Are they all the same god?

spacemansteve said:
Allah, Jehovah and God, are they not the same thing?

In my quest to further my knownledge on a broad base topics it has occured to me that Judaism was the fundamental religion that the majority of monotheistic religions are now based on. From Judaism we found Christianity and Islam. From this we can correctly assume that the God that is praised in each of those religions to be the same.

So why the fighting? is it about the correct way to worship this god? is it about politics? Is it about both?

Opinions please people.

You need to go back even further to investigate how monotheism was created from the myths and superstitions of polytheism. And then further still to see how polytheism was created from the myths and superstitions of shamans.
samcdkey said:
Moses is mentioned in the Quran in 176 verses, while Mohammed is mentioned in only 4.

Of course, like Jesus, Moses never existed.
I always thought that most monotheism came from zoroastian teachings rather than Judaism.
spacemansteve said:
Allah, Jehovah and God, are they not the same thing?

So why the fighting? is it about the correct way to worship this god? is it about politics? Is it about both?

Opinions please people.

Both yes and no, we are all one with Everything, this Everything contains EXACTLY everything. Of course, an even bigger Everything than what we will ever be able to think about can also exist, every possible reality exists within this.
This is a much larger worldview than that of any religion. Religion have their own different sub-versions of God, which are all true, they all exist, as religion-bound God-entities within Everything.

To fight over the correct worldview is an attempt to master other peoples minds, a desire to abuse power, how far can I go before I get attacked back?
It's a primite provocation, testing borders. Once crossed almost impossible to turn back and be the same person. A total soul tranformation is needed, and those are painful and often avoided to the last second.

That is why politicians and other "high" representatives of war appear dull and distant, like wearing masks, qouting lines, puppets. They have agreed to promote this, a turn-around would be betrayal of those who appointed them. So even if the person within the "persona" changes opinions, an outer appearance of approval must be upheld. So they try not to change opinion, to avoid inner turmoil.

They fight not to gain, but to avoid insight. But it will come to them mercylessly, like it always does, there is no escape.
spacemansteve said:
So why the fighting? is it about the correct way to worship this god? is it about politics? Is it about both?

Opinions please people.

Regardless backgrounds (relgious or not), if it weren't by accident, then combination of self-reighteousness and attempts to interfere others' businesses are more likely to trigger fights.
samcdkey said:
I shall resist from making comment.

Is this refusal suggesting that you can't comment because it is obvious Q is wrong?

I mean, we are talking about a man who is raised from the dead to bodily ascend to heaven. No such man existed outside of fairy tales. It therefor remains obvious that Jesus didn't exist.
Did (Q) lend you his soapbox? :D

PsychoticEpisode said:
Are you only 33% certain that you are following the right path? This sounds like you have doubts as to your previous 100%.

This is Gulliver's Travels in real time. Starting a war over a philosophy about which end of a boiled egg to open. The absurdity of your words gentlemen leave me in awe. Please continue.

You find it almost imposable to understand don't you.

Let me make it simple for you.

3 people believe they all follow the will of God.

Each of the 3 looks at the other and understands that the others are saying that the will of God is not as they believe it to be. They are compelled to disagree with the others. To what level they take that disagreement is up to the individuals. They can express their disagreement verbally and leave it there or they can launch a massive nuclear strike to exterminate the others. Its up to them and their interpretation of what the will of God calls upon them to do.

I am 100% sure that i believe in the true Will of God. That will tells me not to launch a massive nuclear war of annihilation against the others but to simply stand for the truth and allow the others to accept or reject it. It is in theiur court as to how they react to me. If they want to kill me then so be it but i will never change my belief my eternal destination is dependant on my belief.

The truly absurd thing PE is that you cannot see the forest for the trees, You are a true example of person who has been blinded but who does not know it. I am truly in awe that a supposed intelligent person cannot understand simple explanations.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I am 100% sure that i believe in the true Will of God.

How can you be sure? Why are you sure? Isn't it pretentious to believe that you, a simple human know the will of God, the omnipresent creator of the universe? If I was this God of yours then I'd be insulted that a skin bag like you thought he knew my wishes.
then what of the other 2,499 gods approximately, are they not to be worshipped, Are'nt they all the same god?.
the preacher said:
then what of the other 2,499 gods approximately, are they not to be worshipped, Are'nt they all the same god?.

I believe the same God conveyed It's Will thru different "prophets" at different times at different places.
Did (Q) lend you his soapbox?

Nope, just pointing out that nobody existed who could walk on water or rise from the dead.

Your refusal to reply suggested to me that you thought it was obvious Jesus existed. So I was just pointing out the obvious for you.