any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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'exsto_human, exactly. an OBE isn't a gift at all. but i have a sincere question: why don't all people have OBEs more frequently?'

Well the answere is simply we do have them. We simply ignore it. It seems to be something were conditioned to do. I have come to understand that children are often good at inducing OBEs, it seems that it's something that we forget about as we get more and more consumed with material life.
"Well the answere is simply we do have them. We simply ignore it. It seems to be something were conditioned to do. I have come to understand that children are often good at inducing OBEs, it seems that it's something that we forget about as we get more and more consumed with material life."

that's very interesting. this brings me back to my original post, though: there's something special about children. i agree that children are less exposed to corruption (for awhile, at least). therefore, it's easy for them to accept things that may be occuring to them. with open minds...while people that have a hard time accepting anything loose that ability.

(this doesn't only go for OBEs...i think that it is also 'seeing' things in a different way, so therefore they are more inclined to have special abilities (that still may only be "temporary"))
Any gifted people out there care to give me some lottery numbers? Pick any six numbers from 1 to 49. (example...1, 12, 26, 33, 39, 48) Hey, if you guys and girls play this example I just gave on your lottery and win, then you owe me BIG TIME! :)
kareng - he was in west VA witha some friends. I was in Maryland, about 7 hours drive away.

exsto_human - Many native American cultures believe (not surprisingly, given the circular nature of their world view) that a child is less removed from the spirit world that they came from, and therefore have a stronger connection to the spirits. We then become less and less connected as we age, and then get closer and closer again as we become really old (are closer to death).

mario - if only I could control this thing, believe, me, I would have done that long ago, and retired. I could thn sit in the woods all the time drawing and helping people when possible. sadly, I have no conscious control over the whole thing. I suspect that most people are that way - which is why testing is difficult, if not ipossible. People become over-confident, and think that they have control, when in fact, they have no ability to direct their abilities at all. They just end up looking foolish.

Scientists, unfortunatly, have the habit of taking "unregularly repeatable" as proof of the lack of ability. However, there are alot of times in life where a negative test means absolutly nothing. A person can test negative for HIV for 7 years after they become infected. A negaive test result doesn't mean "there is not HIV", it just means "no HIV antibodies were detected."
Similarly, a test for psychic ability which results in a negative result only shows "no psychic ability was detected." The fact that repeted tested bring about more and more negative results suggests that either psychic ability is non-exsistant, or the tests are simply not returning positive, for one reason or another.

Let say that psychic ability is merely an extra sensative awareness of the physical and energetic state of the surrounding world. Nothing magical or supernatural, just slightly more able to pick up on photons, breezes, EM radiation; slightly better at putting that puzzle together than an average person.
Having a flash card test would very possible ruin any ability to guess those cards. The person looking at the cards may be effecting those EM radiation waves that he is giving off, preventing the "psychic" from picking up on any patterns which may carry useful information. Any number of other factors may also prevent the transfer of information "psychicly' in a controlled test environment. The lack of randomness itself, the very foundation of the scientific method, may hinder the ability of people to construct usefull info from the subtle areas of their surrounding environment.
A person on another board once asked me what "subtle energy" was. A term he had heard alot, but never understood. Well, I like science. I read alot of biology and physics books, and my idea is this:
a current theory of physics is that the universe, the matter and energy that we can see, is brought about by the vibration of strings. These strings are the underlying framework of the entire universe - the 3 physical dimentions that we see, and at least one more physical diemntion which we don't see.
Well, my question is, even though these aren't actual twine strings shaking back and forth, with these metaphorical strings are able to vibrate at rate one, which equates to the appearance of a photon, rate two, which equates to a proton, and everything in between, what about the vibrations which aren't strong enough to manifest in this 3d universe? What about string vibrational state .0001? does that vibration not effect the universe at all? or might it create tiny waves which doesn't manifest as particles, but just subtle variations in space/time? What's to say that over 1.1billion years of multi-cellular evolution, it isn't possible that some life is able to pick up on that subtlty?

If phycic ability is the variable ability to note the sub-particle variations in space/time and the strings that make up space/time, then we will not be able to test for psychic ability accuratly until will can properly detect string vibration. And THAT is most likely thousands of years away, if it is ever possible.

Until that theory can be tested, and it can be shown that no sublte string vibration is carried between distince points in space, psychic ability, or better "extra sensory perception" (don't call it ESP, actually read what the phase is saying. "more than common perception through the common 5 senses"), cannot be "proved" wrong.

