Are they all the same god?

KennyJC said:
Is this refusal suggesting that you can't comment because it is obvious Q is wrong?

I mean, we are talking about a man who is raised from the dead to bodily ascend to heaven. No such man existed outside of fairy tales. It therefor remains obvious that Jesus didn't exist.

I missed this post.

Yes, according to me (Q) is wrong. The Quran confirms the birth of Jesus and his role as a prophet.

2-136 Say Ye "We believe in God and the revelation given to us, to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, to the tribes, to Moses, Jesus and to all prophets from their Lord." We make no difference between them, and we bow to Allah as a Muslim.

2-253 To Jesus, the son of Mary, we gave clear signs and strengthen Him with the Holy Spirit.

However Muslims beieve that Jesus was a Prophet; and Mohammed claimed Jesus to be the best of the Prophets.

5-73 They do blasphemy on those who say, "Allah is one of three in a Trinity", for there is no God but one God.

And we also believe that he was not crucified:

4-157 They said in boast, "We killed Jesus Christ, son of Mary, the messenger of God." But they killed Him not, nor crucified Him, but so it was made to appear to them. Those who differ are full of doubts with no certain knowledge. Nay Allah raise him up unto Himself.

Islamic scholars believe that the above verse indicates a natural death

About his miracles there is no mention in the Quran
Adstar said:
I am prepared to die for my faith and they are prepared to kill for their faith. What are you prepared to kill or die for?

What is this preoccupation with death? You being a Christian are prepared to die for the greater glory. The others as you put it are not only prepared to kill but also to die, just like you. If the others were smart they would do away with the die part. Now if every Christian felt like you then that would be the death knell for Christianity. It could die out in less than a generation. What that thinking exhibits is a fatal flaw for your religion. But you would be ok having attained Nirvana by being killed. Lucky you.

What am I prepared to die for? Well if you aren't going to do anything it would just make my job that much tougher. I'm prepared to fight any aggressor who theatens my family, my way of life, and me. I do not consider dying for a religion a worthy cause but if I'm under threat of death then so are you which means I will fight for you.... to defend the right you don't think you have. You just sit back and relax, people who feel the same will try to keep you alive. If you're killed or not shouldn't matter to you since it is God's will.

As a blind atheist I am comfortable in either light or darkness, makes no difference. Your light blinds you in either case.
PsychoticEpisode said:
What is this preoccupation with death? You being a Christian are prepared to die for the greater glory. The others as you put it are not only prepared to kill but also to die, just like you. If the others were smart they would do away with the die part. Now if every Christian felt like you then that would be the death knell for Christianity. It could die out in less than a generation. What that thinking exhibits is a fatal flaw for your religion. But you would be ok having attained Nirvana by being killed. Lucky you.

lol can you see that i am proof of the fault in your logic here? If your thinking was right then i should not exist 2000 years after the death of Jesus. Now how is it that i am here and alive today? How is it that the faith that i have has survived?

So my very existence is proof that my way of thinking is not the death knell for Christianity. Let me explain what is happening. There are 3 types of people.

The User: one who uses and promotes "christianity" but does not believe in it. They are simply useing it for their own selfish purposes. Many kings and political elites do this around the world.

The Carrier: One who believes in God is an expressed Christian, believes in Jesus but does not believe Jesus. a smorgasbord christian.

The One who gets full blown Christianity: One who believes in Jesus and Believes Jesus and decided to follow Jesus as a true Christian.

The number of carriers are millions the number of people who develop full blown Christianity is small. Jesus calls out to many but few truly hear the call. All things work in this world so that even the greedy motives of the elites serve the preservation of the Word of God. While the Users and Carriers get worldly benefits from the Word they will receive no eternal benefit from the Word.

Romans 8
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

So the Users and the Carriers are inadvertently serving the purpose of the Lord. While the only ones who get eternal benefit from it are the ones who get full blown Christianity.

PS: Now i know you are going to make a smart comment about Christianity being like AIDS ha ha but please do not waste your time.

What am I prepared to die for? Well if you aren't going to do anything it would just make my job that much tougher. I'm prepared to fight any aggressor who theatens my family, my way of life, and me. I do not consider dying for a religion a worthy cause but if I'm under threat of death then so are you which means I will fight for you.... to defend the right you don't think you have. You just sit back and relax, people who feel the same will try to keep you alive. If you're killed or not shouldn't matter to you since it is God's will.

You indeed might end up fighting for me, But be truthful your not going to be fighting with me in mind. You are going to be fighting for yourself and your family, for your earthy survival. God can use you and the evil intent of those who manipulate your desire to survive to serve the greater purpose of those He has called out of this world.

No one has ever fought for true Christians willingly and true Christians never call on anyone to fight for them. True Christians rely totally on the power of God to protect and preserve them for as long as God wills it for them to be protected and preserved.

As a blind atheist I am comfortable in either light or darkness, makes no difference. Your light blinds you in either case.

And in darkness you will remain until you desire salvation and true freedom.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
And in darkness you will remain until you desire salvation and true freedom.

Can you say this without the least bit of schadenfreude?
Can you say this without the least bit of feeling glad that it's them that are in darkness, and not you?

Not poking at you, I would just like an honest answer.
"Allah, Jehovah and God, are they not the same thing?"

yes, as well as the 30 million hindu gods and the other 2/3000, other gods, yes there all the same thing, absolute fantasy.
water said:
Can you say this without the least bit of schadenfreude?
Can you say this without the least bit of feeling glad that it's them that are in darkness, and not you?

