any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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I fully believe in energy transfer, having done it a couple of times with some friends. I'm not exactly sure what gets transfered, because it probably isn't a thing.

I also wonder if any of the people who have powers like to flaunt them. Or do you all just keep them secrets and only share them on message boards. If I could do anything special like that I'm sure you'd see my name in the papers somewhere. So to all of you who have powers one the message boards I hope you use them for good and not evil. (though evil is much more fun)
Originally posted by BadLuck:
I fully believe in energy transfer, having done it a couple of times with some friends. I'm not exactly sure what gets transfered, because it probably isn't a thing.

I also wonder if any of the people who have powers like to flaunt them. Or do you all just keep them secrets and only share them on message boards. If I could do anything special like that I'm sure you'd see my name in the papers somewhere. So to all of you who have powers one the message boards I hope you use them for good and not evil. (though evil is much more fun)

yes, i believe in energy transfer as well... although this may not be considered 'an ability,' i believe that it is more feasible because i have experience this with some special people as well... :D haha

***however, i believe that learning to control that energy would be considered an ability... heat transfer can induce healing, etc.
I can mentally visualize infinite amounts of space and time. I can mentally visualize many dimensions (starts getting difficult after about 5 or 6 though). (I'm not counting time as a dimension here). I can mentally project complex images into my mind's eye so that I may then proceed to examine them in detail. My physical senses are very keen. In particular, I notice even the slightest changes in my environment, I hear things before anyone around me does, I feel vibrations before other people do, etc... I can hear electromagnetic fields. I (presume) that when I feel physical pain that it is more painful than in your average person. (I cannot know that unless I have experienced life inside of multiple human bodies which, to my understanding, is impossible.) However, at the same time, I can mentally will physical pain away and it will leave in less than two seconds. (Mental pain is a different issue). I have had prophetic dreams but they are spontaneous and infrequent. I can often look at an issue in multiple personality mindsets and understand to a better extent why a certain person felt a certain way and another person a different way even if they hold completely different opinions than my own and even if they oppose me. I can sense mood/temperament in people/animals almost immidately, as soon as I see them, and most animals like me or at least are neutral to me. Also, I can memorize large amounts of completely unrelated data (for a human, that is. I could NOT compete with a computer!)

I think all of that (with possible exception of the spontaneous prophetic dreams) falls under the realm of purely mental abilities and nothing paranormal, but I'd still say there are lots of strange mental abilities there.
once upon a time there existed a rock. Not like any other rock a unique rock.

Half way through eternity a man came up to the rock and the rock said "Hello"

The man said hello back and asked the rock who he was to which the rock replied " I am a man".

The man said "but how can you be a man you are a rock" the rock replied " No ...I am a man"

"NO rock you are a rock" said the man. The rock said "can you prove I am a rock and can you prove you are a man."

"Well the man said "rocks can't walk", "Rocks can't dance and most importantly rocks can't talk!!"
"Hmmmmm" said the rock......."that IS interesting....."
It's not really paranormal but I have a sensory disorder. It makes all my senses hightened. I can hear someone drop a scalloped potato from across the room when the person didn't know it dropped. I can see further than most people I know. There are also disadvantages. I don't like people touching me, I don't like the sensation, with a few exceptions. I can't drive because I get freaked out by traffic because it's too loud. Seeing disgusting food or feeling something gross on my tongue would cause me to vomit. It's got its plus and minus like anything else.

What I call it is what you would probably call it. "sensory amplification"

It is an ability that we all have but in your case it is uncontrolled.

When you look into a stereo gram and try to see the picture you will your minds eye to search the abstract image until you pick up a pattern. When you detect a pattern you will your mind to amplify the image or pattern and thus see the picture.

This is one of the most subtle abilities we have ( sensory amplification ) and from experience I have found it extremely difficult to train.

For example you can work at stereo grams as part of a training plan.

And also work at learning how to live with the senses being amplified by working on the fear that uncontrolled ability generates.

There is also another ability involved and that is "sensory sampling"

Where by we test what we sense before we fully sense it. Like dipping a toe in the water to test how cold or hot it is. This ability is also one of those subtle abilities that we often forget about.

