"Book of Mormon" plagiarism?

I wrote
WBY said:
& I suppose you have more proof than that burning bosom feeling? yes?
I’m waiting for that BoM museum to open, you know the one with the Laminite & Nephite artifacts; old rusty swords, farm implements, Reformed Egyptian scrolls & plates, L & N DNA samples & cities. you know like they have in Israel & Egypt, all that proof of those ancient civs, long dead
you wrote
Kerry Shirts said:
They have myriads of these for the Bible already. WHY are there then STILL atheists in the land? These types of things are not PROOF........

just a thought on your obvious error in either understanding what I was asking or the faulty reasoning behind your answer, look here:

I'm asking why there are no BoM museums, like all those about Bible lands & people, you're answering by saying that there are still atheists despite those museums

you miss the point in 2 areas:
1) there are Bible-related museums, because there are Bible-related artifacts to put in them
2) those Bible-related artifacts prove that those people existed, not that what they believed was true, hence atheists
you say
Marlin said:
you are too stupid for words. I'm through with you.
if the following is to hard to answer in words, draw us a map, diagram it or whatever, but I think they are valid questions, I'm sorry that you can not find a way to answer them without a recourse to anger

I say
I'm asking why there are no BoM museums, like all those about Bible lands & people, you're answering by saying that there are still atheists despite those museums

you miss the point in 2 areas:
1) there are Bible-related museums, because there are Bible-related artifacts to put in them
2) those Bible-related artifacts prove that those people existed, not that what they believed was true, hence atheists

if you are going to prove mormonism true, you need to work on the fundamentals, answering direct questions with direct answers would be a start
WildBlueYonder said:
you say
if the following is to hard to answer in words, draw us a map, diagram it or whatever, but I think they are valid questions, I'm sorry that you can not find a way to answer them without a recourse to anger

I say

if you are going to prove mormonism true, you need to work on the fundamentals, answering direct questions with direct answers would be a start

I cannot prove Mormonism to be true; only God can do that. I've given you the God-given instructions for getting a testimony that the BofM is true. Why don't *you* answer *that* direct challenge, rather than dancing all over the ring claiming yourself to be an "expert" on Mormonism (when you won't even test Mormonism on its strongest point, asking God Himself if it's true or not?)

Read the Book of Mormon. Study it, pray about it sincerely. That is how God will tell you in your heart that it's true.
And BTW, I am not a "Mormon bishop," as you seem to think. I'm strictly a small fish, as you would call me.
seem to get it WBY but you can't get over it...

Get an FN life!

i found two good words, rather suitable for your attempts to derail a religion;

Measly and vain, hah. lol @ u.

y don't u move on and study marine biology or go help some poor starving children somewhere. :eek:
Marlin said:
I cannot prove Mormonism to be true; only God can do that. I've given you the God-given instructions for getting a testimony that the BofM is true. Why don't *you* answer *that* direct challenge, rather than dancing all over the ring claiming yourself to be an "expert" on Mormonism (when you won't even test Mormonism on its strongest point, asking God Himself if it's true or not?)

Read the Book of Mormon. Study it, pray about it sincerely. That is how God will tell you in your heart that it's true.

Or, in other words: In order to know whether what the book of Mormon says is true, one must become a Mormon.

This is circular.
Thus, nonsense.
water said:
Or, in other words: In order to know whether what the book of Mormon says is true, one must become a Mormon.

This is circular.
Thus, nonsense.

To know the Book of Mormon is true is to open your spiritual eyes to the possibility of God working miracles, and accepting them.
water said:
Or, in other words: In order to know whether what the book of Mormon says is true, one must become a Mormon.

This is circular.
Thus, nonsense.

And, not true.
Marlin said:
And, not true.

It is true.

I can understand how someone can lose one's temper, take a gun and go shoot some people, people like Mormons and other self-absorbed believers who will insist on a circularity and claim it is not one.
Unless one has a big ego, or is, if such is possible, God's elect, a circularity will short-circuit one's brain. And if there isn't enough fear or compassion in that person, the person will take a gun and start killing people who insist on those circularities.
water said:
It is true.

I can understand how someone can lose one's temper, take a gun and go shoot some people, people like Mormons and other self-absorbed believers who will insist on a circularity and claim it is not one.
Unless one has a big ego, or is, if such is possible, God's elect, a circularity will short-circuit one's brain. And if there isn't enough fear or compassion in that person, the person will take a gun and start killing people who insist on those circularities.

So THAT'S why so many Mormons go out and shoot people! I wondered about that....:rolleyes: