As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

All based on the one single question;
Okay. Mummy's dead.
How's that?

Are you suggesting we lie?

What makes you think emotion is evidence? Evidence of what?

Well at least you're still boringly arrogant.

And still making ridiculous assumptions.

Blah blah blah. Don't you ever get tired of posting inane rants?

Bunk bunk bunk get lost.
Hmm you type slow must be your slow fingers, I could have typed 20 rebuttles by now

Some of us have jobs to do you know? We work, and check in here occasionally, plus, your questions aren't that compelling or interesting they deserve much attention, you are just the stereotypical brainwashed acolyte.
Some of us have jobs to do you know? We work, and check in here occasionally, plus, your questions aren't that compelling or interesting they deserve much attention, you are just the stereotypical brainwashed acolyte.

Yeah i have a job and kids to what a struggle it is right?

You thought of any good arguments yet?
More crap
Excellent. All of the previous ranting and specifically calling for me to join this thread and that's the best you can do?
I can see why you claim "victory" so often.
It's called delusion and shoring up your self-esteem.

If you weren't so amusing you'd be pathetic.
Oh, wait. You're amusing and pathetic.
No that;s the thread title einstein not my multitude of querstions that follows int he OP and all my other posts.

Denied go think of a better argument and actualy address all my points.


even tho that is the title. is it not a question? if not why the "?"
i do not have children so i posted my experiences which by definition is a response to the title ot the thread which reguardless of what you may think is an actuall question
Yeah i have a job and kids to what a struggle it is right?

Yeah right, you have a job. Another of your delusions.

You thought of any good arguments yet?

For what? I told you I would tell the child that when we are dead we are gone. I don't need to support that with any argument.

If you are going to fill a kid's head with nonsense about an afterlife, it's you who has to offer some reason or proof as to why this place exists, and also, why the Abrahamic schisms, following the same God allegedly, disagree so much on the topic!

As usual, you got nothing but rhetoric, and not good rhetoric at that, just the same old tired debunked stuff, that for some reason, believers never tire of repeating.
Excellent. All of the previous ranting and specifically calling for me to join this thread and that's the best you can do?
I can see why you claim "victory" so often.
It's called delusion and shoring up your self-esteem.

If you weren't so amusing you'd be pathetic.
Oh, wait. You're amusing and pathetic.

hey dwy didnt know you could make a thread ask a question and unless the response goes with what the poster believes procede to tell them how wrong they are OR instead of accepting what they say. call it meaningless jibberish lol

sorry keep forgetting your not a mod anymore :/
I fail to see how being honest with your child, both in telling them what other people think, as well as what you think, is wrong.

I won't tell them that god is a possibility. I won't lie to my child. There's plenty of other people out there that are willing to try and indoctrinate them into their cult. I'm just getting them ready for that point, so they can make a rational decision, instead of getting sucked in through peer pressure or need of an answer.
can a mod please rename this thread "say what i want you to say or i will respond with "thats just jibberish"
I know what I will give you guys a little advantage call it a "free punch"

Im going to do my mid-day prayers and bathe int he waters of god from his daily waterfalls of spiritual energy and then grab a bite to eat inshallah.

You guys Go Back And Read, my actual points and address them All, if you misss out any of them i will continue to deny you any lenioency and iw illc ontinue to give you blunt "Access Denied" reponses that you guys are so fond of dishing out int he religion forums but don't seemt o like when it is applied to you.

So here is your chance im giving youa clear advantage even thought it's 10 V one it is still wat unfair because i am truthfull you guys are trying to squirm to justify yourself. i can happily shout to the world i am a proud muslim man and i proudly teach the children (not just my kids) the way of happiness.

See this is where the ball is in my court now, you guys are used to saying "where is your proof" but have you not noticed this is an ethics debate we are not debating the proofs of the scriptures, we are debating about happiness, sadness, love, fear, doubt, hope, salvation.

Things you sterile peop[le do not even understand, emotional intelligence is not book smarts.

You came in thinking oh look how cocky and bold he is we have proved him wrong before and he cant beat out magicval "show me proof card"

Heres news for you that card wont fly in this thread bucko's we are debating Love and emotions and happiness here somethign your scientific apparatus cant so easily gauge.

You forget yourselves and have come to see yourself as "invincible" because it is a science thread you think science will always defeat religion, well this is actualy philosophy my speciality, and this is not going to be like all the other times you put down theists and makle fun of them for believing int he great sky daddy.

