
...Orleander..... You should just keep your sex life to yourself......what are you hoping to gain by talking about it here?

My apologies. I thought it was a morality questions which is why I put it in the ethics thread. I didn't mean to offend you and as I don't want another infraction for talking about sex on a science forum, I have asked that this thread be closed.
No offense meant or taken.

Here's one I still don't understand. If you've ever been hurt by someone cheating on you, then I don't see why you don't understand the hysteria caused by it. Or do you just mean all the crazy shit that people do over infidelity?

I'll try to be more specific: I've heard so many shitty breakup things being rationalized by "he/she cheated on me!" I've seen so many absurd allegations being made regarding infidelity (a friend's girl-he-hooks-up-with once got mad at him for ordering a drink from a female bartender) I've heard so many people talk about inflicting bodily harm on a person if they cheated, and I haven't heard that condemned.

Shit, so many girls talk about how they'd castrate their boyfriend if he cheated -- and it's treated as amusing.

What I don't get is why we have this open season on adulterers, why horrible, immoral actions are somehow okay if the victim has been unfaithful.

The wounded party?

How is he wounded? Because she has sex with someone else after she's stopped having sex with him? How does that concievably harm him?

Obscure social point?
More like personal perceptions.

And those are, well, personal. Obviously hers are different.
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interesting i would post a reply, but after reading some outbursts i forgot what the thread was actualy about.

oh yeah cheating, if you and your partner agree not to sleep with other people then you shouldent.

i have never cheated on my wife and im proud of that, most men have no self control and cant stop themselves.

... he was going through a divorce from the first woman he ever dated. His family didn't like me because I was too outspoken (even though we never talked about religion). I have a hard time falling in love with someone who isn't even divorced yet ... As many dates as he took me on is how many meals I cooked for him. And he learned some new bed skills.

So not only were you a cheater, but also an adulteress. As it is written: "Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness." - Proverbs 30:20
You have me confused my dear..........crush on someone here? lolol
you got to be kidding me........

Nietzchefan the member here is my boyfriend.....we live together.

We don't care.

Orleander posted an interesting topic on infidelity. You accuse her of telling us too much about her sex life, when she was not. She was asking about whether her actions could be construed as being unfaithful to her then boyfriend. It's an interesting topic as infidelity, and what we all consider to be cheating, is interesting.

This topic is not about you, your problem with orleander or your living arrangements. It is about infidelity. Yes she used herself as an example, and so what? Let it go.

Chi said:
i have never cheated on my wife and im proud of that, most men have no self control and cant stop themselves.
Lack of self control and the inability to commit is not something that affects only men. Women have equally able to be unfaithful.
How is he wounded? Because she has sex with someone else after she's stopped having sex with him? How does that concievably harm him?
Wounded pride?
Sense of betrayal?
If he thought they were actually in a relationship and finds out they weren't...
Some people invest more than others, but assume it's mutual.
Finding out it isn't comes as a shock.
All of that would have happened anyway when she dumped him, the issue of her sleeping with someone else (after the fact) would be irrelevent.

And he'd need to man up anyway. :)
All of that would have happened anyway when she dumped him, the issue of her sleeping with someone else (after the fact) would be irrelevent.

And he'd need to man up anyway. :)

Well yeah, but finding that someone you care for doesn't care enough about you to stay out of bed with "anyone else" is NOT nice. :D
All of that would have happened anyway when she dumped him, the issue of her sleeping with someone else (after the fact) would be irrelevent.

And he'd need to man up anyway. :)
What does the guy needing to man up have anything to do with whether she cheated or not? The next thing you're going to do is try to pin the blame on the guy..."It's the guy's fault for her straying". C'mon now.
Actually I ignored that bit 'cos I haven't a bloody clue what it means... :D

Its just cold disregard for someones feelings. The man didn't do anything, he got kicked in the teeth. It was cheating there is no way around it.....
What does the guy needing to man up have anything to do with whether she cheated or not? The next thing you're going to do is try to pin the blame on the guy..."It's the guy's fault for her straying". C'mon now.

no kidding what does that mean........ Listen dude I cheated on you,
just suck it up? What the hell is wrong with ppl???????
Well yeah, but finding that someone you care for doesn't care enough about you to stay out of bed with "anyone else" is NOT nice.

