any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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There's certainly nothing para-normal about it, but I have extremely exceptional eyesight. I constantly amaze people with my ability to read text at long distances. I could probably win a lot of bar bets with my feats of long distance reading if that was my intention.

I haven't deduced any method of proving it on this forum, but I would be welcome to any challenges. Sometimes I surprise myself with how telescopic my vision can be.

Here's the interesting part: My father was born blind in his left eye, and his right eye is very close to being considered legally blind. My mom can't read without glasses.

Meanwhile, my eyes are to the average person the equivalent of a pair of 4-6X binoculars.

I probably would have made one helluva sniper.
yes, although your good eyesight may not be paranormal, it's still quite interesting. especially the fact that your parents have bad eyesight. it is nice to have an advanced sense. my mom has really good nose sensory. :D
I have a weird ability that is really rather unpleasant. I can feel the emotional pain of others. I mean REALLY feel it. It can even involve a stranger. It comes to me like a flash. When people are crying I can feel it. Even a sad expression on someone's face can bring the feeling on. If a child is crying because he wants his way, I feel nothing. If we could all feel each others' emotional pain maybe the world would be a different place.
Hey! I remember that from a movie Kareng. Interesting how similar they are! It was a movie about a guy who was supposedly Jesus reincarnated to modern times. Just by touching or even being near another person he could feel their emotions, pains, etc etc. It also comes from another movie called "Powder" which is about a albino teenager who can feel the emotions and pain of other people, strangers and even animals, he can even transfer those emotions to other people! Can u do that? Isn’t it funny how similar they are?

Anyways, I have an advance sense of hearing :). I have extroidinary sense of hearing and can literally hear everything that goes on around me, even when they are wispering or in another place completely within a certain range. For example, I could be in my room and my parents in another room across the house wispering about something. I would be able to know when they are talking and usually what they are talking about even with the distance between us. This has helped me many times and allows me to know things that they don’t want me to know.
I have not seen the movies that you refer to. I have never tried to transfer the feelings to others. That is an interesting thought. I would imagine that many Native Americans would have a keen sense of hearing because of years of tracking animals, etc. Is there any Native American ancestory in your family? Have you ever gotten in trouble for hearing/knowing something you weren't supposed to know?
No I do not have Native Americans in my ancestory, nor have I gotten in trouble for hearing/knowing something I wasn't suppose to since i keep these things to myself. It is their problem that they have these unpleasants faults and won't keep me from overhearing on their conversations.

As for you "powers" Kareng, I am not agreeing that u have such powers but rather contradicting you. I was making the comparison between your sudden claim of having supernatural abilities with a movie i recently saw. Although, I recomend you see "Powder" it is a very good movie, very interesting as well. Anyways, I am very skeptical when it comes to the paranormal no matter how good the intentions of the person are. Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination? Are you sure it wasn't just your subconcious being able to read the strangers expressions and allow you to understand how the other person was feeling? Have u ever taken into account that maybe this isn't the paranormal but rather just a keen sense of being able to read other's expression?
I could tell you disagreed with me. I don't feel like arguing with you. You haven't walked in my shoes so believe what you will. Emotional pain is not something I like to wallow in. It doesn't make me feel better than you or crazy to have this ability. It is what it is. I really am not concerned about if you believe me or not. I won't argue about this with you.
Well, I'm sorry about my attitude. You have been blessed with a gift of hearing. I hope you will be able to use it for good. I hope your gift gives you pleasure.
kareng - I know what you are talking about. There's a reason that I don't spend much time in the city - even though it's only 30 minutes away. Too many people, too much emotion. It burns me out quickly. I like the country much more- fewer people, more animals.
It has (most of the time), a more balanced emotional energy to it.
The thing your talking about is called being empathic - you can pick up on the emotional state of others more easily than most. More scientifically, it can be explained by a combination of keen observation and either a strong emotional empathy, or a case of clinical depression. Do you feel other people's happiness too? or just their stress and sadness?

As for abilities and the normal/paranormal classification of them - I don't see any of this as paranormal, really. It's all part of the world-we just don't understand some of it yet, and so we call it 'paranormal.' I bet, down the road, what we call paranormal today will be considered normal tomorrow.
h and i don't count an OBE as an "ability". just to pre-clarify that bit.

That's correct, it's not a special ability. It's something that everyone is inherently capable of.
exsto_human, exactly. an OBE isn't a gift at all. but i have a sincere question: why don't all people have OBEs more frequently?
Thank you so much for your response. Yes, I guess I do feel other people's joy, too. But I'm usually a happy person so the feeling isn't out of the ordinary for me. And I agree with your views about the word "paranormal." Someday all of this weird stuff will seem normal. Do you dislike grocery stores as much as I do? All those people together.
slivered roots- I know I feel more calm around animals than I do with people. IMO, they don't over-think too much; no so much stress and worry coming off of them. Same with plants (that's why I have a bonsai buisness- quality time with the trees :) ).

Kareng, do you feel a connection with animals the same way you do people?
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I don't have a familiar. I've put alot of time into trying to find a single type of creature that I identify with most, or that I encounter in calming situations (like alone in the deep wilderness), but I've never found a connection with one particular type of aminal.
I connect with all living things pretty well. Humans are the exception.
This is because we are empathic in nature. It has been around at all times
this post may be a bit off topic, but i feel that it indirectly fits into with what we're talking about. some people believe that cats have a good third eye or something. as a result, some people claim that cats can "see ghosts and spirits." i doubt this, but this would nicely support my theory that animals "know more" of something in this world that humans are capable of knowing, but it's very rare (*edit*: due to our "civilized" nature). do any of you people know about this third eye matter?
I know about it in humans. Just below the crown chakra in the middle of the forehead, blue flame, can pull energy in (psycic vampire), or out ('awake' person), or alot out (other), or be closed(average Joe). Don't know about in cats, though.

That said, once I was doing some art homework sitting on the living room floor, with a my roomate in a chair behind me. My cat was sitting in the doorway of the living room, looking at my roomate. I occationally would call to the cat to come sit on my lap, as he always does when it's drawing time, but he never moved.
Finally, it was time for bed, so I got up, and turned to say goodnight to my roomate. As I was turning, I noticed that this guy wasn't my roomate, but some old guy in green pants and a red shirt. I blinked at that point (still turning around), and the guy was gone.
So I decided that yet again, I was nuts, and my brain was screwing with me.
I then left the room, and noticed that the cat was finaly entering the room. He walked over the chair in question, sniffed it, walked a circuit around the chair twice, then followed me upstairs to bed.

It was an odd evening.
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