Arrested for not Tipping

I guess when time will come for Jury to decide they will ultimate dont give a puffcake about feelings or emotions or service but will look if the customers were informed in anyway about the mandatory tipping. If the receipt or menu said that tip was mandatory than they need to pay it and so should everyone else pay if not, than the restaurant owner should go find a new job. I been to Philadelphia, the restaurants there are very cozy and subtual.
i know some services where the tip would be a feww hundred then it is usually put in a certain dollar amount.

hmmm... A few hundred dollars? Are you speaking of certain "gentlemen's clubs" perhaps? :D
im sorry sam but screw the free market. The US minium wage should really because the slave wage because it might as well be. the fact that tips are nessary in order to actually live is apalling, it might as well be begging.
I guess when time will come for Jury to decide they will ultimate dont give a puffcake about feelings or emotions or service but will look if the customers were informed in anyway about the mandatory tipping. If the receipt or menu said that tip was mandatory than they need to pay it and so should everyone else pay if not, than the restaurant owner should go find a new job. I been to Philadelphia, the restaurants there are very cozy and subtual.
Perhaps, or they might just think back to all the times they were annoyed by bad service in a restaurant and decide to vote "not guilty" anyway.
im sorry sam but screw the free market. The US minium wage should really because the slave wage because it might as well be. the fact that tips are nessary in order to actually live is apalling, it might as well be begging.

Maybe so, Asguard. Here in the states though, servers in a decent establishment actually take home money that beats almost any other "unskilled labor" position. Call it wages, tips, begging, whatever... Usually, the only other "legal" jobs that pay better are telemarketing and nude dancing. So what is a person in that situation to do? I know several servers that get paid much more than entry level "trades", like construction, computer programming etc. Even established tradesmen have a hard time earning more than a good server in the right establishment makes...
If the receipt or menu said that tip was mandatory than they need to pay it and so should everyone else pay
It's already been pointed out why that shouldn't be the case.
And doubly not so with a receipt, since you only get that after you've paid.
im sorry sam but screw the free market. The US minium wage should really because the slave wage because it might as well be. the fact that tips are nessary in order to actually live is apalling, it might as well be begging.

I would easily make over $150 a night when I waited tables in college. Yes, I was only paid $2.01 an hr (20 yrs ago) but the tips more than made up for it. I was making more than my parents.
Even if it is mandatory, you shouldn't have to pay for something you did not get. If the waitress didn't do her job why should she be paid for it?
2 questions for those who think tipping should be up to yourself alone and who live in the US.

1) Have you ever tried to live on the US minium wage?

2)How bad a service do you think deserves a waiter\ess not being alowed to eat for a week?
oh and sup question: How bad at YOUR job would you have to be before you would be ok with your boss saying "you sucked this week so im not paying you and i dont care if you stave?"
i've been a waitress, and i know that the reason gratuity is often added automatically on large checks is because some people are thieves, and will steal food service, and that's not right, or fair in any way, shape, or form. if you go to a restaurant, and are informed before hand (even if you're not, get a clue) that the gratuity will be added to your check automatically, then you should have to pay it, just like you would pay for the meal. if your service really sucked THAT bad, then you should complain to and negotiate with the management of that restaurant. and if the management of the restaurant doesn't rectify the situation, you should take them to court, just like you would in regards to any other service or purchase that you feel you were ripped off in regards to. on the other hand, if the gratuity is NOT added automatically to a check, and you receive service and don't pay for it, that waitress or waiter should take your ass to court, and sue you. it's an implied contract.
I'm quite aware that certain segments of the business community like to try to use "gratuity" to refer to mandatory charges, but they're just flat-out using the word incorrectly. You can't legitimately make the argument that the customer agreed to terms if the terms aren't accurately described for them.

if you don't understand the terms of gratuity you've either been living in a cave, or are completely retarted (on purpose), i mean, a thief. if you're going out to eat, then educated your damn self. it's not rocket science.
2 questions for those who think tipping should be up to yourself alone and who live in the US.

1) Have you ever tried to live on the US minium wage?

2)How bad a service do you think deserves a waiter\ess not being alowed to eat for a week?

