big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

You've never played a flight simulator game, have you? I used to aim commercial jets at the Twin Towers all the time on the flight simulator. They were easy to hit.

Fairly sure I managed to hit them with the Concord at least once.
Where do you get this? I don't accept your "rule of thumb."are you a qualified stage and projection lighting operator? That is why they call it, "TOP SECRET" technology, TOP SECRET. I find your lack of imagination, well, galling.
Eso, do you believe in creationism? Those are the only people that believe something exists when there is no proof behind it and they know it. If it is top secret how do you know about it? There is no projector that are 60 feet large. Eso unless you can post a picture of the projector or proof and i mean documentation, patents, cost, etc, IT DOES NOT EXIST END OF STORY
It's like me coming back to the 1950's and telling someone I've seen T.V.'s less than four inches thick and everyone telling me it just isn't possible, and I'm nuts and don't know what I'm talking about. ughhh, so what? Im not saying its not possible to do it, but with our tech and even top secret tech, its not possible. This is really just hilarious.Your the one who thinks that aliens are mining saturn. You think that you KNOW everythingI know more than you, that's all that matters there is to know about the state of holographic technologyYou think that since you imagined it, it exists. You are makign crap up, it doesnt fly.. . . it's, laughable. You are just being arrogant.Your quoting an idiot >.> You don't know everything there is to knowOnce more, I know more than you do. They WOULDN'T necessarily need what you say they would need, that is my point. You don't know what they would need. Yes I actually do, you don't

According to what you perceive, and according to what you know of commercial applications? Sure, I will concede, it would be impossible given the current state of the technology. So aliens must have made 9/11 happen That's not what I am saying. What I am saying is, "Here, look at what they are already showing to the public. . . now just TRY to imagine what the government can do."why would the government waste money on it? They wouldnt, there is almost no practical use for holographic tech other than entertainment

I had this same discussion about the B-2 bomber with some guy. I told him there is a possibility it holds an anti-gravity generator.BS, it does not hold an antigravity generator. If we dont know about it and there is no evidence it exists or that it is even possible, it does not exist. He told me it was impossible, because he followed its development since it's inception, and he saw it in action and at an airshow. And yet. . . it's ALWAYS guarded, and they let KNOW ONE get near the thing. Its got stealth tech, why the hell would they give away their secret, its an amazing advantage, but it doesnt work if everyone knows about it HMMM. . . must be just because they don't want any knuckle head to jump in and turn the key and take it for a joy ride, huh?Eso, do you also believe in fairytales? Because theres about as much evidence for fairies and tinkerbell as there is for your holographic techa nd anti grav and aliens theory
Don't believe me on the anti-grav. issue? Go here and read the PUBICthey probably were pissed out your pubic area papers. . . it seems that it is VERY possible. . .

Give me a break fedr808I dotn give breaks to retards. I am not so naive as to think our government doesn't have vastly advanced technology that it keeps to itself out of the civilian sectoryou watch the syfy channel to much, get a life or atleast egt laid. If you think it doesn't?what evidence is there Well, that's your prerogative, and that is where we will just have to agree to disagree. This is the whole crux of the disagreement, ok?

You are making up technologies to support your theories and than you claim that they do exist and that they are "classified"

If we dont know about them, and there is no evidence for them, than they dont exist.

holo projectors and anti grav tech doesnt exist eso, theres no proof for them whatsoever. No concrete down to earth photographics proof for their existance. End of story.
hey guys we better watch out he may hack into the Death ray Sat and cook us all where we sit..
holo projectors and anti grav tech doesnt exist eso, theres no proof for them whatsoever. No concrete down to earth photographics proof for their existance. End of story.

True. But that we, John Q. Public, do not have any information for their existence, does not necessarily preclude the possibility. It's a wide wide and weird world. After all, there's actually people that can look at a video of WTC 7 coming down, and be convinced that fire brought it down, isn't that something?

why would the government waste money on it? They wouldnt, there is almost no practical use for holographic tech other than entertainment

did you really just say that? are you really that unimaginative? can you even conceive of a holographic army. . . or ships? anything that would confuse an enemy via visual reconnaissance. . . That's akin to saying the state of the art in camouflage design in commercial application development for hunters and such, have no practical government uses. :bugeye:
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It's really interesting. I've noticed that, when it comes to science and technology, members on this board somehow think that access to all available knowledge is indeed, available. There are certainly the best and the most brilliant minds on this board. But is that information allowed to be made public, to be published in a public forum? Yeah, right, sure, whatever, I don't think so.

Yet. . . it's like the people on here have never heard of corporate espionage, national espionage, state secrets, etc. and the like. It is inconceivable to brilliant people that there is actually knowledge they might just not be privy to. Scientific, and technological. As such, it is impossible to have this kind of discussion, because, this sort of person will NEVER admit that there is knowledge that the public does not, and will not ever know.

So, if you want to stick your head in the sand, and say, "la la la, I can't hear you. . . any thing you say, if it isn't published, with proof, it can't possibly exist? I know more than you, and your just stupid." Like I said, that is your prerogative. However, it reminds me very much like the teenager that believes he knows everything. Sad.
Esotericist, reading is supposed to make you smarter, if that isnt happening then why bother?

