As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

Have you noticed that certain atheists will not be comming to test me here?

few sidenotes here
1. god forbid they might... sorry alah forbid they might actually have a job
2. they have read the thread and noticed you arnt actually adressing the question of the thread your just telling people how wrong they are if they dont see the same as you
3. they have you blocked because its a pointless act to try to have a logical conversation with you
So, should we tell them about Santa later, so they can be happy now, or just be upfront with them and explain the traditions and how it can still be a fun holiday, even without God, er Santa. :D
sooo your saying if the child isnt told a fairy tale they arnt happy? :/

Well you tell me your personal experience? have you ever had to tell a child about death? have you ever had to comfort a crying child who is screaming because they suddenly thought about perma death and didn't like the idea of losing everythiong forever?

You tell me what happened and give me your experience when dealing with this Very serious matter.

I have had to be in this position and it is not easy and unless you have the knowledge of god and heaven yes i can tell you truly the child does not want to accepot death it goes against the childs nature, the child wants to exist and thinks it is unfair and they get Very very emotional

What happened when you told the child about death?, and please dont make up rubbish do me the honur of being honest.

few sidenotes here
1. god forbid they might... sorry alah forbid they might actually have a job
2. they have read the thread and noticed you arnt actually adressing the question of the thread your just telling people how wrong they are if they dont see the same as you
3. they have you blocked because its a pointless act to try to have a logical conversation with you

Why do you guys keep bringing up job, yes yes we all have jobs its not special we all need to work otherwise how do we feed our children and pay the bills and buy food.

This is a debate and i have given amny detailed explanations as tot he effects it has mentaly ont he child. none of you are addressing this your all picking and choosing what you reply too.

Now your just arguing like the others who stopped even trying to debate my actual lenghty posts.

Fix up
Well you tell me your personal experience? have you ever had to tell a child about death? have you ever had to comfort a crying child who is screaming because they suddenly thought about perma death and didn't like the idea of losing everythiong forever?

You tell me what happened and give me your experience when dealing with this Very serious matter.

I have had to be in this position and it is not easy and unless you have the knowledge of god and heaven yes i can tell you truly the child does not want to accepot death it goes against the childs nature, the child wants to exist and thinks it is unfair and they get Very very emotional

What happened when you told the child about death?, and please dont make up rubbish do me the honur of being honest.


i already did but since it didnt go along wit what you thought it was just written off as jibberish.. so has every single person on here that you are arguing with.. i would say debating but instead of comming up with a real honest response your just say its jibberish and thats not debating
He's as real as you want to believe him to be. How about that...

Thats a single answer and i can tell from your reply you have not actualy dealt with a small child asking these things, you really think the child is going to accept a 1 liner?


This child will ask you Why why why why until you just give up and say "beacuse i said so"
i already did but since it didnt go along wit what you thought it was just written off as jibberish.. so has every single person on here that you are arguing with.. i would say debating but instead of comming up with a real honest response your just say its jibberish and thats not debating

Ok copy and paste your reply here.
Your understanding of what I said wasn't entirely correct.

II tell them that there are a lot of different beliefs out there, tell them about the ones I know, and then what I think. I never tell them that those other beliefs might be right, I just encourage them to take a look for themselves.

As for death, they've experienced a few grandparents and other older adults dying, and they both understand that they're gone. I don't think it helps to candy coat that fact at all. It's okay to grieve the loss of someone, why make it seem like things will be better later?

You wont teach a child something that you dont adhere and subscribe to yourself? in other words you are doing the same thing the tesits do? telling them only what you perosnaly believe?

You said """" don't tell them that anything is possible. It would be dishonest of me to say that, because that's not what I think."""""

Ok and you told them the grandparents are "gone and you will never see them again, and when you die you wont ever see anythign again" and they were not feeling great i can imagine?. what came next? did you ask how they feel deep down how they are coping inside with this sad news? do you know if it ruined any hopes they might have had before?. Did they get left alone to wallow in "pre teen" sadness all alone? you just left them to deal with it after or not?

How did this effect them when they reached puberty and became teenagers? did they turn gothic or slightly Emo? did they seem to become withdrawn and closed? did they seem happiern deep down?

