any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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I am an absolutely normal person;
I am an looser who lives by drinking coke all day =
I only receive glory by thinking of sex with a beutiful women;
I am a sad person. I doesn't deserve to live.
I do have a strange and mystical ability.
I can admit something that's against me.
I have dreams about things that end up happening days/weeks/months/ years into the future. But not often. I even had a dream about the 9-11 attacks a few days before it happened.
Rubiks said:
I am an absolutely normal person;
I am an looser who lives by drinking coke all day =
I only receive glory by thinking of sex with a beutiful women;
I am a sad person. I doesn't deserve to live.
I do have a strange and mystical ability.
I can admit something that's against me.
"an looser"?
Sound like you are someone who is in need of a a spell checker.
I hope QQ thats Witt suggesting you too are in need of a Spell Checker and not suggesting your falling foul of a Multiplicity state.
Yes, there are several people in my class that have these ablitiles. At first I thought I was nuts but I started to research it and have come to the conclusion at least one was an indigo child. I was actually dating her for a while and was completely clueless but it was her eyes I was fascinated with. It was like I could see an energy or life force in her pupils and they were huge pupils. She could give off feelings (auras) and even mess with my brain chemistry to make me feel awesome. Of course another one was out to get me and that wasn't too pleasant. He froze my dick, made my legs get hot and made me feel intense fear. Everyone here is free to feel that I am completely nuts, fair enough, but I know what happened. I was talking to her mom and she said this girl is "special" but not in the typical way a mom thinks there kid is special. She immediately told her mom to shut up. I confronted her about it and she denied it all of course, but then continued to play with me. She knows I know but will never admit it. Sometimes I am sitting at home and a awesome feeling comes over me, I know thats her. I just wish she would talk with me again. She is extremely energy sensitive and hates anger. I got angry a couple of times and she could would shudder... just hated the negative energy. These kids are special... an evolution in the human species.
And here is the interesting part, if they like you they can give you these abilities, of course they can take them away too which sucks. I was happy for a while, seeing and feeling things like never before but its all gone now. I think I should have kept it a secret but I opened my big mouth. If comes again I wll keep quiet because its an awesome experience.
Have been refered to as hyper sensitive when comes to spirts, Healer cause can find sore and painfull spots on a persons body, precognative dreams, great intuition, but oh yeah probrably full of cr*p cause I don't record the dreams in a book nor can I prove any of the other things so i guess I'm most likely feed you a line or am I. who knows, would love to find a place that does test for these things and go try the test out would be lots of fun and i could prove my point.
Bah I don't claim to be truely gifted. I don't know if the many times I predicted something would happen were because of some psychic powers or not. Most of them were dreams and they usually happend in a week period. Of the many I've had there was only one that I was able to "sense" and try to at least change the outcome. After having a dream about a certain event (most events I've dreamt about were at a personal level "i.e about things that happend to my brothers and parents"). After the dream like most people I just dismissed it as some weird nightmare. Week later and I arrive at the beginning of the event (though not fully knowing til i heard a certain phrase from my mother).After hearing the phrase she said, it was like a flash and i remembered every detail of the days events. I have always been drawn to the unexplained when I was a child partially due to the fact the house I lived in was one of the oldest houses in the town. I do believed the place was haunted by few spirits but still being an 11yrs old and most of the town being extremely religous on the Catholic side, I stayed silent. But not without voicing that I would very much like to stay at home that day. But despite my pleadings I was forced to go with my Dad to work with him. Then it just played like the dream went. My brother ,unknown to my knowlege had been getting lessons on driving a stickshift from my mother so that he would be ready to take Drivers Ed that year. It seems on this particular day he had coughed up a plan that when my mother and her friend went to the nearest large city and my dad to work , he was going to show off his skills to one of his cooler friends. I NEVER had any prior knowlege that he knew how to drive or was taking lessons before this happend. So I kept a good look at the clock in my father's truck to note the time. I tend told my father "Dad something bad happend." just after that my father had someone over the CB ask for him. He answered and asked what they wanted. My brother in his infinite wisdom had seen fit to take the car out for a joy ride. According to him, he was only going 30 MPH when he turned the corner. The police gave an estimate of him going about 60MPH on a gravel corner. The latter makes entirely more sense considering he flipped the car 3 times. Fortunately they weren't hurt too bad (the worst of the injuries was a broken arm). But when I look back at the event i can't help but wonder. If I had been able to get to stay home, what was the chances that I would of been in that car. I'd say 100% considering my brother was very manipulative and I wouldn't of had a choice. After think that I am kinda glad that I wasn't part of that event. I would of been in the back seat of the vehicle which was completely smashed together.

OK Gro$$.......

GRO$$ :
I'm going to reply to one thing at a time here, so bear with me...
“ Originally Posted by HOWARDSTERN
I read & heard about these things many years after I coined the term. NO BS! ”

Are you suggesting that you telepathically communicated with one of the most renowned psychologists of our time even though he died in the early 60's?

Is it not much more likely that you just overheard the term used somewhere, let it slip out of your concious memory, only to come back when you had something to associate it with? Sorry, but as 'coining' something impliest that it has not bed used before, Jung coined that term, not you.

No, I was referring to the idea put forth by Dr. Carl Jung, regarding the possibility of a collective consciousness that all living beings are/might be a part of. Actually, Jung called it the collective un-consciousness. I refer to the conscious states of the mind as being multiple levels of consciousness, with really no distiniguishing difference between consciousness & unconsciousness, even though I know that you will disagree with that. What you & others don't realize is that your perception of consciousness is only a small part of who you are, and in fact is the resultant of the various sensory inputs & some minor processing attempts to try to make sense of the information that is coming in at the moment. Jung didn't know that and 99.999% of all of the pros in the field still don't.
That's mine. And I am right. Give it a few years & you'll read what I have just a science journal. But I won't get the credit for it.

In my quote (that you posted), you suggest that I telepathically communicated with Jung & then suggest that I probably had glanced over some reading material that eventually welled up into my consciousness. While I agree that this is a possibility of the human mind, I can only say that my "theory" developed long before I had ever even heard of Jung. In fact, this is the very point that I was making.

I guess that what I believe is that spiritual energy survives & continues. Maybe I did get some help with the idea from Jung's spirit, but not his writings.......of that I am absolutely sure.

PS... BTW, Gro$$,
GRO$$ :
I'm going to reply to one thing at a time here, so bear with me...
You got that "one thing at a time" , from reading me, guy. It came up through your subconscious & you used it ~ ~ ~!
I don't mind you playing the part, but you should at least intellectually consider the meaning of my words before you criticize them, else you will run about aimlessly making my points for me, at your own expense.

GRO$$ :

“ Originally Posted by HOWARDSTERN

LATER..............FREE THE WEED, Mr. Busch............. (I have a bet to win with boris). ”

It's Mr. Bush

No, I was referring to an old exchange between Sciforums member "boris" & I, several (well 4) years ago, in regard to the legalization of marijuana. I had told boris that marijuana was more likely to be legalized under George Bush, than under Bill Clinton, simply because Bill is so full of shit & a complete coward. "boris" didn't like that very much.....well...actually he thought it was very funny. Of course it usually doesn't take very much to entertain people from Calipornia anyhow.........

(I know his name is spelled "BUSH", GRO$$. I Spelled it "Busch", because it was what I was drinking that night ((Busch Beer) Dipshit).

GRO$$ :
“ Originally Posted by HOWARDSTERN
No.What I was referring to was reflexive actions that occurred at the speed of light. Pheromones (gases), which are sensed through the nose (olfactory nerve centers) cannot move at such speeds. ”

Pheromones are hormones. They can be airborne, but are in no way gasses.

