As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

I was just banned from a message board for challenging this stupid thing (someone had lost a pet):

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....​

What vile insipid garbage! Religion is just the same shit for adults.

I don't understand, you were the one who posted that small middle text on the said forum?. and you got banned for saying it or you got banned for refuting it?

Was this a super evangelical christian website or something?.

Lol what are you doing trying to promote blashpemy on a religious bigots website? lol explain please.


People like Dw and M*W, Watch how they Cowar and hide from this thread

Come on all of you militant Atheists I challenge your morals and your justice and your Ethics

This is a direct challenge Atheist Vs Theism I will represent Theism All Vs me I don't need anyone else to come and back up my side. I challenge every one of you Militant atheist's right now and don't act like you didn't see my thread.

my existence Vs your existence Who is Righteous and who is the true Coward.

Is this how you "challenge our morals?"
By evading honest argument?
Is this how you show who is the "true coward"?
By refusing to engage those you have specifically named?

I salute you. You're a shining example of, er, something I'd rather not be.
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Are you sure you have a job?

.............whats wrong with you people the thread is not tiitled "has chi got a job" why are you like the 5th person to type this?.

I am a Personal trainer and qualified electrical Engineer. I quit PT and never went into the electrician field. I now spend my time writing and trying to work in the religious community in london giving dowaa.

I am comfortable and can take as much time off work as I like, Im about to go traveling in the middle east.

I don't work a 9-5 if that's what you are wondering, are you guys jelous that i can spend my time doing as i please?. well maybe god has blessed me with an easy life?.

Are you all done probing me about my Work in a thread titled "what do atheist teach the kids"

Want more perosnal info?, hey how about this. I can train you and you can be my new client. I used to charge over 50 per hour want to taake that rate?. Are you looking for employment i can hook you up with a job.

You've never heard of the Rainbow Bridge?

See, some pet owners love their animals like children, so when they die, they have trouble with that notion. So, they invent a heaven for animals.

You could say that if it helps, what's the harm, right? But masking over the pain is just a bandaid, it doesn't confront the real problem, that's they've lost a loved one.
I would tell them what my mother told me... "I don't know." Then she explained her understanding of what various people "believed". But concluded with a "but no one really knows."

If your kid asked you about evolution, you wouldn't feel the need to explain the beliefs of a couple of creationists for balance, so why would you for death/afterlife?
Or do you think telling them they will see everyone in heavenm when they die, they will have eternal paradise and live forever and be able to do whatever they want, they get their own world as their own if not 10 worlds and much more to rule over. they become kings and will live forever doing ehatever they like as a reward for passing the test?

What do you honestly think has the mor epositive effect ont he child emotionaly?. what brings more hope and more joy?

This can be very damaging. It can encourage people to live with shit they have the power to change, because it's easier to just wait until you die to start living.

Bad idea.
You've never heard of the Rainbow Bridge?

See, some pet owners love their animals like children, so when they die, they have trouble with that notion. So, they invent a heaven for animals.

You could say that if it helps, what's the harm, right? But masking over the pain is just a bandaid, it doesn't confront the real problem, that's they've lost a loved one.

This is my point, Atheists have to borrow from religion to even mask the "pain" because lets be frank what can atheistic philosophy mask or even begin to comfort?

Those people would be very nicely surprised to find that the quran teaches that God will give everyone whatever they want if they get to heaven, so you could ask for all your childhood pets to be given to you on your own planet wher they frolic forever and ever for your enjoyment.

If your kid asked you about evolution, you wouldn't feel the need to explain the beliefs of a couple of creationists for balance, so why would you for death/afterlife?
There is evidence for evolution.

But now that you mention it, my mom had this conversation with me too. Then she made sure I watched the movie "Inherit the Wind". BTW - Both my parents were (and still are) Christians.
At EFoC.

So does admitting your religion is a security blanket or comforter not make it seem silly?
Ignorance is bliss? Is that it?
I don't understand, you were the one who posted that small middle text on the said forum?. and you got banned for saying it or you got banned for refuting it?

