"Book of Mormon" plagiarism?

Marlin said:
How rude. Do you treat everyone who doesn't know as much as you with such contempt?
Absolutely not. I am, however, contemptuous of pedagogy predecated upon willful ignorance. If someone does not know as much as I know - or as much as you infer I know - fine, but don't then presume to teach/preach.
ConsequentAtheist said:
How very impressive: you know how to cherry-pick verses from the NT ... and you still understand nothing concerning Luke 10:18. What an embarrassment you are. Go back to Luke and try again.

Hahah Tril 2.0-- Witholding the arcane knowledge. If u were so sure of yourself; or that your ideas wouldn't be instantly erradicated, you would have said something by now.

Tril also likes to beat around the bush. Keep on kickin against the pricks.
We'll move on up now from conversation about conversation. And get to the point.
ConsequentAtheist said:
Absolutely not. I am, however, contemptuous of pedagogy predecated upon willful ignorance. If someone does not know as much as I know - or as much as you infer I know - fine, but don't then presume to teach/preach.

1. If we waited until all teachers knew everything before they could teach, then who would be qualified to be teachers?

2. You are assuming that Nisus is willfully ignorant, which implies that he knows better than what he is teaching. How do you know that? Lots of people have incomplete knowledge and yet can competently teach.

3. Nisus has more authority in his pinky finger to teach and preach the word of God than you have in your whole body.
Luke 10:17-18 http://bibletools.org/index.cfm/fa/Bible.show/sVerseID/25382/eVerseID/25382

Like a great lightning bolt streaking out of the sky, this brilliant angel, shining with all of his glory—glory given to him by God—was cast to the earth. Where did he fall? He fell right where we are, to the earth, and now we have to deal with him.

John W. Ritenbaugh
8 [18] I have observed Satan fall like lightning: the effect of the mission of the seventy-two is characterized by the Lucan Jesus as a symbolic fall of Satan. As the kingdom of God is gradually being established, evil in all its forms is being defeated; the dominion of Satan over humanity is at an end.
Marlin said:
3. Nisus has more authority in his pinky finger to teach and preach the word of God than you have in your whole body.
More correctly, he has precisely the right type of authority "to teach and preach the word of God". Trust me, it's not at all a category in which I have any interest in competing. On the other hand, anyone with the slightest competency would have read Luke 10:18 and recognized an allusion to Isaiah 14:12. You guys are just silly ...
ConsequentAtheist said:
More correctly, he has precisely the right type of authority "to teach and preach the word of God". Trust me, it's not at all a category in which I have any interest in competing. On the other hand, anyone with the slightest competency would have read Luke 10:18 and recognized an allusion to Isaiah 14:12. You guys are just silly ...

I recognized the allusion immediately, actually. So what?
ConsequentAtheist said:
Of course.

You don't believe me? We LDS are taught the scriptures in Seminary classes as youth, and Isaiah 14:12 is one of the references we memorize the location of.

How predictably sad that you need to ask. What do you think that Isaiah 14:12 is about?

How predictably sad that you want me to say "Lucifer, the devil." Here is what the footnote in the LDS edition of the KJV says of Isaiah 14:12:

"HEB Morning star, son of dawn. The ruler of the wicked world (Babylon) is spoken of as Lucifer, the ruler of all wickedness."
Here is what the Old Testament LDS Student Manual has to say about Isaiah 14:12:

(14-14) Isaiah 14:12–15. Who Was “Lucifer, Son of the
Isaiah again used dualism. Chapters 13 and 14
describe the downfall of Babylon, both of Babylon as
an empire and of Babylon as the symbol of the world
(see D&C 133:14). Thus, most scholars think “Lucifer,
son of the morning” is the king of Babylon, probably
Nebuchadnezzar. In the symbolic use of Babylon,
(Babylon as spiritual wickedness and the kingdom of
Satan), Lucifer is Satan. This interpretation is confirmed
in latter-day revelation (see D&C 76:26–8). Satan and
Babylon’s prince (both represented by Lucifer in this
passage) aspire to take kingly glory to themselves,
but in fact will be thrust into hell where there will be
weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Compare Isaiah 13:13–14 with Moses 4:1–4, where
Lucifer’s conditions for saving all men are given. What
adds to the power of the imagery is the fact that the
word congregation (v. 13) is translated by Keil and
Delitzsch as the “assembly of gods” (Commentary,
In still another example of Isaiah’s beautiful dualism,
even the kings of the world lie in their tombs (house)
in respect (see vv. 18–19), but Babylon’s king was to
be cast aside and trodden under foot. This reward was
literally visited upon the city of the Chaldees, and
though Nebuchadnezzar was certainly buried in great
splendor, there is no grave found for him today in
the ruins of Babylon. Think for a moment of Satan’s
“grave.” Never having received a body, he shall never
have a tomb or monument of any kind, though he was
king and ruler of the great world-wide and history-wide
empire of spiritual Babylon. No wonder the kings of
the earth, who, though wicked in mortality, could still
inherit the telestial kingdom, would marvel at his
ConsequentAtheist said:
More correctly, he has precisely the right type of authority "to teach and preach the word of God". Trust me, it's not at all a category in which I have any interest in competing. On the other hand, anyone with the slightest competency would have read Luke 10:18 and recognized an allusion to Isaiah 14:12. You guys are just silly ...

