Are they all the same god?

KennyJC said:
Does this include the FSM?

Had the FSM made birth a cohesive concept of society values, in regulating the way of life of such society, I will believe the FSM also did.
LiveInFaith said:
Had the FSM made birth a cohesive concept of society values, in regulating the way of life of such society, I will believe the FSM also did.

Be specific. Which parts of religion regulate the way of life on society?

Also, your theory depends on the amount of followers. Something false with many followers could give birth to a concept of social values... If the FSM hasn't done so, it's because it doesn't have a large amount of followers... yet...
LiveInFaith said:
Had the FSM made birth a cohesive concept of society values, in regulating the way of life of such society, I will believe the FSM also did.
The mere fact that some religious beliefs are widespread and their leaders powerful doesn't make the beliefs valid:
Bertrand Russell said:
If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes.

But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense.

If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.

Richard Dawkins said:
The reason organized religion merits outright hostility is that, unlike belief in Russell's teapot, religion is powerful, influential, tax-exempt and systematically passed on to children too young to defend themselves.

Children are not compelled to spend their formative years memorizing loony books about teapots. Government-subsidized schools don't exclude children whose parents prefer the wrong shape of teapot. Teapot-believers don't stone teapot-unbelievers, teapot-apostates, teapot-heretics and teapot-blasphemers to death. Mothers don't warn their sons off marrying teapot-shiksas whose parents believe in three teapots rather than one. People who put the milk in first don't kneecap those who put the tea in first.
wsionynw said:
How can you be sure? Why are you sure? Isn't it pretentious to believe that you, a simple human know the will of God, the omnipresent creator of the universe? If I was this God of yours then I'd be insulted that a skin bag like you thought he knew my wishes.

skin bag ? Don't you mean scum bag?

Anyway if it was Gods will that i understand His will for me and for mankind then it is not pretentious at all. If God gives the understanding then no boasting can be done by the one He has given the understanding too. All glory and honour rests with God.

I am not saying that i understand everything about God, No one understands everything about God. But i can understand what God wants me to understand in relation to His will for us.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
KennyJC said:
Be specific. Which parts of religion regulate the way of life on society?

Also, your theory depends on the amount of followers. Something false with many followers could give birth to a concept of social values... If the FSM hasn't done so, it's because it doesn't have a large amount of followers... yet...

My theory (or more precise, my belief), religion regulates two types of interactions : vertical (with spiritual supreme being) and horizontal (we call it humanity). If someone brought these two things into a society, and it worked well in regulating their interactions (among them, and with their environments/surrounding natural), how small they could be in amount, then this person could be a prophet, a messenger of God's Will.

You may have heard the word traditional wisdom, the way ancient tribes maintain their society by maintaining the equilibrium: their people and sources of their life surrounding them. Most of ancient tribes have belief systems (in spritual supreme). And yet, they managed their life in a system what we call now natural conservation.

In the long run, if there is no scriptures recorded, there could be some destruction / improvements on these values, or misbehaving in their practices. I would say, it's already interfered by political agenda of some vested interest leaders among them.

FSM, could it bring values for two types of interactions, between men and spiritual supreme being, and between men and naturals, could be considered a messenger of God's Will. Could it arrive at a society which never heard anything about abrahamic religion, hindu, buddha, zoroastrian, etc, will build an FSM religion, but it should not forget to record its scriptures.

God's Will, in my interpretation : God trusted human to manage this world, so manage it well, don't make ruin on it because of greediness. God blessed human two things : potentials to conserve the world, but also potential to ruin as well. Then God sent It's messenger to teach human how to use and control those potentials.
redarmy11 said:
The mere fact that some religious beliefs are widespread and their leaders powerful doesn't make the beliefs valid:

The belief will always be the same, it is the people who choose how to use it, to bring peace or to bring destruction. Nothing is considered to be absolutely good, the coin has always two sides.
LiveInFaith said:
The belief will always be the same, it is the people who choose how to use it, to bring peace or to bring destruction. Nothing is considered to be absolutely good, the coin has always two sides.
That has nothing to do with it. The point I'm making is that just because a belief is highly influential, with global consequences, doesn't mean there has to be a single iota of truth in it.
Adstar said:
You find it almost imposable to understand don't you.

I am 100% sure that i believe in the true Will of God. That will tells me not to launch a massive nuclear war of annihilation against the others but to simply stand for the truth and allow the others to accept or reject it. It is in theiur court as to how they react to me. If they want to kill me then so be it but i will never change my belief my eternal destination is dependant on my belief.

The truly absurd thing PE is that you cannot see the forest for the trees, You are a true example of person who has been blinded but who does not know it. I am truly in awe that a supposed intelligent person cannot understand simple explanations.

You know Adstar, I don't have to be religious to not want nuclear war. Instead of the others accepting or rejecting the truth I would like to see them settle their differences without having to kill you or anyone else for that matter. They don't have to accept your belief, only your right to have one.

You would rather die, if God wills it, for what you believe and I would rather have you live.