Have you noticed that certain atheists will not be comming to test me here? want to know something "not all atheist are stupid" only the ones who actualy came in here debating against the love of children that is what you are doing and you ahvent even noticed

hey dwy didnt know you could make a thread ask a question and unless the response goes with what the poster believes procede to tell them how wrong they are OR instead of accepting what they say.
Pfft. It gets done all the time.
Take a look at Jan's "How can god NOT exist?" or MR's thread about ghosts.

sorry keep forgetting your not a mod anymore :/
EM&J wasn't my sub forum anyway. ;)
I fail to see how being honest with your child, both in telling them what other people think, as well as what you think, is wrong.

I won't tell them that god is a possibility. I won't lie to my child. There's plenty of other people out there that are willing to try and indoctrinate them into their cult. I'm just getting them ready for that point, so they can make a rational decision, instead of getting sucked in through peer pressure or need of an answer.

Read m,y reply to spidergoat, I have specificaly said exactly this thing. teaching your children an agnostic stance is honourable and not a bad thing. please actualy read everything i write, i wont repeat this same message twice now im going to pray and eat.

You forget yourselves and have come to see yourself as "invincible" because it is a science thread you think science will always defeat religion, well this is actualy philosophy my speciality
Philosophy is your speciality? :eek:
Doesn't say much for your competence in other areas...

Have you noticed that certain atheists will not be comming to test me here?
At least one you asked for is here.
I know what I will give you guys a little advantage call it a "free punch"

Im going to do my mid-day prayers and bathe int he waters of god from his daily waterfalls of spiritual energy and then grab a bite to eat inshallah.

You guys Go Back And Read, my actual points and address them All, if you misss out any of them i will continue to deny you any lenioency and iw illc ontinue to give you blunt "Access Denied" reponses that you guys are so fond of dishing out int he religion forums but don't seemt o like when it is applied to you.

So here is your chance im giving youa clear advantage even thought it's 10 V one it is still wat unfair because i am truthfull you guys are trying to squirm to justify yourself. i can happily shout to the world i am a proud muslim man and i proudly teach the children (not just my kids) the way of happiness.

See this is where the ball is in my court now, you guys are used to saying "where is your proof" but have you not noticed this is an ethics debate we are not debating the proofs of the scriptures, we are debating about happiness, sadness, love, fear, doubt, hope, salvation.

Things you sterile peop[le do not even understand, emotional intelligence is not book smarts.

You came in thinking oh look how cocky and bold he is we have proved him wrong before and he cant beat out magicval "show me proof card"

Heres news for you that card wont fly in this thread bucko's we are debating Love and emotions and happiness here somethign your scientific apparatus cant so easily gauge.

You forget yourselves and have come to see yourself as "invincible" because it is a science thread you think science will always defeat religion, well this is actualy philosophy my speciality, and this is not going to be like all the other times you put down theists and makle fun of them for believing int he great sky daddy.

Have you noticed that certain atheists will not be comming to test me here? want to know something "not all atheist are stupid" only the ones who actualy came in here debating against the love of children that is what you are doing and you ahvent even noticed


sooo your saying if the child isnt told a fairy tale they arnt happy? :/
You're the one who said I told them that god was possible. Just had to correct that. I suppose you could consider openness of information "agnostic", although I do let them know my stance as well. So it's not so much I'm telling them that I'm not sure, but that they should learn about the world and make their own mind up.

I've never liked that word "agnostic" because I think it has too many different meanings, and often is used wrong.
When they ask you what happens when you die what do you tell them?
They're dead. Gone. Finished.

Or do you actualy have the nerve and audacity to steal religious teaching and (to your own understanding) Lie outrigfht to them and actualy try to teach them religious ways about heaven?

Like you would lie about the fake tooth fair and fake easter bunny and fake santa that you all love lying to your kids about.

Or do you just hope they shut up and stop reminding you of your own death secretly that you deep down resent and hate to think about maybe?
Non-sequitur assumption.

What comfort do you offer a child who lost her parents when she asks you what hapopened to mummy?
Everyone else is still here and they love you.

Are there any Honest atheists here who want to really engage me int his debate? are you man and woman enough to be honest and admit you lie to them and steal our teachings of an afterlife?
Oh, another assumption.

or are you the bold kind who tells them how you really think it is? you tellt hem how the worms will eat their lifeless shell while they enter into oblivion never to exist again? never to see anyone or open your eyes again?
Why is that "bold"?

Well what say you?
I say: I've answered your questions and will you please stop dodging.