beer woman spared a good old fasioned caning

gustav said:
sharia is the law of the land. the law specifies all those that come under its purvey. the law forbids alcohol consumption. the law contains provisions for punishing violators
The fact that sharia is not the law of "the land", total, was one major aspect.

The weirdness of sharia itself being another - with respect to the culture reacting, of course.
gustav said:
muslims vs infidels.... the double standard
If you are attempting to equate distinction by assigned religion with distinction by sex, I plead disinterest in whatever "follows".
gustav said:
Nothing wrong with listening to well reasoned povs. But the realities of power and enactments - the stuff that the well-reasoned povs are povs of - are also worthy of attention.

premises within premises? your point?
That the existence of sane and reasonable povs is of course reassuring. But not necessarily relevant - certainly not exhaustive of relevance.
The fact that sharia is not the law of "the land", total, was one major aspect.

The weirdness of sharia itself being another - with respect to the culture reacting, of course.

Try it this way: Law by consensus is not the law of the "land"- was one major aspect, the weirdness of law by consensus being another.
SAM said:
Try it this way:
Nah. Too far afield. I'll stick around the OP somewhere.
gustav said:
..equate distinction by assigned religion with distinction by sex, .......
explain please
gustav said:
i trust you get the point. two sets of laws for two distinct sets of persons

Even if sharia law did not make all the distinctions and more - - -
OUR west suffer from too many alcoholics and too many drug addicts.

Actually when my sweety was living in saudi, every one had home brew or a still. Trust in allah, but drain the keg!

Also Muslim countries in Africa have insane rates of HIV in part because of islame and the additudes towards women. Entire villages reduced to the very old and the very young.

Every country has the right to have laws according to their culture , religion and way of life .

Actually they don't, just like you can't do anything you want.
Actually when my sweety was living in saudi, every one had home brew or a still. Trust in allah, but drain the keg!

Also Muslim countries in Africa have insane rates of HIV in part because of islame and the additudes towards women. Entire villages reduced to the very old and the very young.

Actually they don't, just like you can't do anything you want.
I think unless you grow up a little your no sense means nothing to me .

of course perhaps i am not making my case clear but before i attempt to clarify.... a second opinion....

can you make any sense of post 139

the military shit?
Actually when my sweety was living in saudi, every one had home brew or a still. Trust in allah, but drain the keg!

Also Muslim countries in Africa have insane rates of HIV in part because of islame and the additudes towards women. Entire villages reduced to the very old and the very young.

Its true what you say a Pakistani woman has said she is still able to find ample booze in pakistan and that people do have parties where they drink.

As for HIV in Africa, you would find the same stats within the christian or catholic communities as the pope advocates abstinence and dissuades his priests and nuns from advocating the use of condoms. Its not just the muslim communities.
It is absolutely NOT true that African Muslims have more HIV and Aids than the west .

The African continent is plagued with HIV more than the West. It has to do with access to information and testing (also fear of being tested), taboos and bias against the use of condoms, women being unable to assert themselves with their husbands by refusing sex if he doesn't want to use condoms etc. but we're moving way off topic.
Is higher among christians but is still a problem in muslim communities. HIV infection is not a problem for only some groups its a problem for all groups black, white, gay, straight, religious or not.

"Across Nigeria, the prejudice and denial surrounding HIV/AIDS are major obstacles in trying to stem the spread of the pandemic. But the predominantly Muslim North presents special challenges. Kaduna State, like its capital of the same name, has an estimated infection rate of six percent, slightly higher than the national average of five percent or, in raw numbers, about 4 million people. Yet anti-AIDS campaigns face a difficult fight. "There's a lot of prejudice," said Mohammed Sagir Auwal, coordinator of the STD/AIDS Awareness and Prevention organisation in Kaduna. "But there's also a huge problem of poverty. Families just can't afford to look after people who are HIV-postive." "For a long time," he added, "HIV awareness campaigns were seen as a way for the West to spread foreign ways of thinking among traditional Muslim communities," he added."

