beer woman spared a good old fasioned caning

blah blah blah....

4. When the scientists in the Islamic world based their work on Greek, Roman, Indian or Chinese works and gave legitimate credit to the actual writers rather than passing it off as their own work [as those in western society did with the works of other societies]
What a crock of crap. Assuming we don't believe in magical fairy creatures, Alien Overlords or Allah - More than 80% of the fracking Qur'an was plagiarized! Pull your head out. Your Mohammad character copied Christian story's and pretended God told him them!

bizarro world
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I'm 100% sure that the Bible and the Torah are mentioned as prior revelations in the Quran.

Meanwhile its interesting that you can open a thread on something that almost happened and use it to bash all Muslims from Malaysia to Saudi Arabia but its not a hate thread.

But a discussion on IDF organ trade which says nothing about Jews as a race or ethnicity or religion is shut down for antisemitism.
I'm 100% sure that the Bible and the Torah are mentioned as prior revelations in the Quran.

Meanwhile its interesting that you can open a thread on something that almost happened and use it to bash all Muslims from Malaysia to Saudi Arabia but its not a hate thread.

But a discussion on IDF organ trade which says nothing about Jews as a race or ethnicity or religion is shut down for antisemitism.
Don't hate the people SAM, just the intolerant ideology.

Oh the irony SAM, you complaining that "Western" societies pinched the works off others (mostly Greek and Roman and rightfully acknowledged) when your entire "Islamic" Civilization is built from a plagiarized bible.
Mohammad didn't tell everyone he copied some stories from a Bible - which would have been being truthful. Instead of telling the truth he decided to pretend God told him the exact same stories :bugeye: See the difference SAM? :shrug:
Maybe not. Lets go over it again really slowly. When a little child copies the math answers off the person next to him and then tells everyone he didn't really copy them math answer but what really happened was his invisible friend told him the answers - well, that's called lying. Only an idiot would think his invisible friend told him the answers.

Yeah, I know, hard to believe but it really is that easy.

Simple enough?

So I find it very funny that you complaining about Europeans plagiarizing (which is yet to be proven) while at the same time holding a Qur'an. HAA!!! A Qur'an. The little math sheet with the invisible friends answers.

THAT is some funny shit!

Yeah, the real reason this woman was threatened with canning, is because Muslims are leaving the Islamic faith and joining the modern world. Canning is a meat-headed way to try to scare them into being so-called "good Muslims".

But, get this SAM, in the modern multicultural world good Muslims would rather be "good People" and so they are moving past their intolerant ideologies and making a new culture - the bigots of course hate this. THAT is the real reason this woman was threatened with canning. (drink driving... please)

As for the organ trading. killing people specifically to take their organs is evil. anyone who does it is an evil SOB. If a person is dead, then IMO their organs must be used to help the dieing. People should make out wills to designate who those people will be. letting a person die and NOT using their organs should be a crime.
Yeah, the real reason this woman was threatened with canning, is because Muslims are leaving the Islamic faith and joining the modern world

If that is true then you have nothing to worry about. We'll soon all become like the west and use their tactics for getting things done.

The last 100 years are a good example of how. No more canes on random women, White Phosphorus on children's schools ftw!

Just imagine the Middle East filled with nuclear weapons and leaders like Obama, who give directives to bomb villages and okay the rendition of civilians.

Yeah, those will be good times. Who knows? Maybe whites will be the new aborigines.
If that is true then you have nothing to worry about. We'll soon all become like the west and use their tactics for getting things done.

The last 100 years are a good example of how. No more canes on random women, White Phosphorus on children's schools ftw!

Just imagine the Middle East filled with nuclear weapons and leaders like Obama, who give directives to bomb villages and okay the rendition of civilians.

Yeah, those will be good times. Who knows? Maybe whites will be the new aborigines.
The answers to those problems isn't to pull your head in and be more religiously racist. If anything this only leads to more problems. And in that war, Muslims will lose because Muslims are technologically inferior to just about every nation (with the exception of some south pacific and african nations).

The solution is education.