Personally if I was God, then I would be disappointed in you. You're like a tree in the forest, not going anywhere and can't get out of the way of destruction, be it man or nature. You're playing the lottery, faith vs reason, death vs life, out of your control. I may be blind but I see you in the dark.
PsychoticEpisode said:
You know Adstar, I don't have to be religious to not want nuclear war. Instead of the others accepting or rejecting the truth I would like to see them settle their differences without having to kill you or anyone else for that matter. They don't have to accept your belief, only your right to have one.

You will not see them settling their differences without bloodshed and if there is a declared peace it will only be a ploy to gain time to mount a deadly strike. They will kill me and they will kill you if you refuse to submit. But i guess as an athiest who loves his life you will parrot anything they demand that you say. They will never accept my "right" to believe. Because what i believe is blasphemy to them. Blasphemy that is to be destroyed. There are no such things as "rights" anyway. There are only demands, Things you are either willing to kill for or die for. I am prepared to die for my faith and they are prepared to kill for their faith. What are you prepared to kill or die for?

Personally if I was God, then I would be disappointed in you.

take time to read this carefully. You Are Not God.

You're like a tree in the forest, not going anywhere and can't get out of the way of destruction, be it man or nature.

You don't get it. I am palying an eternal game not a momentry life time game. I cannot be destroyed, i am eternal. Victory in this world is for the eternal loosers. Victory over satan is for the eternal winners.

You're playing the lottery, faith vs reason, death vs life, out of your control. I may be blind but I see you in the dark.

You are blind and as such you have no idea you are in darkness and you cannot see that i am in the Light.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
skin bag ? Don't you mean scum bag?

Anyway if it was Gods will that i understand His will for me and for mankind then it is not pretentious at all. If God gives the understanding then no boasting can be done by the one He has given the understanding too. All glory and honour rests with God.

I am not saying that i understand everything about God, No one understands everything about God. But i can understand what God wants me to understand in relation to His will for us.

No I meant skin bag, it's slang for human. I don't think you're a scum bag.

But HOW can you understand what God wants you to understand in relation to his will? Did he speak to you?
spacemansteve said:
Allah, Jehovah and God, are they not the same thing?
Opinions please people.

Yes, there is only one God. More and more believers in Allah, Jehovah and God find out his name: NO GOD.
redarmy11 said:
....doesn't mean there has to be a single iota of truth in it.

I'm not sure your point in this ...
Do you suppose it is still possible? Or do you decisively say none?
Well, I say none, but wasn't really addressing the topic - just taking issue with your assertion that a religion's sphere of influence somehow reflects it's validity.
wsionynw said:
No I meant skin bag, it's slang for human. I don't think you're a scum bag.

But HOW can you understand what God wants you to understand in relation to his will? Did he speak to you?

Yes He did speak to me through the Holy Spirit. But this was after i accepted the Love of the truth. The Holy Spirit guided me in understanding.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: You don't think i am a scum bag? I am socked you are an atheist aren’t you? Maybe its because i have been coming here for too long, i just don't expect anything put arrogance, slander and filth from atheists.
Adstar said:
Yes He did speak to me through the Holy Spirit. But this was after i accepted the Love of the truth. The Holy Spirit guided me in understanding.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: You don't think i am a scum bag? I am socked you are an atheist aren’t you? Maybe its because i have been coming here for too long, i just don't expect anything put arrogance, slander and filth from atheists.

Yes I'm an athesit, but I have no problem with people that believe in God. In the same way that I have no problem with people that avoid walking under ladders or throw coins into a well and make a wish.
Adstar said:
Yes He did speak to me through the Holy Spirit. But this was after i accepted the Love of the truth. The Holy Spirit guided me in understanding.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: You don't think i am a scum bag? I am socked you are an atheist aren’t you? Maybe its because i have been coming here for too long, i just don't expect anything put arrogance, slander and filth from atheists.

Shouldn't you be expecting those types of responses if you're going to claim that spirits talk to you?
Adstar said:
PS: You don't think i am a scum bag? I am socked you are an atheist aren’t you?

You are socked, yes.

Maybe its because i have been coming here for too long, i just don't expect anything put arrogance, slander and filth from atheists.

Well, be ready that there are still things to throw you out of your socks!

PsychoticEpisode said:
Sorry man. I had a slight chuckle on that one. No offence but when I read your explanation I thought that because of these differences the world is a battlefield.

Religion isn't a reason that the world is in turmoil, it's an excuse. If we all believed in the same thing, then we'd just find something else to fight over.
ggazoo said:
Religion isn't a reason that the world is in turmoil, it's an excuse. If we all believed in the same thing, then we'd just find something else to fight over.

Yes you are correct; but even the atheists need to blame someone and they don't have the luxury of God to complain to or about.
Religion isn't a reason that the world is in turmoil, it's an excuse. If we all believed in the same thing, then we'd just find something else to fight over.

To some degree, but division caused by religious ideologies would be a big void to fill.