a Demon child.
Firstly, where I live, it is illegal to hit a child with a paddle. It is illegal for school staff to hit a child, be it with a paddle or without a paddle. If a child is bullying, that child is not smacked into submission by the school. If my children are being beaten by a bully and the school is unable to curb the behaviour, I would deal directly with the child's parent(s). Not with the child. I would ensure that the bully would not have access to my child or to other children. I would never, ever, seek to have that child smacked down with a wooden paddle or with anything else. One does not treat violence with violence. One does not get rid of violence by using violence.

Yellow Jacket said:
Soooo, let's say Neverfly said he hits his son and supports corporal punishment in schools. I honestly think he would have gotten the same negative response. It's obvious by my response that I favor it, yet no one has really gotten into my parenting skills, etc. I don't see what the OP has to do with HIS parenting. Hell, I take kids down into restraints, which there is arguements for and against that as well. No one picked me apart.
Geeeesh. I don't know if some find it fun, if he's an easy target because he constantly responds to the bullshit, but WOW.
You favour hitting children? Good for you. I am glad you sleep so well at night as a result.

We don't need to pick you apart. You have stated you are in favour of violence against children by adults. Really, what is there to pick apart in that? You can take a child down in restraints? My, that is something to boast about. And I mean that in all honesty. I don't meet many adults who boast about being able to take a kid down in restraints. That you boast about it so often says more about you than about us for not 'picking you apart'.
I'm fairly sure someone may already have said this, but I'm disinclined to look through five pages of posts to find out. Is it the contention of the OP that without paddling we are up shit creek?
(Insert Title Here)

Ophiolite said:

Is it the contention of the OP that without paddling we are up shit creek?

Only sort of. He seems to think kids need to be hit now and again.

Some folks in Temple, Texas, however, seem to think they're up shit creek without a paddle if you don't hit kids for not tucking their shirts in properly.

Lots of people think spanking is ineffective. I suggested that parents who refuse to spank their children would not readily allow someone else to do it. Neverfly, at least, finds that proposal extraordinary, and says that while he doesn't think he could spank his kid, he would let school administrators do so. Yellow Jacket is trying to be intellectual about the merits of spanking while also trying to defend Neverfly. Bells is tied up in a multifaceted campaign that has to do with the problems of spanking, to the one, parental responsibility to the other, and also whatever silliness some who disagree with her have been flinging about. There are, of course, other facets and players involved, but I haven't been keeping up.