big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

I'm a bit cautious about conspiracy theories. But there is something seriously wrong with WT7. I have posted a video of how WTC7 fell, but then compare it with the simulations in the second link half way down.

I'll tell you what is completely unreal about the actual film footage. The building collapses from the top down. First the left half falls, and then the right, and then the whole body falls. That's just very unusual. Just watch those top rectangles fall first. They are also timed to two bangs, but I think you need another video to get the bangs timed to the roof.

I have watched lots of implosions, and none of them collapsed those extra roof sections first.

here is film footage....

Now notice how the reconstruction does not include the top section falling first...

Can the top section fall first from a fire down below?

Anyway, it's just an observation. Something interesting for Mythbusters. :D

Yes those are very nice videos and if you listen you can here the noise is from the colaspe of the building they were not made of feathers so there will be load bangs. And I maybe wrong but the WTC7 was constructed the same as the WTC 1 and 2 just smaller scale they had an exo skeleton of steel this makes it more suseptible to the pancake effect of the colapse
Yes those are very nice videos and if you listen you can here the noise is from the colaspe of the building they were not made of feathers so there will be load bangs. And I maybe wrong but the WTC7 was constructed the same as the WTC 1 and 2 just smaller scale they had an exo skeleton of steel this makes it more suseptible to the pancake effect of the colapse

No..WTC 7 was not constructed in the "box within a box" design like WTC 1 & 2. It used conventional I-beams as structural elements. It did have a unique design, as it was constructed around a power station, and had many long spanning supports. Fire raged in the building for 8 hours, without any fire fighting effort. There was no water to fight the fire. Fireproofing is only rated for a couple of hours. Steel gets hot..loses strength and fails...and buildings fall down.
No..WTC 7 was not constructed in the "box within a box" design like WTC 1 & 2. It used conventional I-beams as structural elements. It did have a unique design, as it was constructed around a power station, and had many long spanning supports. Fire raged in the building for 8 hours, without any fire fighting effort. There was no water to fight the fire. Fireproofing is only rated for a couple of hours. Steel gets hot..loses strength and fails...and buildings fall down.

Thankyou for the correction as I said I was not sure about that but yes I do agree about the fire and the steel getting hot. But may be it was a disruptor blast from the romulans that really knocked it down I guess we will never know LOL..
Thankyou for the correction

It's all good...and by the way, no truther has ever said that...ever... :)

as I said I was not sure about that but yes I do agree about the fire and the steel getting hot. But may be it was a disruptor blast from the romulans that really knocked it down I guess we will never know LOL.. was directed energy beams. Swear to god! Dr. Judy Wood told me so, and she has a "Dr." in front of her name.
You are absolutely correct. In fact, at the SPEED the plane was going? It would be difficult for any pilot, even a top notch ace to even HIT the building. Let alone a novice.

You've never played a flight simulator game, have you? I used to aim commercial jets at the Twin Towers all the time on the flight simulator. They were easy to hit.

I don't have a T.V. I haven't been brainwashed now for several years.

Do you wear a tin foil hat, too? If not, better get yourself one or the aliens and the government will be able to control your thoughts with their mind control rays.
This claim of hard to hit is fishy. I flew a plane, albeit a weeny plane, and I had no training whatsoever. Like the terrorists I did not take off or land, but while the pilot did paperwork I flew the plane for the 2 hour trip to its destination and got to the right town and did not overshoot by 150 miles. First time I ever sat in the front of the plane and held the controls.
I did, and it didn't answer my question. Notice in both examples, they are inside in a very dark room.

The morning of 9/11 was a crystal clear day, with bright sunshine. There's a very good reason they don't show drive-in movies during the day.

People also didn't just see the planes, they heard them too. Jet engines are really noisy, ya know. What created the sounds of the planes?
I reiterate, you don't know the state of the art, you aren't an expert in what is or is not possible, or how indeed how it is done. You front as an expert in future technologies, give me a break, quit watching T.V. and being brainwashed by "experts."

Nor are you privy to the origin or background of the reliability of these "witnesses."
You've never played a flight simulator game, have you? I used to aim commercial jets at the Twin Towers all the time on the flight simulator. They were easy to hit.
Nice. . . your source of evidence, your support is. . . a. . . video game? Boy, you sure showed me, I can no longer reason with you, I can see who is in denial and is grasping at straws. I present expert testimony, you present. . . crap arguments and insults.

