
Personal tastes . Who wants a date who'll try to buy sex with a lot of sucking up and some decent food, when you can cuddle and listen to trance with a cute raver boy?
But most women do not agree.

I don't think the aftermath is shoddy, either.

--Edit --
"are assholes" should be "tend to be assholes."

can you appreciate trance music without popping pills or being drunk or wasted on something? i just cant enjoy trance/dance/tekno music unless im totaly fucked on something.

I got crap for dating him for a year, even though I didn't love him and had never told him I loved him.

Why would he date me then??

I'm not saying that they can, or that I can.
But there are such things as hard work and self-analysis. You can force yourself to treat people well, you can force yourself to give them the benefit of the doubt, and you can force yourself out of that mentality.

Basically, we're talking about the same thing.
And, my condolences on whatever it was.

Look, I don't mean to say that it's easy. I've gone through forcing myself out of that, and I'm STILL nowhere near complete. But it should be done.

I agree with everything you've just said.

People should do whatever the fuck they need to do.
(As long as it isn't hurting other people)

And no, I'm not. Maybe I'm advocating a less vindictive way of dealing with it than is culturally considered correct, but I know a few people in "open relationships" -- they wouldn't define it as such, but basically allowed cheating.

And while they claim that monogamy is unnatural, and that you can have "many loves," I've never seen such sleazy, drama-prone, fake people.

It comes down to the ability to honor commitments, and people who just can't do that are lesser people.
Glad we're on the same page then. I wasn't trying to flame you, I was just looking for clarification. Thanks toots. :)

Orleander said:
I got crap for dating him for a year, even though I didn't love him and had never told him I loved him.

Why would he date me then??
Hmmmm. Interesting. I can think of two possible reasons.
1. He could have just assumed that you did and never worried about it. Did he ever tell you that he loved you?
2. He just saw you as a friend with benefits, long term style.
As I said, it's personal taste. Most girls enjoy being treated like sexual objects, and that's okay for them.
And oh boy, did that take me a long time to work out... :eek:
Sweeping generalisation?

Sure, and notice I said "most" women.
If I'm wrong, and Oli's "buy her shit and treat her like a lady" tactic is widely considered undesireable, then I'm wrong and yay! I have one less reason to be a misanthrope.

But I don't think I am.

Informal poll/show of hands?
If I'm wrong, and Oli's "buy her shit and treat her like a lady" tactic is widely considered undesireable, then I'm wrong and yay! I have one less reason to be a misanthrope.
Ah, it's not a "tactic", I don't do it (ever) to get someone into bed - I do it because I can.
You know, spread a little happiness, or whatever.

But I don't think I am.
No, I don't think you are either.
Treating women like they're people, instead of sex objects to be leapt upon, usually gets me little more than very confused looks and the perennial question "Oh, are you gay?".
Umm, wow Oli, way to contradict yourself.

Treating women like they're people, instead of sex objects to be leapt upon, usually gets me little more than very confused looks and the perennial question "Oh, are you gay?".

You do understand the concept of selection bias, I hope.
This is getting boring.

Look, "chivalrous" behaviour is supposed to reinforce the purported difference between the sexes, to emphasize female delicacy and narcissism, i.e to remind the woman of her role as a reproductive (sex) object.

IF you prefer women who prefer such treatment, which you claim to, of course you end up with women who wish to be treated as sex objects.

Luckily for you, most people prefer to enact such roles -- Sartre identified it as the second concrete relation between people.

It's like if I decided to date only punk boys, and then went around complaining that my boyfriends never have lots of money. It'd be self-contradictory.

can you appreciate trance music without popping pills or being drunk or wasted on something? i just cant enjoy trance/dance/tekno music unless im totaly fucked on something.

*Shrug* It's best that way, but I've always liked techno.
This is getting boring.
Then stop. :)

Look, "chivalrous" behaviour is supposed to reinforce the purported difference between the sexes, to emphasize female delicacy and narcissism, i.e to remind the woman of her role as a reproductive (sex) object.

IF you prefer women who prefer such treatment, which you claim to, of course you end up with women who wish to be treated as sex objects.
Ah, got you.
Actually I don't think I expressed a preference at all.
I merely said how how I treated certain types of women.
I don't date ANY.
"chivalrous" behaviour = kindness and respect :)
"chivalrous" behaviour = kindness and respect

Then you're using words outside their social context. It usually denotes a wider and more specific set of behaviors. I don't particularly care how you relate to women, I'm simply saying that it's self-defeating to select for one thing if you desire another.

Whatever, this isn't as fun as the dinosaur thread.
Then you're using words outside their social context. It usually denotes a wider and more specific set of behaviors.
It DID - it has a different meaning now.
At least in the UK.

I don't particularly care how you relate to women, I'm simply saying that it's self-defeating to select for one thing if you desire another.
I never selected, as such, even when I was into dating.

Whatever, this isn't as fun as the dinosaur thread.
Girls ARE sexual just as soon as they identify with the label female, just as a male accepts his sexuality, his procreative role - besides the odd mutations and sexual dysfunctions - just by identifying with the label 'male'.

That this sexuality can, and does, become an object of desire by the opposite sex, is a matter of genetic predispositions and millennia of evolution.

Sex evolved for a reason and the sexual types also evolved to serve this reason.
If self-awareness and modern day artificial environments, as well as a general cleansing of nature from human environments using technology and ideals, create a questioning of the past and its determined effects, as well as a need to overcome them, this is another matter.

“Chivalry” is a specific social exaggeration of natural sexual behaviors and a cultural norm, of behaving sexually.
It is based on the idealization of femininity and the mythology of purity, which seeks to repress female natural urges and sexual practices so as to control feminine sexual choice and create the premises of civilization and the monogamous edifice it is based upon.

Chivalry, like all social interactions, also depends on a hefty amount of self-repression and duplicity, as both sides play the parts intended for them by a social standard while the underlying true motives and drives are only expressed indirectly and through metaphor and insinuation.
Chivalry, like all social interactions, also depends on a hefty amount of self-repression and duplicity, as both sides play the parts intended for them by a social standard while the underlying true motives and drives are only expressed indirectly and through metaphor and insinuation.

Two definitions:
a. The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

Code of behavior/ethics for knights, based on telling the truth, keeping one's word and protecting those weaker than oneself.

Wherein lies the duplicity?
Or, for that matter, the self-repression?
Or anyone else having to play a part?
Girls ARE sexual just as soon as they identify with the label female, .

my little cousin who is 3 years old knows she is a female and the difference between male and female.

she is not sexual atall. she is a little kid and desires nothing of a sexual nature. it only applies when children hit puberty.

Technically, yes. But that's about the least of your moral or ethical worries.

Orleander said:
excuse me? Please explain. :confused:
