As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

So you resort to this?

please answer my questions and stay on topic, you are just proving me right for stooping low.

in this thread you asked a question on the persons personal experience. since it is how they do it how can you argue with them.. yet you consistantly try to.. no matter how absurde that is when they answer your question and ask you something "how a debate goes" yet i dont know how you can debate how a person raises there children we get well thought out responses like these

Pointless crap and poking at the theists without answering anything or even addressing my actual questions and points.

Denied get back tot he drawing board your attempt is not even showing any effort.
More jibberish not answering anythign I said you lose and are not an honest debator.

More meaningless jibberish

More bunk nonesense not addressing any of my questions and points

No that;s the thread title einstein not my multitude of querstions that follows int he OP and all my other posts.

Denied go think of a better argument and actualy address all my points.

More crap
Bunk bunk bunk get lost.
More gibberish
Yeah i have a job and kids to what a struggle it is right?

You thought of any good arguments yet?
Well im taking over command of the theists now.

Have you noticed that certain atheists will not be comming to test me here? want to know something "not all atheist are stupid" only the ones who actualy came in here debating against the love of children that is what you are doing and you ahvent even noticed

This is a debate and i have given amny detailed explanations as tot he effects it has mentaly ont he child. none of you are addressing this your all picking and choosing what you reply too.

Now your just arguing like the others who stopped even trying to debate my actual lenghty posts.

Fix up
Thats a single answer and i can tell from your reply you have not actualy dealt with a small child asking these things, you really think the child is going to accept a 1 liner?


This child will ask you Why why why why until you just give up and say "beacuse i said so"
So you resort to this?

please answer my questions and stay on topic, you are just proving me right for stooping low.
........................... How is that answering all of my questions all you do is say.




Etc blah blah

As if you are scoring off my entire word count in this thread so far which is in the thousands soon to be reaching 10's of thousand with the rate im going.

You really think you cane pile my serious questions of morality and ethics off with one liners and simple "i disagree"

Try again and this time go back and address everything i say, do it honestly because next time im going to copy and paste every single thing ive said to every single poster and fire every question in its bulk directly at you.

the thread is a question not a debate yet you keep saying the word debate in the replies you give.

and in a debate you have to come up with good counter arguments.. which you have yet to do
Your basic question was answered. The rest of your post: assumptions about atheists (generalisations) was pointed out as such.

A "serious question about ethics etc." should not be based on personal prejudices and/ or generalised insults.

Avoiding the point is hardly making an "Afghanistan for atheists".
Do you have an argument or are you, as usual, being a blow hard preacher with no truth (or integrity) to your stance?
I'm genuinely interested.
Proving you right in what?

YOU brought up the topic of how fast we reply! I merely stated it's because we have jobs, and other, more interesting things to do. You aren't that important, and fuelling your delusion that you a meaningful contributor to society isn't one of my goals either.

Mk now back on topic.
Thats a single answer and i can tell from your reply you have not actualy dealt with a small child asking these things, you really think the child is going to accept a 1 liner?

Actually that was a reply to the post above. You're right, one line answers are not enough. You have to explain to the level of the child's comprehension.

And it's amazing how you've analyzed how much I know about parenting from a few posts. As a claimed studier of psychology, you should know better.

You wont teach a child something that you dont adhere and subscribe to yourself? in other words you are doing the same thing the tesits do? telling them only what you perosnaly believe?

I don't know how you got that from what I wrote. How is showing them the various religions and beliefs doing the same as religious isolationists do?

Ok and you told them the grandparents are "gone and you will never see them again, and when you die you wont ever see anythign again" and they were not feeling great i can imagine?. what came next? did you ask how they feel deep down how they are coping inside with this sad news? do you know if it ruined any hopes they might have had before?. Did they get left alone to wallow in "pre teen" sadness all alone? you just left them to deal with it after or not?

No, we atheists just use one liners and then ignore our children's crying. :rolleyes:

Really? How is a person's belief got anything to do with how they love and care for their children? You must live in a black and white world. I'd rather talk to them about their loss, try to help them through it, than to pretend that everything will be okay when you see grandpa in heaven. Again, I'm not going to lie just to make the tears stop.

How did this effect them when they reached puberty and became teenagers? did they turn gothic or slightly Emo? did they seem to become withdrawn and closed? did they seem happiern deep down?

One's a teen already, and he's very happy with his life.
in this thread you asked a question on the persons personal experience. since it is how they do it how can you argue with them.. yet you consistantly try to.. no matter how absurde that is when they answer your question and ask you something "how a debate goes" yet i dont know how you can debate how a person raises there children we get well thought out responses like these

the thread is a question not a debate yet you keep saying the word debate in the replies you give.

and in a debate you have to come up with good counter arguments.. which you have yet to do

So you use all of the posts where i refused to fall into pointless debate to avoid being trapped in semantics, then you compile all of the useless bunk i used to refute useless bunk and hoped it would get you anywhere.

Denied, Do you want every single post ive typed out compacted in to one single post and fired at you?. you do realise i will do this to you aswell if you dont stop witht he semantics.
Actually that was a reply to the post above. You're right, one line answers are not enough. You have to explain to the level of the child's comprehension.

And it's amazing how you've analyzed how much I know about parenting from a few posts. As a claimed studier of psychology, you should know better.

I don't know how you got that from what I wrote. How is showing them the various religions and beliefs doing the same as religious isolationists do?

No, we atheists just use one liners and then ignore our children's crying. :rolleyes:

Really? How is a person's belief got anything to do with how they love and care for their children? You must live in a black and white world. I'd rather talk to them about their loss, try to help them through it, than to pretend that everything will be okay when you see grandpa in heaven. Again, I'm not going to lie just to make the tears stop.

One's a teen already, and he's very happy with his life.

Some of these points are valid and not useless,

Yes i did do that You came off as if a one liner was enough to settle a childs distress, i was saying that it won't do and the child will not accept this.

It is not exactly the same as teaching your child one religion no you are correct ofcourse. I am and i made this clear this thread is directed at Atheists, Atheists who actualy teach the kid's tat they will die and there is no heaven, because yes there are people who really do this and really teach children "there is no god" "there is no afterlife"

I am not arguing about agnostic's and them teaching that anythign is possible and let the child decide while explaining tot he child "i do not know the answer" because if you really don't know and you feel you do not understand then your being honest with the kid which is a good thing.

A persons belief has very much to do with how they are raised, i can even use an atheist argument to support my claim one that is used frequently ont is very forum, Some atheists think religious people are evil and bad parents for teaching their kids what they believe.

Also a parent usualy passes down his personal belief to the child. obviously it is not always the case but it does happen and it is not rare for children to be indoctrinated into a certain attitude, f or example parents often install racism intot he children, i know plenty of "racist little kids" and they don't even know why they are racist all they know is "daddy said black people are all scumbags" and this does go on many BNP and NF supporting parents install this hatred intot he child at a young age, and it does have a very real effect on the child ofcourse.

If your child is very happy and is content then i can do nothing but say you are a good parent, from one parent to another i like that you have made your child happy.

But you do not teach your kid's "there is no god, There is no afterlife period", some parents do teach children this and it does not have good effects. our child might come to a point soon in their life and they get to thinking "im not content with not knowing" and fear and doubt will cloud their vision.

Remember im speaking as a revert from a non believer to a believer, i have first hand self experience of those feelings of doubt and i have been on both sides of the fence. i know what hope atheist brings and i now understand the sheer bliss of believing in eternal life. I can say without a doubt i am much happier believing, and this goes for hundreds of people thousands if not millions worldwide. just go on youtube and watch allt he convert videos, nearly all of them speak of this same doubt, this same feeling of diss-content, and how much more happy they are now they believe in the afterlife and how good it makes their soul feel deep down a new happiness never before experienced.

So you use all of the posts where i refused to fall into pointless debate to avoid being trapped in semantics, then you compile all of the useless bunk i used to refute useless bunk and hoped it would get you anywhere.

Denied, Do you want every single post ive typed out compacted in to one single post and fired at you?. you do realise i will do this to you aswell if you dont stop witht he semantics.

actually yes i do want every single post you have typed out fired at me . ill await that response and then you might see how outragouse you sound to all of us.

if its a pointless debate WHY DID you start this thread?

all of the bunk you posted.. was in response to LEGITIMATE questions or ANSWERS yet you still call it bunk. Such as a stance from a theist is. and the onlything thats denied is you. look back in this thread how many of your theist buddies are backing you up/ talking on your behalf? None you say? who would of thought because they know everything you are saying is jibberish.. ill await your response with all of your lenghty replies
I don't have kids and don't plan to, but I would tell them directly, death is the end of the body, which is the source of consciousness and the mind. When you die, it's just like before you are born, you no longer exist. I might show them their dead pets as an illustration. Maybe I keep a few chickens that we slaughter together. Kids are stronger then we think, they will appreciate if we don't lie to them.

I find it fascinating that a theist would admit the afterlife is just a story we tell to pacify the infantile fears of the young. How can you live with yourself after such a deception?
I don't have kids and don't plan to, but I would tell them directly, death is the end of the body, which is the source of consciousness and the mind. When you die, it's just like before you are born, you no longer exist. I might show them their dead pets as an illustration. Maybe I keep a few chickens that we slaughter together. Kids are stronger then we think, they will appreciate if we don't lie to them.

I find it fascinating that a theist would admit the afterlife is just a story we tell to pacify the infantile fears of the young. How can you live with yourself after such a deception?

good response spider.. now get ready for a reply to this by him saying// something the along the lines of.. Jibberish
So you still haven't actually got an argument?

EmptyForceOfChi said:
Are there any Honest atheists here who want to really engage me int his debate?
EmptyForceOfChi said:
Come on all of you militant Atheists I challenge your morals and your justice and your Ethics, Come now and My words will defeat your words
EmptyForceOfChi said:
This is the Afganistan of threads, enter here at your own caution
EmptyForceOfChi said:
I give my word that I will destroy all of your debates
EmptyForceOfChi said:
I will be banned before I lose a single skirmish int his thread, and that is your only hope of victory here, you will have to ban me to win and Cheat to get victory

Still waiting...

So much for "your word".
actually yes i do want every single post you have typed out fired at me . ill await that response and then you might see how outragouse you sound to all of us.

if its a pointless debate WHY DID you start this thread?

all of the bunk you posted.. was in response to LEGITIMATE questions or ANSWERS yet you still call it bunk. Such as a stance from a theist is. and the onlything thats denied is you. look back in this thread how many of your theist buddies are backing you up/ talking on your behalf? None you say? who would of thought because they know everything you are saying is jibberish.. ill await your response with all of your lenghty replies

Ok then.

When they ask you what happens when you die what do you tell them?,. do you tell them "well see here son when you die worms eat your dead shell and then you never exist again?." or do you cop out and say "I don't know" (borrowing an agnostic teaching)

Or do you actualy have the nerve and audacity to steal religious teaching and (to your own understanding) Lie outrigfht to them and actualy try to teach them religious ways about heaven?. Like you would lie about the fake tooth fair and fake easter bunny and fake santa that you all love lying to your kids about.

Or do you just hope they shut up and stop reminding you of your own death secretly that you deep down resent and hate to think about maybe?.

What comfort do you offer a child who lost her parents when she asks you what hapopened to mummy?

Be Honest now Atheists and dont even try lying to me it''s better you just hide from my question and not even dare come into my arena and challenge my justice and morals.

Do you protect little children from "the truth" surely Truth is better than lying to them no? or do you have to lie to them (from your own understanding of what is true) because simply your stance on the subject actualy offers 0 comfort or any shred of hope and joy?

You tell me the actual response of a little child that you actualy told those things too. What did he or she say after? were they happy? did they find comfort in your words?. did they find joy or hope in what you said? Did you even care or take note of what the emotional reply was?

How did you feel after telling the child they will rot in the dirt and be forever a void int he aabyss of non existence?.

Hmm? what effect did it have ont he child growing up? did you contribute tot hem feeling depressed? did you lift the spirits of the child? did you see happiness in the eyes ocne you told them?

But how would you answer these very direct questions I mentioned in the OP?, whent he childs family member has died and they ask what happened what do you say?. and if you have experience in dealing with young unhappy kids who are upset you will know they don't just take one simple answer until you explain the whole of existence.

I might not have tons of fancy masters degrees but something I do have is real life experience and im sharing one right now.

The kids will say "so why" and then you answer than they say "why" and then you answer the third time and they want to know more. more, ore more until you have explained everything inthe universe tot hem just to justify that one death.