Again you can practice sensory sampling to regain your control of it.

For example put two pots of water ( one warm and one cold ) and try to sample the temerature of the pots of water. I doesn't matter whether you know which pot is hot or cold. Just try to sense the difference. Without fully sensing the temperature.

Another is to go outside to a really smelly rubbish bin and with out lifting the lid ( if it has one) try to sample the contents with out throwing up. Intuitively you should know that the bin is full of bad smells....before you actually smell it consciously.
Hope this helps..... :)
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i can profile people from pictures, talk to animals(not so much talk as communicate, understand)
I can read and listen to everyones post and form a well-rounded opinion to add to "my" theory of truth. You guys can call me, SUPER DERF!
I have predicted future events in my own life although not with clarity just a sense of foreboding and a knowing that is different from any other type of thought process.
I also speak in tongues when I am in a situation where I can let go of my ego completely. It was a gift I was given when accepting Christ into my life, a story I will no doubt post up another time. Dont worry I'm not a religous freak or anything but theres more out there than meets the eye folks - but you know this hey ;)
MechTech said:
I (presume) that when I feel physical pain that it is more painful than in your average person. (I cannot know that unless I have experienced life inside of multiple human bodies which, to my understanding, is impossible.)

It is possible. Salvinorum A experimentation is great for experiencing the lives of others.

You are an 'empath' through and through by the descriptions you give. its a very beautiful gift but one that carries many responsibilities as you have no doubt found out. Walk humbly and be at peace.


exsto_human said:
h and i don't count an OBE as an "ability". just to pre-clarify that bit.

That's correct, it's not a special ability. It's something that everyone is inherently capable of.

what is OBE ?
I once saw clearly through a wall.

I've no way to tell you how real it was, I wasn't on drugs or anything but I had spent all day meditiating at a monestary and was camped on a sacred site, where they're laying the foundations for this huge stupa. The only thing I can tell you is I wasn't far as I know.
"I once saw clearly through a wall."

Did it have a window in it or was there a hole there? ;)
I can hear ultra-sonic alarms that you get in shops. If i turn my head side to side i can hear/feel the direction of it. its like a pulsating squeal and very uncomfortable. I know its just a sensitivity to a higher frequency than most people, and nothing paranormal.It only effects me badly in one shop, its so "loud" there that i can`t go in the shop. Feaky eh?
oops -meant to say freaky . mind you this grass is giving me an OBE at the moment :D :m:
James R said:
There's no reliable evidence that anybody, anywhere, actually has any kind of psychic, telepathic or other paranormal special abilities. In fact, there is a $1 million prize on offer for anybody who can demonstrate such abilities under scientifically controlled testing conditions. The prize has been available for a number of years now, and nobody has yet successfully claimed it. I'm sure that most people could use $1 million.

There are, of course, many many people who have outstanding special abilities which are non-paranormal. For example, Olympic atheletes all have special abilities in their sports, compared to the average person. However, somehow I don't think you were asking about those kinds of abilities.

Funny because, I am the real Mc Coy. I tried to get the Amazing Randy to pay up after I predicted the last Presidential Election, of 2000. The asshole welched on me!

As I recall, I sent an email to JREF @RANDY.ORG...........and told him that I have never been wrong about presidential elections. This was a couple of days before the second tuesday in November of 2000. I believe that I told Randy the following:

Randy, I've never been wrong, but I think it's just too close to call (or some sh*it like that), so I'm leaving up to you. YOU DECIDE RANDY! You tell me who is going to be the next president.

Well people, in 50 (fifty) possible states in the United States, Randy's home state of Florida was of course the deciding vote(s) that made the ultimate Prez choice.

Yes, I did that.
Yes, I make Nostradamus look like that Con Artist 'John Edwards".......
Yes, owe me a Million Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I can't say it's a gift, but I consistently score below average on Zener cards. Random selection should hit 20%, but I run about 12.5%.

What? It's a minor anomaly.



I have a strange ability. I am RawThinkTank. I can comeup with ideas no normal humans can, not once or twice but on everyday basis.

I also get a strange feeling as if everthing I do has already happened before, may be thats because my mind is good at forecastnig things just like weather predictions.
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