I do read. I also am aware that the government gives LOTS and LOTS of money to various projects for various reasons. Thus, we can come upon some conclusions, as to what those reasons may be, and perhaps, what other studies have been done that we are not privy to, and what applications the government has put them to.

But then. . . that would take not only reading, but thinking and imagination. . . they don't teach that in schools or uni these days, do they? Perhaps you would like me to teach you? :p

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Main Entry: ex·trap·o·late
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈstra-pə-ˌlāt\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ex·trap·o·lat·ed; ex·trap·o·lat·ing
Etymology: Latin extra outside + English -polate (as in interpolate) — more at extra-
Date: 1874

transitive verb 1 : to infer (values of a variable in an unobserved interval) from values within an already observed interval
2 a : to project, extend, or expand (known data or experience) into an area not known or experienced so as to arrive at a usually conjectural knowledge of the unknown area <extrapolates present trends to construct an image of the future> b : to predict by projecting past experience or known data
I do read.

yes but i said that reading shopuld make you smarter and honestly, if it is making you dumber then it is counterproductive and you should consider just not reading.

in school you cannot just read what you want to read. why would i sit down and read a book by someone who i am smarter than? its a travesty of a wasted tree and a waste of time.
So after all is said and done Eso takes the long winded way to admit that his claims were baseless.

So, if you want to stick your head in the sand, and say, "la la la, I can't hear you. . . any thing you say, if it isn't published, with proof, it can't possibly exist? I know more than you, and your just stupid." Like I said, that is your prerogative. However, it reminds me very much like the teenager that believes he knows everything. Sad.

Thanks for the childish rant here, and all of the others in which you exhibited your true age - a teenager. When we try to assist you and point out simple mistakes such as your lack of understanding of projected images, you attack others expertise, and avoid learning something. You might take the time to learn instead of being bull headed about it all.

Thus, we can come upon some conclusions, as to what those reasons may be, and perhaps, what other studies have been done that we are not privy to, and what applications the government has put them to.

This reminds of the person that asked the interpretive ranger at Mesa Verde, "How many undiscovered ruins are there?"
This reminds of the person that asked the interpretive ranger at Mesa Verde, "How many undiscovered ruins are there?"

Good one! Admittedly, this is the 85-90% of the population I was referring to earlier. And yet. . . . you remind me or the arrogant ranger, whose invariable snobbish reply, who knows full well what the tourist was getting at, wanting to know an estimate of how many undiscovered ruins there might be, replies, "oh, there couldn't possibly be any, we have scoured the area too thoroughly for any to remain undiscovered."

Only to look like a total ass a few years later when new ruins are found inside a cave, or buried under a mountain via the result of an earthquake, etc.
yes but i said that reading shopuld make you smarter and honestly, if it is making you dumber then it is counterproductive and you should consider just not reading.

in school you cannot just read what you want to read. why would i sit down and read a book by someone who i am smarter than? its a travesty of a wasted tree and a waste of time.

your judgments and opinions, your estimations, and calibrations on intelligence, knowledge and experience do not interest me.

Who may be more knowledgeable than whom, is indeed, evident to me. Surely, that is the difference between you and I. I DO read what ever I wish, I never do what I am told. For if you do as you are told, you will only think as the institutions wish you to think. For, as is clear, with the folks I must suffer when I try to free a great many insufferable minds, some of them brilliant and great, however, they still are in bondage and in chains of societies strictures and ruts of conventional and uncreative thinking. Limited to seeing only what is presented to them, and believing only what is taught and told to them that they may believe.

It makes control and ruling so much the easier for those at the top of the pyramid. Know you not the first thing of institutional control and power? Have you not a clue what the pyramid with the eye a top of it on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill mean? It means, in school you cannot just read what you want to read. You shall only read what is approved by the learned intellectuals of society, and then they shall believe it to get their paper from the institution, and they will go on and teach the same things. No questions shall be asked, if they are? Ridicule shall be summarily handed out by the ones that are the followers of the dominant paradigm, w/o the teachers having to get their hands dirty in the process.

See if you can gain any insight to how the process works by this short, but instructive video clip.
Why you ridicule truth you haven't heard or that is not accepted by "the herd."
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Only to look like a total ass a few years later when new ruins are found inside a cave, or buried under a mountain via the result of an earthquake, etc.

Once again you spout nonsense. You haven't got a clue about the words you post.

Admittedly, this is the 85-90% of the population I was referring to earlier.
No. The reference was to you. That was perfectly clear.
You're misguided posting of that crappy video is evident in your posts. Posting does not make it a reality. Posting does not make it possible, or plausible. It remains gibberish.

This is a science forum, not a poetry forum. Post with the expectation that evidence will be demanded.

BTW, the ranger never answers the question. And the ranger would never answer with a snobbish reply. Those are your fantasies of what you expect. More likely they are the way you interpret responses to your posts.