any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Not at all, not at all.


I have frequent occasions of deja-whatsit. Only rarely do I have the chance to stop within the cycle and alter the pattern. I think it's some sort of signal discord in the brain, a phasing of data that creates several issues at once. The signal is weaker, which is why most of my dejas are hard to remember and describe; memory isn't writing both sets of signals--your brain thinks of it as one signal while you perceive two. Because one of the perceived signals doesn't write to memory correctly (after all there's only one signal) it seems distant and removed, as if you've been through this but a long time ago, or maybe even in a dream.
RawThinkTank said:
Is it possible that DejJaVuhs are a result of 4th dimension or time as a dimension ?
Only if you could travel fast then life, if you suppose that DejaVus tell you what happened in the past. They are probably just something similar that you have seen in a dream. But if you can dream with something and actually see it during the day, then you are travelling towards the future, and in my case I have no idea if that is possible at all (in physics)...
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Deja Vu could just be a trick of the mind, a chemical reaction at play that generates the sensation of reoccurance or memory, it doesn't necessarily mean that you've been there before.

There is also the potential that the universe we exist in follows a particular path, a path that we don't see but yets exists as a destiny. If/when paradoxal occurances are generated, then a few people might find themselves deviate from the normal path, or perceivably sense the path they are suppose to take coming around again.
Well since everybody is being so serious...........

My very first experiences, that I noticed to be more than coincidence, began to increase sharply in my late teens:

At the time, I was taking Karate & learning about deeper forms of meditation. It was during those sessions that I would occassionally hear (but not hear, exactly), a minor bit (a few words) of what seemed to be another person (actually many different people over the years).

It usually was for only about 1/4 of a second or less. Maybe only two or three words. Often, I could distinquish the actual person by their "minds voice"(a term I coined in years past). Quite often, I would hear a person's mental voice, just before they would pull into my driveway, before I ever saw their vehicle.

There have been countless times when I would be talking to someone & out of the blue, I would think of something that was totally disconnected from the conversation, but guess what, the other person would break stride & suddenly begin to start talking about what had just popped into my head! This is no shit!

I know, for a fact that telepathy is real. I don't believe that I am any more gifted than the average Joe, I am just more determined to find answers to questions than most people. And I have went to pretty extreme lengths to prove it.

One mental exercise that I used to do was to try to run several different thoughts through my head at once. Most experts will tell you it's impossible...and maybe it is, but I would try to do it nonetheless. An example of this would be to read from a book (& try to comprehend it), while reciting multiplication tables at the same time. Or maybe something like listening to two radios/TV at the same time & trying to really comprehend the information coming in from the different sources. These kinds of exercises will definately stretch a persons abilities in comprehension.

Often, I have noticed something that precedes this, which is kinda an emotional rush. It almost feels as though...well kinda like that DEJA VU thing, Tiassa & it almost always accompanies some type of telepathic incident.

It was along about that time that I became very interested in Darwin Evolution observations. My running theory, at the time...and still, is that telepathy may in fact be an evolved trait, that many animals still have (the Herd Effect(later)). My belief now, is that most people actually have an inbuilt mechanism that tries to prevent telepathy, with the reasoning being to actually avoid the herd effect, as with most animals.

I wrote a piece several years back (that was hacked & deleted), where I was of the belief that even the best, most modern electronics were still completely pathetic, in comparison to the pure sensitivity of the human brain, or any organic brain, for that matter. And in fact, this has to be true, if one takes into account that the basic organic brain runs on the merest fraction of electricity, in comparison to the best electronics today. A modern encephalagraph, in my opinion, doesn't record much of any of the goings on in the human brain. The distortion alone, in the best electronics, is way more than enough to swamp/cover up the majority of the electrical signals in an organic brain! Seems like I was discussing the subject with Kmguru at the time.

