
get a room the lot of you
I think in several animal species (chimps, bonobos, wood pigeons!) the females mate with several males when they are 'in season'. In evolutionary terms she's hedging her bets in the hope that the strongest genes will be passed on.
A number of surveys in recent times have suggested that about 30% of males and and a very similar percentage of females SAY they cheat. Who knows if they or the others that said they weren't are telling the truth.
In evolutionary terms she's hedging her bets in the hope that the strongest genes will be passed on.
Oh wait - that's only correct if she cheats and has children - when it's just for sex then it's not part of the "strongest genes" is it?
Oh wait - that's only correct if she cheats and has children - when it's just for sex then it's not part of the "strongest genes" is it?

Hmmm, I had a child and the man I cheated with was my boss. So....
As a woman, I can't imagine throwing everything away for just sex.
Hmmm, I had a child and the man I cheated with was my boss. So....
As a woman, I can't imagine throwing everything away for just sex.

Er, no. I meant cheating to have a child i.e. become pregnant to the man you're cheating with, as opposed to the man you're currently seeing/ cheating on.
Well if its an evolutuionary trait maybe people are acting at a subconscious level? Even if 'precautions' are used there is always the possiblity that copulation will end in pregnancy.
On a serious note, I'm going to dispute you on this. You choose to become embittered after a bad relationship -- shit, you can choose to become embittered before even being in a relationship.
Xev dear, not everyone, in fact, not many people at all, can let stuff like that just roll off their shoulders quickly as you imply that you can. Good on you for having that mentality. I wish I did. I think I'd be a lot happier if I could.

And you choose to stay that way., most generally because it's easiest to be an asshole if you feel hurt. People use it as license to be a dick -- I can play headgames with my boyfriend, because all men are just going to leave me anyway. I can cheat on my girlfriend, because my ex cheated on me!
I'm following you on this one. And per the aforementioned response above, while I don't think a lot of people can just let shit like that roll off their shoulders, I will say that, in agreement with your statement here, they can choose to not use it as a license to be an ass. I still feel a lot of resentment and anger from various shit that has happened to me in the last few months. And while I just can't let it roll off my shoulders (as hard as I've tried), I harbor it as much as I can and do not take it out on anyone else. If I feel that I'm getting to that point, I just avoid people altogether.

Part of this just generally stems from a new cultural awareness of pain - we have the medico-social structures in place to avoid pain for most of our lives, so we're growing up soft, and we try to make it into something creative, but we just fucking fail because we don't have the right ideas or support, or shit, even the right sort of suffering.
Just a speculation but humanity has been suffering since its creation. I'm thinking that humanity is tired of all the suffering(even though we continue to fight about our differences). I think it's the reason that we have created all this technology to try to make our lives better; and it has, to an extent, but it's also making us lazy and fickle at the same time.

Xev said:
So what do we do? We try, and we end up whining about how traumatized we were by petty shit like a girlfriend or boyfriend cheating.
I don't think you'll get many people to agree with you that a b/f or g/f cheating is petty; yeah, it may be a petty act, but the person being cheated on doesn't think it's petty.
It seems to me that you are trying to say that people should just let shit like this go? If that's what your saying, then you are also implying that you advocate cheating.
Exampe: say everyone does start living your nifty little idea. I start dating a girl. I want to sleep with another girl in the meantime. I think 'oh, since we all let shit go easy now, I can go nail this other girl and even if the girl I'm dating finds out, she'll let it go and we will be just hunky dory'.
That's how I've interpreted your last statement there. If I misinterpreted it, please correct me.
On a serious note, I'm going to dispute you on this. You choose to become embittered after a bad relationship -- shit, you can choose to become embittered before even being in a relationship.

And you choose to stay that way., most generally because it's easiest to be an asshole if you feel hurt. People use it as license to be a dick -- I can play headgames with my boyfriend, because all men are just going to leave me anyway. I can cheat on my girlfriend, because my ex cheated on me!

I found this on msnbc a few minutes ago. While this doesn't cover but only a fraction of what I was talking about above (not being able to let something just roll off your shoulders), it does show a bit what I'm talking about. It also doesn't just include this disorder. It can also include bi-polarity, ADHD (which I have been diagnosed with), Anxiety (a real big one where anger and reaction is concerned) and some others. There is a good chunk of the general population that have one or more of these disorders, and w/o meds (and sometimes even with meds), they can't help their reactions.
What happens when a girl dates a guy with this disorder, then cheats on him and breaks up with him?
You're telling me that he just needs to get over her petty actions?
...What happens when a girl dates a guy with this disorder, then cheats on him and breaks up with him?
You're telling me that he just needs to get over her petty actions?