And as I have said, yeah, a lot of people need religion. People like you for instance. Good people that just need to be educated properly :) That includes people in the USA too SAM, most Americans are superstitious dolts as well. Part of the beauty of religion is it can be used to help focus the their mind in a positive direction. So, lets reform the racist aspects of religion and make them something more positive. It's all make-believe anyway, so why not improve it?

Who knows, maybe then good people will not have to be beaten with a stick for enjoying a beer with their friends? :shrug:
Anyway, it seems like any level heads rational thinking individual would see that it's counterproductive to have religious courts and I hope such abuses of power snap these idiots in England and elsewhere so that they realize such so-called legal system are ridiculous.

Why not bring out the stockades and rotten fruits?
Every nation has its laws and laws came from religions, cultures and common sense too .
Some laws are good and some stink to high heaven . This is life .
Every nation has its laws and laws came from religions, cultures and common sense too .
Some laws are good and some stink to high heaven . This is life .

If that is true then you have nothing to worry about. We'll soon all become like the west and use their tactics for getting things done.
I certainly do not think that the USA, England etc.. do things in the best way. Who is to say that ME countries will not come up with sometihng much better? Maybe once they are unshackled from this 100lb superstitious stone they'll fly above us all? Secondly, the Japanese adopted many western ideas and inventions and I would hardly say they are not Japanese. Their religion is softer but it's still their religion. Many Japanese used to think their Emperor was a living God and were happy to murder other humans for him. Very few if any do now. Many Muslims think similar thoughts about similar things are are equally as motivated to murder people. In time this to will end. I would think you'd be happy? Slavery was a plight on humanity and it was considered "Islamic" - it's not now. I do not think you could find any Muslims alive today that think Slavery is Islamic. At least not in the civilized world. See?
To most people in the west its an advantage to keep Muslims undereducated, hence the support for dictators over popularly elected leaders. Imagine if all Muslims were like me. What would they do?

You forget Japan was demilitarised by force and their native religious instruction banned. Perhaps thats what the west needs to get over its hegemonistic tendencies.

Then maybe they can focus more on the hundreds of thousands of people they torture, maim, burn and kill on a regular basis rather than one good person who is almost caned
1) Muslims are responsible for their under education. Not the West. They have been under-educating themselves for generations.
Which is more important SAM: Learning the principals expressed in the Qur'an or learning basic Science?

2) Muslims are responsible for their own governments. Name a time in recent History (say 1000 years) when Muslims in the ME were not ruled by an Emperor or a King (that is: A dictator). This is a part of your culture. It was like this before there even was a "West" worth mentioning.

3) Japan is Japanese. That's the point. No one forced any Japanese to stop worshiping their Emperor SAM. What? You think American GIs walked house to house inspecting for Emperor worship? Please... That's so sill as to be stupid. Japanese stopped worshiping their Emperor because they were educated. That education was facilitated by the USA but it was Japanese who educated themselves.

You see SAM, Japanese were able to say to themselves: Basic Science is actually more important than Emperor worship. Many people can intellectually make this leap. Can most Muslims? Maybe not? I'm not 100% sure it's possible most can. I know many can because I know many ex-Muslims who are atheist or at least agnostic.

Hundred of Thousands have been tortured ey? No no SAM, Americans only hand out cotton candy and sweet meats - it's all very glorious isn't SAM? Isn't that right? Cotton candy and sweets.
The Japanese were not only bombed by two nuclear bombs and forcibly demilitarised, but their entire society was built from ground up to avoid accountability for what was done to them. Americans still stay there in military bases and ensure that they behave. The Japanese are also a dying society where young people express their angst by forming internet suicide clubs and have a majority of the society that is ageing.

Afghanistan was abandoned after being used in a proxy cold war. Palestine has been a pawn for Americans since Truman and without American support for Israel ,might have a chance. Iraq and Iran were both destroyed by American intervention. We could go on and on with Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Indonesia and all the other colonies but there would be no point.