"Most HIV/AIDS organisations are on the Christian side of the river, making it difficult to reach Muslim communities, especially women, who have little access to information and health services, according to Andrew Yohanna at Kaduna's State Action Committee Against AIDS (SACA). "Very few organisations work with Muslim women," Yohanna said. "The approach is crucial. If you get off on the wrong foot, you're in trouble. You can't just start talking directly about sexuality with them." Reports about HIV-positive women being tortured, burned and abandoned have frightened many women, especially within the Muslim community, about seeking tests or treatment, according to local AIDS activists. "Two Muslim women came to see us with their test results. They were HIV-positive and had pretty much decided to flee," said Ashi Appah, director of the Kaduna-based Gender and Human Values. "There're also cases where the husband knows he's infected and takes ARVs but doesn't tell his wife," she added."

But to get back on topic I agree with you. If the muslims in Malaysia want to beat women with a stick for drinking then that's their problem. The West these days spends way too much time worrying about how people are treated overseas when its none of our business. Yes that also includes the Taliban cutting off someone's ears and nose if they go to vote! They can pour gasoline over each other in religious reverie if they like and set each other on fire for all I care.
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of course perhaps i am not making my case clear but before i attempt to clarify.... a second opinion....

can you make any sense of post 139

the military shit?

I assume you refer to the same circumstance as is frequently seen when it comes to drug possession and skin colour?:rolleyes:

Or the curious circumstances under which a bong is a threat to national security but a gun is not?
I think unless you grow up a little your no sense means nothing to me .

Wow, that was over your head?

I don't think I can dumb it down much, but I'll try.

See country A.
See country A is doing what ever it likes.
See the other countries.
Other countries are angry at country A.
Other countries stop playing whith country A.
Other countries drop bombs on country A.

Is that better? As long as there are others, you can't just do what you want, even if you are a country.
I assume you refer to the same circumstance as is frequently seen when it comes to drug possession and skin colour?:rolleyes:

Or the curious circumstances under which a bong is a threat to national security but a gun is not?


We are talking about the police, the official enforcers of the law, arresting and incarcerating and beating with sticks women, for drinking beer - if and only if they are registered Muslims. That's going to look notably strange, to the inhabitants of my region and culture. It's going to make "news of the weird", and why not?

ice is gaping in disbelief at the dual system of justice in malaysia..

The dual system of law is provided in Article 121(1A) of the Constitution of Malaysia. Article 3 also provides that Islamic law is a state law matter with the exception for the Federal Territories of Malaysia.[1] Islamic law refers to the sharia law, and in Malaysia it is known and spelled as syariah. The court is known as the Syariah Court. Looking at the Malaysian legal system as a whole, sharia law plays a relatively small role in defining the laws on the country. It only applies to Muslims. With regards to civil law, the Syariah courts has jurisdiction in personal law matters, for example marriage, inheritance, and apostasy. In some states there are sharia criminal laws, for example there is the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code Enactment 1993. Their jurisdiction is however limited to imposing fines for an amount not more than RM 3000, and imprisonment to not more than 6 months.[2] In August 2007, the then Chief Justice of Malaysia proposed to replace the current common law application in Malaysia with sharia law.[3]

As an example of the dual system, sometimes a nightclub is raided, and Muslim patrons drinking alcohol are prosecuted in Shariah courts, while the others are allowed to drink. Also the nightclub operator is not charged with any offense, because he is not legally required to check if customers are Muslim before serving them.​
....and insists it does not happen in his neck of the woods.
i counter with this.....

Private conduct may constitute an offense under Article 133, UCMJ,and there is no requirement that the conduct be otherwise criminal.... All that is required is for the offender's conduct to fall below the level of conduct expected of officers and to seriously expose him to public opprobrium. Moreover, military law is replete with examples of conduct protected by the Constitution when engaged in by civilians but which becomes criminal when engaged in by military members.... [T]he fact that conduct may fall within a recognized liberty interest under the Constitution does not mean that the conduct cannot be proscribed under Article 133, UCMJ....(link)​

...and wonder why you fucking morons cannot understand a goddamn simple point

the malaysian muslim's counterpart is the serviceman in america
the civilian in america has its counterpart in the infidel/tourist in malaysia

an analogy to the nightclub......bathhouse in sf/military and civilian patrons/a raid

ja or fucking nein?