KennyJC said:Is this refusal suggesting that you can't comment because it is obvious Q is wrong?
I mean, we are talking about a man who is raised from the dead to bodily ascend to heaven. No such man existed outside of fairy tales. It therefor remains obvious that Jesus didn't exist.
I missed this post.
Yes, according to me (Q) is wrong. The Quran confirms the birth of Jesus and his role as a prophet.
2-136 Say Ye "We believe in God and the revelation given to us, to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, to the tribes, to Moses, Jesus and to all prophets from their Lord." We make no difference between them, and we bow to Allah as a Muslim.
2-253 To Jesus, the son of Mary, we gave clear signs and strengthen Him with the Holy Spirit.
However Muslims beieve that Jesus was a Prophet; and Mohammed claimed Jesus to be the best of the Prophets.
5-73 They do blasphemy on those who say, "Allah is one of three in a Trinity", for there is no God but one God.
And we also believe that he was not crucified:
4-157 They said in boast, "We killed Jesus Christ, son of Mary, the messenger of God." But they killed Him not, nor crucified Him, but so it was made to appear to them. Those who differ are full of doubts with no certain knowledge. Nay Allah raise him up unto Himself.
Islamic scholars believe that the above verse indicates a natural death
About his miracles there is no mention in the Quran