big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm the only person that has posted any links to experts in this thread?

You can post all the links you want that try an support your feeble accusations but the fact remains they are not true. There is no way and i mean NO WAY they could cover that up there are too many people and eye witness' involved. Everybody would have had to have been either Hi or just plain stupid to not see what happened. Except the fact and move on if you keep pursuing this it will eat you alive and you will in most cases either wind up in the nut-house or in Jail as you well let this bother you to the point that you feel the need to act on the feeling of being oppressed. And then before you know it you are the next Timothy McVey or the next Ted Kazinsky. Come on give it a rest. And PS the links you posted were weak at best.
Thanks for yet another infantile response.

I suppose this is the lame manner in which you admit that you had no supporting evidence.
Two colonies, many military bases around the world and getting NATO plus other wannabees to fight Islam, Muslims and help the US steal the oil and resources of sovereighn nations .

Colonies? I don't see any Americans moving to Iraq or Afghanistan. We didn't gain any new military bases we already didn't have. The only thing we "won" was a huge ding to our economy that almost bankrupted the airlines, and a clusterfuck military action that have cost billions (Afganistan). We didn't go to Iraq because of 9/11...we invaded that sovereign country because we believed that Saddam had WMD's. I love how CT's think the U.S. government was savvy enough to pull off 9/11 with all kinds of planted evidence, but we're to stupid not to plant WMD's in Iraq, so we didn't look like idiots.
Not only that oil prices went way low right mike 47? Hey wait a minute that matches all the rest of the claims that fly in the face of the obvious evidence. Good going!
Colonies? I don't see any Americans moving to Iraq or Afghanistan. We didn't gain any new military bases we already didn't have. The only thing we "won" was a huge ding to our economy that almost bankrupted the airlines, and a clusterfuck military action that have cost billions (Afganistan). We didn't go to Iraq because of 9/11...we invaded that sovereign country because we believed that Saddam had WMD's. I love how CT's think the U.S. government was savvy enough to pull off 9/11 with all kinds of planted evidence, but we're to stupid not to plant WMD's in Iraq, so we didn't look like idiots.

Americans are brainwashed by the media and the Administration and they became robots following orders and no intelligence . I was talking to an 18 year old Chinese and she knows politics better than most Americans on this site . The media and their neo cons did a good job making America brainless when it comes to politics . who else in the world would elect bush twice as president ?!!!!.
Americans are brainwashed by the media and the Administration and they became robots following orders and no intelligence . I was talking to an 18 year old Chinese and she knows politics better than most Americans on this site . The media and their neo cons did a good job making America brainless when it comes to politics . who else in the world would elect bush twice as president ?!!!!.

Actually, my brain is quite dirty..thank you. :) Not everyone is a sheeple. Some people can think for themselves.

Just curious, Mike..where are you from?
You can have a PHD in politics but if you are racist or a bigot.....etc, education means nothing and you keep on distorting the truth .
As a common sense people are able to see reality but for them to hide the truth time and time again is ridiculous .
I have no respect for any nation that has freedom and democracy and then put clowns like Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Joe Lieberman, some of the highest offices of the land .
You can have a PHD in politics but if you are racist or a bigot.....etc, education means nothing and you keep on distorting the truth .

Are you calling me a bigot?

As a common sense people are able to see reality but for them to hide the truth time and time again is ridiculous .
I have no respect for any nation that has freedom and democracy and then put clowns like Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Joe Lieberman, some of the highest offices of the land .

What truth are we hiding? Just because we don't believe in conspiracy theories? Because we have examined the evidence and through critical thinking have determined that 9/11 conspiracy theories are laughably implausible?

What does your respect for the US and former US government officials have to do with 9/11? Or are you using this thread as a soapbox to bash the U.S.? What do you believe happened on the morning of 9/11?
Look how much profits the oil companies are making.

That does not follow from your argument of invasion for oil. You are quite wrong.

That flailing, incoherent, lashing out everywhere act you do is quite concerning. You need to get a hold of your anger and realize that what angers you is your own misunderstandings.
Nice. . . your source of evidence, your support is. . . a. . . video game? Boy, you sure showed me, I can no longer reason with you, I can see who is in denial and is grasping at straws.

Not a dumbed-down game. A flight simulator, which mimics the controls and behaviour of real aircraft. I was right. You've never played one, have you?

When I was in elementary school, and my mother took me to the grocery store? I used to look at the magazines while waiting in line to check out. What did I see? National Geographic, U.S. News and World Report, Time, Newsweek, etc. What do I see today? Soap News, U.S. Weekly, The National Enquirer, etc. garbage. "Tin-foil hat stuff," as it were.

You're not looking hard enough. There's plenty of good media out there.

No wonder they thought they could pull this off and get people to believe "terrorists" are attacking our country, and we are fighting them in a war for. . . what? Eight years now?!? And just who the hell is giving them food? Clothing? Medicine? Guns, bullets, munitions, tactical and strategic support for gods sake?! We are the most prosperous country on earth, with the biggest military, they have no allies, and no military budget, and no funding, and no source of arms shipments?!? Yet they fight on for. . . what, eight years?!?

A very brief search of the internet ought to disabuse you of silly notions like the Taliban having no allies, no funding, no sources of arms etc. Don't be dumb.
Well..I can take it...I think my reputation speaks for itself. I'm a firm believer that all pussy is pink on the inside, and we all bleed red. :)

Well we all bleed red unless we get cut in a vacuum then it is Blue LOl sorry off topic but had to just had to ...