any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Scott first needs to prove that ND has paranormal powers and not delusional, before he can make any 'report' stick. I can't wait.

Perahps that's the way it works around here, but the burden of proof -should- lie with the accuser, not with the accused. Anyway, the rest of your insults aren't worth commenting on, but I'll rest assured that I'll report you.
Perahps that's the way it works around here, but the burden of proof -should- lie with the accuser, not with the accused.

It's a funny one that, in the old days it use to be "Innocent until proven Guilty", however in recent years the burden can fall on the accused to provide evidence to support their innocence. (I know this because I once had this pulled on me in a court room over a fine).

As for this thread, While some may have laughed and others might have cried, and there are still indeed people that still are no closer to the answers they seek (because the goalposts are too far over the fantasy horizon)

This over trolled and thoroughly abused thread is going to have to be locked down. Sorry peeps...
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