That's not the point. The point is that you're not really adversely affected by the future sexual partners of your exes.

What does the guy needing to man up have anything to do with whether she cheated or not?

It doesn't, and I didn't say it did.
Look, part of being a man is not letting any woman make you less than a man. That was a completely tangental point, though, and you guys are getting all butthurt about it.

The next thing you're going to do is try to pin the blame on the guy..."It's the guy's fault for her straying". C'mon now.

WTF is this, minority report? You know my future actions?
That's not what I was saying at all. It was tangental. Jesus.

no kidding what does that mean........ Listen dude I cheated on you,
just suck it up? What the hell is wrong with ppl???????

They're bitter, judgemental hags?
Hey, wasn't your ex-husband like, a crackhead?
You probably drove him to it with your nagging.
That's not the point. The point is that you're not really adversely affected by the future sexual partners of your exes.
Nope, but they ARE adversely affected by that particular action.
Trust is hard to regain once you find you've been cheated on.
Nope, but they ARE adversely affected by that particular action.
Trust is hard to regain once you find you've been cheated on.

And kittens are happy when you play with them, but that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

They're bitter, judgemental hags?
Hey, wasn't your ex-husband like, a crackhead?
You probably drove him to it with your nagging.


crackhead ....umm yeah thats what I said. I love how you love
to change ppls words to get a rise out of them. Funny thing
its you who said many men have cheated on you....wonder why that is.
I have never been cheating on.

That's not the point. The point is that you're not really adversely affected by the future sexual partners of your exes.
Oh but some people are. Why do you think there are so many 'stalker' exes out there, that would have no problem killing any partner that their ex takes on in the future. I'm not condoning it, just making a factual statement.

It doesn't, and I didn't say it did.
Look, part of being a man is not letting any woman make you less than a man. That was a completely tangental point, though, and you guys are getting all butthurt about it.
haha. I'm not butt hurt about anything. Orleander didn't do it to me so it doesn't really bother me. But your statement 'he needs to man up' could EASILY be misconstrued as you saying that it was the guy's fault because she cheated on him. You do know that a lot of women that cheat will still tend to blame the guy she cheated on for the reason she cheated.
Example, (provided the girl isn't just an evil cunt) a girl typically cheats because she feels neglected or pushed away by the guy. While the neglection might be the guy's fault, when the woman cheats, it's her fault. NO ONE else's, but she'll still whine and cry saying that it was because the guy mistreated her...blah blah. If she doesn't like the treatment, break up with him, THEN go find someone else(she probably has a back up ready anyway :rolleyes: ).

WTF is this, minority report? You know my future actions?
See previous statement above.
Alcoholic, sorry. Ever wonder what made him turn to the bottle?
Geez. Why didn't you help him? Why just abandon him to that sort of misery?

And no, "many men" have not cheated on me. I haven't even slept with "many men." I presume by your inference (what fun!) that you have, though. I say this with all respect, seeing that your boyfriend is a member here: GET TESTED!
Alcoholic, sorry. Ever wonder what made him turn to the bottle?
Geez. Why didn't you help him? Why just abandon him to that sort of misery?

And no, "many men" have not cheated on me. I haven't even slept with "many men." I presume by your inference (what fun!) that you have, though. I say this with all respect, seeing that your boyfriend is a member here: GET TESTED!

Quote XEV..The times that men have cheated on me or tried to cheat on me were more comical than anything else.

So this was just more bullshit from you?

I thought you wanted to know nothing about my personal life
yet you keep referring and asking questions about it.