big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

Their still remains the fact of the matter that a bunch of pilots could not possibly hit the building exactly where the explosives were planted. It's just impossible.
Their still remains the fact of the matter that a bunch of pilots could not possibly hit the building exactly where the explosives were planted. It's just impossible.

Bull Loney. Same principle as a major league batter interacting with a 90 MPH fastball. Batter does not count inches above ground where ball is in flight toward plate. Many long home runs have been hit off of 90 MPH fastballs. Especially fat fastballs exactly over middle of plate. WTC buildings were fat fastballs exactly over middle of plate.

Column-weakening means could have been applied to a range of elevations greater than one story of building(s), expanding strike zone like impatient home plate umpire. Tell me, does hard evidence prove that building(s) initiated collapse exactly at point(s) of plane impact(s)?
No the collapse did not initiate exactly at the point of impact. The impact alone did not cause the collapse. The collapse began where the fire had weakened the steel the most.

Other theories I have heard are that there were explosives in the basement, explosives on every third floor the whole way up and the idea being suggested by the truthers in the last thread here was that there was over 100 tons of ultrasupermegathermite snuck were into the towers. Apparently no one noticed....

There is no compelling evidence for any of these theories of course.
My post was intended to address only one point. That the pilots did not have to take time to count and calculate and thread a needle.

Whether the resulting catastrophe was an inside job or not, the pilots did not need superhumanly impossible aiming talent.

An inside job could have relied on enough widespread preweakened columns so that, like in horseshoes and hand grenades, "close counts". Explosives were not the only preweakening means possible.

And, many have volubly claimed that a non-conspiratorial terrorist attack could allegedly have resultantly fire weakened enough widespread columns so that "close counts".

Either way, pin point pilot aim accuracy was not a critical limitation.

In my humble opinion.
fedr808 I think was beaten to death in another thread here a while back, but it may be that Scott has come up with another delusional mess to replace the previous delusional mess he posted. Not only do the planes hit the explosives, but they survive the impacts and fires. So these super dependable demolitions then begin to fail later on and produce squibs.

If a tire company was making these things they might have to run an ad saying,
"Our tires can tackle the roughest, meanest, most ornery roads in the world. Just don't run them on smooth roads - they tend to go flat."
Their still remains the fact of the matter that a bunch of pilots could not possibly hit the building exactly where the explosives were planted. It's just impossible.

All they would need would be the altitude at which the exsplosives would be placed and program the flight computer or that altitude and Bobs your uncle. It would be impossible to count the floors but plausible that they used the flight computer on a preprogramed flight path.
Do you have any evidence that the hijackers knew how to program the flight computer or took instructions in that task? Doesn't the flight of the plane hitting the south tower suggest that the plane was not on a flight computer? Did the recovered FDRs indicate the use of flight computers on the other aircraft? I'm not familiar with the aircraft, but weren't the transponders and possibly other equipment disabled on the aircraft? Would these have had any effect on using a pre-programmed flight?
Do you have any evidence that the hijackers knew how to program the flight computer or took instructions in that task? Doesn't the flight of the plane hitting the south tower suggest that the plane was not on a flight computer? Did the recovered FDRs indicate the use of flight computers on the other aircraft? I'm not familiar with the aircraft, but weren't the transponders and possibly other equipment disabled on the aircraft? Would these have had any effect on using a pre-programmed flight?

As far as I know the transpoders were turned off on the planes this does not trun off the flight systems just the Ident beacon as far as I know. And I did not here anything about them not using the flight systems on the Twin tower planes. And yes the Higjackers were familiar with programing of the flight systems of these planes. I think they would have had to have been on as it would be extermely hard to fly by the seat of your pants on one of the aircraft going the speed they were. It would be plauseible for them to use the flight systems on the planes to set the altitude and then take control just before impact. I never heard anything about the Flight data records from these 2 planes.
The media are denying the people the chance to know the truth by siding with the Administration version of events . Surely there are many writers who wrote books, articles......etc and concluded that Osama Bin Laden could not have been the one who had any part in it at all . In democracy the media should let the other side of the equation express itself and it should be given equal opportunity on air and in print . fair is fair folks .
Fair is fair folks? So you want equal time for racists, drug dealers, street gangs, and whomever claims they need to be part of a democracy?

OK back on track.

From Grim Reapers link:
To date, none of the contents of any of the FDRs from the two jetliners that hit the Twin Towers have been made public.

That would be because the FDRs were not recovered.