Was this a super evangelical christian website or something?.

Lol what are you doing trying to promote blashpemy on a religious bigots website? lol explain please.



Someone else posted this and I told them it was stupid. It was a forum for a liberal talk show.
This can be very damaging. It can encourage people to live with shit they have the power to change, because it's easier to just wait until you die to start living.

Bad idea.

Wait which scripture tells of this? not the scripture i teach tot he kids, The Quran teaches you not to take any crap, never let yourself be oppressed and you are given permission to fight back when you are oppressed and being forced to do things. So no i totaly don't see how this is correct.

I can give you all the specifics of the Quranic teachings if you wish to come to the Holy quran thread, i will be glad to give you dowaa.

Whyd o you think the western people and giovernments are trying so hard to wage "war on islam" in the guise of "war on terror" because they know that you cant punk a jihadi with no fear tactics. you cant oppress us muslims we wont take any of it and we will fight you all back.

Don't think for one second muslims are push overs just because they are holy men. You try telling Khalid ibn walid anything about oppressing him he slayed thousands of romans and persians and vanquished all his enemy, and he is one of our role models.

Why do you think they call us "the religion of war" it's to make you all fear us because they know the only way to win is turn everyone against us muslims so we look like the bad guys for defending outselves. and befoe you mention suicide bombers which is the hot pick when i give dowaa to western people who watch too much Fox news and BBC. No blowing yourself up along with allt he innocent people you just slew will get you a slap int he face and punishment. no virgins and heaven. yeah if you die as a REAL martyr and your life happens to be taken while fighting for peace and fighting oppression yes you get that reward and direct access to heaven. bu no blowing innovent people up and comiting actual suicide that is sin upons in upon sin. why do they do it then? I have no idea to be honest my suggestion is brainwashing from false and bad imams who have used islam as a means to manipulate them into doing what they want.
Only someone with no compassion would tell a young kid that's lost someone that they're just going to rot, that we all just die and rot. That's just plain insensitive.

But you can convey empathy and try to help them through the grief without pulling the heaven card. Because there's more to life than just living and dying. I guess religious people have trouble with the notion of non-permanence, but you can either delude yourself, or you can get on with living.

If it works for you, whatever. It doesn't work for me, I can't believe what I don't believe, and I'm not going to lie to a child so that they'll stop crying. But I will be tactful in how I talk to them. Usually in discussing loss of someone, I'll just leave it at feeling sorry for their loss. I'll even go so far as to agree with them if they use the line "they're in a better place" if they were very ill and in pain, because in a sense, they are. There's nothing worse than suffering without an end.

So, if I have to confront a child who is in distress, I'll focus on the memories, on how we can remember them in good times, and how much they cared for the child. There's no reason to even bring up any fantasies. That person may be gone, but their memory in the child is a type of life beyond for them, and I think they will likely be remembered better if the child understands this idea of posterity, and not clinging to a hope for a heaven.
"....Be Honest now Atheists and dont even try lying to me it's better you just hide from my question and not even dare come into my arena and challenge my justice and morals...."
".... damage the child at a young age and cause depression in young children as much as telling them "your gonna rot in the grave and never see anyone again..."

You be honest and talk about the needs of adult minds, and leave the child's mind to nature's goals. Otherwise, this is the weana arena.

If your child is looking for strength from you in this matter, they are sadly mistaken. You have little to offer anyway.

Simply tell them what you really understand. That the compulsion to be alive is greater than the fear of dying. That you cannot avoid living in such a compulsively motherly environ. You will either assist and not resist, or get pissed and cease to exist. The former will get you nests of life, scattered throughout the universe. The latter, well...that doesn't matter now, does it. We can leave that option undiscussed.

There is no optional evidence to the contrary, than what is in the previous paragraph. You have my permission to clip it and hang it. It's all you have to work with. Take care of life, as it's drive is free energy you can work with.
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What's wrong with allowing children to feel pain? The comfort in the atheist notion is that no one who is dead feels anything.
At EFoC.

