Are they all the same god?

(Q) said:
So, like a typical theist, you'll ignore evidence and go on believing in those ignorant 'pagan' nomads of the desert pretending to speak with angels.

I see little difference between Mohammad and Joseph Smith - ever hear of him?

You really should stop jumping to conclusions about me. I'm not a typical anything.

I've actually been reading on the names you gave me and I thought it was really interesting.
samcdkey said:
You really should stop jumping to conclusions about me.

I've actually been reading on the names you gave me and I thought it was really interesting.

Excellent, and when you're done with that, we can look at other old stories used to prop up Christianity, like the resurrection, for example.

The point is that it's not likely that story was told to Mohammad by an angel, he simply heard of it and used it to prop up Islam, just like the Christians.
(Q) said:
Excellent, and when you're done with that, we can look at other old stories used to prop up Christianity, like the resurrection, for example.

Of course.

The point is that it's not likely that story was told to Mohammad by an angel, he simply heard of it and used it to prop up Islam, just like the Christians.

:) Yes except he did it in recitation using a system of rhyme and meter no one has been able to replicate.
samcdkey said:
Yes except he did it in recitation using a system of rhyme and meter no one has been able to replicate.

Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

Is that what Mohammad claimed?
(Q) said:
Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

Is that what Mohammad claimed?

Nope, its a challenge in the Quran and the Quran was written for recitation; its much easier to recite than to read, which is why it is memorised for prayers.
Its a literary problem which people have been trying to solve since 1423 years.

The Quran follows a literary structure which was completely unknown in Arabia, it is a prose in rhythm which breaks all the known rules of Arabic prose and poetry, by following not a single one of the 16 al-Bihar (meters) which distinguish all known Arabic literature, both pre and post Islamic. The rhythm of the verses changes according to the type of verse, fast for war-like and slow for philosophical verses. The challenge is to produce one sura (verse) equal to the shortest, in a similar fashion.

The revelation of the Quran actually changed the Arabic mode of expression from just poetry and marketplace story telling (pre-Islamic) to writing and literature.
samcdkey said:
Its a literary problem which people have been trying to solve since 1423 years.

The Quran follows a literary structure which was completely unknown in Arabia, it is a prose in rhythm which breaks all the known rules of Arabic prose and poetry, by following not a single one of the 16 al-Bihar (meters) which distinguish all known Arabic literature, both pre and post Islamic. The rhythm of the verses changes according to the type of verse, fast for war-like and slow for philosophical verses. The challenge is to produce one sura (verse) equal to the shortest, in a similar fashion.

The revelation of the Quran actually changed the Arabic mode of expression from just poetry and marketplace story telling (pre-Islamic) to writing and literature.
That really is very cool. I had no idea.
Oh is tha what you call him? I call him the MegaCon, he pretends like he is the last word in the world on everything
samcdkey said:
aka MetaKron?
Yeah! That's him! What a bone head. I don't even know what I did to him. I talked some physics, and now he's up my ass or something. Yuck.
superluminal said:
Yeah! That's him! What a bone head. I don't even know what I did to him. I talked some physics, and now he's up my ass or something. Yuck.

If you go through the two Hash threads you'll find the same thing; I just presented a few studies on hash and psychosis and he went ballistic; really strange considering he claims to have given up hash. Apparently just fighting against people who use science to keep people away from the freedom for weed.
samcdkey said:
If you go through the two Hash threads you'll find the same thing; I just presented a few studies on hash and psychosis and he went ballistic; really strange considering he claims to have given up hash. Apparently just fighting against people who use science to keep people away from the freedom for weed.
Pffft. On to more interesting things. I was wondering what muslim sect you are a part of? I'm hearing a lot about Suni and Shia. And how they are about to go at each other's throats over something or other. What's the story?
superluminal said:
Pffft. On to more interesting things. I was wondering what muslim sect you are a part of? I'm hearing a lot about Suni and Shia. And how they are about to go at each other's throats over something or other. What's the story?

Its not the Sunnis and Shias who are at each other its the Shias in Iran and the Sunnis in the ME who are at each other; and is principally due to the Iraq-Iran divide.

In India and other such places, Sunnis and Shias have no problems getting along.

The original split in the Sunnis and Shias was due to political tussles after the Prophets death and the Shias included some additional changes in their spiritual practices (prayer, for e.g.) but the fundamental principles of Islam are the same. They are all Muslims
samcdkey said:
Its not the Sunnis and Shias who are at each other its the Shias in Iran and the Sunnis in the ME who are at each other; and is principally due to the Iraq-Iran divide.

In India and other such places, Sunnis and Shias have no problems getting along.

The original split in the Sunnis and Shias was due to political tussles after the Prophets death and the Shias included some additional changes in their spiritual practices (prayer, for e.g.) but the fundamental principles of Islam are the same. They are all Muslims
Ah. So once again it's politically inspired religious division. Bah.