And yes, marijuana has certainly played a role in the past, with me. I would say, however, that I was having the experiences long before I ever tried a marijuana cigarette. Since I haven't smoked A Marijuana Cigarette in over some eight years, my experiences have decreased. I quit & started drinking alchohol. My telepathic experiences are almost non-existant now. Don't know whether it was because I quit Marijuana or not, but I am damn sure (Godamn sure), that the alchohol has contributed to the loss in my abilities, as well as my creativity & overall thought processes & memory...not that I am as stupid as 99.9% of the people that post at Sciforums!

At the time that I was smoking marijuana, I was able to use it as a tool to help me focus a large part of my consciousness into a very few pathways. At one point in time............I did have a semi-limited abilty to do some pretty awesome ......tricks/feats..........some things that could be considered to be...well, pretty damned awesome. I will say that my experiences were a two way conversation/street that I occasionally could control. No Shit.

I'd bet that anyone who has a fair or better intellect, & is able to drop/strip/throw away... the majority of the emotional baggage of his(her) life & use marijuana as a tool to increase awareness, could acheive similar or better results than I did. Reminds me of something religious I heard once: 'one only has to be willing to seek....& then be willing to see, in order to find what one is looking for'.........

Anyhow...opinions vary.......
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My belief now, is that most people actually have an inbuilt mechanism that tries to prevent telepathy, with the reasoning being to actually avoid the herd effect, as with most animals.
now...this I find interesting....
U certainly have no experience of DejJaVoo. Its soemthing that U can see as a replay but happening but cant do anything to alter it.
OK, I'm gonna talk a little bit more about marijuana, as a tool, not as recreation:

IF one is able to use marijuana in solitude, free of outside aggravations (people), then be willing to free oneself of all worries, problems, ect..., for the duration of the test, then you might be able to hear what I originally called, "The Collective Consciousness".

YEAH, YEAH ! !, I know that many of you are going to say, 'Howard, your ref-fing back to Carl Jung', or some shit like that. Or maybe, "Howie, you are quoting some stuff that you heard from the Coast to Coast radio show'. Well people, the answer is NO to both...........I read & heard about these things many years after I coined the term. NO BS!

What's the "Collective Consciousness"?
This will, on the surface, not seem be scientific at all. I can only assure the reader that I am not prone to hallucinations, and am reasonably clear-minded. I have nothing to gain by BSing anyone. I have chosen to share this with the people (members) of Sciforums because it (sciforums) seems to contain people that are generally open to new ideas & discussions. Having said that............then, .;...from the beginning:

I. The Important effects that I first noticed from marujuana

Episode 1
As a teenager, several yearssss back, while driving back home from a keg/smoker party, from a town that means "Cow Town" in spanish, in my old hot rod Chevy, (which was always breaking down & leaving me stranded at the worst possible times & when I least expected it), I first began to notice something that all of my partying friends had never seemed to notice, or at least to discuss. But what can you expect from a bunch of delinquents. Anyhow, back to my hot rod Chevy. Well, it happened this way:

I was pretty high. As I was driving home, I began to wonder if my car was going to break down, again. Everything seemed to be working ok, but every time that there was even the slightest bump in the road surface or strange sound that seemed to come from the engine, my subconscious (that little voice(s)) went on ALERT!

So anyhow.....As I was driving along, I began to find other aspects of my mind (subconscious thoughts) trying to 'feel' every working part in the automobile, through the vibrations and sounds of the automobile. As I was a pretty decent mechanic & knew every working part in an automobile, I was already sort of tuned in at this level.

So what happened was..... that I found that I was able to distinguish every vibration & sound, as well as visulize every working part of the car as I was driving along. The level at which I was able to do this was ....extreme! It was as though I had become part of the machine.

At some point, I found that I was feeling the tires of the car & could actually distinguish when I felt a tire run over even a very small gravel in the paved road surface! I could even tell which tire had run over the gravel & which way the gravel had went after running over it! The fact that I was able to do these things amazed me & made me curious as to how far this could possibly go~

So.....I begAN THE gREAT eXPERIMENT, now people. . . . . . .. .. . . :
Would it be possible to "feel" through & beyond the limits of the car that I was driving? Well, I extended my mind (consciousness) beyond the limits, through the road surface. . . . . . . ... . . ~~~~~~~~~~~into the road surface & beyond.