You have the audacity to accuse me of wearing tinfoil hats when it is proven that the government plants stories on network and cable television? When the big media corporations have lobbied and completely controlled the deregulation of the news industry?

Don't talk to a political scientist about the information clearing house. The fourth estate is completely broken, and has been since media deregulation in the eighties. T.V. and radio can own each other, and they can both own papers and cable. It's a cluster fuck, and 85-95% of the population is dumber than a box of rocks, including the ones researching and publishing the stories about boys in bubbles.

When I was in elementary school, and my mother took me to the grocery store? I used to look at the magazines while waiting in line to check out. What did I see? National Geographic, U.S. News and World Report, Time, Newsweek, etc. What do I see today? Soap News, U.S. Weekly, The National Enquirer, etc. garbage. "Tin-foil hat stuff," as it were.

No wonder they thought they could pull this off and get people to believe "terrorists" are attacking our country, and we are fighting them in a war for. . . what? Eight years now?!? And just who the hell is giving them food? Clothing? Medicine? Guns, bullets, munitions, tactical and strategic support for gods sake?! We are the most prosperous country on earth, with the biggest military, they have no allies, and no military budget, and no funding, and no source of arms shipments?!? Yet they fight on for. . . what, eight years?!?

Yeah, I'm a monkeys uncle. Guess what folks, as long as the U.S. wants a base in Central Asia, the War in Afghanistan will NEVER be over. And we will NEVER leave our base in Iraq, NEVER. Get real, stop being moronic, and WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Both parties work for the same people. :shrug:
I reiterate, you don't know the state of the art, you aren't an expert in what is or is not possible, or how indeed how it is done.

Well I have used the state of the art and you have no idea what you are talking about. It is abundantly clear that MacGyver has more knowledge of this area than you do. He clearly understands the issues which you do not.
Wow Eso your ranting and raving with James R is the stuff of tinfoil hats. Please remain seated while the world is in motion.

It's a cluster fuck, and 85-95% of the population is dumber than a box of rocks, including the ones researching and publishing the stories about boys in bubbles.
Thanks for letting us in on your private secret that you are so much smarter than everyone else. Frankly, your posts show that you are parts of the "box of rocks" crowd as you so condescendingly call them.
Hey eso, any pilot out there would say that to hit the world trade center is not that hard.

Hell, people land aircraft going 800 miles per hour onto a moving aircraft carrier with a window the size of a sheet of paper to correctly land it.

Astronauts in space dock craft moving 90000 feet per second with a window the size of a post it note.

Eso, it is not that hard to hit a 90 story building with a 757, not hard at all. And the fact is that leer, while possessing some unique qualifications, is a woo-woo, he thinks aliens are strip mining the rings of saturn.

Eso, I would put money on the fact that I could hit the world trade centers.

Pilots regularly land or hit targets much, much harder than the world trade center.

And even then, the explosion is more consistant with burning fuel than TNT or thermite.

If you saw the images you see the plane hit the building, a fireball coming out the entry and out the exit, if there were TNT there would be an explosion coming out all sides of the building.
Well I have used the state of the art and you have no idea what you are talking about. It is abundantly clear that MacGyver has more knowledge of this area than you do. He clearly understands the issues which you do not.
My apologies, I did not know you two worked in government and had top secret clearance.
Until I see some . . . I don't know, expert testimony, sources, data? I'm sorry, I'm just not convinced any of you know what you are talking about. It's my sourced and presented testimony versus your say so. Not a very good discussion in my book. You all are just giving me your un-sourced opinions, claiming that YOU are experts, so that makes it true.

I put up, now you can all just shut up, mmmkay?

Telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. . . sheesh. . .:wallbang:
My apologies, I did not know you two worked in government and had top secret clearance.

Dude you are going to have to back away from the Bong here. Do you even remotely realize what you are saying. You are saying that first the planes that millions of people seen crash into the buildings my self included were fooled into thinking that it only happened and that it was actually an explosion that BTW only exited the building on one side of the building was the blame ofr the colapse of the twin towers. And then every body that was involved eye witness's in the building that heard the jet engines are full of crap and all the rescue people they were in on it and some of them where the equivalent of a Kamakazi and commited suicide and there superiors let them do this. Is this the jist of your liitle tale here.
Until I see some . . . I don't know, expert testimony, sources, data? I'm sorry, I'm just not convinced any of you know what you are talking about. It's my sourced and presented testimony versus your say so. Not a very good discussion in my book. You all are just giving me your un-sourced opinions, claiming that YOU are experts, so that makes it true.