Why do you guys keep bringing up job, yes yes we all have jobs its not special we all need to work otherwise how do we feed our children and pay the bills and buy food.

because some people cannot get on the internet at work or god sorry alahh forbid they are busy! and yet you in this thread called people out saying they are cowwering in fear of you

This is a debate and i have given amny detailed explanations as tot he effects it has mentaly ont he child. none of you are addressing this your all picking and choosing what you reply too.

stop right there. this is not a debate its logical people presenting and illogical"you" writing everything that you disagree with off as jibberish that is not a debate that is a desperate attempt at getting attention.

it has not effects mentally on a child. just because one belives in a higher power or not has ABSOLUTLY NO EFFECT on the child it just means they believe in a fairy tale for there whole life or not.. everyone does example"santa" at some point but most grow out of it.. trying to link believeing in a god to mental health its absurd

and no everyone here is replying to threa thread topic which is the basis for othe tread and it IS a question

Now your just arguing like the others who stopped even trying to debate my actual lenghty posts.

Fix up

because your lengthy posts are just 1000 different ways to state the threat title.

ontop of that you ask people IN THERE EXPERIENCE what did THEY tell their children. they you ask for detailed information. so you can argue agiasnt it. when you ask someone for the way they raise there kids there is no arguing they are the parent of there children you are not. so why argue with them? and to be honest if i had to pic my parents on this thread it would be dyw over you every single time.. id rather be told the truth and grow up honest than have someone spout crap and guide me the way that they thing is right

........................... How is that answering all of my questions all you do is say.




Etc blah blah

As if you are scoring off my entire word count in this thread so far which is in the thousands soon to be reaching 10's of thousand with the rate im going.

You really think you cane pile my serious questions of morality and ethics off with one liners and simple "i disagree"

Try again and this time go back and address everything i say, do it honestly because next time im going to copy and paste every single thing ive said to every single poster and fire every question in its bulk directly at you.
So you resort to this?

please answer my questions and stay on topic, you are just proving me right for stooping low.

Proving you right in what?

YOU brought up the topic of how fast we reply! I merely stated it's because we have jobs, and other, more interesting things to do. You aren't that important, and fuelling your delusion that you a meaningful contributor to society isn't one of my goals either.
because some people cannot get on the internet at work or god sorry alahh forbid they are busy! and yet you in this thread called people out saying they are cowwering in fear of you

stop right there. this is not a debate its logical people presenting and illogical"you" writing everything that you disagree with off as jibberish that is not a debate that is a desperate attempt at getting attention.

it has not effects mentally on a child. just because one belives in a higher power or not has ABSOLUTLY NO EFFECT on the child it just means they believe in a fairy tale for there whole life or not.. everyone does example"santa" at some point but most grow out of it.. trying to link believeing in a god to mental health its absurd

and no everyone here is replying to threa thread topic which is the basis for othe tread and it IS a question

because your lengthy posts are just 1000 different ways to state the threat title.

ontop of that you ask people IN THERE EXPERIENCE what did THEY tell their children. they you ask for detailed information. so you can argue agiasnt it. when you ask someone for the way they raise there kids there is no arguing they are the parent of there children you are not. so why argue with them? and to be honest if i had to pic my parents on this thread it would be dyw over you every single time.. id rather be told the truth and grow up honest than have someone spout crap and guide me the way that they thing is right

Do you study the Art of War? and yes i am using it int his thread. I baited them out to get them in here by attacking their Ego's, i wa sbeing overly cocky on purpose and i put down atheist and called them all unethical militant atheists in brief. and it worked like a charm.

You think because i am a servant of god that i wont use the art of war and trick people?, don't be so foolish in assuming i don't have very good motives and ploy's for everything i say.

how good are you at chess my friend? do you know how to win a game of chess? what do you think the key to victory is? Thinking more steps ahgead than your enemy. How many steps ahead did you all think before posting? how long have i been planning to post this thread? days, weeks? months?. how far ahead have i thought and calculated?

Do you know your adversary?, do you know his tricks? do you know his style? does he even have a style? does he decieve people? does he entrap his victims by thinking 12 steps ahead ?. Does he answer his own post before posting it? does he transform his mental state into the state of an atheist to refute his own claims from many angles before being bold and commiting to the move?

Has he already in his mind completed the check mate while you are still figuring out which pawn to move ont he front line?

Donm't be so naive just because im a theist, I use your weakness against you. what is the weakness an atheist has in his logic?

I will let you think about it because if i answer i might not be able to use that to bait more of you into spewing tons of rebuttles that i find pleasure in laughing at before i striek them down with a simple reply relating to emotional ethics?

What is the logic in good and evil in an atheistic universe my friend?, how does good or evil even matter once everyone is dead and there is no more human hisory to remember?