I was able to sense the world around me in a completely different way. The trees and grass in the fields, along the road, and even the small animals out in the woods even further away. Along about this time, I closed in on a vehicle ahead of me, just before coming up to a 4-way stop intersection. I began to wonder if I could extend my consciousness into the vehicle ahead of me & even into the drivers mind.

Tried it, and tried to sense which way the driver was going to go at the 4-way stop. Decided (and was sure) that the driver would turn left. He did. Yeah, it's a 1 in 3 possiblity (33.333 chance), but I KNEW!

Episode 2
At some later smoker occasion/keg party..., I happened to notice that if I were to think/concentrate on one particular place on my body (such as an arm), that a muscle would begin to twitch. At first, I didn't know what to make of it, but as these things continued to occur, I realized that I could focus in on any part of my body & make any muscle group twitch. I also found that I could feel/sense deep within my body, or out to the limit/edge of my skin surface, & even to the ends of the hairs!

Remembering the car incident, I began to attempt to go beyond my body & into the minds of others at the keg party. Yep, ............and then some ! ! !

People who are already drunk/high are pretty damned defenseless, and are easy to swayed by this abilty. Personally, I think it's because their inhibitions are lowered & they tend to do the first thing(s) that come into their minds, even if came from me. Anyhow.........

Episode 3
I'm a little hesitant about writing this because there might be someone, in my neck of the woods, who has already heard of this & I would prefer to remain anonomous at sciforums. But anyhow:
At another keg party............................well, that old movie had been out for a year or so......"Quest For Fire". Well, so pretty some drunk dumb-asses, decided to do the scene of climbing up the tree (to avoid the saber toothed tiger).

As I was watching this drunken specticle of teenage stupidity, I unexpectantly said something to a friend that I can only descibe as being like a case of spiritual possession. I said, "Gary" is going to fall out of that tree, get knocked out, fall into the rock pit (the tree was next to a old rock quarry pit (very deep w/deep water)), and drown"!

Well, the friend that I was talking to (& later became Gary's brother-in-law), said, "are you serious"? At that point, I realized that something.....incredible, was about to happen & said yes. Then the both of us ran toward the dumbasses in the tree. We had only taken maybe a few steps when, K'THUMP (this was at night & no one could see much of anything). I knew what the sound was and who had fell. I also knew that the guy would roll off into the quarry pit & drown.

At that point, I ran as fast as I possibly could & finally jumped/tackled the guy as he was about to go over. He was unconscious & his eyes were rolled back so that only the whites of his eyes were showing. Even as I grabbed him & thought it was over, the moment I started to let go of him, he ...seemed to almost try to roll toward the edge of the pit. At that point, I realized that this 'prophecy' was still trying to happen & yelled out "no, by god, you don't"! So I dragged the guy something like 20 ft. away from the edge. After a minute, or so, he woke up...and is still alive today, as far as I know. What get's me about this is that this has to do with TIME.

How could telepathic experiences have anything to do with predicting the death of another person, much less the paradox of preventing the death of someone....if it never happened to begin with?. It's a true enigma that I have seldom experienced anything like since (some 20 YEARS)! My best guess is that in that alternate ...time line, I must have died, trying to rescue the individual. Thus, somehow my spirit must have warned me....from the future of and end point.

So what is the Collective Consciousness? Maybe it's something like spirituality or souls. At my best, I was able to sense the Earth around me, as well as living things. To do this, it's a little like the star wars "force" (before it was crapped out by the last sequels). The collective consciousness is like an energy force, that I am damn sure that all living things make up & are a part of. The human minds/spirits are all connected & linked absolutely, at a level that just a few of us are now beginning to discover and share with others.
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Quantum Quack said:
now...this I find interesting....

OK, that idea came about many years ago, as I used to be an avid hunter/sportsman, but eventually grew out of it.