After the suave entrance you made, the fanfare and condescending remarks;
I was thinking you'd have a little more than a parallel hahah. That's not even worth talking about. But i'm glad that you can see correlations between the OT and NT.
ConsequentAtheist said:
Absolutely not. I am, however, contemptuous of pedagogy predecated upon willful ignorance. If someone does not know as much as I know - or as much as you infer I know - fine, but don't then presume to teach/preach.

ConsequentAtheist said:
I find it odd that you would quote the reference rather than the source. Is that bigotry, sloppiness, or ignorance?

ConsequentAtheist said:
What a pathetic joke this is. Again you rely on fabricated references rather than the source. Again it results in little but confusion.

ConsequentAtheist said:
How very impressive: you know how to cherry-pick verses from the NT ... and you still understand nothing concerning Luke 10:18. What an embarrassment you are. Go back to Luke and try again.

You spewed all this before you ever got around to saying anything. A few shots, spanning across a few pages. And when you do finally cite something, it has no impact on the discussion; aside from solidifying what I was saying earlier.

Lucifer fell from heaven.

You're carrying on a disatisfied spirit for naught, except to condescend and flame. Support what your ideas, or at least try to draw the line from:

Isaiah spoke of the fall-----------------------------------so that makes me a bigot, sloppy or ignorant.

Work on your DATA skills first; then freshen up your psuedo-intillectual flamer skills later. Your bark > your bite.
Einstuck said:
How the masons were angry that Smith stole their secret handshakes and satanic rituals.
he didn't steal them, he borrowed.

I'd like to know how he jumped up in degrees so quickly, were there new converts to Mormonism in Masonic authority that helped him rise to the top?
WildBlueYonder said:
he didn't steal them, he borrowed.

I'd like to know how he jumped up in degrees so quickly, were there new converts to Mormonism in Masonic authority that helped him rise to the top?

Yes, there were. They were called the "Brotherhood of Yeast," for obvious reasons.
Marlin said:
It's amazing how often the clueless criticize those "in the know" as clueless themselves. Nisus knows exactly what he is talking about.
yeah huh, wink, wink! why is that Marlin? clue us in, why don't you?

I'd like to know if anyone of you out there in cyberspace has one of those teachers' programs that finds plagiarism? it would be interesting to find out what would be the outcome of putting the BoM through it? also, if the BoM is an abridgement, why does it sound so long-winded, re-peats itself, plagiarizes other works, etc..., shouldn’t it be more to the point?
It has a great spiritual message your eyes are blind to...WBY
Marlin said:
Yes, there were. They were called the "Brotherhood of Yeast," for obvious reasons.
you are too funny, now seriously, were there Mormon Masons that helped him? or were the masons looking for converts too, & tried their luck on a young "up & comer"?
Nisus said:
It has a great spiritual message your eyes are blind to...WBY
it? you mean the BoM? if it is so spiritual, why did the early LDS never follow any of its dictates, some even now?

no polygamy, God is one

mormon leaders never believed it, except to 'show' that Jo Smith was a prophet, (having wrote the book), it was his only claim to fame (his entrance into prophethood), a book written in error, full of errors

It has a great spiritual message your eyes are blind to...
yet the only thing I see for you is that you are blind, yes it has a message for me, directly from the Bible, of the people being led astray, you are worshipping Baal & Ashtoreth
You're still stuck on your interpretation of that passage of scripture... well wrest with it to your own destruction.

It's still flying way over your head, the whole idea.