big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

and that same woo-woo believes that there are secret cities in the moon, that there are domes and arches on the moon, that there are hidden entrances into the moon, that there are aliens mining the rings of saturn...

That venus's atmosphere is not sulfuric acid and it is not 800 degrees, but that another alien civilization lives there...

Fallacy: Poisoning the Well

Description of Poisoning the Well

This sort of "reasoning" involves trying to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information (be it true or false) about the person. This "argument" has the following form:

1. Unfavorable information (be it true or false) about person A is presented.
2. Therefore any claims person A makes will be false.
Apples and Oranges. Clearly, you didn't view my evidence. You are not qualified, and do not understand the difference in aircraft.

Cite five.

Nope. I'm saying that the official story doesn't add up, there are no planes, and it was explosives, that is all. The rest? Well, it needs to be investigated, that is all anyone who isn't engaged in clinical belief preservation or denial is desirous of.

And you are qualified?

Im pretty sure that the 99% of COMPETANT experts that rule in favor of the current story in that 2 planes hit the towers and the towers fell down is the right story.

99% kicks the crap out of your woo-woo that claims aliens are strip mining the rings of saturn.

And it's apples to apples, if a zero dogfighter can hit a 500 foot long aircraft carrier while both objects are moving and flack is being blow up in their faces, im pretty sure a 757 could hit the world trade center.

That is your strategy, whenever someone doesnt agree with you, you call them unqualified and delirious. Because you have NO counter arguement, you know my arguements are true yet you ignore them and insult ME.

even nicer
John has learned many incredible and interesting facts about the solar system and planets including the existence of huge structures, arches, bridges and domes on the moon, cities on Mars, huge extraterrestrial ships mining the rings of Saturn, the incredible but secret agenda of Apollo 17.
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Apples and Oranges. Clearly, you didn't view my evidence. You are not qualified, and do not understand the difference in aircraft.

you have to be qualified to know that an airplane can hit a gigantic building?

that is a new one.
Don't know what planet or reality you are from, but I have SEEN with my own eyes the evidence of the explosives in photographs and videos.
I know you are from an alternate reality since there were no explosions in photographs or videos. There were no explosive reports. No explosives found in the debris. No detonators found in the debris.
there are no planes, and it was explosives
The planes were recorded by many cameras and seen by thousands of witnesses. The place was full of wreckage from the planes. And no explosives.
Good to see you MacGyver.

Here is what people inside the building stated:
My name is Jeff Benjamin and I was visiting a client, Axcelera Specialty Risk, on the 83rd floor of the North Tower when we observed an approaching aircraft (American Airlines Flt.11)from a distance of aprox. 3-4 miles. At the time we initially spotted the plane, it appeared to be level with us. We could distinctly identify the American airlines insignia and my client commented that perhaps the plane had taken off from Kennedy and was experiencing mechanical problems. As the plane approached us it seemed to climb. I stood up from the conference table and walked over to the window assuming as everyone did that there was no imminent danger. As the plane came closer we could see that it was traveling at a high rate of speed and the sound of the engines intensified. Immediately before impact we could see images in the cockpit and the plane banked sharply. A split second later we heard an echoing shot, fell to the floor and observed a fireball followed by debris which struck the side of the building. At the same time you could feel the building sway every so slightly for a brief moment. We immediately retreated towards the main part of the office where we noticed a huge fireball shooting out of the elevator shaft which quickly disappeared. Source

From a window on the 61st floor in the north tower, Ezra Aviles had seen everything. He knew it was no bomb. His window faced north, and he saw the plane tearing through the skies, heading straight for the tower. It had crashed into the building over his head-how far, he was not sure. Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn "102 minutes, The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers." Henry Holt & Co. New York.; 2005.

I heard the loud roar of airplane engines outside. I turned in my chair so that I could see out the window. About three or four plane lengths away, I saw a huge jetliner coming at the building. I said, "That guy is low!" I spoke loud enough that my colleague sitting in the cubicle next to mine heard me. I saw the nose of the plane and then the smooth underbelly and one of the wings. It was just above me, a little bit to the right, and slightly bent so the wing over me was higher than the other wing. I couldn't see any windows or recognise any markings but I noticed the landing gear was up. It had just registered that this was no small plane when it entered our building two floors above me. –George SleighSource

"I saw the plane come in. My office faces north. I just finished my coffee and I heard my friend say, 'Oh no, oh no.' This plane was coming right at us, then it went up and hit the upper floors. –Nicholas Scinicariello, 86th floor Source
you have to be qualified to know that an airplane can hit a gigantic building?

that is a new one.

yes, you would have to be a pilot to be aware that precision flying of that type of aircraft, that low, at that SPEED, is near impossible. apparently. since you all believe it can be done, along with nearly the entire population of the earth. . . as they say, seeing is believing, no?
yes, you would have to be a pilot to be aware that precision flying of that type of aircraft, that low, at that SPEED, is near impossible. apparently. since you all believe it can be done, along with nearly the entire population of the earth. . . as they say, seeing is believing, no?

Eso, getting a 100-200 foot plane to hit a 90+ story building is not that dificult and when you think about it, things that are much more dificult have been done before in aerospace.

Just think about mid air refueling, two planes going 700-800 miles per hour have to get within like 30 feet of each other and stay stable for several minutes.

Or the apollo mission where the command module had to dock with the lunar module, they had to hit a target the size of a motorcycle while going at tens of thousands of miles per hour.

Hell, in a flight simulator even I could hit a building.
Before 9/11 planes hit buildings and the buildings did not come to a zero point like the Towers Of Deception in NY .