Are they all the same god?

Yes it was a fight for the Caliphate. The Prophet nominated 4 caliphs in order, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. After the Prophets death, Abu Bakr was nominated first Caliph and Aisha (the Prophet's wife and Abu Bakr daughter) supported him. A separate group wanted Ali, the Prophets nephew to be first Caliph (since he was a blood relative) and after some infighting they formed a breakaway group called the Shias
samcdkey said:
Its a literary problem which people have been trying to solve since 1423 years.

And the claim that Mohammad was illiterate, has anything to do with the fact that the Quran does not follow traditional Arabic? Isn't that self-evident?

Hardly a mystery.
samcdkey said:
The original split in the Sunnis and Shias was due to political tussles after the Prophets death and the Shias included some additional changes in their spiritual practices (prayer, for e.g.) but the fundamental principles of Islam are the same. They are all Muslims

But, they'll kill each other over the principle differences, fundamentally?
(Q) said:
But, they'll kill each other over the principle differences, fundamentally?
Hi Q, (no pun intended)

I thought she said that they get along fine except for the ones with the political agendas?
Not if you read the Quran; even if he was illiterate he surely knew how to speak it, since he gave Khutbas from the time he first decided to share his vision until his death. The Quran is lyrical, when you recite it, the words automatically fall into rhythms; there are competitions on who can express it the best way.

This is the best recitation of Chapter one by Abdul Rahman Al Sudais

Anyway how would you explain a man who for 40 years led a simple, uncomplicated life and then suddenly came up, 1400 years ago, in the most backward part of Arabia with ideas about women, economics, science, nature, diet, health, geography and society which we are only now acknowledging?
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samcdkey said:
Anyway how would you explain a man who for 40 years led a simple, uncomplicated life and then suddenly came up, 1400 years ago, in the most backward part of Arabia with ideas about women, economics, science, nature, diet, health, geography and society which we are only now acknowledging?
Time travelling aliens?
(Q) said:
But, they'll kill each other over the principle differences, fundamentally?

There are no fundamental differences; the ONLY difference between the two was the fight over the Caliphate and that ended when the Caliphate died out
superluminal said:
I'm full of ideas. ;)

I know
samcdkey said:
God is an alien?

Hmm may explain the 100,000 prophets and their spiritual experiences :)

never. moses was the son of the sons of god who were giants (ie. he was the/a son of god). genesis 6:4.

the sons of god was a race of humans who lived long ago on earth. call them atlanteans if you like, but they were born on earth, no aliens are involved.

we're also the sons of the sons of god (also called anakim, the sons of anak, the long necked), but hardly anyone inherit their magical powers and infinite knowledge anymore, but sometimes the son of god is born on earth because of the crossbreeding.
akhenaten's (moses?) daughter:
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superluminal said:
Hi Q, (no pun intended)

I thought she said that they get along fine except for the ones with the political agendas?

Non taken.

She claims much of the conflict is politically motivated, but it's the politics of religious power and religious control over the masses, the one thing Mohammad successfully achieved is what they were after. And of course, they all tried to murder one another for it.

And btw, would you two get a room or something? :p
c7ityi_ said:
never. moses was the son of the sons of god who were giants (ie. he was the/a son of god). genesis 6:4.

the sons of god was a race of humans who lived long ago on earth. call them atlanteans if you like, but they were born on earth, no aliens are involved.

we're also the sons of the sons of god (also called anakim, the sons of anak, the long necked), but hardly anyone inherit their magical powers and infinite knowledge anymore, but sometimes the son of god is born on earth because of the crossbreeding.

Well we don't have these details in the Quran so I really could not comment on it
(Q) said:
She claims much of the conflict is politically motivated, but it's the politics of religious power and religious control over the masses, the one thing Mohammad successfully achieved is what they were after. And of course, they all tried to murder one another for it.
Yes. For the most part, yes. Unfortunately.

And btw, would you two get a room or something? :p
Sorry about that.
(Q) said:
Non taken.

She claims much of the conflict is politically motivated, but it's the politics of religious power and religious control over the masses, the one thing Mohammad successfully achieved is what they were after. And of course, they all tried to murder one another for it.

You also miss the point that before Mohammed these same tribes spent all their time killing each other over camels and land.

Yes but we don't see these problems except in the middle east and that is due mainly to the political tensions. Anyway the way they follow Islam in the ME is hardly a shining example of the way it is written in the Quran
Also once they separated the Sunnis and Shias continued coexisting together right up until the Crusades
samcdkey said:
Well we don't have these details in the Quran so I really could not comment on it

not only the quran is true, you know. the bible and vedanta were written by the guidance of the same god, because there is only one god, and it's our higher self, which is the true self.

but remember that both god and devil, heaven and hell, exists in humans, so the "devil side of humans" has also written some things in all holy scriptures. originally there was only one divine teaching, but it became many religions because people are stupid.

Well we don't have these details in the Quran so I really could not comment on it

what? you can't comment because they're not in the quran? why not?