Lord love a duck!! How does cheating even figure into this? What if she just breaks up with him? These are the men who ignore protection orders, stalk, harass, etc. You don't need to cheat on them to anger them.
Lord love a duck!! How does cheating even figure into this? What if she just breaks up with him? These are the men who ignore protection orders, stalk, harass, etc. You don't need to cheat on them to anger them.
What do you think a guy like that would do if a woman cheated on him and he found out?
And I posted all of that in response to Xev's statement about how people shouldn't get all butt-hurt and pissy when someone cheats on them. I then said some people cannot let stuff roll of their shoulders. I ALSO mentioned that people with that specific disorder was only a fraction of the people that I was talking about.
Yeah you don't need to cheat on them to anger them but would they or would they not get angered if you did cheat on them??
Well if its an evolutuionary trait maybe people are acting at a subconscious level? Even if 'precautions' are used there is always the possiblity that copulation will end in pregnancy.

As in "I thought he looked shaggable, so I went for it, even though I can't get pregnant?"
Xev dear, not everyone, in fact, not many people at all, can let stuff like that just roll off their shoulders quickly as you imply that you can. Good on you for having that mentality. I wish I did. I think I'd be a lot happier if I could.

I'm not saying that they can, or that I can.
But there are such things as hard work and self-analysis. You can force yourself to treat people well, you can force yourself to give them the benefit of the doubt, and you can force yourself out of that mentality.

I still feel a lot of resentment and anger from various shit that has happened to me in the last few months. And while I just can't let it roll off my shoulders (as hard as I've tried), I harbor it as much as I can and do not take it out on anyone else. If I feel that I'm getting to that point, I just avoid people altogether.

Basically, we're talking about the same thing.
And, my condolences on whatever it was.

Look, I don't mean to say that it's easy. I've gone through forcing myself out of that, and I'm STILL nowhere near complete. But it should be done.

Just a speculation but humanity has been suffering since its creation. I'm thinking that humanity is tired of all the suffering(even though we continue to fight about our differences). I think it's the reason that we have created all this technology to try to make our lives better; and it has, to an extent, but it's also making us lazy and fickle at the same time.

I agree with everything you've just said.

It seems to me that you are trying to say that people should just let shit like this go? If that's what your saying, then you are also implying that you advocate cheating.

People should do whatever the fuck they need to do.
(As long as it isn't hurting other people)

And no, I'm not. Maybe I'm advocating a less vindictive way of dealing with it than is culturally considered correct, but I know a few people in "open relationships" -- they wouldn't define it as such, but basically allowed cheating.

And while they claim that monogamy is unnatural, and that you can have "many loves," I've never seen such sleazy, drama-prone, fake people.

It comes down to the ability to honor commitments, and people who just can't do that are lesser people.

Well I have been accused of being old-fashioned.

Chivalry as you imagine it has little to nothing in common with the practice of courtly love
Old-fashioned men are assholes, anyway.

Like the real thing?

Ah, then you cannot have been in love. I assure you, it's not shoddy.
Maybe forlorn.

Chivalry as you imagine it has little to nothing in common with the practice of courtly love
Old-fashioned men are assholes, anyway.
Actually I'm chivalrous as well...

Ah, then you cannot have been in love. I assure you, it's not shoddy.
Maybe forlorn.
I meant the aftermath, rather than the love itself.
(And I have been).
Personal tastes . Who wants a date who'll try to buy sex with a lot of sucking up and some decent food, when you can cuddle and listen to trance with a cute raver boy?
But most women do not agree.

I don't think the aftermath is shoddy, either.

--Edit --
"are assholes" should be "tend to be assholes."
Personal tastes . Who wants a date who'll try to buy sex with a lot of sucking up and some decent food, when you can cuddle and listen to trance with a cute raver boy?
But most women do not agree.
Buy sex?
Not ever in my life.
If she wants me she has to say so, or at least make definite hints.
If I buy her a meal it's because I want to buy her a meal, and that's it.
And FYI, I'm a first-class cuddler, according to several women in my life. :D

I don't think the aftermath is shoddy, either.
Different experiences.

--Edit --
"are assholes" should be "tend to be assholes."
Okay, I'll stop crying then.
As I said, it's personal taste. Most girls enjoy being treated like sexual objects, and that's okay for them. I find such mercenary tactics to be humiliating, but most people don't really have a sense of dignity anyway.

Different experiences or different takes. Sometimes the comedown can be appreciated.
I was talking to a friend about infidelity. I told her I had never cheated on anyone. Apparently my idea of cheating is different than hers.

I was monogomously dating person #1 a year, slept with person #2, and broke it off with person #1 that week (never having slept with him again). Person #1 loved me but I never loved him and never told him I did.
Was I cheating?

no that wasnt cheating!!

i personally think that cheating is just a symptom of an unhappy relationship, yopu jump into bed with the nearest girl/guy and then most often that not you regret it. cheating is never ever a good why to deal with anything