They don't just accept "she died and is gone" they ask "where has she gone" and then you tell them an answer and they say "why did they go there" you might tell them "they died" then they will say "why did they have to die" you say because we all must die" and they say "whats the point in living then if we all just die"

then you say well we live on int he memory of our loved ones, "the kid turns around and says "what about when allt he humans are alld ead" whos memory are we left in

What the hell do you say then "well life in the long run is a big pointless piece of crap. and there is no point.

Think about this carefully Spider because i actualy like you and i think you are a good person i would hate too see you live your whole life and still not understand what really matters.

What really matter sisnt how much science we can do or how much money we can accumilate. the really important stuff is things just like this. the reality of a child crying and they turn to YOU. this child is depending on YOU and only YOU for the support, care, advice, love, hope.

Do you really want to offer them eternal death and worms eating your dead carcass? because that's the reality of atheism. and it is a dark and gloomy way.

So come on lets hear what you tell your children about their death i want to hear what you have yourself actualy told children, or havent you ever even done this?

I want details what were the responses and reactions of the kids how did it effect their life. and dont event hink of making up lies i will thoughroughly and constantly fire multiply questions at you guage your reply time and scan for any inconsitancies

Im challenging you to present your emotional evidences. and what will you reply you will act like you dont understand my words i have already for-seen your reply and i am told that you will question these exact things unles si directly tell you not to which will make you look rpredictable which you wouldnt want to seem because that would in your eyes score me kudos points in minor technicalitys.

Even if an atheist were to not have faith they could still actualy teach the child that heaven is a possibility but that it might not exist, I do not have any problem with this it does not cause instand fear or instant sadness tot he child, i have told this to children int he pasty and it just leaves them wondering, and they look elsewhere for the answers when you make it clear you dont have them.

Teaching your kids "hey anythign is possible" is a very smart chocie to make, something that militant atheists forget to even consider in their personal hate crusade where they end up projecting their own hate of religion onto the very children they are raising.

kid are proggrammed to question EVERYTHING, anybody who has spent any amount of time with your typical 3-4 year old knows this. its always WHY why why why why why. they even want to ask why for the reply of I dont know" they are like "well why dont you know like your the adult wtf are you so dumb for you been here so long you old fart" (kinda thing lol)

So lets ask another question, lets for debate sake call both permanent death and the afterlife a "white lie"

What is the better lie? which one actualy brings hope and which one brings sadness and be honest about it. just because your an atheist doen'st mean a theist can give you knowledge you dont have to feel defensive like im on the other tea, your a human just like me i have love for you too. i dont care that your an atheist i will still treat you fair and if you admit "you know what your right" iw ont even slightly rub it in or gloat. I will humbly say

Read m,y reply to spidergoat, I have specificaly said exactly this thing. teaching your children an agnostic stance is honourable and not a bad thing. please actualy read everything i write, i wont repeat this same message twice now im going to pray and eat

Well you tell me your personal experience? have you ever had to tell a child about death? have you ever had to comfort a crying child who is screaming because they suddenly thought about perma death and didn't like the idea of losing everythiong forever?

You tell me what happened and give me your experience when dealing with this Very serious matter.

I have had to be in this position and it is not easy and unless you have the knowledge of god and heaven yes i can tell you truly the child does not want to accepot death it goes against the childs nature, the child wants to exist and thinks it is unfair and they get Very very emotional

What happened when you told the child about death?, and please dont make up rubbish do me the honur of being honest.

You wont teach a child something that you dont adhere and subscribe to yourself? in other words you are doing the same thing the tesits do? telling them only what you perosnaly believe?

You said """" don't tell them that anything is possible. It would be dishonest of me to say that, because that's not what I think."""""

Ok and you told them the grandparents are "gone and you will never see them again, and when you die you wont ever see anythign again" and they were not feeling great i can imagine?. what came next? did you ask how they feel deep down how they are coping inside with this sad news? do you know if it ruined any hopes they might have had before?. Did they get left alone to wallow in "pre teen" sadness all alone? you just left them to deal with it after or not?

How did this effect them when they reached puberty and became teenagers? did they turn gothic or slightly Emo? did they seem to become withdrawn and closed? did they seem happiern deep down?

