Are they all the same god?

(Q) said:
And, what age would that be?

Based on your admission of being a contemporary of Arnie and Jackie, anywhere from 50 to 70 :D

Well, in many of the wars, and there were more than 4, the casualty count was unknown, but in the battle of Mut'ah, for example, forces of 100,000 met forces of 200,000, in which the smaller group (Muslims) were almost wiped out. And they would have been if not for the treachery of Khalid ibn al-Walid.

Ah research! no one knows the correct figures of the battle of Mutah; both sides have vastly differing accounts.

Yes, they warred, that is a fact. What wars are they fighting now? What religious beliefs are causing their young people to strap on explosives?

Read C. Northcote Parkinson's East and West; they are in the low cycle right now.

You'll find, if you look, that the most intolerant and non-understanding peoples are largely theists.

Nope; its ALL people who have some intolerance and some lack of understanding; the ones who think they don't are just fooling themselves (or haven't been pushed far enough yet). No one has a high moral ground here. Plus there is a tendency in the self proclaimed virtuous to have a serious deficiency of conscience.

No thanks, that's one country I hope never to return. I did like parts of Bihar, though.

I'm not surprised; it has the most intolerant people in all India with the maximum human rights issues.

PS did you miss my posts on the virgin births and scientific method ?
samcdkey said:
Based on your admission of being a contemporary of Arnie and Jackie, anywhere from 50 to 70 :D

That was ages ago, now I'm just a head in a jar, with tentacles, floating in space.

Ah research! no one knows the correct figures of the battle of Mutah; both sides have vastly differing accounts.

What? One side claims only a handful of combatants while the other tens of thousands?

Would you suspect he marched into the city of Mecca with a handful?

Nope; its ALL people who have some intolerance and some lack of understanding; the ones who think they don't are just fooling themselves (or haven't been pushed far enough yet). No one has a high moral ground here. Plus there is a tendency in the self proclaimed virtuous to have a serious deficiency of conscience.

Painting mankind with a brush of contempt is very much theist way of thinking. We are all just here to serve gods, and are but loathsome creatures ourselves, unfit and unworthy to stand in their presence, or them in ours.

I'm not surprised; it has the most intolerant people in all India with the maximum human rights issues.

Yes, it is in fact the birthplace of Buddhism and Jainism, monasteries dotting the landscape everywhere. That's why I went.

What kind of a cretin do you take me fo, anyways?

PS did you miss my posts on the virgin births and scientific method ?

I saw that and you made an error, Montezuma was not an Aztec Emporer, but a mythological god with the Peublo native indian tribes of the US.
(Q) said:
That was ages ago, now I'm just a head in a jar, with tentacles, floating in space.

I'm relieved; that explains everything.

What? One side claims only a handful of combatants while the other tens of thousands?

Would you suspect he marched into the city of Mecca with a handful?

Wasn't the battle of Mutah in Jordan? Anyway, its all supposition since there are no indifferent records

Painting mankind with a brush of contempt is very much theist way of thinking. We are all just here to serve gods, and are but loathsome creatures ourselves, unfit and unworthy to stand in their presence, or them in ours.

I'm not being theist, just realistic. Human beings recognise differences more than they appreciate similarities. Everyone has different levels of tolerance but no one can be tolerant under all situations. Its basic psychology.

Yes, it is in fact the birthplace of Buddhism and Jainism, monasteries dotting the landscape everywhere. That's why I went.

And there are minimal Buddhists in India today and hardly any Jains in Bihar. Bihar is presently controlled by 5 landowner families who exploit the poor and are totally completely corrupt; they also control the state government and have managed to keep that state at the worst educational level in the whole country. They are the most racist of peoplei in India and have a long history of oppression.

What kind of a cretin do you take me fo, anyways?

If I thought you a cretin, you'd definitely know what kind I thought you to be.
You're not; but you lack the objectivity required to be unbiased.

I'm a brilliant, intelligent and creative woman (not my words) so I'm attempting to widen your perspective.

I saw that and you made an error, Montezuma was not an Aztec Emporer, but a mythological god with the Peublo native indian tribes of the US.

My bad; it was the first hit in google and I did not expect two of them
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Satyr said:
In order to have Will and to be creative one must lack completion, one must have something to overcome, one must be imperfect and a nothing striving to be something.

Ironic, given popular interpretations of God.

Judgment hurts only when the one judging is not us and when we take their judgment as superior to our own.

When another’s opinion has more power over us than our own, then it truly hurts, then we are forced to consider it.

God has been used as that absolute Other - that representation of popular sentiment – the community passing judgment upon the individual by placing the word in a hypothetical Otherness that cannot be attacked or ignored.

That doesn't contradict what I said.

But your notion of karma is still strange to me.