beer woman spared a good old fasioned caning

Not much of one, which is consistent with the Muslims you seem to know.

Is he a supporter of the Shah?
SAM said:
Here is a very simple example to demonstrate what I am saying
? It also demonstrates what I'm saying. You don't get to say that Islam is this or that, and not otherwise. The rest of us have to deal with Islam is, not Islam as should be.
? It also demonstrates what I'm saying. You don't get to say that Islam is this or that, and not otherwise. The rest of us have to deal with Islam is, not Islam as should be.

Probably, in the same way that we have to deal with what western democracy is not what it should be.

Who has the tougher job here, you think?
SAM said:
Probably, in the same way that we have to deal with what western democracy is not what it should be.

Who has the tougher job here, you think?
You, by far.

Doesn't change the situation with that religion. Give it a little power, see what happens.
Give it nothing. It is a negative influence on human development, as all current religions are.

The rest of us have to deal with what Islam is, not Islam as it should be.
And there is reality. Nice comment.

SAM does not understand the similarity between what she espouses and what she hates. She does not understand that, given the opportunity, power would rest in completely different hands than where it currently does, and the end result would be little different. Other than in her own preference.
In essence, she only wants to replace what the west prefers with what she prefers. The net difference in terms of human suffering would be much the same; but the perspective on what constituted suffering would change.
SAM would become the ignorant uninformed westerner.
SAM uses religion to shield herself from the nature of humanity. She is not alone.

I do, however, take issue with the "what it should be". We have very little to evidence what "should be" other the SAM's little book. Which, of course, can be quoted to refute what she claims is truth as much as it can be quoted to support it. Again, this goes the same for any religion having an authorised text as a basis.

You can see the effect of this with the Christians who say "The devil can quote scripture to suit himself". The early Christians recognised (one presumes) the inconsistencies contained within their own words and made an attempt to nullify the inevitable result.
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You, by far.

Doesn't change the situation with that religion. Give it a little power, see what happens.

So, like I said, we are stuck with western nations telling us to do as they say, not as they do. And you're not even allowed to fight back. Pretty much what you might call a dead end.
So, like I said, we are stuck with western nations telling us to do as they say, not as they do. And you're not even allowed to fight back. Pretty much what you might call a dead end.
Every country has its own laws .
Some are fair and some are ridiculous .
Sovereign nations have the rights to their own laws as they see them fit for their people .
Homosexuality is a human disgrace and a shameful act in many countries and therefore it is against the law or a criminal act .
Not much of one, which is consistent with the Muslims you seem to know.

Is he a supporter of the Shah?
I asked him if things would be better with the Shaw and he said "Why do we need one? We just want to be a democracy." So, I suppose no, not a supporter.
One interesting thing about reza is he has come to a point where he thinks Iranians need to stop blaming everyone else for their problems and realize they made the mess they are in themselves. NOt the USA but them. No one is going to help them clean it either, so they should stop blamming and get to fixing things.

What do you think SAM? If Iran were a Xian nation, do you suppose they'd be like the Europeans? Or, would they just be a fanatical Xian Theocracy instead? Now, THAT would be interesting to know.
Not now no. But, he is planning to move back to take care of his mother (she's getting on). his mother, father and brother do live in Iran. Not to mention his uncles and cousins etc... what happens in Iran matters to him because it directly affects his loved ones.

I've lived inside and outside of the USA and I certainly think, as a Citizen, I have my say. Granted its a small say comparatively, but, as a Citizen I should be able to vote.

Just on the side, you don't live in Palestine now do you??? (we both know where you are going :p

What exactly do you think of Iran's political system? I mean, personally, do you think it's pretty good or pretty shit?
SAM said:
So, like I said, we are stuck with western nations telling us to do as they say, not as they do. And you're not even allowed to fight back. Pretty much what you might call a dead end.
So what's wrong with doing as they say? And how does Western hypocrisy and perfidy excuse that of others?
So what's wrong with doing as they say? And how does Western hypocrisy and perfidy excuse that of others?

Because there is a cure for ignorance, but none for indifference or bigotry.

Besides, they have no credibility to ask of others what they will not do themselves.
SAM said:
Because there is a cure for ignorance, but none for indifference or bigotry.

Besides, they have no credibility to ask of others what they will not do themselves.

The question was: what's wrong with "doing as they say"?

Do you not do the right thing because the wrong person claims - however dishonestly - to do it themselves?

If a bad person tells you to behave well, are you then absolved from responsibility for behaving badly?

The question was: what's wrong with "doing as they say"?

Do you not do the right thing because the wrong person claims - however dishonestly - to do it themselves?

If a bad person tells you to behave well, are you then absolved from responsibility for behaving badly?

What is "behaving well"? If a thug holding a gun to me says I must disarm because violence is bad, should I listen? Especially when he's already been on a shooting spree in the neighborhood? And the only thing between us is my gun? What would you do?
SAM said:
If a thug holding a gun to me says I must disarm because violence is bad, should I listen? Especially when he's already been on a shooting spree in the neighborhood? And the only thing between us is my gun? What would you do?
According to you, if I am to make sense of this analogy, I would be justified by the incident in adopting my own policy of armed aggression in my neighborhood.
Ah..I heard about the "black eyed peas concert barred for Muslims" because it's being sponsored by guinness. [Malaysia]
I thought that it was a bit extreme, but then again it was a tactical mistake of black eyed peas to give a concert in a Muslim country when being sponsored by an alcohol company.
According to you, if I am to make sense of this analogy, I would be justified by the incident in adopting my own policy of armed aggression in my neighborhood.

If the neighborhood consisted of thugs who went on shooting sprees, most certainly. Hearing them preach about peace and nonviolence while they were killing people would be met at the least by incredulity at the most by hysterical laughter.

Ah..I heard about the "black eyed peas concert barred for Muslims" because it's being sponsored by guinness. [Malaysia]
I thought that it was a bit extreme, but then again it was a tactical mistake of black eyed peas to give a concert in a Muslim country when being sponsored by an alcohol company.

Where did you hear this?

I was really wondering how they want to enforce that. It's probably at their own discretion as the following excerpt hints:
"The concert, part of celebrations of Guinness 250th birthday, asks on its website "Are you a non-Muslim aged 18 years and above?" and if the response is no, access is not allowed."

I blame the PAS for denying their fellow Muslims enjoying some music for such a petty reason such as "wrong sponsor".

I was really wondering how they want to enforce that. It's probably at their own discretion as the following excerpt hints:
"The concert, part of celebrations of Guinness 250th birthday, asks on its website "Are you a non-Muslim aged 18 years and above?" and if the response is no, access is not allowed."

I blame the PAS for denying their fellow Muslims enjoying some music for such a petty reason such as "wrong sponsor".

Indeed. Not to mention the deplorable demonstration with the cows head or the previous cancellation of Beyonce's concert or the protest against Ella and Mas. And they are just in the opposition coalition!

What I find most interesting however [and this is in my attempt to trace the news to its source] is that the news has garnered 238,000 pages in two days.
SAM said:
According to you, if I am to make sense of this analogy, I would be justified by the incident in adopting my own policy of armed aggression in my neighborhood.

If the neighborhood consisted of thugs who went on shooting sprees, most certainly.
The analogy changes again - closer to what you want to talk about, farther from the incident at issue. I can no longer make sense of it relative to the OP.

You appear to be arguing that the local Muslim authorities are justified in enforcing a policy of beer for all, with non-drinkers beaten for sobriety, because the US pretends to allow cultural diversity while really forcing alcohol consumption on Muslims.

I doubt that was your intent.