City Revives Paddling, sees major improvement in Behavior

So at what point do you think society should intervene. See, the way you state this above, it is as if you have a rule - No one can tell what I can't do. But I am guessing you would support interventions with parents who beat their kids with barbed wire. So the issue is not 'who has the right' but where is the line. Unless you really would call ANY parental punishment a private issue the government should never interfere with.

No way i dont know how you can come to the conclusion that i support beating a child spanking and beating are 2 complete different things. if the object you use leaves brusing on the child its a no no i would thing. but as i did state a line needs to be drawn. as of now there is no definate line so its up in the air but parents who beat there kids should be in jail or putin the ring with tyson
That was from the link you provided, remember? The one that supposedly told of the virtues of spanking children, which in the end basically said that you should not speank your children. As I said, good link.

Do you want to know who has the right to tell you how to parent your children? The State. And the Government has laws in place governing how you parent your children. From whether you feed them or not, to whether your parenting skills are sufficient and if you are found to be lacking in how you parent your children, you can find your children removed from your care entirely.

I'm not supposed to tell you how to parent your children, remember?

But hitting them with your hand does?


Why don't they have the same protection against assault and battery that adults do? Why does it not span the full range as it does for adults or even dogs?

Children do all that and more, and sometimes with adult supervision. You do realise that if adults allow children to do the above, then it is the adults who get into the most trouble, correct?

And here we reach the grasping at straws argument for trying to determine why you should have the right to hit another human being because that other person is below the age of 18. At some point, I am hoping you will realise that it is adults in charge of the child who have to ensure their children's safety, and not allow them to drive on public roads, not allow them to purchase or use a gun (although in some states, I understand that some children can register for owning a gun?), not drink alcohol and not supply them with said alcohol due to the damage it can do to them. Everything you have cited points to the protection of children and actually goes against your reasoning as to why you should be allowed to raise your hands against a child simply because you are that child's parent. You can call it spanking or smacking all you please. At the end of the day, it is still the action of actually hitting a child.

If that is the case, then I should be allowed to "spank" the people I work with who do not do as I say and simply just don't get things or don't listen to orders. Correct?

And you and others who support corporal punishment have yet to present any evidence that it is to the benefit of the child and not the adult. Evidence I still await. You have posted on how to spank, but not how you claim it benefits a child. Please post some evidence of the benefits of spanking a child.

Interesting. Human rights law find against the use of corporal punishment. Treaties defining the rights of the child define spanking or corporal punishment as an abuse and assault of the child.

Go to the legislative site of your State and look up the definition of assault. And then examine carefully what happens when one spanks a child. Assault does not have to cause long term physical harm to be assault. Nor does it have to cause mental or psychological harm.

Not only has it not been proven, it has not been shown at all by those who support the stance you are taking.

Again, I await the proof with bated breath.

But if hitting them with your hand on their backside works, why wouldn't you do it? After all, they are children in an adults body.. Mentally they are children. So why wouldn't you spank them?

Would you state exactly when you would allow for your children to be spanked?

And I am proof and have seen proof of the opposite. I have provided evidence and proof for why corporal punishment is detrimental to the child. Please provide proof that it is to the benefit of the child.

Abject fear of getting anything wrong and a psychological fear of mathematics. Nightmares that still rear their ugly head even today. A complete and utter mistrust of teachers. And a hatred of a person and a desire to do violence to a person if I were ever face to face with her again. That is the worst part actually. Hating someone so much for the whole of my life that I actually want to hurt them.

You see, to that teacher, I was merely spanked or disciplined. The scars and bruises on my body, which lasted for months on end, show that it went beyond a mere spanking. And that's the thing. You cannot know that another person will be able to control themselves.

But apparently, I should be thanking her for correcting my terrible ways. I went from a straight A student in maths to one who breaks out in a cold sweat at any mere and simple mathematical equation. Statistics exams, which were compulsory at university, had me throwing up violently for 2 weeks before the exam.

You have yet to quote any studies. So that is a moot point, isn't it?

for the time being bells. there is no line drawn between abuse and spanking use your common sence to figure out where that line is and dont cross it.

you are the one who stated i didnt exhause all other options. so im asking you to inform me what i missed. you have yet to do so..

i can take ever sinle one of the studies linked and will do if you wish.
reword it to say studies have shown that spanking has no long term effect cuz not one study linked had 100% of the study group have long term effects. nore can they say wih 100% positivity the effects came directly from spanking and not from abuse at school being called names ect. and im 100% sure that a portion of thoes studies the children who were spanked had a positive effect as in they stopped doing the behavior so no its not a moot point.

to your example the teacher left marks bruises and scars that is abuse and she should be punished for that, but that has nothing to do with spanking that is what we call abuse. had she used it correctly you wouldnt have scars or bruses of any kind. that being said i wouldnt allow a teacher to lay a hand on my child. but this topic was derrived from parents who wanted it so that is a moot point as well.

and it doesnt prove that spanking leaves long term effects.. it does prove however that abuse does.

the bottom line here bells is that 1. there is no defined line between abuse and spanking.

as for copral punishment i will not have anyone outside my family lay a hand on my children.

3. this whole thing is people who dont spank telling the parents that do spank that they are bad parents. which is complete bull#@$%

i would venture to guess that 70% of this form was spanked and i gaurentee 100% of thoes that were spanked dont have long term problems. so all of your links you post dont prove anything besides everyone is right.

as for your adult with a disibility story.. you keep throwing a bunch of random crap in you cannot compair a compitent child to a 50 year old with the mindset of a 5 year old. you cannot compair an adult to a child

“ Research now supports what parents have long suspected—that the teenager’s brain is different than the adult brain. Recent research by scientists at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has found that the teen brain is not a finished product, but is a work in progress. Until recently most scientists believed that the major "wiring" of the brain was completed by as early as three years of age and that the brain was fully mature by the age of 10 or 12. New findings show that the greatest changes to the parts of the brain that are responsible for functions such as self-control, judgment, emotions, and organization occur between puberty and adulthood. This may help to explain certain teenage behavior that adults can find mystifying,
such as poor decision-making, recklessness, and emotional outbursts. ”
thanks to mcgyver in "Why shouldn't a ten year old be allowed to drive?" which was derived out of this topic i assume

my children would be spanked when all other options are exhausted as i have stated in almost every single post thus far

"Go to the legislative site of your State and look up the definition of assault. And then examine carefully what happens when one spanks a child. Assault does not have to cause long term physical harm to be assault. Nor does it have to cause mental or psychological harm."

This is the last time i am going to comment on this. as i have every single post thus far. You are compairing adults to children they are NOT the same