So the claim is that the planes hit exactly where they had to hit to match explosives that were not heard and left no traces of explosives, detonators, or anything else.
The media are denying the people the chance to know the truth by siding with the Administration version of events .
If people are siding with the official version it is because they see the 9/11 conspiracy is a collection of urban myths.

Surely there are many writers who wrote books, articles......etc and concluded that Osama Bin Laden could not have been the one who had any part in it at all .
What are you talking about?! Go to Amazon, there are plenty of books by people like David Ray Griffin.

In democracy the media should let the other side of the equation express itself and it should be given equal opportunity on air and in print . fair is fair folks .
The media have no control over the internet, which is more effective than books and TV nowadays.

There are books, movies, tv shows, websites that claim that there was a conspiracy. The views of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are found easily. The majority are supporting the official story because they see that the conspiracy is a list of mistakes and misrepresentations of the truth.

In the eyes of some conspiracy theorists this lack of support just becomes more evidence of a conspiracy.
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Their still remains the fact of the matter that a bunch of pilots could not possibly hit the building exactly where the explosives were planted. It's just impossible.

You are absolutely correct. In fact, at the SPEED the plane was going? It would be difficult for any pilot, even a top notch ace to even HIT the building. Let alone a novice. And twice? Not likely. Or so says an expert in the field, with more expertise than anyone on this board, one the world's most experienced pilots.

He states that it just isn't physically possible for planes to hit the buildings, going at that velocity, at that altitude.

John Lear, son of Bill Lear (Founder, creator of the Lear Jet Corporation)
More than 40 years of Flying
19,000+ TT
23 Type ratings
Flight experience includes 707, DC-8, 727, L10-11

John Lear - 911 Remote Controlled Planes & No Plane
Likewise, if you want someone to believe that a plane and fire took down these buildings, perhaps you should
1) Provide evidence of the planes (and correct evidence at that.)
2) Run a demonstration, or cite another case history or example where a steel frame building of this size and construction type has collapsed in a similar manner with such short a time and so little fuel.
911 Truth Finally On Mainstream Media

If you wish to see John's entire three hour interview, you can PM me, and I will direct you to the link.
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So the claim is that the planes hit exactly where they had to hit to match explosives that were not heard and left no traces of explosives, detonators, or anything else.

Don't know what planet or reality you are from, but I have SEEN with my own eyes the evidence of the explosives in photographs and videos. :rolleyes:
You are absolutely correct. In fact, at the SPEED the plane was going? It would be difficult for any pilot, even a top notch ace to even HIT the building. Let alone a novice. And twice? Not likely. Or so says an expert in the field, with more expertise than anyone on this board, one the world's most experienced pilots.

He states that it just isn't physically possible for planes to hit the buildings, going at that velocity, at that altitude.

John Lear, son of Bill Lear (Founder, creator of the Lear Jet Corporation)
More than 40 years of Flying
19,000+ TT
23 Type ratings
Flight experience includes 707, DC-8, 727, L10-11

John Lear - 911 Remote Controlled Planes & No Plane
Likewise, if you want someone to believe that a plane and fire took down these buildings, perhaps you should
1) Provide evidence of the planes (and correct evidence at that.)
2) Run a demonstration, or cite another case history or example where a steel frame building of this size and construction type has collapsed in a similar manner with such short a time and so little fuel.
911 Truth Finally On Mainstream Media

If you wish to see John's entire three hour interview, you can PM me, and I will direct you to the link.

Are you implying that the idea of Kamikaze pilots hitting our ships in World War 2 was also a myth?

A plane that size could hit the world trade centers. Not too dificult either.

There are a million other people in the world with his same set of qualifications that believe otherwise.

Are you saying that 500,000 people are in on this conspiracy?
and that same woo-woo believes that there are secret cities in the moon, that there are domes and arches on the moon, that there are hidden entrances into the moon, that there are aliens mining the rings of saturn...

That venus's atmosphere is not sulfuric acid and it is not 800 degrees, but that another alien civilization lives there...
Are you implying that the idea of Kamikaze pilots hitting our ships in World War 2 was also a myth?
Apples and Oranges. Clearly, you didn't view my evidence. You are not qualified, and do not understand the difference in aircraft.

There are a million other people in the world with his same set of qualifications that believe otherwise.

Cite five.

Are you saying that 500,000 people are in on this conspiracy?
Nope. I'm saying that the official story doesn't add up, there are no planes, and it was explosives, that is all. The rest? Well, it needs to be investigated, that is all anyone who isn't engaged in clinical belief preservation or denial is desirous of.