It is not exactly the same as teaching your child one religion no you are correct ofcourse. I am and i made this clear this thread is directed at Atheists, Atheists who actualy teach the kid's tat they will die and there is no heaven, because yes there are people who really do this and really teach children "there is no god" "there is no afterlife"

I am not arguing about agnostic's and them teaching that anythign is possible and let the child decide while explaining tot he child "i do not know the answer" because if you really don't know and you feel you do not understand then your being honest with the kid which is a good thing.

A persons belief has very much to do with how they are raised, i can even use an atheist argument to support my claim one that is used frequently ont is very forum, Some atheists think religious people are evil and bad parents for teaching their kids what they believe.

Also a parent usualy passes down his personal belief to the child. obviously it is not always the case but it does happen and it is not rare for children to be indoctrinated into a certain attitude, f or example parents often install racism intot he children, i know plenty of "racist little kids" and they don't even know why they are racist all they know is "daddy said black people are all scumbags" and this does go on many BNP and NF supporting parents install this hatred intot he child at a young age, and it does have a very real effect on the child ofcourse.
When they ask you what happens when you die what do you tell them?,. do you tell them "well see here son when you die worms eat your dead shell and then you never exist again?." or do you cop out and say "I don't know" (borrowing an agnostic teaching)

Or do you actualy have the nerve and audacity to steal religious teaching and (to your own understanding) Lie outrigfht to them and actualy try to teach them religious ways about heaven?. Like you would lie about the fake tooth fair and fake easter bunny and fake santa that you all love lying to your kids about.

Or do you just hope they shut up and stop reminding you of your own death secretly that you deep down resent and hate to think about maybe?.

What comfort do you offer a child who lost her parents when she asks you what hapopened to mummy?

Be Honest now Atheists and dont even try lying to me it''s better you just hide from my question and not even dare come into my arena and challenge my justice and morals.

Are there any Honest atheists here who want to really engage me int his debate? are you man and woman enough to be honest and admit you lie to them and steal our teachings of an afterlife?. or are you the bold kind who tells them how you really think it is? you tellt hem how the worms will eat their lifeless shell while they enter into oblivion never to exist again? never to see anyone or open your eyes again?

Well what say you?
I would tell them what my mother told me... "I don't know." Then she explained her understanding of what various people "believed". But concluded with a "but no one really knows."
I don't have kids and don't plan to, but I would tell them directly, death is the end of the body, which is the source of consciousness and the mind. When you die, it's just like before you are born, you no longer exist. I might show them their dead pets as an illustration. Maybe I keep a few chickens that we slaughter together. Kids are stronger then we think, they will appreciate if we don't lie to them.

I find it fascinating that a theist would admit the afterlife is just a story we tell to pacify the infantile fears of the young. How can you live with yourself after such a deception?

And what do you think has the more positive effect and makes them more happy?, being told they are going to die forever and everyone will die forever? and you only get one life and your never gonna see any of again?

Or do you think telling them they will see everyone in heavenm when they die, they will have eternal paradise and live forever and be able to do whatever they want, they get their own world as their own if not 10 worlds and much more to rule over. they become kings and will live forever doing ehatever they like as a reward for passing the test?

What do you honestly think has the mor epositive effect ont he child emotionaly?. what brings more hope and more joy?

I was just banned from a message board for challenging this stupid thing (someone had lost a pet):

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....​

What vile insipid garbage! Religion is just the same shit for adults.
I would tell them what my mother told me... "I don't know." Then she explained her understanding of what various people "believed". But concluded with a "but no one really knows."

Yeah bro that's not really what im speaking out against, it is a good choice and does not damage the child at a young age and cause depression in young children as much as telling them "your gonna rot in the grave and never see anyone again"

Kind of like some of the other posters claim they do and would do and think there isnt a difference or negative effect upon telling a young innovent child this.

peace be with you
And what do you think has the more positive effect and makes them more happy?, being told they are going to die forever and everyone will die forever? and you only get one life and your never gonna see any of again?

Or do you think telling them they will see everyone in heavenm when they die, they will have eternal paradise and live forever and be able to do whatever they want, they get their own world as their own if not 10 worlds and much more to rule over. they become kings and will live forever doing ehatever they like as a reward for passing the test?

What do you honestly think has the mor epositive effect ont he child emotionaly?. what brings more hope and more joy?


A couple of valium might also be pacifying, but that is no guide to proper action.