As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

So far your words haven't been too convincing. It's like you think atheists haven't been exposed to them before.

I'm fine with people believing whatever...but it's when they get demanding and say that I should believe the same, as if I haven't been down the road before. It must be nice to be so deluded to think that you have The Truth. And now you're proclaiming war...hopefully you learned some in the other threads, and try to make sure you reexamine your ideas before you spout them off. Maybe there's a few more facts that you assumed were taught to you in honesty that are lacking.
Not for balance, but to expose them to what other people think.

Besides, showing creationism alongside evolution does nothing but further strengthen the case for evolution.

And so the same for religions and non-belief. Especially when you're able to see many religions side by side, and see the similarity, Then you begin to understand. If you're stuck in one religion and never see anything else, especially as a child, of course you get trapped in a narrow vision of the world.

Yeah good points. Evolution was a bad example anyway. :)
Seem silly to you? if you think it's silly then that's your opinion,. doesn't change the fact teaching peopel they are immortal and eternal makes them feel ebtter than thinking they might die tommorow and never see the light of day again or see anyone they ever knew again.

Tell me what do you think the child is happier with? being everlasting in heaven or rotting in the floor witht he worms? because that's what atheism teaches and you know it.
Yeah I know it.
And yes, a child probably is happier with an everlasting heaven. Many adults are as well.

Doesn't make it true though, does it?
You didn't throw all this other baggage into your original post. But I stand by my assertion, belief in a paradise after death discourages people from making the world a better place.

Maybe if thats the only thing you tell them! but the children wont even let you just stop teaching them, like i explained before once you teach a kid about Islam and god and the prophets and the angels and all the teachings surrounding it they love it! and they want to know more more more, Where is god? where is heaven? how many angels are there? do angels fly? does god really say you have to follow his ruiles? what arehis rules? do we get punished if we break them?

Why do we have to love our fellow brothers and sisters? why do we have to be nice to people? does god like evil people and does he love them too even if they are bad?

The querstions are endless and they tire me out lol, they want to know everything right now and the reason for every single rule, and before you know it the kid knows half of the Quran and quater of the Hadiths! next thing you know he is opening a bible and wants to read about moses and the older messengers.

They get all of this explained to them its exactly like when an atheist teaches them they always want to know why, why do we die, why do we rot in the floor, why do we not live longer, whats the point if we all just die. isnt that just dumb?, why does the universe exist then?

We dont just say oh yeah child you go to heaven end of story, no they dont want to do rubbnish int his life infact they want to live more! and want to go more good!

Leys also look at the statistics of society. who produces better citizens?

Lets take Saudi Arabia the heart of Islam, and compare it the the united states of america. lets compare rape, lets compare theft, lets compare rbbery, lets compare burglary. lets compare intoxications and drinking, lets compare addicts and gamblers.

The results are seriously so bias in favour of saudi. face it we produce better people than the western "Xapitols of democracy"
Yeah I know it.
And yes, a child probably is happier with an everlasting heaven. Many adults are as well.

Doesn't make it true though, does it?

This thread is not to debate the proofs and truths of god and his existence we all know that it wont go anywhere but around in circles,

This is to gauge morality and how much you want your kid's to be happy and the negative effects telling them they will die has on them as small children

Thank you for actualy admitting the truth and fact that yes they are more happy with heaven instead of atheism.

Also notice how fierce and militant ex theists become when they lose their faith a prime example is Medicine Woman a long term poster here, who i have interacted with for many years now maybe 7 years.

She spends all of her time on a crusade to rid the world of religion and the forums of believers because "she lost her faith and it hurt her"

Maybe if thats the only thing you tell them! but the children wont even let you just stop teaching them, like i explained before once you teach a kid about Islam and god and the prophets and the angels and all the teachings surrounding it they love it! and they want to know more more more, Where is god? where is heaven? how many angels are there? do angels fly? does god really say you have to follow his ruiles? what arehis rules? do we get punished if we break them?
Why do we have to love our fellow brothers and sisters? why do we have to be nice to people? does god like evil people and does he love them too even if they are bad?
And you can't give a factual answer to any one of those questions.
Compounding the fairy tales...

PS I must admit I'm still not feeling quite as defeated in this thread as you "foretold" in your initial posts. Any answers as to why?
Oh dear, this is about to go off into the deep trench of the political.

Oh yes, i didn't let the cat out of the bag though. this is what happens when you wage war on the most high and his messengers, you open nasty cans of worms, i wans't even going to mention the absolute thrashing Suaidi criminbal records are compared to America, but as people wanted to go there im going there.