Not poking at you, I would just like an honest answer.

Poking at me? Of cource your poking at me. Why accuse me of having an air of schadenfreude and then say your not poking at me?

schadenfreude: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.​

Your saying that i am the kind of person who takes pleasure at the misfortune of others, So why not just admit your poking at me?

It’s amazing that people inject emotions into what i say instead of just reading what i say. There always has to be a projection of arrogance, pride or anger or in this case schadenfreude to make the message more rejectable to the reader. People cannot simply read what i have to say in a calm take it or leave it manner. They always have to visualise a ranting mullah type figure waving a kalashnikov over his head.

I said what i said because i believe what i said. There does not have to be any emotion behind it at all. No anger . No smugness, No superior air, just as plain direct message delivered with a calm hand.

What i have to say is confronting and confronting words lead to emotional responses. So the emotion that is being projected on to me is actually coming from the person reading my posts. Why? Because they desperately Want to see me in a way that assists in their rejection of what i say.

See… your probably projecting an attitude of smugness onto me now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Poking at me? Of cource your poking at me. Why accuse me of having an air of schadenfreude and then say your not poking at me?

schadenfreude: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.​

Your saying that i am the kind of person who takes pleasure at the misfortune of others, So why not just admit your poking at me?

It’s amazing that people inject emotions into what i say instead of just reading what i say. There always has to be a projection of arrogance, pride or anger or in this case schadenfreude to make the message more rejectable to the reader. People cannot simply read what i have to say in a calm take it or leave it manner. They always have to visualise a ranting mullah type figure waving a kalashnikov over his head.

I said what i said because i believe what i said. There does not have to be any emotion behind it at all. No anger . No smugness, No superior air, just as plain direct message delivered with a calm hand.

What i have to say is confronting and confronting words lead to emotional responses. So the emotion that is being projected on to me is actually coming from the person reading my posts. Why? Because they desperately Want to see me in a way that assists in their rejection of what i say.

See… your probably projecting an attitude of smugness onto me now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I didn't accuse you of anything. I only asked.
samcdkey said:
I missed this post.

Yes, according to me (Q) is wrong. The Quran confirms the birth of Jesus and his role as a prophet.

However Muslims beieve that Jesus was a Prophet; and Mohammed claimed Jesus to be the best of the Prophets.

And we also believe that he was not crucified:

Islamic scholars believe that the above verse indicates a natural death

About his miracles there is no mention in the Quran

Sounds like another load of crap. Islamic beliefs based on what?
(Q) said:
Sounds like another load of crap. Islamic beliefs based on what?

Which belief are you specifically referring to ?

I did give the verses so its according to the Quran
samcdkey said:
Which belief are you specifically referring to ?

I did give the verses so its according to the Quran

The beliefs you stated, of course. How would Muhammad know anything about Jesus, especially when it contradicts what Christians believe?
If the Quran is true, then after my death, I will spend eternity in a lake of fire for comitting the hideous crime of being an infidel.

Scare tactics don't con me.
(Q) said:
The beliefs you stated, of course. How would Muhammad know anything about Jesus, especially when it contradicts what Christians believe?

If you're serious, then he didn't know. He was illiterate and his tribe, the Qureish were pagans. This was revealed to him in the verses.

If this is another "lets have fun with Sam" episode, then I'll remember to ask him when I next see him.
KennyJC said:
If the Quran is true, then after my death, I will spend eternity in a lake of fire for comitting the hideous crime of being an infidel.

Scare tactics don't con me.

Congratulations you've completed half the course.

La ilaha i.e. there is no God
samcdkey said:
If you're serious, then he didn't know. He was illiterate and his tribe, the Qureish were pagans. This was revealed to him in the verses.

If this is another "lets have fun with Sam" episode, then I'll remember to ask him when I next see him.

It never has been "lets have fun with Sam" episodes. It's always been "lets try and find out what theists are claiming next" episodes.

And of coursee, it's like pulling teeth to get a straight answer.

What was revealed to Muhammad in verses? Who revealed it?
(Q) said:
It never has been "lets have fun with Sam" episodes. It's always been "lets try and find out what theists are claiming next" episodes.

In that case, I apologise

And of coursee, it's like pulling teeth to get a straight answer.

Your attitude sucks; if you want answers learn to ask questions that are not provocative.

What was revealed to Muhammad in verses?

It was revealed to Mohammed that Jesus had indeed been a Prophet, that he was born of the virgin Mary. The nineteenth chapter of the Quran is named after her, Mariam. Mariam means Mary in Arabic. The third chapter in the Quran is named after her father, Imran.

Who revealed it?

Gabriel, according to Mohammed. He orally recited the verses to Mohammed.
samcdkey said:
It was revealed to Mohammed that Jesus had indeed been a Prophet, that he was born of the virgin Mary. The nineteenth chapter of the Quran is named after her, Mariam. Mariam means Mary in Arabic. The third chapter in the Quran is named after her father, Imran.

Virgin births go back long before the Christ; Montezuma, Deganawidah, Huitzilopochtli, Hunahpu and Xbalanque were all gods born of virgins, allegedly. The Christian story was taken from those old myths.

Gabriel, according to Mohammed. He orally recited the verses to Mohammed.

Then it would appear that Gabriel told Mohammad a whale of a story.
(Q) said:
Virgin births go back long before the Christ; Montezuma, Deganawidah, Huitzilopochtli, Hunahpu and Xbalanque were all gods born of virgins, allegedly. The Christian story was taken from those old myths.

Then it would appear that Gabriel told Mohammad a whale of a story.
