Arrested for not Tipping

your not, if you dont like the service LEAVE AND DONT COME BACK. Tell me ANY industry where you get the work and then decide "fuck you im not paying you for it" and WOULDNT get charged with theft?
BTW when you get the bill for your car service it says:

y- $100.00

Labor- $200.00

GST= $40.00
Total including GST=$440.00

How many of you think that means the labor cost is optional?

Its not any more than any other tradesmens bill which provides the same break down is. Nor are these sort of restraunt bills.
your not, if you dont like the service LEAVE AND DONT COME BACK. Tell me ANY industry where you get the work and then decide "fuck you im not paying you for it" and WOULDNT get charged with theft?

Geez, Asguard calm down, I barbacked for a while, I can empathize. However, wouldn't it simply make more sense to let the management know what and still return, especially if I've been there many times in the past, loved the food and the service, and tipped 25%?

Secondly, I already answered your other question, which you apparently missed or chose to ignore for some reason:
oh and sup question: How bad at YOUR job would you have to be before you would be ok with your boss saying "you sucked this week so im not paying you and i dont care if you stave?"

Randwolf said:
Asguard, do you have salesman that are paid on straight commission / production? (i.e. they don't sell anything this week, they don't get paid this week) Regardless of the possibility of them starving. This is a common practice in the US...

These salesman, may have worked, and worked hard (in any number of industries), but if they don't make sales they don't get paid - at all!

However, they chose to work at this profession, or at whatever company, and next week they may make twice as much as normal - but they don't get paid the week they get no sales... Understand?

Now, I asked you a question, because I'm curious about Australia. Do you have "straight commission" jobs in Australia? Please do me the courtesy of replying...
as far as i know no, there is a minium set hourly wage for every proffession. The closest you could come to it is probably fruit picking where they are paid by the bin rather than the hour. My brother was on a commission BTW, he STILL got paid the $16.00 per hour or whatever it was and any commissions were on top of that. The same is true for realest. Oh BTW when was the last time a waiters commission was $10,000 and up?

There is a HUGE difference between someone stuck working as a waiter on min wage and someone who is earning more than $10,000 per house they sell
You're going to get asshole customers in any job, I totally understand that. This, of course, is not your fault, and you shouldn't be penalized.

Having said that, what about asshole servers? Should I get penalized and have to pay for the food that is sitting under the heat lamp turning into a dried up mess and the service I'm not getting, because the waitress has been gabbing with her boyfriend for the last twenty-five minutes?

It sounds to me that you would be better off with a raise in your hourly, which of course would then be passed on to the customer in the form of higher menu prices. However, that way you would always get paid, whether the customers liked your service level or not.

i know exactly what you're talking about. dear god i could tell you some horror stories....

i worked with those servers. i was running their food, running their drinks, and doing their sidework (stocking and cleaning) while they were out in the parking lot getting high or flirting with another server in the back of the house. i would walk into their sections to deliver food and drinks and have their customers practically claw at me and plead with me for service. and i've had some of those customers (though very few and far between) tip me instead of them, because i was the one who tended to their needs.

i've also been in situations that would be called "the waitressing nightmare" more than i would like to recall. when either by faulty scheduling by management or by some unforeseen community event at an odd hour, i found myself waiting on 50+ people at one time, who all sat down within about 15 min time. and i ran myself shy of a nervous breakdown (ok, maybe not shy) trying to give them the best service i could, and i did. now in these situations i observed two different types of people. the type that would take a look around and become aware of what i was dealing with and take pity on me, and the type who would see it as an opportunity to steal food service.

if that poor little princess had to wait for her food, it could have very well been the kitchen's fault, not the servers. and if that poor little princess had to go to the bar for her silver, she should have tipped the bartender.

the point is, that unless you're eating at a buffet or a fast food restaurant, you should expect to pay 15-20% gratuity on your meal to someone. period.

this is what i learned from food service...

that some people are greedy, gluttonous assholes, trying to get something for nothing, and some people aren't.
your not, if you dont like the service LEAVE AND DONT COME BACK. Tell me ANY industry where you get the work and then decide "fuck you im not paying you for it" and WOULDNT get charged with theft?

exactly. it should be up to management to rid the restaurant of servers who suck.

and speaking of suck...

what about the fat ass who slurps down his sweet tea at an astronomical rate that would give anyone diabetes within one sitting not tipping the waitress for keeping up with his gluttony?

all the time people...every fucking day...
just a side issue, i love how you guys were all arguing that you have to pay the execus who almost sent the world bankrupt there millions in PERFORMANCE BONUSES ontop of million dollor base selleries while at the same time bitching about paying the poor waiter\ess who survives on min wage a simple 10% tip. pethetic
The owner admitted that the group waited unusually long for their food, but said the pub was extremely busy that night.
Calling the cops was just about the dumbest thing to do here. I hope that the negative publicity resulting from this dumbass maneuver has cured that restaurant's overcrowding problem.
im sorry sam but screw the free market. The US minium wage should really because the slave wage because it might as well be. the fact that tips are nessary in order to actually live is apalling, it might as well be begging.

Begging is way more profitable than labour, for some reason people are more willing to give to charity than reward people for work.

For me, tipping is something I do for services above and beyond what is required. Thus I will tip the taxi driver who carries my bags to the apartment door, I will tip the delivery boy who brings my stuff home when I'm too busy to go to the store, I will tip the tailor who drops off my clothes at home because its inconvenient for me to collect them, I will tip the boy who sweeps the gardens for running errands, etc

I don't really see the point of tipping people for fulfilling a job description they are already being paid for. If its unsufficient for their needs, they should do what other people do in the same position. Find a position that does.
Begging is way more profitable than labour, for some reason people are more willing to give to charity than reward people for work.

