"Book of Mormon" plagiarism?

ConsequentAtheist said:
I find it odd that you would quote the reference rather than the source. Is that bigotry, sloppiness, or ignorance?

New Testament~

Call it whatever you want but be clear ;) no allusions, or multiple choices. We have one that has already entered the discussion! Offended for a word!
Nisus said:
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

Self delution is not a valid substitute for the weight of evidence. You have been proven wrong. I cut the dribble.
Marlin said:
You say I don't use my intellect to discern truth from fiction, when in fact I do. You don't know me, nor do you understand Mormon doctrine. It is insulting for you to falsely accuse me of not using my reasoning abilities just because I disagree with you.
It has become apparent that I understand Mormon doctrine better than you do, and you are not using reason. You are using apologistic mental gymnastics to fit the world into your emotional self delusion that you call revalation. I may not know you personally, but already I know you well enough to discern that.
Nisus said:
It's in his veins to fight and persecute Christ =p. What else is he supposed to do when he can't find anything you can observe for yourself and plainly discern the discrepancy?

He'll just try to find flaw in your ability to think, when anyone who has read his responses on other threads will already know, the dudes full of it. And he stands as a monument of his own shame.
I am not persecuting anyone. If anything your accusations here are persecution of me. This is not a valid arguement. It is a poor substitute that you use since you don't have one.
Marlin said:
I've found that all he is capable of doing when disagreeing with me is engaging in a simple "Yes you are!" "No I'm not!" debate. I find it amusing when he continues to do that ad nauseum, as if it were the only coherent response he can think of.
Actually that is all *you* are doing in responce to me. I already disproved your religion.
Nisus said:
Marlin refuted everything already.
Neither of you has yet to come up with a valid arguement for any kind of refutation. All you can do is say no no no, cry persecution, cuss me out, and try to be insulting.
What are we arguing about? I was just quoting Joseph Smith and Moroni's Testimony about the book of mormon. That translates into something other than how you perceived it.

What are we supposed to refute? You've only said it's wrong, that's your opinion.

Trilairian said:
Self delution is not a valid substitute for the weight of evidence. You have been proven wrong. I cut the dribble.
If I may ask: How did you become such a mental giant in your own mind at such an early age?
Marlin said:
No you don't.
I say I do. My research into religions has gone deep especially Mormonism. I bet there is nothing of Mormon doctrine that you know that I do not and plenty that I know that you do not.
Trilairian said:
I say I do. My research into religions has gone deep especially Mormonism. I bet there is nothing of Mormon doctrine that you know that I do not and plenty that I know that you do not.

Have you ever felt and recognized the Holy Spirit within you? Has God ever spoken to your heart? Do you know the joy of Christ and all those who follow Him? Have you ever been changed from the "natural man" to a rebirth as a spiritual man? Have you felt the peace of God which "surpasseth understanding" within you? Do you know His voice and how to recognize it? Do you have a pure love towards all mankind?

If not, I'd say you haven't understood at all what Mormonism is about.
!!! Ok.

Why did Lucifer rebel in the pre-mortal council? And what was the pivitol subject of debate that divided the hosts of heaven?

Whereafter Lucifer became Satan, and all the spirits that followed him became his angels and minions.

There are scriptures from LDS standard works, touching upon these subjects that give insight and can answer the questions.
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Trilairian said:
Prove it.
Ask me something you think I wouldn't know concerning Mormon doctrine. Perhaps I will tell you more about it than you thought you knew.

Okay. Tell me how far must your head be up your backside to qualify for Trilarianship?
NONO do mine!! I really wanna see if he can find the info !