1) of course, it's oodles of fun

2) I almost always tip, but if the waiter personally made my experience hell or showed up to take my order and then never came back, they can't possibly expect me to pay them extra for a job they didn't do.

Should I be expected to pay my gardener his full monthly check if he only shows up once and cuts half the lawn then leaves? I waited tables for a hot minute, but in that time period I found that people tipped more often than not. The nicer and more available I was the bigger the tip. A very nice incentive to keep up the good work. If I didn't get a tip from four or five tables I didn't starve, in fact far from it. I paid off a large chunk of my student loans and my rent with those wages.
oh and sup question: How bad at YOUR job would you have to be before you would be ok with your boss saying "you sucked this week so im not paying you and i dont care if you stave?"
Asguard, do you have salesman that are paid on straight commission / production? (i.e. they don't sell anything this week, they don't get paid this week) Regardless of the possibility of them starving. This is a common practice in the US...
Asguard, do you have salesman that are paid on straight commission / production? (i.e. they don't sell anything this week, they don't get paid this week) Regardless of the possibility of them starving. This is a common practice in the US...

and if the sale is made, you get the commission. it's not optional.

but that's not how servers are paid. commissions are paid by management, gratuity is paid by customers.
and if the sale is made, you get the commission. it's not optional.
Lori, I was replying to Asguard's question as to how bad would you have to perform for your boss not to pay you one week. I was simply trying to point out that it depends on the job. For example, if you work on straight commission, this is an example where your performance could easily (and often is) be so bad that you don't get paid. Do you understand now?

but that's not how servers are paid. commissions are paid by management, gratuity is paid by customers.
/patience on
Lori, I'm fully aware of how the two systems operate, and the difference between them. However, it is quite possible for a server or other hospitality personnel to perform so poorly that they don't get paid for a week's worth of pay excepting the minimum wage mandated for that class of workers, currently in the $3.00 - $4.00 range, if I'm not mistaken.
/patience off
Lori, I was replying to Asguard's question as to how bad would you have to perform for your boss not to pay you one week. I was simply trying to point out that it depends on the job. For example, if you work on straight commission, this is an example where your performance could easily (and often is) be so bad that you don't get paid. Do you understand now?

yeah i do. and if the person receives and pays for the food, the sale has been made.

/patience on
Lori, I'm fully aware of how the two systems operate, and the difference between them. However, it is quite possible for a server or other hospitality personnel to perform so poorly that they don't get paid for a week's worth of pay excepting the minimum wage mandated for that class of workers, currently in the $3.00 - $4.00 range, if I'm not mistaken.
/patience off

dude, i've had people not tip me after i busted my ass for them...citing i wasn't friendly enough. and i thought about referring them to the strip club down the street for a lap dance.

if you get the food, then you've been served. minimum wage is set because NO ONE deserves to make less than that. and after having busted my sweet ass for a lot of years serving people, let me tell you that is one of the hardest jobs you could ever have, and most people would fail miserably at them. they just wouldn't be strong enough to handle it...mentally, emotionally, or physically.
let me put it this way, if you don't want it to be called "gratuity", then the restaurant would pay the servers and you would be charged an additional 15-20% for your meal to pay for it. with gratuity at least you have the option of paying more or less than that if you think your service is negotiable.
yeah i do. and if the person receives and pays for the food, the sale has been made.

dude, i've had people not tip me after i busted my ass for them...citing i wasn't friendly enough. and i thought about referring them to the strip club down the street for a lap dance.

if you get the food, then you've been served. minimum wage is set because NO ONE deserves to make less than that. and after having busted my sweet ass for a lot of years serving people, let me tell you that is one of the hardest jobs you could ever have, and most people would fail miserably at them. they just wouldn't be strong enough to handle it...mentally, emotionally, or physically.

You're going to get asshole customers in any job, I totally understand that. This, of course, is not your fault, and you shouldn't be penalized.

Having said that, what about asshole servers? Should I get penalized and have to pay for the food that is sitting under the heat lamp turning into a dried up mess and the service I'm not getting, because the waitress has been gabbing with her boyfriend for the last twenty-five minutes?

It sounds to me that you would be better off with a raise in your hourly, which of course would then be passed on to the customer in the form of higher menu prices. However, that way you would always get paid, whether the customers liked your service level or not.