I can pull stats out of my ass untilt he copws come home and compare Saudi to USA and the results are astonishingly in favour of america looking like a land of drunk rapist wife beating rednecks, and saudi comes off looking like the land of Saints compared to americas Abortion rate, rape stats, murder stats, theft robbbery infact any crom you can name i would wager america is worse than Saudi.
Maybe if thats the only thing you tell them! but the children wont even let you just stop teaching them, like i explained before once you teach a kid about Islam and god and the prophets and the angels and all the teachings surrounding it they love it! and they want to know more more more, Where is god? where is heaven? how many angels are there? do angels fly? does god really say you have to follow his ruiles? what arehis rules? do we get punished if we break them?

Why do we have to love our fellow brothers and sisters? why do we have to be nice to people? does god like evil people and does he love them too even if they are bad?

The querstions are endless and they tire me out lol, they want to know everything right now and the reason for every single rule, and before you know it the kid knows half of the Quran and quater of the Hadiths! next thing you know he is opening a bible and wants to read about moses and the older messengers.

They get all of this explained to them its exactly like when an atheist teaches them they always want to know why, why do we die, why do we rot in the floor, why do we not live longer, whats the point if we all just die. isnt that just dumb?, why does the universe exist then?

We dont just say oh yeah child you go to heaven end of story, no they dont want to do rubbnish int his life infact they want to live more! and want to go more good!

Leys also look at the statistics of society. who produces better citizens?

Lets take Saudi Arabia the heart of Islam, and compare it the the united states of america. lets compare rape, lets compare theft, lets compare rbbery, lets compare burglary. lets compare intoxications and drinking, lets compare addicts and gamblers.

The results are seriously so bias in favour of saudi. face it we produce better people than the western "Xapitols of democracy"
You've been banned before haven't you? Let me guess, it was for preaching. You're dragging this topic way off of it's original course.. unless your original plan was to preach. You're on the verge of joining the select few other preachers on my ignore list.
Ah yes. The moral solution. The honest reply.
You're a sham, a hypocrite and an idiot.

I learned this reply from you master jedi of bullshit merchanting. you have used "Fail" more than 10 times atleas tin the past to my more lengthy posts.

so now you get the "Fail" stamp of dissaproval, that coupled witht he fact you are avoiding any relevant points i have been repeatedly making.

Have you ever thought you might be wrong before? or that the way you have lived your whole life might have been wrong? it doesn't look like you ever change or grow or develooo. if you read back to my post history from 7 years ago you can see howmuch i have developed and the things i have changed and adopted.

"When you stop growing you start dying"

Remember that
Yeah, Saudi Arabia is all about openness and freedom of exchange of ideas.

Oh no, they aren't. They're kinda against anything but islam. To the point of violence.

No, I'll take my freedom, thanks. I'm not that good of a pretender to be able to live there.
I learned this reply from you master jedi of bullshit merchanting. you have used "Fail" more than 10 times atleas tin the past to my more lengthy posts.

so now you get the "Fail" stamp of dissaproval, that coupled witht he fact you are avoiding any relevant points i have been repeatedly making.
I answered your initial questions: as requested. You have refused to engage me after that.

Have you ever thought you might be wrong before?
In comparison to you? Nope.

or that the way you have lived your whole life might have been wrong? it doesn't look like you ever change or grow or develooo.
You're assuming again.
You've been banned before haven't you? Let me guess, it was for preaching. You're dragging this topic way off of it's original course.. unless your original plan was to preach. You're on the verge of joining the select few other preachers on my ignore list.

Im dragging this topic off course? you didnt have a problem with everyone talking about how god "isnt real" where were you objecting to them constantly asking me about my job of all things? and how i spend my free time.

You only care when i seem to post slightly off topic even though i was directly answering other off topic things fired at me with stats to back my point up.

You guys are like pack animals and lowly dogs where as I am a tiger and i can stand alone and still be victorious. you all back each other up "just because they share your agenda"

See what is your agenda here? which side are you on? what is your main point? you object to teaching heaven to kids and promote teaching them they will rot in the dirt forever and ever?

Eye of the Tiger

Yeah, Saudi Arabia is all about openness and freedom of exchange of ideas.

Oh no, they aren't. They're kinda against anything but islam. To the point of violence.

No, I'll take my freedom, thanks. I'm not that good of a pretender to be able to live there.

I said Saudi produces better citizensa who commit less crimes, don't put words into my mouth.
Im dragging this topic off course? you didnt have a problem with everyone talking about how god "isnt real" where were you objecting to them constantly asking me about my job of all things? and how i spend my free time.

You only care when i seem to post slightly off topic even though i was directly answering other off topic things fired at me with stats to back my point up.

You guys are like pack animals and lowly dogs where as I am a tiger and i can stand alone and still be victorious. you all back each other up "just because they share your agenda"

See what is your agenda here? which side are you on? what is your main point? you object to teaching heaven to kids and promote teaching them they will rot in the dirt forever and ever?

Eye of the Tiger

Bye. You join Jan, Light Gigantic and Greatest I Am in the hall of shame.