"Book of Mormon" plagiarism?

WildBlueYonder said:
actually, let me answer in 2 ways;
1) I've just been appointed mormon prophet, so yes, I think I've earned the right to be pompous &
2) did not earlier Mormon prophets, condemn all non-LDS to same?
hmmm? didn't the LDS start out doing the same? aren't those current LDS beliefs, that only LDS are right, all others wrong? or is the current 'charm offensive' all smiles, we're all Christians, hug each other, now making all mormons less-contentious? minus you & Marlin of course
I love all the time I send with you guys, why would it be a waste of time? because we don't agree? what? you want me to quit? stop writing, stop posting? you first!

Well it would be nice if for once you had some substance to what you spoke about, and not just misinterpretation and mockery.

For example everything you just said has no source at all, or bearing in any kind of argumentative context. It's all your flustered opinion, and who knows the true inspiration for why you truly detest our church; but it's becoming quite obvious it's nothing that we as a people have done.

You can keep writing all you want, but if you actually think about what you say before you type it and post it, it might be to you favor and hinder you from being wrong, yet again.
Nisus said:
Well it would be nice if for once you had some substance to what you spoke about, and not just misinterpretation and mockery.
you need substance, here's a ton against the BoM;
1) DNA,
2) linguistics,
3) botany,
4) fauna &
5) archeological evidence.
Lets start there
For example everything you just said has no source at all, or bearing in any kind of argumentative context. It's all your flustered opinion,
so, you're denying that the early LDS condemned all other churches & may still be doing so, while smiling brightly
and who knows the true inspiration for why you truly detest our church; but it's becoming quite obvious it's nothing that we as a people have done.
detest, is too strong of a word, God might detest the LDS church for corrupting His truth, losing people in the maze of obstification, making it hard to find salvation,
me, as a Mexican Christian, just won't let you get away with lies & if you think the BoM is true, why hasn't your church lived by it? They only defend it, because it "proves" Joseph Smith a "prophet", otherwise they would have to concede it’s a poor book on history, a novel
You can keep writing all you want,
why thank you, I will
but if you actually think about what you say before you type it and post it, it might be to you favor
actually, I do give it a lot of thought, its just that we don't see LDS through the same eyes
and hinder you from being wrong, yet again.
I was wrong? me, never, tell me where, why don't you?
Marlin said:
Mormons and non-LDS Christians *do* worship the God of Israel, thus we are *not* heretics by the Old Testament's standards.

wrong. christians of all flavors, shapes and sizes worship Jesus Christ, which means that their religions are based on idolatry. anytime you pray through a channel to G-d, you are engaging in idolatry. plain and simple.

heretics, the lot of them. :m:
The Devil Inside said:
wrong. christians of all flavors, shapes and sizes worship Jesus Christ, which means that their religions are based on idolatry. anytime you pray through a channel to G-d, you are engaging in idolatry. plain and simple.

heretics, the lot of them. :m:

Jesus Christ just happens to be the same entity as Jehovah. The pre-mortal Christ is the God of the Old Testament, thus all Christians who worship Christ are in fact worshiping Jehovah.
WildBlueYonder said:
you need substance, here's a ton against the BoM;
1) DNA,
2) linguistics,
3) botany,
4) fauna &
5) archeological evidence.
Lets start there


WBY: I demand proofs X, Y and Z.

Mormons: Here are proofs X, Y and Z.

WBY: :silence:

1 week later:

WBY: I demand proofs X, Y and Z.
Looking back through this thread, it seems clear that BoM is true only because you believe it to be. None of the evidence exists that WBY mentioned above to demonstrate BoM is true, all of the evidence above exists to demonstrate it isn't.

So in the end, you have the same exact argument that believers in UFOs, channeling, ghosts, Santa Clause, PSI, and alien astronauts and abductions: "I believe, therefore it is true."
Marlin said:
Jesus Christ just happens to be the same entity as Jehovah. The pre-mortal Christ is the God of the Old Testament, thus all Christians who worship Christ are in fact worshiping Jehovah.

wrong. Jesus Christ was just a man who had some good advice to people about how to be good jews. period.

there is nothing that was not written by the members of the group he gathered around himself during life, that says anything about him being G-d. Jehovah is NOT G-d. Jehovah is a bastardization of a few letter used to symbolize G-d.

jesus christ was a great man, but there is NO EVIDENCE in the bible that he is one and the same with G-d.

i believe however, that this topic belongs in another thread, and i apologize to all, because i have polluted this thread with my off topic rantings.
Marlin, if you care to continue with this conversation, create a new thread and i will follow your lead. :)
The Devil Inside said:
Marlin, if you care to continue with this conversation, create a new thread and i will follow your lead.

To tell you the truth, I am tired of debating religion, so I am going to take some time away from SciForums and let you guys continue the debates without me.