I have always had pretty damn fast reflexes & and a really quick eye. Most magicians don't want to have me in the crowd because I always see behind the illusion.

The Herd Effect
I had often noticed that herd/social/pack animals, wild or domesticated, usually have sentry animals that are always around the perimeter of the herd. This is also true in the insect world.

Many times, I have noticed that when a sentry animal becomes alerted to a hunter/predator...ect, the rest of the herd will always become alerted/react before they can possibly sense the predator, or be alerted by the sentry! And I am sure about this.

Evolution is the result of the births & deaths of countless organisms in any particular species, over many generations. Many, many.... incredible kinds of animals are alive as a result of their ancestor/mutants managing to have a tiny trait that gave them the smallest edge/advantage over their rivals! They were more successful and tended to breed more & with more of their kind. Their decendants then had the ability to take advatage of their environment around them to a greater level than their rivals, or avoid being eaten by predators. In generations to come, they took over their parent species & became the dominant species.

With herd animals and others, it was/is probably an advantage to be able to react in such a way. But with humans, with a highly developed brain, which can think in an endless number of abstracts, the trait would make one suseptable to the thoughts of others. This would certainly be undesirable from the point of humans being creative/inventive/original, ect.. in order to survive. I think that this part, that is still within us all, is certainly in the oldest parts of our brains. It is at the root emotional level.

BTW, Emotions are NOT what separates humans from animals, rather they are the most primal parts of the human mind and closest to the animals' brains. So whenever you hear some **** speaking/spewing from the emotional level, (s)he is operating at a less than logical point-of-view, like liberal/socialist Democrats.....

Just a note of caution to all the readers before they go off and attempt the marijuana experiment,

Whilst Howards experiences seem to be of some interest and delight to Howard these experiences can also put the experimenter in a state of severe mental instability ( no BS ) So much so that many patients in long term institutional care for the mentally disturbed have histories of marijuana experimentation. In fact my now deceased brother was one of these experimenters and eventual addicts ( he died by suicide) after years of in and out patient treatments for paranoid schizophrenia.

It seems that some persons can cope with mind altering effects and other can't. So before you try, ask yourself whether you wish to take the risk that might end up throwing your mind down the toilet.

The other thing I wanted to discuss was that the herd effect could also be simply the release of pheromones by the other animals. The smell transmiting immediate effects and reactions to the rest of the herd. Like flocks of birds and swarms of bees and schools of fish.

Humans also react to pheromone releases causing sexual attraction and fear/flight responses. The only thing that is really open to conjecture is how far can we actually smell these pheromones from. ( most of which are subliminal )
Is telepathy the reading of these pheromones?
This is actually quite possible.
river-wind said:
How do the metephorical strings in string theory vibrate to bring about different forms of matter/energy? Might it be possible for the vibration of a string, before it is enough to evidence in the 3 dimentions that we can easily perceive ?

Because..........They Can.

physics,psychics, & Bill Clinton, all operate on the/this same principle. If they can't,they die. Then, their mutated cousins may live & produce offspring that can & will. It's called life, but it's the root of all existance. That which can.. will, while that which can't~~won't/will die/not continue. The result of the combinations(mathemetical combinations as well), will continue & continue to interact with the future & it's decendants to make up ~~~tomorrow's offspring.

It is truly all about math. Ask Mr. James R.
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oh yeah, and i also have ESP. you know that test with the 5 shapes? well me and my friend took it, and we got 18 out of 25, which means we have a powerful ESP link. :m:
Quantum Quack said:

Just a note of caution to all the readers before they go off and attempt the marijuana experiment,

Whilst Howards experiences seem to be of some interest and delight to Howard these experiences can also put the experimenter in a state of severe mental instability ( no BS ) So much so that many patients in long term institutional care for the mentally disturbed have histories of marijuana experimentation. In fact my now deceased brother was one of these experimenters and eventual addicts ( he died by suicide) after years of in and out patient treatments for paranoid schizophrenia.