Yes, Gro$$, I know that. Perhaps if you had read a bit more you would have realized that I was saying that pheromones are are sensed by the opposite sex through the olfactory center of the brain (through the nose).

And yes, Gro$$, they are gaseous/vaporous, being that it is how they are transmitted to the opposite sex~~(through the air)~~~with the one intent to attract the opposite sex.

In that quote, that you stripped out & criticized, I was saying to the other distinguished member that I didn't believe that pheromones (or any other smells) could move through the air so quickly as to alert the herd.

Gro$$ :
“ Originally Posted by HOWARDSTERN
No, Marijuana is not addictive ”

That is an outright lie. Marijuana is addictive. Not as addictive as crack of cocaine, but addictive notheless.

And since we're on the topic of marijuana, here's my 2 cents:

Don't smoke. Only losers smoke. Marijuana has no long term effects, but the smoke you inhale can shorten your breath, making you shitty at sports, sex, and even heated debates. In the short term, marijuana affects different parts of memory. This is not even touching upon the "it's illegal" line of argument.

Nontheless, I support legalization. Although I do not agree with drug use, I see no reason for me to disallow other's use if they feel it is right for them.

No, Gro$$, it is not a lie. Marijuana is not addictive at all.

I tried my first marijuana cigarette when I was sixteen. I felt no need at all to smoke marijuana after that at all. I also drank my first beer & a few shots of Vodka. I began to smoke Marlboro cigarettes around the same time. Of the three, I HAD to have more Marlboro cigarettes, I really wanted more alcohol, & I liked the feeling of marijuana.........but I didn't have to have marijuana.

Off & on after that, I did smoke marijuana....mostly on the weekends at keg partys, ect.. But I never had the cravings for it.

With Tobacco & alcohol there has been a completely different story altogether. I do drink more than I should & smoke over 1 1/2 packs of tobacco cigarettes a day. But I haven't smoked any marijuana in over 10 years (more like 15).

Gro$$, there is NO evidence at all that marijuana is addictive & there never has been. It's all paranoid hype. When you ask for Actual names of actual people, the paranoid pot haters start looking for a rock to crawl under. They have no unbiased scientific evidence to support their rantings_like you.

The only references to marijuana addiction that has ever been put out has to do with people who have already been addicted to something else like heroin, methamphetamines, PCP, tobacco, & of course the real scourge of humanity: ALCOHOL.

As far as you saying "that only losers smoke", I am a construction contractor & a business owner. I turn over a quarter of a million dollars in a good year (gross). I have held a real Estate license & have (& continue to) study law. I have always been a natural at virtually all branches of science and technology. I don't think that I am a loser at all! I do pretty much what ever I want & I don't answer to anyone. I am extremely creative & have invented & re-invented the wheel many times over. I have collective skills that range from the blue collar mechanicals up through the white collar management area. In fact, Gro$$, I doubt seriously that you or 90% of the people that will ever read this post, will ever know another person who has accomplished the number of skills that I have so far. And I'm not through yet!

Since you brought it up, Gro$$, I have got to ask you how exactly that you became such a big loser???????
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I think that I may have a paranormal ability. I am capable of seeing the physical world in 2 dimentions.Everything looks the same in both worlds except that it looks and feels that they are in 2 different places. My daughter can also do this. I have 2 other sons who cannot and many brothers and sisters who are unable to do it. No one else that I have explained this to can do it either. Any one out there who can?
cat on a hot tin roo said:
I think that I may have a paranormal ability. I am capable of seeing the physical world in 2 dimentions.Everything looks the same in both worlds except that it looks and feels that they are in 2 different places. My daughter can also do this. I have 2 other sons who cannot and many brothers and sisters who are unable to do it. No one else that I have explained this to can do it either. Any one out there who can?

Yeah I can do this too. I just cover one eye.
Because..........They Can.

physics,psychics, & Bill Clinton, all operate on the/this same principle. If they can't,they die. Then, their mutated cousins may live & produce offspring that can & will. It's called life, but it's the root of all existance. That which can.. will, while that which can't~~won't/will die/not continue. The result of the combinations(mathemetical combinations as well), will continue & continue to interact with the future & it's decendants to make up ~~~tomorrow's offspring.