What Muslims should do is abandon the west and revert to their own values. If the Arab world were to revolt and eject all their pro-western puppets, there may be some temporary instability, but eventually they would find themselves. But even that would be unacceptable to those whose lifestyles demand victims and whose military industrial complex only runs on the blood of others. Any such action, e.g. election of Hamas in Palestine will be met by more military intervention not less. So Muslims are stuck with western intervention in their lands like it or not.
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Japanese stopped worshiping their Emperor because they were educated.

Actually, the emperor was restored in Japan during the Meiji restoration, an era of Japan marked for its highly significant political, economic, and social changes. Following the emperor's restoration and the conversion from a feudal to a capitalist economy, Japan witnessed an industrial outburst and developed rapid modernization within. Besides, state authoritarianism continued well after Imperial Japan, even during the Allied occupation.
What Muslims should do is abandon the west and revert to their own values. If the Arab world were to revolt and eject all their pro-western puppets, there may be some temporary instability, but eventually they would find themselves.

Yeah find themselves with the Taliban.

Its interesting that you say 'muslims' should abandon the west and not Islamic countries:rolleyes:

Your a muslim why don't you abandon the west? If these muslim countries are so marvelous why do they emigrate to western nations looking for the 'good life'. Abandoning the west should mean that they pack up and go home, all those who think like you anyway.
SAM said:
Yeah ignorance about Islam is the primary problem in Muslims today.
And of course, its useful to many to keep it that way.
There is no such thing as Islam outside of what Muslims actually believe and do.

That - including the caning, the woman-abuse, the slavery, the intolerance, the whole panoply of sharia weirdness and so forth - is the religion.

That isn't "ignorance about Islam" any more than lighting candles to saints or loaning money at interest is ignorance about Christianity.

And if some pack of Malaysian thugs can legally haul a woman to jail and beat her with a club for drinking a beer while Muslim, that's just a fact about the Muslim religion in Malay. And if the rest of the Malaysians want to put a leash on the thug brigade and their clubs, that seems to me a reasonable thing to do.
There is no such thing as Islam outside of what Muslims actually believe and do.

Not really. I've seen the difference myself when people are challenged with what the Quran actually says, compared with what they believe it says. This is true not only in places like India/Malaysia where Muslims might not know the language of the Quran, but also Saudi Arabia where they do. Hence the necessity for dictators to make people toe the line in such places.

Which is why I think education about Islam is more important for Muslims than anything else in Islamic countries today. They should be able to debate the Quran and compare what it says with what is being practised in many of their countries.
SAM said:
Not really. I've seen the difference myself when people are challenged with what the Quran actually says, compared with what they believe it says.
I can easily see that there might be differences between A: what some Muslims believe and B: what you think the Quran says.

The Muslim religion includes all of A. Whether it includes B or not depends on how many other self-identified Muslims agree with you about what the Quran says.
I can easily see that there might be differences between A: what some Muslims believe and B: what you think the Quran says.

The Muslim religion includes all of A. Whether it includes B or not depends on how many other self-identified Muslims agree with you about what the Quran says.

Here is a very simple example to demonstrate what I am saying

Now the funny thing if that imam had to support this statement from the Quran: In Islam, circumcision is for men

He would find it impossible to do so.
RE: Japanese, I was referring to Japan today. I don't know any Japanese that worship the Emperor as a living God. As for a "die society" that's certainly not the Japan I know. They will stabilize around 80 million. Seem pretty OK considering the small amount of land they have. Japanese have been practicing ritualized suicide for hundred, maybe thousands, of years. It has nothing to do with "America" even if you'd like to tie the two together per usual.

SAM, I agree, I think Muslims should learn about Islam as well. I couldn't agree more. I think a modern neo-Islam would be prefect for Muslims. One that stresses that the Qur'an is no better than any of the other superstitious books. One that sees all religions as being equally as valid as one another. A tolerance and less bigoted Islam. So yeah, I agree :)

You know, I remember my friend who said, you know, if Iran was Christian we'd probably be just like the French now. He's atheist. I find that an interesting indictment of Islam and it's deleterious effects on society. He'd know, he was a Muslim.