For me, tipping is something I do for services above and beyond what is required. Thus I will tip the taxi driver who carries my bags to the apartment door, I will tip the delivery boy who brings my stuff home when I'm too busy to go to the store, I will tip the tailor who drops off my clothes at home because its inconvenient for me to collect them, I will tip the boy who sweeps the gardens for running errands, etc

I don't really see the point of tipping people for fulfilling a job description they are already being paid for. If its unsufficient for their needs, they should do what other people do in the same position. Find a position that does.

then you're a thief.
as far as i know no, there is a minium set hourly wage for every proffession. The closest you could come to it is probably fruit picking where they are paid by the bin rather than the hour. My brother was on a commission BTW, he STILL got paid the $16.00 per hour or whatever it was and any commissions were on top of that. The same is true for realest. Oh BTW when was the last time a waiters commission was $10,000 and up?
Thank you. Yes, the "per bin" thing is probably the closest. We have a lot of that here as well, usually performed by "illegal" immigrants. This is the worst lot yet in this conversation. These people are paid a pittance, I'm talking extreme poverty. At least this is often the case. Then their employers threaten them with calling INS (Immigration) and having them deported. Without getting into the whole illegal/legal aliens thing, the ones that are here deserve better...

There is a HUGE difference between someone stuck working as a waiter on min wage and someone who is earning more than $10,000 per house they sell

See, on this I don't think you still quite get it. It's not so much the real estate people, or other "high ticket" sales people I'm talking about. One good example of what I am talking about is telemarketing. This is typically a low end, "unskilled" job that you can pick up anytime in any city. Even now, during the recession, any reasonably intelligent, average person can get a job doing this - so that part is good. However, the pay is often straight commission, and in the range of a mid to high end hospitality worker. (Waiters, bartenders, innkeepers, etc.) These people still live paycheck to paycheck, and even if they put in 50+ hours in a week - if they don't get sales, once again - they don't get paid. There are several other examples (cosmetology - hairdressers, manicurists, etc.)

This is what I'm talking about...
Calling the cops was just about the dumbest thing to do here. I hope that the negative publicity resulting from this dumbass maneuver has cured that restaurant's overcrowding problem.

i bet you wouldn't say that if someone stole any other service from any other establishment or industry.
Huh? I'm a thief? I think anyone who thinks they deserve more than their stated salary should find another job, nothing works like voting with your feet to increase demand. Do you tip everyone whose services you use at 15-30%?

Calling the cops was just about the dumbest thing to do here. I hope that the negative publicity resulting from this dumbass maneuver has cured that restaurant's overcrowding problem.

Agreed. I simply can't see myself frequenting a service establishment which does not understand that the customer is always right [even if he isn't]
Huh? I'm a thief? I think anyone who thinks they deserve more than their stated salary should find another job, nothing works like voting with your feet to increase demand. Do you tip everyone whose services you use at 15-30%?

if that's how they get paid for what they do i do. yeah.
Agreed. I simply can't see myself frequenting a service establishment which does not understand that the customer is always right [even if he isn't]

you mean if the customer is a thief?
If you tipped them all, then that would be how they get paid. I personally think its the job of the employer, not random susies, to determine the value of the service. Its the job of the labourer to determine if its worth it.

you mean if the customer is a thief?

Its called a customer service industry for a reason. Simply calling people a thief because you think you "deserve" more for fulfilling the requirements of your profession is ridiculous.

If you disagree with the terms of employment, negotiate with your employer, don't force the people who utilise the service to supplement your income.

Can you imagine if you had to tip the railway attendant who checks your ticket, the soldier who defends your country, the janitor who cleans the roads, the doctor who does your Pap smear, the clerk at Walmart, the bus driver who takes you to work, maybe even your boss for hiring you

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If you tipped them all, then that would be how they get paid. I personally think its the job of the employer, not random susies, to determine the value of the service. Its the job of the labourer to determine if its worth it.

if the employer is not paying them for the service, and you know it (which you do) then you are a thief if you don't pay them for it. period.
Actually, then you are a fool for taking such a job, because you are depending on the charity of strangers to assess your worth and devaluing the worth of your labour.

Every single person who tips a waitress makes it even more likely that waitressing will remain an underpaid, undervalued profession.

Its the same as everyone who tips the peons ensures that corruption remains rampant in administration.
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if the employer is not paying them for the service, and you know it (which you do) then you are a thief if you don't pay them for it. period.

Don't assume what people know. I had no idea waitress and waiters only made $2.00 an hour. Where I'm from they make $8.00+. So a tip really is an incentive to not be an asshole server. Its a reward for doing above average work. Restaurants don't advertise the fact that they don't pay their employees. And even still, if you don't do your job you don't deserve to get paid for it. That goes for any service job.
$8 thats ridiculas, how is anyone surposed to live on that. The reason i know my brother would have been around $16 is because he worked for the same company as me. Not to mention this:

•maintain the standard Federal Minimum Wage (FMW) at $14.31 per hour ($543.78 per week)

Every industry MUST pay above this or they are in breach of the industrial relations laws. Oh BTW, that wage also comes with Sick leave, super and holiday pay. It DOESNT come with health care because we have UNIVESAL HEALTH CARE:)