It is truly all about math. Ask Mr. James R.

unfortunatly, this was a case of poor wording on my part.
Originally Posted by river-wind
How do the metephorical strings in string theory vibrate to bring about different forms of matter/energy? Might it be possible for the vibration of a string, before it is enough to evidence in the 3 dimentions that we can easily perceive ?
I should have said
How do the metaphorical strings in string theory vibrate to bring about different forms of matter/energy? Might it be possible for the vibration of a string, before it is strong enough to evidence in the 3 dimensions that we can easily perceive, to cause subtle changes in our 3 dimensional universe? Instead of just photons, electrons, proton, quarks, mesons, etc, might there be ripples which are so subtle that we can’t measure them (yet)?
Might our hundred million years of life evolution have allowed us to pick up on these things, even if not consciously?
We all have something a professor of mine called the “built-in shit detector”. We see, hear, of feel something, and we instantly know it’s wrong. We don’t always know why, or even have a clue as what might be off, but we just *know*. A week later, more information is provided to us, and suddenly the thing that is wrong is obvious.
The initial reaction is real, it has a reason, but AT THE TIME WE ARE UNABLE TO PROVIDE THE REASON FOR IT.

IMO, that is what we are calling psychic ability. There is no proof that it exists, and there is no proof it doesn’t exist. I’m not suggesting that it does. I’m suggesting that it would appear that in my life, something exists which is not outright denied by the most advanced theories on the structure of the universe. That something might be as simple as chance, or as complicated as God.
They are maybes. They are possibles, and that is all they are, for now.
GRO$$ said:
"an looser"?
Sound like you are someone who is in need of a a spell checker.

You sound like the guy thats supposed to give me english lessons, no?
Then shut up.
cat on a hot tin roo said:
I think that I may have a paranormal ability. I am capable of seeing the physical world in 2 dimentions.Everything looks the same in both worlds except that it looks and feels that they are in 2 different places. My daughter can also do this. I have 2 other sons who cannot and many brothers and sisters who are unable to do it. No one else that I have explained this to can do it either. Any one out there who can?

This is interesting. There is theory that there are two dimensions like this, and that they will eventually fuse into one.

About me. I have mild influence over energy, as well as a strong control of my body (i.e. i can make headaches go away if i want, or make myself feel, sometimes see things), i can link to other people, and connect with their thoughts/feelings. I also see things that nobody else sees. Cars, they go full speed at me in the streets, only to disappear after hitting me. I see people from time to time, they occasionally talk to me. Some of them have been hostile. Some of them have even moved things around in the room. As for energy, i can force/guide it in any direction i please. Several people have witnessed/felt this.
If there are any questions, i'd be happy to answer them (so long as you arent TOO rude.)
It can be called anything because of the diversity of language, pretty much if you listen to any band you can find another version of it, but if you think of it in terms of blackholes and gravity it makes the most concise sense. Basically it means we are all invincible psychics with built in time machines. once we learn about this fact we destroy the system so it can be done again. but that doesn't happen for a while and the destruction is the fun part (unless you've been bad). I use my time machine all the time. but you'll find it gets pretty boring till you do it with others. you dont have to tell them though. most of the time they wont believe it anyway.
Calvin said:
It can be called anything because of the diversity of language, pretty much if you listen to any band you can find another version of it, but if you think of it in terms of blackholes and gravity it makes the most concise sense. Basically it means we are all invincible psychics with built in time machines. once we learn about this fact we destroy the system so it can be done again. but that doesn't happen for a while and the destruction is the fun part (unless you've been bad). I use my time machine all the time. but you'll find it gets pretty boring till you do it with others. you dont have to tell them though. most of the time they wont believe it anyway.

whoah wait what? huddawuddawha? explain.
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