I put up, now you can all just shut up, mmmkay?

Telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. . . sheesh. . .:wallbang:

Eso, seriously, in order to make your arguement plausible answer this, where would you get projectors big enough to make such a hologram, theyd need to be around 50 feet, (rule of thumb is that they need to be around 1/3 the size of the image for that level of detail)

Eso, any pilot can hit a target like that, it aint that hard.
Hey eso, any pilot out there would say that to hit the world trade center is not that hard.

Eso, it is not that hard to hit a 90 story building with a 757, not hard at all. And the fact is that leer, while possessing some unique qualifications, is a woo-woo, he thinks aliens are strip mining the rings of saturn.
Where did you get this? No he doesn't. He just supports a NASA scientist that has disclosed this. This NASA scientist has photographic evidence from Pioneer 11. His name is Norman R. Bergrun. His book is The Ring Makers of Saturn. I would recommend his site, but the government has bugged it with all sort of worms and viruses, so even a cursory search for it on Google triggers alarms on my Avasti scanner. Go to the site? More alarms. I don't recommend going to the site. Getting a hold of the book will cost you upwards of $200 bones on Amazon. This is REALLY off topic, and it is just an attempt to poison the well, mmkay?

And even then, the explosion is more consistant with burning fuel than TNT or thermite.

If you saw the images you see the plane hit the building, a fireball coming out the entry and out the exit, if there were TNT there would be an explosion coming out all sides of the building.
Explosives experts can makes an explosion of jet fuel go off right where they want it too look any way they want. I'm not doing this any more. Your original contention is that a plane couldn't hit the tower exactly in a pre-planned spot, I agree with you. End of thread.
Eso, seriously, in order to make your arguement plausible answer this, where would you get projectors big enough to make such a hologram, theyd need to be around 50 feet, (rule of thumb is that they need to be around 1/3 the size of the image for that level of detail)

Eso, any pilot can hit a target like that, it aint that hard.
Where do you get this? I don't accept your "rule of thumb." That is why they call it, "TOP SECRET" technology, TOP SECRET. I find your lack of imagination, well, galling.

It's like me coming back to the 1950's and telling someone I've seen T.V.'s less than four inches thick and everyone telling me it just isn't possible, and I'm nuts and don't know what I'm talking about. This is really just hilarious. You think that you KNOW everything there is to know about the state of holographic technology. . . it's, laughable. You are just being arrogant. You don't know everything there is to know. They WOULDN'T necessarily need what you say they would need, that is my point. You don't know what they would need.

According to what you perceive, and according to what you know of commercial applications? Sure, I will concede, it would be impossible given the current state of the technology. That's not what I am saying. What I am saying is, "Here, look at what they are already showing to the public. . . now just TRY to imagine what the government can do."

I had this same discussion about the B-2 bomber with some guy. I told him there is a possibility it holds an anti-gravity generator. He told me it was impossible, because he followed its development since it's inception, and he saw it in action and at an airshow. And yet. . . it's ALWAYS guarded, and they let KNOW ONE get near the thing. HMMM. . . must be just because they don't want any knuckle head to jump in and turn the key and take it for a joy ride, huh?
Don't believe me on the anti-grav. issue? Go here and read the PUBIC papers. . . it seems that it is VERY possible. . .

Give me a break fedr808. I am not so naive as to think our government doesn't have vastly advanced technology that it keeps to itself out of the civilian sector. If you think it doesn't? Well, that's your prerogative, and that is where we will just have to agree to disagree. This is the whole crux of the disagreement, ok?
My apologies, I did not know you two worked in government and had top secret clearance.
How quaint of you. It just goes to prove that you have no idea what you are talking about.
It's my sourced and presented testimony versus your say so.

You have posted info of no consequence that we all know about. It is of no consequence as we have all pointed out. The technology in no way is applicable to the situation you claim.
He just supports a NASA scientist that has disclosed this. This NASA scientist has photographic evidence from Pioneer 11. His name is Norman R. Bergrun. His book is The Ring Makers of Saturn. I would recommend his site, but the government has bugged it with all sort of worms and viruses, so even a cursory search for it on Google triggers alarms on my Avasti scanner. Go to the site? More alarms. I don't recommend going to the site. Getting a hold of the book will cost you upwards of $200 bones on Amazon. This is REALLY off topic, and it is just an attempt to poison the well, mmkay?

It's time to put up or shut up. Post the link.