So does admitting your religion is a security blanket or comforter not make it seem silly?
Ignorance is bliss? Is that it?

Seem silly to you? if you think it's silly then that's your opinion,. doesn't change the fact teaching peopel they are immortal and eternal makes them feel ebtter than thinking they might die tommorow and never see the light of day again or see anyone they ever knew again.

Tell me what do you think the child is happier with? being everlasting in heaven or rotting in the floor witht he worms? because that's what atheism teaches and you know it.
If your kid asked you about evolution, you wouldn't feel the need to explain the beliefs of a couple of creationists for balance, so why would you for death/afterlife?

Not for balance, but to expose them to what other people think.

Besides, showing creationism alongside evolution does nothing but further strengthen the case for evolution.

And so the same for religions and non-belief. Especially when you're able to see many religions side by side, and see the similarity, Then you begin to understand. If you're stuck in one religion and never see anything else, especially as a child, of course you get trapped in a narrow vision of the world.
Only someone with no compassion would tell a young kid that's lost someone that they're just going to rot, that we all just die and rot. That's just plain insensitive.

But you can convey empathy and try to help them through the grief without pulling the heaven card. Because there's more to life than just living and dying. I guess religious people have trouble with the notion of non-permanence, but you can either delude yourself, or you can get on with living.

If it works for you, whatever. It doesn't work for me, I can't believe what I don't believe, and I'm not going to lie to a child so that they'll stop crying. But I will be tactful in how I talk to them. Usually in discussing loss of someone, I'll just leave it at feeling sorry for their loss. I'll even go so far as to agree with them if they use the line "they're in a better place" if they were very ill and in pain, because in a sense, they are. There's nothing worse than suffering without an end.

So, if I have to confront a child who is in distress, I'll focus on the memories, on how we can remember them in good times, and how much they cared for the child. There's no reason to even bring up any fantasies. That person may be gone, but their memory in the child is a type of life beyond for them, and I think they will likely be remembered better if the child understands this idea of posterity, and not clinging to a hope for a heaven.

Bro take a look around these guys do and will say these horrible things to Little 5 year old girls!.

And they then are even trying to defend it as being ok to do to the poor children,

This is why im waging jihad on them all right now. And jihad is honourable read up the true definitions of Jihad, and personal Jihad.

I am waging Jihad with my words right now int he name of god and peace and all that is just and righteous in this world.

Wait which scripture tells of this? not the scripture i teach tot he kids, The Quran teaches you not to take any crap, never let yourself be oppressed and you are given permission to fight back when you are oppressed and being forced to do things. So no i totaly don't see how this is correct.

I can give you all the specifics of the Quranic teachings if you wish to come to the Holy quran thread, i will be glad to give you dowaa.

Whyd o you think the western people and giovernments are trying so hard to wage "war on islam" in the guise of "war on terror" because they know that you cant punk a jihadi with no fear tactics. you cant oppress us muslims we wont take any of it and we will fight you all back.

Don't think for one second muslims are push overs just because they are holy men. You try telling Khalid ibn walid anything about oppressing him he slayed thousands of romans and persians and vanquished all his enemy, and he is one of our role models.

Why do you think they call us "the religion of war" it's to make you all fear us because they know the only way to win is turn everyone against us muslims so we look like the bad guys for defending outselves. and befoe you mention suicide bombers which is the hot pick when i give dowaa to western people who watch too much Fox news and BBC. No blowing yourself up along with allt he innocent people you just slew will get you a slap int he face and punishment. no virgins and heaven. yeah if you die as a REAL martyr and your life happens to be taken while fighting for peace and fighting oppression yes you get that reward and direct access to heaven. bu no blowing innovent people up and comiting actual suicide that is sin upons in upon sin. why do they do it then? I have no idea to be honest my suggestion is brainwashing from false and bad imams who have used islam as a means to manipulate them into doing what they want.
You didn't throw all this other baggage into your original post. But I stand by my assertion, belief in a paradise after death discourages people from making the world a better place.