Carry on! :)
oh my.. I could go on about the mormons. I used to be one.I was only 8, and it not by choice. Then I realized they were a cult. There are so many wild and crazy things that the mormons believe that it is ridiculous. First of all, Mormons believe that one day those who make it to the first level of heaven (the celestial kingdom) with become gods of their own world, just like the current god they worship. That is the main goal in Mormonism. That right there takes them out of the christian mainstream into the realm of what is considered cult practice. Joseph Smith has stated that there is no other book (bible included) that is as accurate a holy text as the BoM. The Mormons believe that there were many gods before gods. Basically they believe in eternal families (including God who has a wife..). They don't say this stuff to anyone, but it is there. They are a polytheistic religion, although they only pray to one god.

there is not one shred of proof for any of the civilizations in the BoM. Im sure you guys have covered this by page 9, but missionaries like to state that the smithsonian uses the BoM in archeological research. Which is of course, a lie.

"The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon in any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archaeologists see no connection between the archeology of the New World and the subject matter of the Book."

a quote from a letter from the Smithsonian institute regarding the Mormons claim.

this thread is probably dead by now, but I wanted to speak my mind about this. There are plenty of online rescources that use actual 'facts' ans 'science' to refut the BoM.
rounder said:
oh my.. I could go on about the mormons. I used to be one.I was only 8, and it not by choice. Then I realized they were a cult.
Hi rounder, welcome to our merry band of men, swashbucklers, pirates, heroes the lot of us, .. ok, ok, maybe a few nerds too
:sheepish grin:

a quote from a letter from the Smithsonian institute regarding the Mormons claim.
funny, huh? that the SI would need to publish a letter to what LDS were (are) saying, to refute it, only stopped by mormon political pressure
this thread is probably dead by now, but I wanted to speak my mind about this. There are plenty of online rescources that use actual 'facts' ans 'science' to refut the BoM.
not quite dead, just in resting phase
Marlin said:

WBY: I demand proofs X, Y and Z.

Mormons: Here are proofs X, Y and Z.

WBY: :silence:

1 week later:

WBY: I demand proofs X, Y and Z.
shucks, I must have missed that Nephite village discovered in the wilds of Alaska, or that vast battle plain, littered with rusting swords, shields, & the bones of fallen Laminites thar abouts Palmyra, or how about that major BoM exhibit at the SI? mighthy fine collection, next time you visit, send photos
i also wanted to say, that not everything mormon is bad, They really focus on the family and although their beliefs are far outside the norm, they do have a welfare program that helps those less fortunate members in times of need. They have their own food, etc.

This is of course a way to keep members attached to the church.
rounder said:
i also wanted to say, that not everything mormon is bad, They really focus on the family and although their beliefs are far outside the norm, they do have a welfare program that helps those less fortunate members in times of need. They have their own food, etc.
they also help others, 2 of my maternal uncles worked in Utah orchards during the Depression
This is of course a way to keep members attached to the church.
doesn't always help, they stayed Catholic till their dying day.

the only person in my family that became mormon, was some great-great-granduncle from Chihuahua, BTW he was a polygamist (2 wives), so there may be several relatives still out there
WildBlueYonder said:
Hey, I was just minding my business, reading my copy of the Book of Mormon, when I found a statement in 3 Nephi 12:18, that reminded me of something that Jesus said, about not 'one jot nor tittle' being changed in the Law until it was fulfilled. So I looked for the passage & lo & behold, I found that Joe Smith copied almost all of Matthew Chapter 5 word for word from the King James English, check it out here:

only diff, seems to be verses 1, 2, 29, 30, 46 & 47 (& 47 is copied from another section)

isn't that called plagiarism?

The book of Mormon is a part of the bible according to Mormons. Well in the Bible it repeats everything anyway. What's the big deal?
hug-a-tree said:
The book of Mormon is a part of the bible according to Mormons.
oh? but can they prove that? muslims say the quran is the completion of the Bible, minus any corruptions, errors etc.. & it’s the "final edition" by the "last" prophet circa 622 AD, (sorry, that leaves Joe Smith out)
Well in the Bible it repeats everything anyway. What's the big deal?
so any counterfeit will do? L. Ron Hubbard has a "great" list of books that should sub for the BoM, WoW, BoA, D&C; "Battlefield Earth" should do, oh & it comes with a great set of characters: like John Travolta, Barry Pepper, Forest Whitaker.
& there's always Tom Cruise, hehehehe
oh? but can they prove that?

What would constitute proof? I have found that when one says PROVE it to me, they are of a mind to NOT let anything persuade them, or even to look very carefully either........
Kerry Shirts said:
oh? but can they prove that?
they have over 1 billion followers, the perfect law (sharia), the perfect book (quran), the perfect prophet (Mohammad), rule about 50 countries
what more proof do you need?
What would constitute proof? I have found that when one says PROVE it to me, they are of a mind to NOT let anything persuade them, or even to look very carefully either........
ahhh, you wouldn't be talking about yourself, now would you?
I take it you are not willing to discuss what it would take for *you* personally to have proof of something? Too subjective is it? Are you going to engage me in conversation, or chase yourself down rabbit trails that lead nowhere, and then congratulate yourself on being so very clever.........