It seems that some persons can cope with mind altering effects and other can't. So before you try, ask yourself whether you wish to take the risk that might end up throwing your mind down the toilet.

The other thing I wanted to discuss was that the herd effect could also be simply the release of pheromones by the other animals. The smell transmiting immediate effects and reactions to the rest of the herd. Like flocks of birds and swarms of bees and schools of fish.

Humans also react to pheromone releases causing sexual attraction and fear/flight responses. The only thing that is really open to conjecture is how far can we actually smell these pheromones from. ( most of which are subliminal )
Is telepathy the reading of these pheromones?
This is actually quite possible.

Whilst Howards experiences seem to be of some interest and delight to Howard these experiences can also put the experimenter in a state of severe mental instability ( no BS

Yes, I agree on one point, sir: It will change your point-of-view. My feelings always go out to a person who has suffered the loss of a loved one.

Having said that, let me say this: marijuana has never been about harming others. For me, the free & open understanding of the world around me is a curiosity. Yes, marijuana might/will cause one to become self introspective...........and you (as well as I did) might go to very low levels. If you do, then take some good advice that wasn't around at my earliest time: "The earth is an interesting playground for our minds to study." There is beauty, as well as ugliness. There is life & death. To be alive today, is to be a true scientist (, in other words~ to be so curious & alive, as to be willing to live beyond all that life has to throw at us~~~~& keep going! In other words: DON'T DIE, YOU'LL MISS THE EXCITING CONCLUSION".

Marijuana addictive?
No, Marijuana is not addictive Having said.....this........I implore all readers to NOT use any other types of drugs, ever! Marijuana won't kill you, but using it with other drugs, including alcohol, will eat your soul up & will give the statistic pushers yet another reason to blame marijuana for societys' ills. No, marijuana is NOT a gateway drug. But alcohol is.

pheromones/herd effect
No.What I was referring to was reflexive actions that occurred at the speed of light. Pheromones (gases), which are sensed through the nose (olfactory nerve centers) cannot move at such speeds.

Again, I agree with Quantum Quack, in the warning. Yeah, some of my proposed ideas are out there. They are sincere, they are true. But I would be forced to live in hell...... a thousand life times over again & again, if one of you were to misinterpret & bring about the premature end to your exploration of this majestic earth...........of this new, wonderful, 21st century. Have fun, explore the many options, always err toward to good. If in doubt, refer to Proverbs.

PS...Never look into the darkness! Never look to evil, even as a science project. It's an endless path that's leads only to self destruction. Always point your studies to the light (truth & goodness). It's a very large subject, & more than any mortal (including me) can ever hope to study in one lifetime.

Seek truth, goodness, prosperity, & hope.............only set your sights on this.........and you will find it over & over again, for the rest of your life.

Peace brothers & sisters........................
I'm going to reply to one thing at a time here, so bear with me...

I read & heard about these things many years after I coined the term. NO BS!

Are you suggesting that you telepathically communicated with one of the most renowned psychologists of our time even though he died in the early 60's?

Is it not much more likely that you just overheard the term used somewhere, let it slip out of your concious memory, only to come back when you had something to associate it with? Sorry, but as 'coining' something impliest that it has not bed used before, Jung coined that term, not you.
No.What I was referring to was reflexive actions that occurred at the speed of light. Pheromones (gases), which are sensed through the nose (olfactory nerve centers) cannot move at such speeds.

Pheromones are hormones. They can be airborne, but are in no way gasses.

No, Marijuana is not addictive
That is an outright lie. Marijuana is addictive. Not as addictive as crack of cocaine, but addictive notheless.

And since we're on the topic of marijuana, here's my 2 cents:

Don't smoke. Only losers smoke. Marijuana has no long term effects, but the smoke you inhale can shorten your breath, making you shitty at sports, sex, and even heated debates. In the short term, marijuana affects different parts of memory. This is not even touching upon the "it's illegal" line of argument.

Nontheless, I support legalization. Although I do not agree with drug use, I see no reason for me to disallow other's use if they feel it is right for them.
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