That's my theory, anyway. What do you scientific minds, who like coming here for the comic relief, think?
Yes there are many factors that come into play when conducting tests. A negative results doesn't mean that there is no such thing and can never be. It just means that nothing was detected at the time of the test. But it ALSO doesn't mean that there was something there that was hidden either. If psychic ability, no matter how normal to the laws of physics they are, really exist the onus of proof is on the person who claims that they MAY exist. Science just wants to be sure of it. And to rule out other explanations like coincidence or chance or wishfull thinking or deception, science has to perform repeatable tests. It is the only way to be sure. And unless we can control the laws of physics or psychics in that manner then we can never be 100% certain.
I have some shocking news today from my sister. She said she was wondering when her friends birthday was, so she went to bed and had a "Dream" That she was with her friend and she told my sister her birthday was on March 12. My sister awoke today and called her friend to ask when her birthday was, and in fact she told my sister it was on March 12. My sister became afraid and called me. Just wanted to relay this event to you all. Post about this if you like otherwise just ignore it.
It's not really paranormal but I have a sensory disorder. It makes all my senses hightened. I can hear someone drop a scalloped potato from across the room when the person didn't know it dropped. I can see further than most people I know. There are also disadvantages. I don't like people touching me, I don't like the sensation, with a few exceptions. I can't drive because I get freaked out by traffic because it's too loud. Seeing disgusting food or feeling something gross on my tongue would cause me to vomit. It's got its plus and minus like anything else.
I've been checked for OCD. It's not there. A long time ago this shrink with the school told my mom under the table that it was sensory deprevaation disorder or something like that.
slivered roots said:
i've been really interested in the strange abilities that some people possess lately. i know a few people that have mild abilities (most of them have energy-related voluntary acts).

there are some really interesting children (indigo children, i guess) that i've read about online that have special abilities. here's a link to one girl that has an interesting ability: click here

if you have any links to other online sites of indigo children with special abilities, i'd love to check them out.

do any of you have any special abilities? telepathy? energy-related? psycic? it's just that the number of people with special abilities seems to be increasing, and i'd LOVE to hear about anything you may want to share!

well silver, i kinda believe that everyone has those abilities in some way, its all about the brain and how you use it. its proven that people get sick 11 or 12 times a year and it might be true, but i only get sick on rare occasion (speaking maybe around once every 2 or 3 years) and when i do, i tell myself im fine and i end up okay. the body does what the mind says. oh and if you wanna look up other sites like that, i suggest looking up using the keywords:telepathy, psychokinesis and other keywords, it will bring up alot of sites. good luck findin some, i also have an interest that area of abilities.
silver i also agree about the child issue. children are very special because they are less corrupted and accept everything. children also have very pure hearts, they have no concept of prejudice or hate until they are given the concept.
slivered roots said:
i've been really interested in the strange abilities that some people possess lately. i know a few people that have mild abilities (most of them have energy-related voluntary acts).

there are some really interesting children (indigo children, i guess) that i've read about online that have special abilities. here's a link to one girl that has an interesting ability: click here

if you have any links to other online sites of indigo children with special abilities, i'd love to check them out.

do any of you have any special abilities? telepathy? energy-related? psycic? it's just that the number of people with special abilities seems to be increasing, and i'd LOVE to hear about anything you may want to share!
slivered roots,
Try reading Holographic Universe, it's more science and research material than most people can handle.
I have spent 35 years studying my own psychic abilities, which I have used for the past 44 years.
I have proven my psychic abilities in court documents as well, as in front for many, many others.
Much of what you read in the book I have done.
i used to predict what EPISIOD of a certain show, would be on next, thur a tought or dream, and the show never ran in conological order, so it was really wierd, it really cannot explain it... but honestly it was so wierd, it happened for me for 2 years... now i get nothing....
i wish i could harness these powers towards gamling, but i hav'nt had a premition since :(

all hail nosturdamus
I have a few abilities. I often have dreams about things before they happen, and I know what a person is going to say before they say it most of the time. I feel other people's feelings. I can also feel something if I envision it in my mind, as Raven can. I also see murders before they happen. That's about it.
Kinetic Spirit said:
I have some shocking news today from my sister. She said she was wondering when her friends birthday was, so she went to bed and had a "Dream" That she was with her friend and she told my sister her birthday was on March 12. My sister awoke today and called her friend to ask when her birthday was, and in fact she told my sister it was on March 12. My sister became afraid and called me. Just wanted to relay this event to you all. Post about this if you like otherwise just ignore it.

Thats easy to explain. Its the same phenomenon as hyponosis and also of people who ask questions before they sleep and get answers when they awake. When u sleep u tap into ur sub-conscious just like hypnosis. Also like hypnosis, u can recall things which wre said to u or have gotten noticed by your subconscious but u are still unaware of it consciously. So what happened was that u actually had the information stored in your brain somewhere.
ShOrTyBJC2005, thank you very much for the search words. children are closer to the spiritual world in general, but some older people can be as well. it matters on the person, i guess. i just think that children are more inclined to it; they're more open-minded about the unseen or strange observations.

Rv. Coinflipper, that's crazy! i just found that book (Holographic Universe) by mistake. my brother saw it and 'rented' the book... i just started reading it today! i love it so far. you see, i am a person that firmly believes in frequencies, so it is very feasible to follow. wow, Rv. Coinflipper, what have you learned since you're a fan of the theory? are there any up-to-date theories that support it? is there new research available online?
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